
October 20, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Worship Service                                                          9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                                    Kevin Kipfer  

      Scripture recitation                                         Katherine Kipfer

      Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                                   collection plate by the entrance.

      Message                                                          Trey Kipfer                                                                   


      Fellowship Snacks                                               Thanks Lynn!

      Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx. 11:10 a.m.                                                                       

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Nov. 2nd Fall workday 8-11 am.
Nov. 3rd John Miller will be here.
Nov. 3th Potluck Fellowship Meal
Nov. 10th Communion
Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes


There will be a fall work day on Saturday November 2nd from 8:00-11:00 to clean gutters, rake leaves, weed, and tidy up inside.

John Miller will be visiting us on Sunday November 3rd.

Our next Fellowship Meal is Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal.
Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a side dish. Desserts are not needed

For the next several months we will have an extra offering on the first Sunday of the month for those affected by flooding in North Carolina.

Once again, we will have a prayer room available on election day. We are looking for people to be available at various times throughout the day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

Bible Trivia; ~
After the Jews arrived in the Promised Land, who was their first king (not Saul)? ~ Yes, Saul was the first king which God chose to reign over Israel. But the question asked about the first king “in” Israel. This would be Abimelech. Judges 9:6 reads thus: “Then all the citizens of Shechem and Beth Millo gathered beside the great tree at the pillar in Shechem to crown Abimelech king.” So, Abimelech was king over a small part of Israel. But wait, Judges 9:22 states “After Abimelech had governed Israel three years,” and so he may have been king over all of Israel. But once again, he was not the king that God chose.

What was inside the Ark of the Covenant?
~ From Hebrews 9:4b (the second part of the verse): “This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.” Presumably this last part means the second set of the 10 Commandments, the first being broken by Moses when he saw the Israelites sinning (see Exodus 32:1-20 and 34:1).

What were the names of Jesus’ half-brothers? (Catholics and Orthodox believe they were step-brothers.)
~ From Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. Catholics and Orthodox believe Mary remained a virgin, and so these men were either brought into the marriage of Mary and Joseph from a previous marriage Joseph had been in, or, in following the custom of countries of that region, were extended family members (cousins would be called “brothers.”)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ God’s provision & wisdom as Kevin deals with facing hip replacement.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ John Ryan recovering well.
~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Andrew got an engineering job.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 716-465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com
Dave Dissette 716-984-7923 mrduke@rochester.rr.com

October 13, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Worship Service                                                9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                          Kevin Kipfer  

      Scripture recitation                               Katherine Kipfer

      Offering                         *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.


      Message                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette


      Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”             approx. 11:10 a.m.                                                                       

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn
Nov. 2nd Fall workday 8-11 am.
Nov. 2nd-3rd John Miller will be here.
Nov. 3th Potluck Fellowship Meal
Nov. 10th Communion
Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes


THIS EVENING, Unity, Prayer & Worship night with the 5 churches at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share. (No big quantity is needed, as folks from the other churches have also been asked to bring something, just an average sharing portion,

Saturday October 19th @ 2pm, Andrew will be sharing about his India trip. Come listen to how the Lord used Andrew during his 6 months in India along with how he grew closer to Him.

There will be a fall work day on November 2nd from 8:00-11:00 to clean gutters, rake leaves, weed, put up driveway stakes, and tidy up inside.

John Miller will be visiting us on November 2 & 3. We are looking for someone to house him on Saturday night. Please talk with Denise ASAP if you are willing to do that.

For the next several months we will have an extra offering on the first Sunday of the month for those affected by flooding in North Carolina.

Once again, we will have a prayer room available on election day. We are looking for people to be available at various times throughout the day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

Our next Fellowship Meal is next Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal.
Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Bible Trivia; ~
Who was the youngest king mentioned in the Bible?
Josiah – he was only 8

Which prophet was taken to heaven in a whirlwind?

What can we receive from God according to Hebrews 4:16
Mercy and Grace

Who said that our salvation is not by works?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ God’s provision & wisdom as Kevin deals with facing hip replacement.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ John Ryan recovering well.
~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Andrew got an engineering job.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 6, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                *Please place your offering in the
                           collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                                    ?  

      Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


Happy Belated Birthday Darwin – October 4th

Unity, Prayer & Worship night with the 5 churches here on Sunday Oct 13th at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share. (No big quantity is needed, as folks from the other churches have also been asked to bring something, just an average sharing portion,

Sunday October 19th @ 2pm, Andrew will be sharing about his India trip. Come listen to how the Lord used Andrew during his 6 months in India along with how he grew closer to Him.

Family Life presents Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phil’s former army commander. With a dazzling score, featuring well-known standards including “Blue Skies,” “I Love A Piano,” “How Deep Is the Ocean” and the perennial title song, White Christmas is an uplifting, wholesome musical that will delight audiences of all ages. DATES & TIMES Friday, December 6 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show. Saturday, December 7 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show, Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 PM – Show Only, Friday, December 13 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show, Saturday, December 14 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show – LOCATION Family Life in Bath, NY – TICKETS General Admission – $44 | Artist Circle – $49
To view availability and purchase tickets; familylifeministriesinc.thundertix.com/performances

Bible Trivia; ~
What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb on to see Jesus?

Who commanded the sun and moon to stay still so that his armies could continue fighting by daylight?

Who said: “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.”

God blinded Saul on the road to Damascus. For how many days was he blinded?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from surgery.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad. Brad
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Karen’s back is feeling better.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 29, 2024

Memory Verses for September
1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Don Schmidt

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.

 Hymns                                                        Veronica Kipfer          

 Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


We have enough left overs for our next fellowship meal. I’ll be adding a caesar salad, if anyone would like to bring some fresh fruit or dessert to add to the left-over cake you may but it is not required.

Unity, Prayer & Worship night with the 5 churches here on Sunday Oct 13th at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share. (No big quantity is needed, as folks from the other churches have also been asked to bring something, just an average sharing portion,

Sunday October 19th @ 2pm, Andrew will be sharing about his India trip. Come listen to how the Lord used Andrew during his 6 months in India along with how he grew closer to Him.

Do you have an extra stamp or a spare 5 minutes? Could you bless Eddie Bayer with a card of encouragement, a visit or a phone call to say hello?
Eddie’s contact information is;
Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park, NY 14127 – 716-667-6318

Also, let’s not forget our dear sister Lois Ismert. Lois would also enjoy an encouraging card or visit. Her contact information is;
Brothers of Mercy – 10570 Bergtold Rd. Clarence, NY 14031 (possibly room 349W)

Are there any ladies interested in this event? If we have some that are and would like to go as a group, please let Lynn know by Oct 10th. Tickets cost $25. And are going fast! Family Life invites you to the Annual Ladies Christmas Luncheon, featuring Award-winning comedian, Rhonda Corey. Attendees will enjoy a delicious banquet, decadent desserts, and will experience great bursts of joy and laughter. Rhonda Corey’s clever wit and charming personality are assets that can create a positive and memorable experience for attendees. DATE; Thursday, November 21, 2024 TIME; 12:00 PM | Doors open at 11:15 AM LOCATION; Family Life in Bath, NY
Family Life presents Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phil’s former army commander. With a dazzling score, featuring well-known standards including “Blue Skies,” “I Love A Piano,” “How Deep Is the Ocean” and the perennial title song, White Christmas is an uplifting, wholesome musical that will delight audiences of all ages. DATES & TIMES Friday, December 6 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show. Saturday, December 7 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show, Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 PM – Show Only, Friday, December 13 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show, Saturday, December 14 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show – LOCATION Family Life in Bath, NY – TICKETS General Admission – $44 | Artist Circle – $49
To view availability and purchase tickets; familylifeministriesinc.thundertix.com/performances

Bible Trivia; ~
Which animal spoke to Balaam? The Lord made the donkey speak to Balaam when he went to meet Balak to curse God’s people in exchange for riches. Numbers 22:28
As a shepherd, David protected his flock from two dangerous animals. Which ones? David killed A lion and a bear. 1 Samuel 17:34-37
As a baby, how was Moses saved from Pharaoh’s murderous decree? Moses was put in a basket and left by the river. Pharaoh’s daughter saw him and adopted him as her son.
How many close disciples did Jesus have? Jesus chose 12 disciples who used to accompany him throughout his ministry. Luke 6:12-16

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from surgery.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad. Brad is recovering from recent back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Karen’s back is feeling better.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 22, 2024

Memory Verses for September
1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                            collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                        approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


I believe we have enough leftovers from the 100-year celebration that no-one will need to bring anything for our next fellowship meal on 10/6.

Worship night with the 5 churches here on Sunday Oct 13th at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share.

Do you have an extra stamp or a spare 5 minutes? Could you bless Eddie Bayer with a card of encouragement, a visit or a phone call to say hello?
Eddie’s contact information is;
Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park, NY 14127
Also, let’s not forget our dear sister Lois Ismert. Lois could would also enjoy an encouraging card or visit. Her contact information is;
Brothers of Mercy – 10570 Bergtold Rd. Clarence, NY 14031

Join us for a fall family retreat at Beaver Camp! October 4-6
A weekend of fun for the whole family. It’s the perfect time of year to come experience Beaver Camp as a family. This weekend gives families quality time together while enjoying scenic wagon rides, hikes, games, challenge course activities, worship, and more.

Scrapbook & Crafting Retreat! October 18-19 & November 1-2
Make this a memorable weekend! At this retreat, there are great fellowship times combined with plenty
of time to scrapbook or work on your favorite craft. This women’s retreat officially begins at 1:00 pm
Friday and ends Saturday at 9:00 pm. However, you are invited to spend Saturday night, or come early
and spend Thursday night for an add-on. Several vendors will be available to purchase scrapbooking
items from.
Sign up at Beavercamp.org, or reach us at office@beaver.camp or 315-376-2640

Bible Trivia; ~
What is the name and age of the oldest person mentioned in the Bible?
Methuselah lived for 969 years. He was the son of Enoch, who walked with God and was Noah’s grandfather.

Which of these did not have their name changed in the Bible?
David did not have his name changed. Sarah was Sarai (Gen. 17:15), Abraham was Abram (Gen. 17:5), Jacob became Israel (Gen. 32:28) and Peter was Simon (John 1:42).

What names was Moses supposed to give to the Israelites when asked about who had sent him
“I am who I am” was the answer given by God to Moses when he asked about his name. Exodus 3:13-14.

In the stories of Samuel, which is not true?
The prophet Samuel anointed Saul and David as kings of Israel. Joseph was not a king. He had been governor in Egypt many years before.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from surgery.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad. Brad is having back surgery on Tuesday 9/24.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next..
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Karen’s back is feeling better.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

100 Years of Ministry
Saturday September 14, 2024
6:00 pm.

Moderator .……………………………………………….Kevin Kipfer

Song Leader ………………………………………………Nate Schlabach

Pianist ………………………………………………….. Stephanie Baer

“History, What Should We Remember? “……………………..Don Schmidt

“A Message from the Founding Mom” ……………….……. Read by,
Denise Kipfer

“My Journey” …………………………………………… Dennis Bontrager

Video Message from: ………………………………………. Cal Beachy

Special Quartet ……………………………………………Ed Bontrager
Dennis Bontrager David Miller
Clair Melinger

Your attendance made the evening truly special, and we are honored
to have had you join us.

            Please enjoy some refreshments in the foyer.

Sunday, September 15, 2024
9:30 am.

Welcome & Prayer ………………………………… Kevin Kipfer

Worship …………………………………………. Andrew Kipfer
Emma Kipfer
Jonas Kipfer
Trey Kipfer
Veronica Kipfer
Noah Schlabach

Past ………………………………………. Tom Beachy
Present ………………………………….. Dave Dissette
Future ………………………………….. Trey Kipfer

Video Share ……………………………………….LMC Bishop,
John Miller

Concert of Prayer …………………………………. Congregation

Prayer of Blessing …………………………………. Tom Beachy

Closing Song ……………………………………… Worship Team

Prayer ……………………………………………. Kevin Kipfer

Please join us in the fellowship hall for lunch

                   Lead Pastors at Alden Mennonite Church

John Bontrager Sr. 1924-1946 22 years
David Beachy 1945-1969 24 years
Dan Yutzy 1969-1972 3 years
Titus Kauffman 1972-1995 23 years
Jeff Jouse 1995-1998 3 years
Jim Meador 1998-2000 2 years
Phil Martin 2001-2018 17 years
Dave Gehman 2019-2020 6 months
Larry Malakie 2020-2021 1 year
Team Leadership 2021-2024 3 years

                                          Associate Pastors 

Joe Bear Sr.
Tom Beachy
Dale Meyers
Joe Miller
Noah Miller

“Thank you for your service!” Even when the “sheep” would not listen or behave, you prayed and worked hard to help us understand. We are grateful for your ministry in our lives.

Others worked hard for the Kingdom along with the leaders above; their wives, elders, youth leaders, church council members, treasurers, Sunday school teachers, Kids Kub leaders, children’s church teachers, custodians, secretaries, and many more. It takes a family, the family of God.

We thank and praise you God for the many that washed, folded and packed our “parachutes”. We pray that we might continue to be faithful. Guide us as we finish the race you have set before us.

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my path”

September 8, 2024

Memory Verses for September
1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

Offering *Please place your offering in the
collection plate by the entrance.



Message Dave (Duke) Dissette


Fellowship Snacks Thank you, Denise

Sunday School ~ “the work-out room” approx. 11:15 ish

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tues. 6:30 pm Church Council Work Session
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sat. & Sun. 100th Years of Ministry Celebration ~ PTL!

Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


Donations needed to help buy mums and pumpkins to decorate by the entrance of church and the sanctuary. If you would like to help, make our church home fall festive for next weeks celebration, you can put your monetary donation in the collection plate in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you!

ATTENTION LADIES…Our Bible study will be starting back up on Thursday, Sept. 12th!! Since we haven’t gathered in a while, let’s meet early @ 12:00 to visit and have lunch together before we start our prayer and study time @ 12:30. If you can come early, please bring a simple item to share for lunch. We’ll continue our study in Mark, picking up at Mark 14:26. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended or you’d be coming for the first time, you are still welcome to join us. There is no book necessary to purchase, just bring your Bible We’ll be studying the remainder of Mark verse by verse. I’m excited to get back to teaching, learning, and praying with you! – Denise

THANK YOU to everyone that has worked so hard to plan and get church cleaned up for the 100th celebration. We maybe small in numbers but big in love and caring for each other and our church home.

If you have volunteered to help either Sat. or Sun. next week-end please arrive 30-45 minutes early, if possible.

Bible Trivia; ~
Fun Facts
Even the random facts of the Bible are worth reading and knowing.

What other nation besides Israel is to be scattered to every people?
Elam (Jer 49:36)

Who was the first Christian convert in Europe?
Lydia (Acts 16:14)

Where will the great feast of the marriage supper of the Lamb be spread?
Heaven (Rev 12:9)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Trey to finish up in Uganda strong, and safe travels home.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from his bladder infection.
~ Relief for the back pain Karen Dombrowski is having.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ The new life that blessed the Everett family.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 1, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.

 Hymns                                                                                                Veronica Kipfer           

 Message                                                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 2:30 pm 100th yr. celebration meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8:00 am church work day

Dates to Remember
Sept. 8th Communion
Sept. 8th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 12th Women’s Bible Study @1 2:30
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


If you are planning on bringing any extra guest to our 100th celebration on Sunday, please let Lynn know. * I have counted our congregation for the fellowship meal, only need to know if you will be bringing friends.

ATTENTION LADIES…Our Bible study will be starting back up on Thursday, Sept. 12th!! Since we haven’t gathered in a while, let’s meet early @ 12:00 to visit and have lunch together before we start our prayer and study time @ 12:30. If you can come early please bring a simple item to share for lunch. We’ll continue our study in Mark, picking up at Mark 14:26. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended or you’d be coming for the first time, you are still welcome to join us. There is no book necessary to purchase, just bring your Bible We’ll be studying the remainder of Mark verse by verse. I’m excited to get back to teaching, learning, and praying with you! – Denise

THANK YOU to everyone who signed up to help with our 100-year celebration! We are looking forward to what God is going to do that weekend.

Upcoming work day at church. Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Bible Trivia; ~
Fun Facts
Even the random facts of the Bible are worth reading and knowing.

Which two men hid in a well to save their lives?
Jonathan and Ahimaaz (2 Sam 17:17–19)

What queen of Bible times is described by the epithet “that wicked woman”?
Athaliah (2 Chron 24:7)

What book of the Bible was written without explicitly mentioning the name of God?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from his bladder infection.
~ Relief for the back pain Karen Dombrowski is having.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he is in Uganda, traveling and discipling young adults there.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Trey is feeling better.
~ The new life that blessed the Everett family.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 25, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish 

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8-11 a.m. Church Work Day

Dates to Remember
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 7th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 8th Communion
Sept. 8th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 12th Women’s Bible Study @1 2:30
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


If you are planning on bringing any extra guest to our 100th celebration on Sunday, please let Lynn know.
I have counted our congregation for the fellowship meal, only need to know if you will be bringing friends.

ATTENTION LADIES…Our Bible study will be starting back up on Thursday, Sept. 12th!! Since we haven’t gathered in a while, bring a lunch and come early @ 12:00 to visit before we start our prayer and study time @ 12:30. We’ll continue our study in Mark, picking up at Mark 14:26. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended or you’d be coming for the first time, you are still welcome to join us. There is no book necessary to purchase, just bring your Bible We’ll be studying the remainder of Mark verse by verse. I’m excited to get back to teaching, learning, and praying with you! – Denise

ALL HANDS-ON DECK! Our 100-year celebration is in 3 weeks. We need lots of help before and during that weekend. Please look at the sign-up sheets on the tables and find a place where you can serve.

Upcoming work day at church. Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Bible Trivia; ~
Fun Facts
Even the random facts of the Bible are worth reading and knowing.

What was the garden of Eden guarded with to prevent future access to the tree of life?
A cherubim and a flaming sword (Gen 3:24)

What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?
Enoch (Gen 4:17)

What is the name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom?
Zoar (Gen 19:23)

How many cities were given to the Levites for their use?
48 (Josh 21:11)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ For Trey to feel better.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he is in Uganda, traveling and discipling young adults there.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Bible Bee summer study was fruitful and a blessed time of fellowship.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 18, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                            Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Snacks                                   Thank You, Ruthie J

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                   approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8-11 a.m. Church Work Day

Dates to Remember
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Aug. 21st 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 14th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 7th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 8th Communion
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 12th Women’s Bible Study @1 2:30
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack


ALL HANDS-ON DECK! Our 100-year celebration is in 4 weeks. We need lots of help before and during that weekend. Please look at the sign-up sheets on the tables and find a place where you can serve.

Upcoming work days at church. Sat. 8/24 & Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Lynn is looking for photos of days gone by of church activities through our 100 years. If you have any to share, please email to amcsecretary1924@gmail.com or give them to Lynn. I can scan them and give them back if you are unable to email them. The sooner the better for any photos!

Please help yourself to any of the books laid out on the table in the fellowship hall.

Bible Trivia; ~
Promise and Privilege
Throughout Scripture, there are many times when God makes promises to a particular person or group of people. God’s promises often consist of privilege and blessing, and he never fails to keep the commitments he makes.
To whom did God promise that his children should be in numbers as the stars in heaven?
Abraham (Gen 15:5)

Of which person who was not of Abraham’s seed did God say, “I will make him a great nation?”
Ishmael (Gen 17:20)

What were the three major promises God gave to Abraham?
Seed, land, and blessing (Gen 12:1–3; 15:5–7; 17:2–8)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonus as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he is in Uganda, traveling and discipling young adults there.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Bible Bee summer study was fruitful and a blessed time of fellowship.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 11, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Andrew Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                 collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 18th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Aug. 21st 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 14th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 7th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


ALL HANDSON DECK! Our 100-year celebration is in 5 weeks. We need lots of help before and during that weekend. Please look at the sign-up sheets on the tables and find a place where you can serve.

Upcoming work days at church. Sat. 8/24 & Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Lynn is looking for photos of days gone by of church activities through our 100 years. If you have any to share, please email to amcsecretary1924@gmail.com or give them to Lynn. I can scan them and give them back if you are unable to email them. The sooner the better for any photos!

Bible Trivia; ~
Wars and Conflict
“The nations rage, the kingdoms totter” (Ps 46:6). In addition to the events mentioned above, wars and conflict have also been prevalent throughout history since sin entered the world. Despite the negative effects of conflict, we can often see God’s hand at work through even the hardest of circumstances.
What city was taken by stratagem and burned, with 12,000 women and children?
Ai (Josh 8:5, 25)

How many Philistines did Samson slay with a jaw bone?
1,000 (Judg 15:15)

What warrior fought so long and desperately that his hand was stuck to the hilt of his sword?
Eleazar (2 Sam 23:10)

Who was in command of the largest army recorded in the Bible?
Asa (2 Chron 14:9): This comprised 300,000 men from Judah and 280,000 men from Benjamin.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonus as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he prepares and travels back to Uganda.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Bible Bee summer study was fruitful and a blessed time of fellowship.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 4, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                      approx.  11:15 ish   

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 10th Christian Mission Relief sale @ Bontrager Auction 10 a.m.
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 19th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Trey is leaving for Uganda! Want help fill his suitcase? Looking for small toys (cars, jump ropes, etc), children clothing, and school supplies (notebooks, colors, etc). Needs to be full by Sunday 8/11.

Eddie Bayer will have a concert this Tuesday, August 6th @ 2:30 pm. If you plan to attend, please remember that he is at a new facility, : Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park 14127

Bible Trivia; ~
Punishments, Consequences, and Unfortunate Events
Sin makes bad things happen in this world. There are many instances throughout Scripture where various people make sinful decisions and face the negative results of those decisions. At other times, God sends consequences to remind his people who they should be living for.

Who lost their lives for using “strange” fire?

Nadab and Abihu (Lev 9:24; 10:1–2)

What man of Israel was stoned for blaspheming God?
The son of Shelomith (Lev 24:10–11)

Which three men were swallowed alive in a pit?
Korah, Dathan, Abiram (Num 26:9–10)

What tribe had no inheritance in the land of promise?
Levites (Deut 8:1, 5)

Who was punished with death for touching the ark of God?
Uzza (1 Chron 13:9, 13)

What woman upon the death of her son, the king of Judah, murdered her grandchildren and usurped the kingdom?
Athaliah (2 Chron 22:10)

What man, although warned, invited his murderer to a feast?
Gedaliah (Jer 40:14)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew as he discerns what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he prepares and travels back to Uganda.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ Katherine as she studies for and takes the National Bible Bee qualifying exam next Saturday, Aug. 10th. She will be
working at Camp Hickory Hill this week so that adds an extra challenge.
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study
and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 28, 2024

Memory Verses for July
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Trey Kipfer

 Offering                   *Please place your offering in the
                             collection plate by the entrance.



 Message          Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                    approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 10th Christian Mission Relief sale @ Bontrager Auction 10 a.m.
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 19th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration

Bible Trivia; ~
Fruit of Faith
What does it mean to live out your faith? Most foundationally, it means that you ought to honor and glorify God with your life since, as believers, Christ calls us to take up our crosses and follow him (Mark 8:34). Prayer, confession, and commitment to honor the Sabbath also demonstrate evidence of true faith. And, some have even lived out their faith to the greatest extreme, standing up for Christ and losing their lives for doing so.
When was the Sabbath first instituted, and by whom was it observed?
By God, after creation (Gen 2:2–3)

Who made the first confession to the Lord, as recorded in the Bible?
Jacob (Gen 32:9)

Who delivered Israel by killing 600 Philistines with an ox goad?
Shamgar (Judg 3:31)

Who was the first recorded person raised from death to life?
The son of Zarephath’s daughter (1 Kgs 17:21)
Who partook of a meal prepared by an angel, and was sustained forty days and nights while in the mountain?
Elijah (1 Kgs 19:8–9)

What is the whole duty of man, according to the Scriptures?
Fear God and keep his commandments (Eccl 12:13)
Which three men, in different periods, stood almost alone in their godliness, among a crooked and perverse generation?
Noah, Daniel, and Job (Ezek 14:14)
Who beheld a vision in the valley of dry bones?
Ezekiel (Ezek 37)

Who was compelled to bear the cross of Christ to the place of crucifixion?
Simon (Mark 15:21)
What woman continued in prayer day and night in the temple?
Anna (Luke 2:36)
Who was the first Christian martyr?
Stephen (Acts 7:58)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew as he discerns what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and to regain her strength.
~ Beaver Camp and Lowville as they recover from all the flooding and weather-related problems
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For John & Christine Ryan”s friend;.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 21, 2024

Memory Verses for July
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.



 Message                                            Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Snack                                      Thank you, Mary!

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                  approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 24th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 19th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Don would like all Psalms and remembrances emailed or turned in to him by 8/15

Trey and Zak’s Christian Mission and Relief Sale- Saturday Aug 10, @ Bontrager Auction Center, 10am -? . Lunch included. We’re looking for donations of valuable/rare collectibles, fine crafts or quilts, equipment & machinery, fun & unique experiences, refurbished furniture, dinners/foods, local services, etc. If you or someone you know would like to donate something auction worthy, please talk to Trey.
Bible Trivia; ~
Who God Is
The vastness of God is so great that it is impossible for us to fully grasp the depths of who he is. Though our Savior is currently preparing a place for us (John 14:2), he came down to earth in human form so that he could fulfill the requirements of the law and take the penalty for our sins. While on earth, he experienced human emotion and came face to face with the same challenges we do, yet without sin.
Quote the first and last words of our Savior while on earth?
“Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”; and, “It is finished” (Luke 2:49; John 19:30).

With whom did our Savior spend his last Sabbath?
Simon the leper (Matt 26:6)

Who is called the light of the world?
Jesus (John 8:12; 12:46)

What was the first miracle performed by Christ?
Water turned to wine (John 2:1)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew as he discerns what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and to regain her strength.
~ Beaver Camp and Lowville as they recover from all the flooding and weather-related problems
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For John & Christine Ryan”s friend;.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew safe travels home.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Kevin’s knee feeling better.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 14, 2024

Memory Verses for July
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                                       collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                           Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                 approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Church Council Work Session
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 20th Jonas Kipfer’s grad party 12-4 pm, here at church
July 21 Fellowship Snack provided by Mary Kidder
July 24th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Andrew will be sharing tonight about his time in India, 6pm at church.

Don would like all Psalms and remembrances emailed or turned in to him by 8/15

Trey and Zak’s Christian Mission and Relief Sale- Saturday Aug 10, @ Bontrager Auction Center, 10am -? . Lunch included. We’re looking for donations of valuable/rare collectibles, fine crafts or quilts, equipment & machinery, fun & unique experiences, refurbished furniture, dinners/foods, local services, etc. If you or someone you know would like to donate something auction worthy, please talk to Trey.

Bible Trivia; ~
Who God Is
The vastness of God is so great that it is impossible for us to fully grasp the depths of who he is. Though our Savior is currently preparing a place for us (John 14:2), he came down to earth in human form so that he could fulfill the requirements of the law and take the penalty for our sins. While on earth, he experienced human emotion and came face to face with the same challenges we do, yet without sin.
What were the first words God spoke to man?
Be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28)
What is the meaning of Jehovah Shammah?
Jehova is there (Ezek 48:35)
How did God manifest his presence at the dedication of the temple?
Fire came down from heaven (2 Chron 7:1)
On what three occasions are we expressly told that Jesus wept?
At the grave of Lazarus, over Jerusalem, and in Gethsemane (John 11:33; Luke 19:41; Heb 5:7)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and to regain her strength.
~ Beaver Camp and Lowville as they recover from all the flooding and weather-related problems
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For John & Christine Ryan”s friend;.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew safe travels home.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Kevin’s knee feeling better.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 7, 2024

Memory Verses for June
Joshua 22:5 NIV
5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                               collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Church Council Work Session
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 2:30 pm 100th yr. celebration meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 20th Jonas Kipfer’s grad party 12-4 pm, here at church
July 21 Fellowship Snack provided by Mary Kidder
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Save the date; Andrew will be sharing about his time in India on Sunday July 14th, 6pm at church.

Trey and Zak’s Christian Mission and Relief Sale- Saturday Aug 10, @ Bontrager Auction Center, 10am -? . Lunch included. We’re looking for donations of valuable/rare collectibles, fine crafts or quilts, equipment & machinery, fun & unique experiences, refurbished furniture, dinners/foods, local services, etc. If you or someone you know would like to donate something auction worthy please talk to Trey.

Bible Trivia; ~
Jesus and His Disciples
Jesus appointed twelve men to be his disciples during his earthly ministry. These men would walk alongside him throughout his life—to his crucifixion and eventually his ascension to heaven. His disciples were far from perfect, yet all but one demonstrated faithful devotion to our Savior.

What was our Savior’s last command to his disciples?
Make disciples of all the nations and baptize them (Matt 28:19)

Of whom did our Savior say, “I will make you fishers of men?”
Of Simeon, Peter, and Andrew (Mark 1:17)

What two distinct promises did our Savior make to his disciples when he was about to leave them?
The gift of the Comforter and his own personal return (John 12:16, 19, 22, 28)

Which apostle told Christ he had left all to follow him?
Peter (John 13:37)

Who took Judas’s place among the twelve?
Matthias (Acts 1:23)

Which of the apostles first suffered martyrdom?
James (Acts 12:2)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Paulette, for her to start to feel better, and for her to make a complete and total recovery.
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ Ken Eicheldinger and his family to be comforted as they grieve to be comforted as they grieve the death of their son.
~ Kevin’s knee.
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 23, 2024

Memory Verses for June
Joshua 22:5 NIV
5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

Offering *Please place your offering in the
collection plate by the entrance.



Message Dave (Duke) Dissette


Sunday School ~ “the work-out room” approx. 11:15 ish

Week in Brief
Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
July 9th Church Council Work Session
July 20th Jonas Kipfer’s grad party 12-4 pm, here at church
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Kevin & Denise would like to invite the congregation to Jonas’s graduation party here at church on July 20th from Noon-4:00 pm. Please RSVP to Denise by July 6th.

Reminder; next week Sunday many of us will be at Beaver Camp for the week-end. We would like to encourage those that are not able to join us to find another local church in our community to worship with on that Sunday.

Would anyone or a group of a few be willing to host Fellowship Snack on Sunday July 21st?
If this is a way you can bless your church family, sign-up sheet is on the table.

We will not be having Fellowship Meals in July and August. We will continue Fellowship Meals on September 15th with the 100th year of ministry celebration.

Eddie Bayer’s new contact info: Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park 14127 – 716-667-6318

Peace of the City & Shakespeare comes to (716) Present. 3 performances, Aug.1, Aug. 2, Aug.3 at Ujima Theater 370 Normal Ave. Buffalo. Tickets are pay-what-you can and seating is first come, first serve. See the invitation on bulletin board for more information.

Bible Trivia; ~
Scripture not only tells of kings, but it also tells of prophets—those whom God appoints to be his mouthpieces on earth. At times prophets shared prophecies that were devastating, such as the interpretation of dreams foretelling unfortunate events. At other times they shared exciting news, such as the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Which of the prophets was carried captive to Babylon?
Ezekiel (Ezek 1:1)

What prophet was suspended between earth and heaven by a lock of his hair?
Ezekiel (Ezek 8:3)
What prophet was sent as a missionary to the Ninevites?
Jonah (Jonah 1:1–2)

The destruction of Nineveh was the fulfillment of whose prophecy?
The prophet Nahum (Nah 3)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew to finish up strong in India. Along with travel mercies for his journey home.
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ Ken Eicheldinger and his family to be comforted as they grieve to be comforted as they grieve the death of their son.
~ Kevin’s knee.
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 16, 2024

Memory Verses for June
Joshua 22:5 NIV
5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                               collection plate by the entrance.



 Message                                                             Trey Kipfer


 Fellowship Snacks                                        Thank you, John & Chris

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
July 30th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
July 9th Church Council Work Session
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Reminder; Beaver Camp payment is due today to Denise..

Kevin & Denise would like to invite the congregation to Jonas’s graduation party here at church on July 20th from Noon-4:00 pm. Please RSVP to Denise by July 6th.

The current membership has unanimously affirmed the name change from Alden Mennonite Church to Alden Christian Fellowship.

On June 30th many of us will be at Beaver Camp for the week-end. We would like to encourage those that are not able to join us to find another local church in our community to worship with on that Sunday.

Bible Trivia; ~
Scripture not only tells of kings, but it also tells of prophets—those whom God appoints to be his mouthpieces on earth. At times prophets shared prophecies that were devastating, such as the interpretation of dreams foretelling unfortunate events. At other times they shared exciting news, such as the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What was the first prophecy?
The victory over Satan of the seed of the woman (Gen 3:15)
What aged prophet’s hands were upheld by two persons and caused the armies of Israel to be victorious?
Moses (Exod 17:12)
What prophet foretold the result of the ten tribes of Israel?
Ahijah (1 Kgs 11:29)
Who prophesied that Judah should be carried captive into Babylon?
Jeremiah (Jer 20:4)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew to finish up strong in India. Along with travel mercies for his journey home.
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ Isaac Meyers health issues.
~ Ken Eicheldinger and his family to be comforted as they grieve to be comforted as they grieve the death of their son.
~ Kevin’s knee.
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 9, 2024

Memory Verses for June
Joshua 22:5 NIV
5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Don Schmidt

Offering *Please place your offering in the
collection plate by the entrance.


Message Dave (Duke) Dissette


Sunday School ~ “the work-out room” approx. 11:15 ish

Week in Brief
Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
June 13th Church Council Work Session
June 16th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
July 30th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
July 9th Church Council Work Session
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Reminder; Beaver Camp payment is due to Denise by next Sunday June 16th.

We are in need of volunteers to sign up for our monthly fellowship snack. Sign up sheet is on the table.

On June 30th many of us will be at Beaver Camp for the week-end. We would like to encourage those that are not able to join us to find another local church in our community to worship with on that Sunday.

Bible Trivia; ~
Though the power of earthly kings does not compare to that of Christ, God uses kings to provide rule and authority over his creation. Daniel 2:21 says: “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
In the Old Testament, God’s people experienced the rule of both good and evil kings. Read on to understand the progression of authority among the kings of Israel and Judah.
What king’s name meant peaceable?
Solomon (1 Chron 22:9)
Who was made king of Judah at seven years of age after having been hidden for six years?
Joash (2 Chron 23:11)
What king did God smite with leprosy?
Uzziah (2 Chron 26:19)
What king of Israel followed heathen practices by burning his children in the fire?
D. Ahaz (2 Chron 28:3)
What king was on the throne of Judah when he was only eight years old?
B. Jehoiachin (2 Chron 36:9)
What was the name of the king of Judah who had his eyes put out and then was imprisoned for life?
A. Zedekiah (Jer 52:11)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ Isaac Meyers health issues.
~ Ken Eicheldinger and his family to be comforted as they grieve to be comforted as they grieve the death of their son.
~ Kevin’s knee.
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 2, 2024

Memory Verses for June
Joshua 22:5 NIV
5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                                    approx.  ?        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
June 9th Communion
June 13th Church Council Work Session
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
July 30th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
July 9th Church Council Work Session
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


We are in need of volunteers to sign up for our monthly fellowship snack. Sign up sheet is on the table.

June 9-10, 2023
Don’t miss the 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction!
Lewis County Fairgrounds in Lowville, NY. The proceeds from the Auction provide critical financial support for our summer camp program. So, join us for great time Online Auction of gift certificates and experiences will begin June 1st at 9:00 AM and end June 8th at 7:00 PM. To easily view just the online items, click on sort items and select open for bidding. Questions? Call 315-376-2640 or email office@beaver.camp
Bible Trivia; ~
Though the power of earthly kings does not compare to that of Christ, God uses kings to provide rule and authority over his creation. Daniel 2:21 says: “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
In the Old Testament, God’s people experienced the rule of both good and evil kings. Read on to understand the progression of authority among the kings of Israel and Judah.
What were Solomon’s other names?
Jedediah and Lemuel (2 Sam 12:25; Prov 31:1)
What king was guilty of idolatry in making two golden calves and commanding the people to worship them?
Jeroboam (1 Kgs 12:28)
Who was the most wicked king of Israel?
Ahab (1 Kgs 21:25)

What two kings disguised themselves before going into battle, and were both slain by archers?
Ahab and Josiah (1 Kings 22:34; 2 Chron 35:22)
What king was killed by his own sons?
Sennacherib (2 Kgs 19:36)

What king of Judah was overtaken by an invading army and had his eyes put out?
Zedekiah (2 Kgs 25:7)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 26, 2024

Memory Verses for May
Philippians 1:27-28
27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit striving together as one for the faith of the gospel 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                           Trey Kipfer


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together – not meeting this week.
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
June 2nd Fellowship Meal
June 9th Communion
June 13th Church Council Work Session
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
July 30th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


We will not be having prayer time together this Monday due to the Memorial Day holiday.

Next Sunday’s Fellowship Meal will be a hot dog roast. Please bring a side dish and/or a dessert.

We are in need of volunteers to sign up for our monthly fellowship snack. Sign up sheet is on the table.

June 9-10, 2023
Don’t miss the 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction!
Lewis County Fairgrounds in Lowville, NY. The proceeds from the Auction provide critical financial support for our summer camp program. So, join us for great time Online Auction of gift certificates and experiences will begin June 1st at 9:00 AM and end June 8th at 7:00 PM. To easily view just the online items, click on sort items and select open for bidding. Questions? Call 315-376-2640 or email office@beaver.camp
If you have any suggestions or input regarding the 100 Years of Ministry Celebration talk with one of the committee members ASAP…Denise, Don & Paulette, Dave & Cyndi, Lynn, Ruth J., Chris Ryan.

As a reminder, Don Schmidt hopes to put together a booklet for our 100 Years of Ministry Celebration and is encouraging each of us to write something to include. It can be a Psalm, praise, memory, or thanksgiving note; what you are grateful for from your heritage in or connection with this congregation over the many years; even a question or struggle that you experienced with the congregation at Alden. If you have any questions talk with Don. Email your writing to donatthefarm17@gmail.com or hand it to him in person.

Bible Trivia; ~
Children of Israel
Now that we’ve taken a closer look at some well-known Bible characters, let’s delve into several trivia questions about the children of Israel, God’s chosen people. The Israelites faced highs and lows, victory and defeat, freedom and oppression, yet God remained faithful to sustain them as his own possession.
~What was the total number of the children of Israel that went down to Egypt?
70 Gen 46:27

~How long were the children of Israel in Egypt?
215 years

~How were the children of Israel guided in their forty years of wandering in the wilderness?
By a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night Exod 13:21

~ How long did the children of Israel journey in the wilderness of Shur before they found water? 3 days Exod 15:22

~ Upon what mountain was Israel cursed for disobedience?
Mount Ebal Deut 27:13

~ By whom were the children of Israel carried captive into Assyria?
Tiglathpileser 2 Kgs 15:29

~ How long were the children of Israel in captivity?
70 years Jer 25:11

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 19, 2024

Memory Verses for May
Philippians 1:27-28
27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit striving together as one for the faith of the gospel 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                           Trey Kipfer

 Fellowship Snack                                          Thank You, Veronica


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx. 11:15 a.m.  

      Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
May 21st Church Council Work Session
June 2nd Fellowship Meal
June 9th Communion
June 13th Church Council Work Session
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
July 30th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


If you have any suggestions or input regarding the 100 Years of Ministry Celebration talk with one of the committee members ASAP…Denise, Don & Paulette, Dave & Cyndi, Lynn, Ruth J., Chris Ryan.

As a reminder, Don Schmidt hopes to put together a booklet for our 100 Years of Ministry Celebration and is encouraging each of us to write something to include. It can be a Psalm, praise, memory, or thanksgiving note; what you are grateful for from your heritage in or connection with this congregation over the many years; even a question or struggle that you experienced with the congregation at Alden. If you have any questions talk with Don. Email your writing to donatthefarm17@gmail.com or hand it to him in person.

Hello unity in the community family! Would you like to volunteer at the ACC Rodeo? This sign-up will not be the one for the prayer tent. When your pastor speaks, he will bring volunteers from your church for the prayer tent (3-4 people) oh other positions The cut off for signing up Will be the Tuesday night before each rodeo. When the five pastors meet on May 8, I will give them the Rodeo volunteer job descriptions (example; time to arrive, what to wear, what the position requires, where to park etc.) we are going to start slowly signing up volunteers because of this being the first year of five churches. Please make sure to be looking at the document when signing someone up mostly on Sunday mornings so you know what is still available at that minute. Please click out of the box immediately so it updates and you don’t lose that spot. If you have volunteers for the prayer tent on a week that your pastor isn’t speaking, they can always get a hold of me. Any questions please call or text me (Lori Robinson) 716– 474–9414. We are looking forward to fellowshipping together.
The sign-up sheet is on; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Exx3pVon70pIQsN7ee1ilglZRWlnArG2o1UM3oTdJ8/edit#gid=1217343722
Or Lynn would be able to help you sign up.

Bible Trivia; ~ Heroes of the Faith
Paul served Christ as an apostle and missionary. He traveled extensively and was even imprisoned for his faith. Most notably, Paul wrote thirteen New Testament epistles, many of which begin with a friendly greeting to the believers he is addressing: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Cor 1:3. Paul’s diligence in proclaiming Christ made a mark in the history of Christianity.

Who restored Paul’s sight after the Lord blinded him?
Ananias Acts 9:17–18

How did Paul escape Damascus when the Jews were trying to kill him?
He was let down from the city walls in a basket Acts 9:25

Where was Paul stoned? Lystra Acts 14:19

Where was an altar erected “to the unknown God”?
Athens Acts 17:22–23

What Athenian judge was converted under Paul’s preaching?
Dionysius Acts 17:34

What was Paul’s occupation?
Tentmaking Acts 18:3

Prior to raising Eutychus from the dead, Paul preached a lengthy sermon. At what hour did he end his sermon?
Midnight Acts 20:7

What does Paul say is the fulfillment of the law?
Love Rom 13:10

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ For the planning and preparation for the100 Years of Ministry Celebration
~ For those who will be attending the 100 Years of Ministry Celebration …for healing, renewal, & revival
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 12, 2024

Memory Verses for May
Philippians 1:27-28
27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit striving together as one for the faith of the gospel 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.



 Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 2nd Fellowship Meal
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Hello unity in the community family! Would you like to volunteer at the ACC Rodeo?. This sign-up will not be the one for the prayer tent. When your pastor speaks he will bring volunteers from your church for the prayer tent (3-4 people) oh other positions The cut off for signing up Will be the Tuesday night before each rodeo. When the five pastors meet on May 8 I will give them the Rodeo volunteer job descriptions (example; time to arrive, what to wear, what the position requires, where to park etc.) we are going to start slowly signing up volunteers because of this being the first year of five churches. Please make sure to be looking at the document when signing someone up mostly on Sunday mornings so you know what is still available at that minute. Please click out of the box immediately so it updates and you don’t lose that spot. If you have volunteers for the prayer tent on a week that your pastor isn’t speaking they can always get a hold of me. Any questions please call or text me (Lori Robinson) 716– 474–9414. We are looking forward to fellowshipping together.
The sign-up sheet is on; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Exx3pVon70pIQsN7ee1ilglZRWlnArG2o1UM3oTdJ8/edit#gid=1217343722
Or Lynn would be able to help you sign up.

The Pine Ridge Boys, a Kentucky Men’s Quartet will be preforming here at 923 Two Rod on Friday May 17th at 7 pm.

Dave D. was asked to offer the Memorial Day Prayer for the Townline Fire Department’s parade
and service. The parade will be Monday May 27 at 9:30.

Bible Trivia; ~ Heroes of the Faith
David was the boy shepherd who wrote Israel’s songs, defeated Israel’s enemy, and became Israel’s king.

  1. What was the height of Goliath? In other words, how giant was this giant?
    Six cubits and a span 1 Sam 17:4
  2. When Saul was pursuing David, in which cave did David seek refuge?
    Cave of Adullam 1 Sam 22:1
  3. Who was the chief of the three mighty men of David?
    Josheb-basshebeth 2 Sam 23:8

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Israel, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 5, 2024

New Memory Verses for May
Philippians 1:27-28
27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit striving together as one for the faith of the gospel 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Trey Kipfer

 Offering                      *Please place your offering in the
                                collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                              Don Schmidt
                           Title of sermon; “Remember, But don’t Look Back!”


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”  

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 2nd Fellowship Meal
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


The Pine Ridge Boys, a Kentucky Men’s Quartet will be preforming here at 923 Two Rod on Friday May 17th at 7 pm.

Dave D. was asked to offer the Memorial Day Prayer for the Townline Fire Department’s parade
and service. The parade will be Monday May 27 at 9:30.

Bible Trivia; ~ Heroes of the Faith
Sent into the Nile as a baby boy and a slave, Moses’s future seemed bleak. However, God had great plans for Moses and used him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt away from Pharaoh’s oppression.

  1. How long did Moses’s mother hide him to escape the death edict of Pharaoh?
    3 months
  2. Who was Moses’s father-in-law?
  3. What was the name of Aaron’s (Moses’s brother) wife?
  4. How old was Moses when he gave God’s message to Pharaoh: “Let my people go”?
    80 years
  5. What was the first of the ten plagues in Egypt?
    Water turned into blood
  6. Where was Moses buried?
    In the valley of Moab

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 28, 2024

New Memory Verses for April
Ephesians 3:20-21 niv
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                             collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                         Trey Kipfer                                                 


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                       approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
May 5th Fellowship Potluck Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Thank You, everyone that came out to help with the spring clean-up.
And, thank you to everyone that does all the different chores that keep our church running so smoothly throughout the whole year!

Tuesday at 6:30 pm will be our quarterly Church Council Meeting. Everyone is welcome.

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on May 5th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Upcoming ADM (Alden Darien Millgrove) Community events:
• National Day of Prayer gathering on Thursday, May 2nd @ 10 am at Alden Town Hall (3311 Wende Rd.)
• Compass Care Walk For Life on Saturday, May 4th @ 10 am starting at Alden Community Church with lunch to follow. Register at compasscarewalk.com
Bible Trivia;
Heroes of the Faith
Joseph lived a challenging life—the second-to-youngest of twelve sons, sold into slavery, mistreated on multiple occasions. Yet despite these trials, he remained steadfast and committed to following Christ. At the end of his life, God rewarded Joseph by promoting him to second-in-command over Egypt and by using him to save his people and family from famine and starvation.

  1. How old was Joseph when his brethren sold him into slavery?
    ~ 17 (Gen 37:2)
  2. Who suggested that Joseph interpret the dreams of Pharaoh?
    ~ The cupbearer (Gen 41:12–13)
  3. What are the names of Joseph’s two sons? ~ Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen 41:51–52)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 21, 2024

New Memory Verses for April
Ephesians 3:20-21 niv
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
                                         collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                       Trey Kipfer                                                 


 Fellowship Snack                                           Thank you, Lynn

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                      approx.. 11:30 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 2:30 pm 100 years of ministry meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Potluck Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Our Spring Work Day has been rescheduled for this Sat., April 27th – 8 to 11 am.

Eddie Bayer is having a concert on Monday, April 22 at 2:45 pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd -A Unit.

Thank you to all who responded to the name change sheets and submitted their choices.

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on May 5th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Upcoming ADM (Alden Darien Millgrove) Community events:
• Praise & Prayer Night on Sunday, April 21st @ 6 pm at Darien Bible Church
• National Day of Prayer gathering on Thursday, May 2nd @ 10 am at Alden Town Hall (3311 Wende Rd.)
• Compass Care Walk For Life on Saturday, May 4th @ 10 am starting at Alden Community Church with lunch to follow. Register at compasscarewalk.com

Bible Trivia;
Heroes of the Faith
God called Noah to a unique and important task. In anticipation of the great flood he would send upon the earth, God appointed Noah to build an ark to preserve his family and two of every kind of animal.

Of what wood was Noah’s Ark made?
Gopher wood (Gen 6:14)

How long was the ark?
300 cubits (Gen 6:15)

For how long did the flood rain fall?
40 days and 40 nights (Gen 7:12)

How long did the flood cover the earth?
150 days (Gen 7:24)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Julie made it back to Uganda safely and happily reunited with her hubby.
~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 14, 2024

New Memory Verses for April
Ephesians 3:20-21 niv
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Trey Kipfer

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.



 Message                                                Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                 


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                      approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Wed. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Your considerations sheets for New Church Name are due back Today.

Thank you to all that came out to help yesterday for our spring work day!

Church Council Work Session this Thursday 4/18 @ 6:30 pm. All are welcome.

Lois Ismert will be turning 96 years young on April 16th. If you would like to bless her with a birthday greeting her address is; Brothers of Mercy 10570 Bergtold Rd. Room 349W Clarence, NY 14031

All ladies are invited to Alden Community Church on Saturday April 20th, 10:30 a.m. for a Ladies Ministry’s Tea. They will be featuring sandwiches & dessert. That day they will be hosting a speaker from P.A.T.H. If interested in attending please call Susan at 716-430-1800 by April 15th to reserve your spot. There is a flyer on the bulletin board with full information.

Eddie Bayer is having a concert on Monday, April 22 at 2:45 pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd -A Unit.

Upcoming ADM (Alden Darien Millgrove) Community events:
• Praise & Prayer Night on Sunday, April 21st @ 6 pm at Darien Bible Church
• National Day of Prayer gathering on Thursday, May 2nd @ 10 am at Alden Town Hall (3311 Wende Rd.)
• Compass Care Walk For Life on Saturday, May 4th @ 10 am starting at Alden Community Church with lunch to follow. Register at compasscarewalk.com

Bible Trivia;
Q; The apostle Paul was called by Jesus on the road to which city?
A; Damascus
If you’re familiar with the name “Damascus,” blame the news coming out of this city in war-troubled, present-day Syria. Damascus is one of the world’s oldest continuously-inhabited cities. Fun fact: It’s also the source for our word “damask,” meaning “pale reddish,” supposedly the color of Damascus roses.

Q; Which of these was NOT the name of one of Noah’s sons?
A; Aaron
Aaron appears later in the Bible, as the brother-in-law of Moses. You can remember the names of Noah’s three sons thus: “Shem” is the root of our English word “Semitic,” “Ham” because it’s also a lunch meat and thus strikes us as a strange name, and “Japheth” because it’s a nightmare for some people to pronounce. Hope that helps!

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Julie made it back to Uganda safely and happily reunited with her hubby.
~ Cyndi’s recent surgery went well and the biopsy came back benign.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 7, 2024

New Memory Verses for April
Ephesians 3:20-21 niv
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                 


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                briefly @ approx.. 11:45 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 13th Spring Work Day
April 14th Communion
April 18th Church Council Work Session – 6:30 pm
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Our Spring Church Work Day is being planned for next Sat. April 13th from 8 to 11 a.m. Please bring with you yard tools to help ad the cleaning up after the winter and some cleaning supplies for windows etc.

Your considerations sheets for New Church Name are due back by next Sunday, 4/14.

Worship Night – Thursday April 11th from 7-8 p.m., here at church. Alden Community church has been invited to join us.

Lois Ismert will be turning 96 years young on April 16th. If you would like to bless her with a birthday greeting her address is; Brothers of Mercy 10570 Bergtold Rd. Room 349W Clarence, NY 14031

All ladies are invited to Alden Community Church on Saturday April 20th, 10:30 a.m. for a Ladies Ministry’s Tea. They will be featuring sandwiches & dessert. That day they will be hosting a speaker from P.A.T.H. If interested in attending please call Susan at 716-430-1800 by April 15th to reserve your spot.
There is a flyer on the bulletin board with full information.

ADM (Alden Darien Millgrove) Praise and Prayer Night on Sunday April 21st @ 6 p.m. at Darien Bible Church

Eddie Bayer is having a concert on Monday, April 22 at 2:45 pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd -A Unit.

National Day of Prayer – Thursday May 2nd, ADM prayer gathering at Alden Town Hall starting at 10 a.m.

Peace of the City’s Evening of Ordinary Resurrection is Thursday May 2nd, at 5:30 p.m.
full details on the bulletin board.

Compass Care Walk for Life on Sat. May 4th, involving ADM churches, starting at Alden Community church @ 10 a.m., lunch to follow. Register at; compasscarewalk.com

Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 31, 2024


Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                             collection plate by the entrance.

 “When He was on the cross”                                 Ollie Mae Brockhan


 Message                                   Duke Dissette, Kevin and Trey Kipfer                                                  


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                briefly @ approx.. 11:45 a.m.   

     Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 13th Spring Work Day
April 14th Communion
April 18th Church Council Work Session – 6:30 pm
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


New Memory Verses for April
Ephesians 3:20-21 niv
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

March’s memory verses
1 Samuel 12: 21-22 niv
Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can tey rescue you. Because they are useless. For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own. Amen

Our next Fellowship Meal is next Sunday, April 7th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal.
Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Save the Date! Our Spring Church Work Day is being planned for Sat. April 13th. More details to come.

Eddie Bayer is having a concert on Monday, April 22 at 2:45 pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd -A Unit, Cheektowaga

The Sharing Fund.is used to assistance when a member of our congregation is struggling with meeting a need that has arisen in their life. If you are so lead, you may join in doing good to those in need by contributing to the Sharing Fund. Checks can be made out to AMC with “sharing fund” in the memo or marking an offering envelope with “sharing fund” with cash contributions and placing in the collection plate any week. The elders and church council discern how to administer those funds as we’re made aware of needs.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Julie Aulai as she travels back to Uganda on Wednesday.
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. .
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s surgery going well, and that the pathology report being BENIGN!!!
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 24, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                    


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                           approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 13th Spring Work Day
April 14th Communion
April 18th Church Council Work Session – 6:30 pm
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


New Memory Verses for March
1 Samuel 12: 21-22 niv
Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can tey rescue you. Because they are useless. For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.

Church Council will be having their next work session this Tuesday March 26th at 6:30 pm. Council meetings are open to all that attend here.

Good Friday Cross Walk – Starting at 10:00 AM from Lancaster Presbyterian Church, 5461 Broadway St. Lancaster.

Grace in Community Church, 11269 Broadway, Alden will be having a Good Friday Service, @ 7 PM. Everyone is welcome.

We will be having a short time of fellowship on Reserection Sunday at 9:00 am. We will have coffee and tea along with a few breakfast sweets. Let’s come together just a bit early to celebrate our Risen King!

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on April 7th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

The Sharing Fund.is used to assistance when a member of our congregation is struggling with meeting a need that has arisen in their life. If you are so lead, you may join in doing good to those in need by contributing to the Sharing Fund. Checks can be made out to AMC with “sharing fund” in the memo or marking an offering envelope with “sharing fund” with cash contributions and placing in the collection plate any week. The elders and church council discern how to administer those funds as we’re made aware of needs.

The Needham’s a Sothern Gospel singing group will be performing at FBC 11651 Bullis Rd. Marilla on Saturday April 13th at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Save the Date! Our Spring Church Work Day is being planned for Sat. April 13th. More details to come.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Pray for full healing from her recent surgery.
~ The Sterlace family as the mourn the loss of their mother & grandmother, Nancy Walker.
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s surgery going well.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 17, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                         *Please place your offering in the
                                                   collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                    


 Fellowship Snack                                          Thank You, Mary Kidder

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                           approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
March 26th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 14th Communion
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 9th Communion
June 16th Fellowship Snack provided by Veronica Kipfer
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


New Memory Verses for March
1 Samuel 12: 21-22 niv
Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can tey rescue you. Because they are useless. For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.

We will be having a short time of fellowship on Reserection Sunday at 9:00 am. We will have coffee and tea along with a few breakfast sweets. Let’s come together just a bit early to celebrate our Risen King!
As we are into Lent now, take a moment to think about your connection with God and how you can show your faith through kindness. During this special time, consider helping your fellow believers as they get ready for religious activities. Some might need assistance with attending services, buying necessities, or joining in community events. Be there for them! Volunteer to give them a lift so they can fully engage in their faith. Your support means a lot. If you’re interested in being a volunteer, check out the Hearts and Hands website at www.volunteerhnh.org or call (716) 406-8311 ext. 103.

Bible Trivia;
Question: No, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.’ Who said that?
Answer: Peter

Question: In the book of Galatians, who was accused of hypocrisy by Paul because of the way he treated the Gentiles?
Answer: Peter

Question: A wicked one talking to a holy one promised, ‘All this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me.’
Answer: The devil

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Pray for full healing from her recent surgery.
~ The Sterlace family as the mourn the loss of their mother & grandmother, Nancy Walker.
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee brother Andy recovering from his 2nd stroke in 12 years.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Cyndi’s surgery going well.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 10, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                collection plate by the entrance.     



 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                    


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
March 17th Fellowship Snack – provided by Mary Kidder
March 26th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 14th Communion
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th AMC 100th year anniversary celebration


New Memory Verses for March
1 Samuel 12: 21-22 niv
Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can tey rescue you. Because they are useless. For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.

Name affirmation sheets need to be completed and turned in today. Please put your completed sheet in the yellow bin on the table. All name affirmations need to be signed.

We are in need of a church council recording secretary. The position would require you to attend the quarterly meetings starting April 30th, take notes at each meeting, and type those notes up as minutes to be submitted to Lynn Roll. If you would be willing to use your time and talents to serve our church body in this way please talk with Kevin.

Events happening at Beaver Camp
Scrapbook & Crafting Retreat, April 5-6 – Great fellowship times combined with plenty of time to scrapbook or work on your favorite craft make this a memorable weekend. This women’s retreat officially begins at 1:00 pm Friday and ends Saturday at 9:00 pm. However, you are invited to spend Saturday night, or come early and spend Thursday night for an add-on. Several vendors will be available to purchase scrapbooking items from.

Eclipse Event at Beaver Camp! April 7-9, 2024 Come enjoy the rare Solar Eclipse with us at Beaver Camp! We will have optional activities to turn the Eclipse Event into a full experience! Check-in is at 7pm on Sunday, April 7th, and the eclipse takes place on April 8th around 3pm. Scheduled meals and activities continue until checkout on Tuesday morning at 11am.

Women’s Retreat! April 12-13, 2024 A two-day, one night community-wide women’s retreat open to women and young ladies 10 years and older. A single-day option is available for those who can only attend on Saturday. The theme is Living from a Place of Hope; based on the Bible passage from Habakkuk 3:17-18.

SAVE THE DATE! Beaver Camp’s 52nd Annual Auction is June 7-8, 2024.
Consider donating! We need: Quilts, handcrafted items, furniture, experiences, gift certificates, and
volunteer help!
Visit www.beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640 if you would like to make an auction donation, register
for a program, volunteer, or if you have a question.

Bible Trivia;
Question: How many books are there in the Old Testament?
Answer: 39

Question: How many rivers flowed out of Eden?
Answer: 4

Question: According to the Bible, who was the first murder victim?
Answer: Abel

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Cyndi has a surgery this week, Wednesday.
Please pray for comfort and strength for her along with Duke and the whole medical team
~ The Sterlace family as the mourn the loss of their mother & grandmother, Nancy Walker.
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen’s successful surgery.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Kevin’s cousin Dennis is out of the hospital.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well and is back to work.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 3, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                    


 Brief Business Meeting

 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                                no class today  

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
March 7th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
March 10th Communion
March 17th Fellowship Snack – provided by Mary Kidder
March 26th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 14th Communion
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th AMC 100th year anniversary celebration


There will be an auction to raise funds for the MCC meat canner, which will be coming to the Lowville, NY area this spring, at the Clarence Center-Akron Mennonite Church on Friday, March 9th at 6:30 in the fellowship hall. Any kind of donation for the auction would be appreciated. For questions or more info contact Zak Jantzi @ 585-409-7408.

We are in need of a church council recording secretary. The position would require you to attend the quarterly meetings starting April 30th, take notes at each meeting, and type those notes up as minutes to be submitted to Lynn Roll. If you would be willing to use your time and talents to serve our church body in this way please talk with Kevin.

Bible Trivia;
Question: Which of the following animals was NOT mentioned as one of the plagues in Egypt?
Answer: Bees
Question: Name the man who desperately questioned God with this query: ‘What shall I do with this people? They be almost ready to stone me.’
Answer: Moses
Question: Even though one of the meanings of my name is ‘rest,’ I probably didn’t get much rest while spending some time afloat. Who am I?
Answer: Noah

New Memory Verses for March
1 Samuel 12: 21-22 niv
Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can tey rescue you. Because they are useless.
For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen’s successful surgery.
~ For guiding John & Chris Ryan to their new home in Elma.
~ Kevin’s cousin Dennis is out of the hospital.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well and is back to work.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 25, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                               collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                             Trey Kipfer                                                     


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                           approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
March 3rd Fellowship Meal
March 7th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
March 10th Communion
March 17th Fellowship Snack – provided by Mary Kidder
March 26th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 14th Communion
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th AMC 100th year anniversary celebration

We will be having a brief meeting before our fellowship meal next Sunday, March 3rd to provide the opportunity to learn about and affirm our name change, to go over and approve the 2024 budget, and to be brought up to date on the vision for the body at 923 Two Rod.

We will be having a Fellowship Meal next Sunday. The main dish of rigatoni and mini meatballs will be provided. Singles, please bring a side dish or dessert, couples and families please bring a side dish and a dessert.

We are in need of a church council recording secretary. The position would require you to attend the quarterly meetings starting April 30th, take notes at each meeting, and type those notes up as minutes to be submitted to Lynn Roll. If you would be willing to use your time and talents to serve our church body in this way please talk with Kevin.

Bible Trivia;
Question: Who preached the first sermon on the Day of Pentecost?
Answer: Peter

Question: How many languages has the Bible been translated into?
Answer: 1200

Question: I press toward the _ for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.’
Answer: Mark

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen’s successful surgery.
~ Kevin’s cousin Dennis is out of the hospital.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well and is back to work.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 18, 2024

Through our series the next few weeks we will be having a memory verse relating
to what we are learning. The memory verse is; Ephesians 4: 2-3

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                *Please place your offering in the
                                                    collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                              Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                                                                      


 Fellowship Snacks                                       Thank you, Denise!

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                              11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember

March 3rd Fellowship Meal
March 7th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
March 10th Communion
March 17th Fellowship Snack – provided by Mary Kidder
March 26th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 7th Fellowship Meal
April 14th Communion
April 21st Fellowship Snack – provided by Lynn Roll
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
May 5th Fellowship Meal
May 12th Communion
May 19th Fellowship Snack – provided by John & Chris Ryan
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th AMC 100th year anniversary celebration


Tonight, there will be a prayer gathering with all 5 local churches that are participating in the Pray for our Community 30 days of prayer. We will gather at Alden Community Church @ 6p.m.
If you are planning on attending tonight’s prayer gathering, please bring a dessert or finger food to share.

We are in need of a church council recording secretary. The position would require you to attend the quarterly meetings starting April 30th, take notes at each meeting, and type those notes up as minutes to be submitted to Lynn Roll. If you would be willing to use your time and talents to serve our church body in this way please talk with Kevin.

You may now invite family & friends to join us for our Beaver Camp retreat. Lodging is still available. ALL registrations and down payments ($50) are DUE by FEBRUARY 25th. If you need to know the exact cost for the weekend, or if you have any questions, talk to Denise.

All WNY Concert & Hymn Sing featuring the Buffalo Niagara Praise Orchestra and the Houghton University Choir. It is scheduled for Sunday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day) at 6:00 PM at the Eastern Hills Church, 8445 Greiner Road in Williamsville. This is a very unique, multi-church event during which Christian believers from across the region will gather together to hear and sing the great hymns of the faith accompanied by a full symphony orchestra. Admission is free, but we will be taking a free will offering to support the Sleep in Heavenly Peace ministry which provides beds to underprivileged children throughout the Buffalo area.

Bible Trivia;
Question: In which book of the Bible is this verse found? ‘The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.’
Answer: John

Question: Who was told not to prophesy at Bethel?
Answer: Amos

Question: Who was the father of Saul?
Answer: Kish

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~Karen’s successful surgery.
~ Kevin’s cousin Dennis is out of the hospital.
~ Adam is out of hospital, but keep praying for his salvation.
~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well and is back to work.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 11, 2024

Through our series the next few weeks we will be having a memory verse relating
to what we are learning. The memory verse is; Ephesians 4: 2-3

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                            collection plate by the entrance.     



 Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                     


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                        approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Feb. 13th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
Feb. 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Denise Kipfer
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
March 7th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
March 10th Communion
March 26th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 14th Communion
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend
Sept. 14th & 15th AMC 100th year anniversary celebration


We are in need of a church council recording secretary. The position would require you to attend the quarterly meetings starting April 30th, take notes at each meeting, and type those notes up as minutes to be submitted to Lynn Roll. If you would be willing to use your time and talents to serve our church body in this way please talk with Kevin.

Sunday, February 18th there will be a prayer gathering with all 5 local churches that are participating in the Pray for our Community 30 days of prayer. We will gather at Alden Community Church @ 6p.m.

You may now invite family & friends to join us for our Beaver Camp retreat. Lodging is still available. ALL registrations and down payments ($50) are DUE by FEBRUARY 25th. If you need to know the exact cost for the weekend, or if you have any questions, talk to Denise.

All WNY Concert & Hymn Sing featuring the Buffalo Niagara Praise Orchestra and the Houghton University Choir. It is scheduled for Sunday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day) at 6:00 PM at the Eastern Hills Church, 8445 Greiner Road in Williamsville. This is a very unique, multi-church event during which Christian believers from across the region will gather together to hear and sing the great hymns of the faith accompanied by a full symphony orchestra. Admission is free, but we will be taking a free will offering to support the Sleep in Heavenly Peace ministry which provides beds to underprivileged children throughout the Buffalo area.

Bible Trivia;
What was Apostle Paul’s name before his conversion?
Answer: Saul of Tarsus
Apostle Paul was a prosecutor of Christians before he encountered the Holy Spirit.

Where are the 10 commandments located in the Bible?
Answer: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5
Moses went to the mountain to bring the 10 commandments, which have been passed down through generations.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Kevin’s cousin Dennis who is in the hospital
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~Karen’s successful surgery.
~ Trey’s safe and fruitful travels
~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well and is back to work.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 4, 2024

Through our series the next few weeks we will be having a memory verse relating
to what we are learning. The memory verse is; Ephesians 4: 2-3

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                           Trey Kipfer                                                     


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.. 11:30 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Feb. 8th Worship Night ~ 7-8:30 pm
Feb. 11th Communion
Feb. 13th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
Feb. 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Denise Kipfer
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
March 7th Church Council Constitution meeting – 6:30 pm
April 30th Church Council Quarterly meeting – 6:30 pm
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


          Karen Dombrowski ~ Feb.1st

Tonight at 6:30 p.m. Trey will be sharing about his recent trip to Uganda here at church.

You may now invite family & friends to join us for our Beaver Camp retreat. Lodging is still available. ALL registrations and down payments ($50) are DUE by FEBRUARY 25th. If you need to know the exact cost for the weekend, or if you have any questions, talk to Denise.

Just a reminder that we would love to pray for you and rejoice with you. All prayer requests and praises that you would like added to the bulletin can be submitted to Lynn. If you have a more sensitive issue that you would like the leadership to pray for privately, you may speak directly to me. Also, please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs. Thanks – Kevin
We are in need of a church council recording secretary. The position would require you to attend the quarterly meetings starting April 30th, take notes at each meeting, and type those notes up as minutes to be submitted to Lynn Roll. If you would be willing to use your time and talents to serve our church body in this way please talk with Kevin.

Mark your calendars. Our 100th year celebration will be September 14th and 15th. If you would be interested in being a part of the committee to help plan a simple commemoration and celebration of what God has done in and through Alden Mennonite Church over the past 100 years, please talk to Denise.

Waffle Breakfast – Feb. 10th from 7 to 10 a.m. at Bontrager Auction Barn. Once again, your $10. Donation will benefit the Christian Mission Relief auction on Aug. 10, 2024. On Feb. 10th there will also be a collection of food donations for local pantries.

Sunday, February 18th there will be a prayer gathering with all 5 local churches that are participating in the Pray for our Community 30 days of prayer. We will gather at Alden Community Church @ 6p.m.

Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom experience for people with special needs (ages 14yrs+). It’s a ministry of the Tim Tebow Foundation that is centered on God’s love for us. We are excited to serve the special needs community in Western New York this year. Night to Shine Prom is on February 9, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 pm.
We are in need of volunteers for our honored guests and would greatly appreciate you sharing this link : https://epicchurchbuffalo.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/132/responses/new
If you want to check out a highlight reel from last year’s event – – check out this video: https://youtu.be/yP48TsHNAd0?si=sGF3CxvNNpyly9D5
Night to Shine Lead Team ~ Epic Church Buffalo ~ 716-249-0050
EpicChurchBuffalo.com/NightToShine or nighttoshine@epicchurchbuffalo.com

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma
~ Karen Dombrowski as she recovers from surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Trey’s safe and fruitful travels
~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis has shown a slight improvemt since Christmas.
~ Caleb Nelson is out of his cast and can walk on his leg.
~ For new friends from our community.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 28, 2024

Through our series the next few weeks we will be having a memory verse relating
to what we are learning. The memory verse is; Ephesians 4: 2-3

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
                                          collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                     


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                       approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Feb. 4th Beaver Camp deposit due
Feb. 4th Fellowship Meal
Feb. 4th Trey Sharing on his 2nd Uganda Trip @ 6:30 pm.
Feb. 8th Worship Night ~ 7-8:30 pm
Feb. 11th Communion
Feb. 18th Fellowship Snacks
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Just a reminder that we would love to pray for you and rejoice with you. All prayer requests and praises that you would like added to the bulletin can be submitted to Lynn. If you have a more sensitive issue that you would like the leadership to pray for privately, you may speak directly to me. Also, please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs. Thanks – Kevin

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on Feb. 4th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

It’s wintry outside, but summer will be here before we know it… along with our Beaver Camp retreat (6/27-6/30). Lodging is limited and needs to be confirmed much earlier than normal this year. Please let Denise know ASAP if you or anyone in your immediate family is interested in reserving a spot. She needs your reservation and a $50 deposit NO LATER THAN Sunday, Feb. 4th. After that date, IF any lodging is still available, we will be able to open it up to friends or extended family before we need to turn in our final count. Talk to Denise if you have any questions.

Waffle Breakfast – Feb. 10th from 7 to 10 a.m. at Bontrager Auction Barn. Once again, your $10. Donation will benefit the Christian Mission Relief auction on Aug. 10, 2024. On Feb. 10th there will also be a collection of food donations for local pantries.

Sunday, February 18th there will be a prayer gathering with all 5 local churches that are participating in the Pray for our Community 30 days of prayer. We will gather at Alden Community Church @ 6p.m.

Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom experience for people with special needs (ages 14yrs+). It’s a ministry of the Tim Tebow Foundation that is centered on God’s love for us. We are excited to serve the special needs community in Western New York this year. Night to Shine Prom is on February 9, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 pm.
We are in need of volunteers for our honored guests and would greatly appreciate you sharing this link : https://epicchurchbuffalo.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/132/responses/new
If you want to check out a highlight reel from last year’s event – – check out this video: https://youtu.be/yP48TsHNAd0?si=sGF3CxvNNpyly9D5
Night to Shine Lead Team ~ Epic Church Buffalo ~ 716-249-0050
EpicChurchBuffalo.com/NightToShine or nighttoshine@epicchurchbuffalo.com

Bible Trivia
Who denied Jesus 3 times?
Answer: Peter
After Jesus was arrested, Peter was recognized as one of his followers, and he denied it three times.

What is the 1st commandment?
Answer: You shall have no other gods before me
God made it clear in the commandments whom you shall worship.

Which commandment says honor your father and mother?
Answer: the 5th commandment
God reminded us to obey our parents at all times.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Cyndi Dissette as she was recently diagnosed with lymphoma
~ Karen Dombrowski for her surgery this Friday, Feb 2nd. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ Continued healing for Darwin’s arm and Fan Marie”s wrist
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Andrew as he serves and learns in India.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Darwin and Fan Marie no longer have casts and ae now wearing splints.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis has shown a slight improvemt since Christmas.
~ Caleb Nelson is out of his cast and can walk on his leg.
~ For new friends from our community.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 21, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                     


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Feb. 4th Beaver Camp deposit due
Feb. 4th Fellowship Meal
Feb. 4th Trey Sharing on his 2nd Uganda Trip @ 6:30 pm.
Feb. 8th Worship Night ~ 7-8:30 pm
Feb. 11th Communion
Feb. 18th Fellowship Snacks
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend

Through our series the next few weeks we will be having a memory verse relating to what we are learning. The memory verse is;
Ephesians 4:2-3
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

Friends from our community Bobby and Brandon blessed us with their help recently, getting the back lights in the parking lot replaced. We want to say a big thank you to these 2 gentlemen for going over and above to help their neighbor.

Sunday, February 18th there will be a prayer gathering with all 5 local churches that are participating in the Pray for our Community 30 days of prayer. We will gather at Alden Community Church @ 6p.m.

It’s wintry outside, but summer will be here before we know it… along with our Beaver Camp retreat (6/27-6/30). Lodging is limited and needs to be confirmed much earlier than normal this year. Please let Denise know ASAP if you or anyone in your immediate family is interested in reserving a spot. She needs your reservation and a $50 deposit NO LATER THAN Sunday, Feb. 4th. After that date, IF any lodging is still available, we will be able to open it up to friends or extended family before we need to turn in our final count. Talk to Denise if you have any questions.

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on Feb. 4th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Waffle Breakfast – Feb. 10th from 7 to 10 a.m. at Bontrager Auction Barn. Once again, your $10. Donation will benefit the Christian Mission Relief auction on Aug. 10, 2024. On Feb. 10th there will also be a collection of food donations for local pantries.

Bible Trivia
Which verse is the shortest in the Bible?
Answer: John 11:35 – Jesus wept
The reason Jesus wept was that his friend Lazarus was dead.

What did Jesus use to feed the 5,000?
Answer: 5 loaves and 2 fish
Jesus multiplied 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed a multitude of people.

True or false – did Jesus chase children away when he preached?
Answer: False
Jesus continually told his disciples to allow the children to come close to him.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ pray for the churches, church leaders, schools, and families of those Trey is ministering to
~ Karen Dombrowski for her upcoming surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ pray for the churches, church leaders, schools, and families of those Trey is ministering to
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he is on the mission field in India.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ For new friends from our community.
~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 14, 2024

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                            collection plate by the entrance.     



 Message        the “Value of Community”                Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                     


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                      approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Feb. 4th Beaver Camp deposit due
Feb. 4th Fellowship Meal
Feb. 4th Trey Sharing on his 2nd Uganda Trip @ 6:30 pm.
Feb. 8th Worship Night ~ 7-8:30 pm
Feb. 11th Communion
Feb. 18th Fellowship Snacks
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend

Through our series the next few weeks we will be having a memory verse relating to what we are learning. This week’s memory verse is;
Ephesians 4:2-3
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

Prayer Book Schedule; Will start tomorrow, we will have 34 days to finish it before February 18th. You don’t have to stick to any specific schedule, but if you do want to do a daily schedule there are some paper copies on the table to help you keep on track.
Then on February 18th there will be a prayer gathering with all 5 local churches that are participating at Alden Community Church @ 6p.m.

Thank you to all that participated in the Christmas program. From baking, sound crew, Eddie participating via phone, and all that shared that evening. You all made the evening a joyful success!

It’s wintry outside, but summer will be here before we know it… along with our Beaver Camp retreat (6/27-6/30). Lodging is limited and needs to be confirmed much earlier than normal this year. Please let Denise know ASAP if you or anyone in your immediate family is interested in reserving a spot. She needs your reservation and a $50 deposit NO LATER THAN Sunday, Feb. 4th. After that date, IF any lodging is still available, we will be able to open it up to friends or extended family before we need to turn in our final count. Talk to Denise if you have any questions.

Waffle Breakfast – Feb. 10th from 7 to 10 a.m. at Bontrager Auction Barn. Once again, your $10. Donation will benefit the Christian Mission Relief auction on Aug. 10, 2024. On Feb. 10th there will also be a collection of food donations for local pantries.

Ice Fishing Derby – The David Tuttle Memorial Ice Fishing Derby at Beaver Camp will be on February 3rd from 6:30am to 2pm! Join us for a day of ice fishing in the beautiful Adirondacks! Every dollar raised goes to our Campership Fund, making camp more accessible to everyone.
Entry fee: 18 & over: $12, 5-17 yrs old: $7, 5 & under: free

Bible Trivia
What was Bartimaeus’ challenge?
Answer: He was blind
Blind Bartimaeus was one of the people Jesus healed of their sicknesses.

How many lepers were healed by Jesus, after which only one came back to show gratitude?
Answer: 10
Jesus healed ten lepers and sent them off, but only one returned.

Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Answer: Judas Iscariot
He gave Jesus up to the Sanhedrin with a kiss.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ pray for the churches, church leaders, schools, and families of those Trey is ministering to
~ Karen Dombrowski for her upcoming surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ pray for the churches, church leaders, schools, and families of those Trey is ministering to
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he is on the mission field in India.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ Fan Marie and Darwin do not need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 7, 2024
Happy New Year

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                     *Please place your offering in the
                               collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                            Trey Kipfer                                                     


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”          approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Jan. 9th Church Council Meeting
Jan. 14th Fellowship Meal – POTLUCK
Feb. 4th Fellowship Meal
Feb. 18th Fellowship Snacks
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Church Council Meeting – This Tuesday January 9th @ 6:45 pm. All are welcome to attend.

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on Jan. 14th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

There is a new 2024 sign-up sheet for fellowship snack. I want to encourage everyone to sign up to take a turn for this, it doesn’t need to be elaborate, so really anyone can help in this way. Let’s keep this fellowship time that everyone seems to enjoy going!!! If you have any questions, please ask Lynn.

It’s wintry outside, but summer will be here before we know it… along with our Beaver Camp retreat (6/27-6/30). Lodging is limited and needs to be confirmed much earlier than normal this year. Please let Denise know ASAP if you or anyone in your immediate family is interested in reserving a spot. She needs your reservation and a $50 deposit NO LATER THAN Sunday, Feb. 4th. After that date, IF any lodging is still available, we will be able to open it up to friends or extended family before we need to turn in our final count. Talk to Denise if you have any questions.

Bible Trivia
Who came to Jesus at night?
Answer: Nicodemus
Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish ruling council and came to Jesus to inquire about the kingdom of God.

What kind of Job did Matthew do before he followed Jesus?
Answer: A tax collector
Before he received the call to work in the ministry with Jesus, Matthew worked as a tax collector in Capernaum.

What kind of gift did Jacob give Joseph that made his siblings jealous?
Answer: A coat of many colors
Joseph was his father’s favorite, and he showered him with gifts.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski for her upcoming surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he is on the mission field in India.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ Fan Marie and Darwin do not need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 31, 2023
Happy New Year

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                               collection plate by the entrance.     


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette  



 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.. 11:15 a.m.   

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together – will resume on 1/8/24
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Jan. 9th Church Council Meeting
Jan. 14th Fellowship Meal – POTLUCK
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Our next Fellowship Meal will be on Jan. 14th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Beaver Camp is hiring! We need Staff!
Lifeguards | Counselors | Trip Leaders | Maintenance | Cooks | Kitchen Aids!
If you know someone who may be interested in working, encourage them to apply!
We are especially in need of cooks this year!

Bible Trivia
How did Joseph’s brothers get him out of the way?
Answer: By selling him into slavery
The jealousy they felt towards their brother led Joseph’s brothers to plot how to kill him, but they eventually sold him into slavery, and that was how he went to Egypt and became a prominent figure.

What was David’s Job before he became a king?
Answer: A shepherd
While he was out with his flock, Prophet Samuel sent for David to crown him the second King of Israel after Saul.

Where did Jesus walk on water?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee
While they were on a boat on The Sea of Galilee, the disciples saw Jesus walking on water towards them.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski for her upcoming surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he is on the mission field in India.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ Fan Marie and Darwin do not need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                collection plate by the entrance.

 Advent Reflections                                              Denise Kipfer     


 Message                                                         Andrew Kipfer                                                           


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together – will resume on 1/8/24
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Dec. 31st Communion
Jan. 9th Church Council Meeting
Jan. 14th Fellowship Meal – POTLUCK
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Thanking God for you. Dear Church Family, thank you for your generous gift. It will be a BIG help to us in the coming days. Thank you for your love and for praying for us. God bless you all! With love, Darwin & Fam Marie.

Our next Fellowship Meal will be on Jan. 14th, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal. Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Bible Trivia
“Jesus Christ, our savior, was born on Christmas Day” (from the carol “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”) No date for the birth of Jesus is mentioned in the Bible, so why does the world celebrate Christmas on December 25th?
Answer: It is the date of a pagan festival taken over by the early church.
In the absence of a biblical basis for the timing of Christmas, the church seems to have “adopted” the pagan practice of a festival around the time of the Winter Solstice. This had the double advantage of being an existing time for celebration that took place when agricultural work was at a minimum.

It is not known whether Archbishop Usher had an opinion on Christmas Day but he did calculate that the first full day of creation was October 23rd 4004 BC.

How many days after the birth of Christ did Joseph and Mary give him the name Jesus?
Answer: 8
It was required by law that eight days after the birth of a son they would circumcise him and name him. They followed the law and circumcised him and named him Jesus, as the angel had told them to, eight days after his birth. This can be found in Luke 2:21.

What, according to the Holy Gospels of Luke and Matthew, is generally considered the earliest time after His birth at which the Wise Men or Magi could have visited the baby Jesus? (Hint: the Holy Family left for a foreign country soon after their departure.)
Answer: After the baby Jesus was presented in the Temple (after the 41st day)

Since Joseph and his wife Mary and son Jesus escaped to Egypt as soon as the Magi had worshiped Jesus and presented their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and returned to their land, it is generally widely accepted, given the time constraints, that this Magi visit would have occurred only after the Presentation of Jesus (which would have happened sometime after the 40th day from His birth, according to Leviticus 12:1-8) in the Temple.
(Matthew 2:11,13-14) – “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. … When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. ‘Get up,’ he said, ‘take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.’ So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt.”
(Luke 2:22) – ‘When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, ‘Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord.’)”
Also, the Magi were not necessarily three (sometimes believed because of the three gifts) in number, although three being a God number (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) is favored. All we know is that they were two or more in number. Additionally, Mary and Joseph offered two pigeons at the Presentation, rather than the more expensive option of lamb and turtledove (Leviticus 12:1-8), which implies they had not yet received the costly Magi gifts.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Karen Dombrowski for her upcoming surgery. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement as Karen faces this cancer challenge.
~ Scott Gee as he continues to recover from a stroke.
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he is on the mission field in India.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Scott Gee is recovering well.
~ Fan Marie and Darwin do not need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 17, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                *Please place your offering in the
                                          collection plate by the entrance.

 Advent Reflections                                          Denise Kipfer     


 Message                                                       Trey Kipfer                                                           


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                     approx.. 11:15 a.m.       

Week in Brief

Mon. 6:30-8:30 pm Christmas Program
Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together – will resume on 1/8/24
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Dec. 31st Communion
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Christmas Program – THIS Monday Dec 18 from 6:30 to 8:30, we still need more people to provide cookies for afterwards.

Andrew’s mission trip is fast approaching, he will be heading to India on 1/2/24 for a 6-month ministry with Pioneers USA. Andrew is about half way funded for this extended mission trip. If you would like to support him financially during this time of serving, you may donate at https://give.pioneers.org/s-donate or by mail at, Pioneers USA 10123 William Carey Dr. Orlando, FL. 32832. Please be sure to add Andrew Kipfer account number 113540 to your donation.

Trey’s second mission trip to Uganda is planned for January 9-27. If you would like to help Trey monetarily or with some of the school supplies, he would like to take. Please speak with him to find out how you can do this.

These folks may be feeling a bit lonely this Christmas season. If you could send them a Christmas card it would surely brighten their day!
~ Eddie Bayer, Garden Gate Health, 2365 Union Rd., A Unit – Room 47, Cheektowaga, NY 14226
~ Sally Depew,Elderwood Assisted Living, 111 Ensminger Rd, Tonawanda, NY 14150
~ Gini Erb, 1310 O’Connor Rd., Darien Center, NY 14040
~ Martha Miller, 172 ½ S. Main St., Batavia, NY 14020
~ Sirley Miller, 1285 Shank Dr. #226, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Bible Trivia
Who were the first apostles Jesus called to follow him?
Answer: Peter and Andrew
Jesus had twelve disciples, and the first two to join this group were two brothers, Peter and Andrew.

Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul
Saul, David, and Solomon were the first three kings to rule Israel according to the order they are named. Saul reigned around c. 1021–1000 bc.

Who was put inside Lion’s den?
Answer: Daniel
For refusing to obey the king’s order that nobody should pray within a stipulated time frame, Daniel was arrested, and his punishment was to throw him inside a den of lions, but God saved him.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he prepares to go to India in January on a 6 months mission trip.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Fan Marie and Darwin do not need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 10, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Andrew Kipfer

 Offering                                *Please place your offering in the
                                          collection plate by the entrance.

 Advent Reflections                                           Denise Kipfer     


 Message                                                        Trey Kipfer                                                           


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                     approx.. 11:15 a.m.        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Dec. 14th (Thur.) Worship Night
Dec. 18th (Mon.) Christmas Program 6:30-8:30 pm
Dec. 31st Communion
Feb. 18th Local church’s prayer gathering @ Alden Community Church
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Don Schmidt – Dec. 2nd
Cyndi Dissette – Dec. 18th
Gini Erb – Dec. 24th
Scott Gee – Dec. 29th

Worship Night at church- singing songs, praising God: Dec 14 (Thursday), 7-8:30ish

Christmas Program – Monday Dec 18 from 6:30 to 8:30, we still need more people to sign up to participate or to provide cookies for afterwards.

We are “adopting” one family this Christmas. The ornaments of need are hung on the tree for anyone that would like to bless this family. Please leave the gift unwrapped and tape the ornament to the gift. You can bring the gift anytime on or before Sunday December 17th, and place under the Christmas tree in the fellowship hall. This is a fun way to bless and pray for a family in need in our community!

Andrew’s mission trip is fast approaching, he will be heading to India on 1/2/24 for a 6-month ministry with Pioneers USA. Andrew is about half way funded for this extended mission trip. If you would like to support him financially during this time of serving, you may donate at https://give.pioneers.org/s-donate or by mail at, Pioneers USA 10123 William Carey Dr. Orlando, FL. 32832. Please be sure to add Andrew Kipfer account number 113540 to your donation.

Trey’s second mission trip to Uganda is planned for January 9-27. If you would like to help Trey monetarily or with some of the school supplies, he would like to take. Please speak with him to find out how you can do this.

Bible Trivia
How many baskets were still filled with food after Jesus fed the 5,000?
Answer: 12
After feeding a big crowd with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, the disciples gathered the remaining food and filled 12 baskets. This was one of the earliest miracles Jesus performed.

What kind of idol did Aaron craft for the Israelites to worship while waiting for Moses?
Answer: A Golden Calf
Aaron succumbed to the pressure the Israelites mounted on him and made a golden calf for them to worship because Moses took time before returning with the ten commandments.

How many brothers did Joseph have?
Answer: 11
Joseph lived with his brothers and one sister in the land of Canaan. He was his father’s favorite child, and this did not please his brothers.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Continued healing for Fan Marie’s severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he prepares to go to India in January on a 6 months mission trip.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Fan Marie and Darwin do not need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 3, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                                       collection plate by the entrance.

 Advent                                  Reflections ----- Denise Kipfer     



 Message                                                     Trey Kipfer                                                           


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                       No Class Today         

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Dec. 9th (Sat.) Rummage & Bake Sale for India
Dec. 14th (Thur.) Worship Night
Dec. 18th (Mon.) Christmas Program 6:30-8:30 pm
Dec. 31st Communion
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Rummage Sale for Andrew’s India Missions Trip – Saturday, Dec 9, 8 am to 3 pm.
Donations are welcome, I would need them at church by Dec 6. All donations can be put in Room 13. Everything at the rummage sale will be sold by free will donation.
Andrew will also be having a bake sale during the rummage sale; donations of baked goods would be very much appreciated. Baked goods can be dropped off at church on Fri. Dec. 8th from 1 to 4 pm and the morning of the 9th.

Worship Night at church- singing songs, praising God: Dec 14 (Thursday), 7-8:30ish

Christmas Program – Monday Dec 18 from 6:30 to 8:30, we still need more people to sign up to participate or to provide cookies for afterwards.

We are “adopting” one family this Christmas. The ornaments of need are hung on the tree for anyone that would like to bless this family. Please leave the gift unwrapped and tape the ornament to the gift. You can bring the gift anytime on or before Sunday December 17th, and place under the Christmas tree in the fellowship hall. This is a fun way to bless and pray for a family in need in our community!

There is a new 2024 sign-up sheet for fellowship snack. I want to encourage everyone to sign up to take a turn for this, it doesn’t need to be elaborate, so really anyone can help in this way. Let’s keep this fellowship time that everyone seems to enjoy going!!! If you have any questions, please ask Lynn.

Trey’s second mission trip to Uganda is planned for January 9-27. This time he will cross the “big pond” alone, but on arriving, Trey will be with the ground coordinator and Ugandan EAI (East Africa Discipleship Initiative) overseer, Pastor Patrick Mbula. (My team and I worked with him this past October.) If you would like to help Trey monetarily or with some of the school supplies, he would like to take. Please speak with him to find out how you can do this.

Bible Trivia
What was the name of the first son of Abraham?
Answer: Ishmael
While Isaac dominated as the son of Abraham, Ishmael was the first son of Abraham, and he became the father of Ishmaelites.

What animal did the staff of Moses turn into when he went to confront Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?
Answer: Snake
Turning his staff into a snake was one of the earliest signs Moses showed Pharoah, who had his magicians perform magic, but none was any match to the power of God in Moses.

How many plagues did God unleash on Egypt to force Pharaoh to let His people go?
Answer: 10
It took ten terrible plagues before Pharaoh was forced to let the Israelites leave Egypt, and even after they left, he sent his army after them.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Fan Marie’s upcoming surgery on her severally broken wrist.
~ Darwin’s broken arm to continue healing.
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He is seriously injured, he had a tree come down and hit him in the head.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he prepares to go to India in January on a 6 months mission trip.
~ Trey as he prepares to return to Uganda in January for another short-term missions’ trip.
~ For Wayne Depew and his nephew Robert to have their relationship healed.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, continue to pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Darwin doesn’t need surgery.
~ Virginia Gerde is doing better.
~ For Katherine doing well at the Bible Bee.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 26, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
                                         collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                            


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”      11:15 a.m.          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Dec. 3rd Communion
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
Dec. 9th Rummage & Bake Sale for India
Dec. 14th (Thur.) Worship Night
Dec. 18th (Mon.) Christmas Program 6:30-8:30 pm
Dec. 31st Communion
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Our December Fellowship Meal (Dec. 3rd), we will be having Lasagna as the main dish.
Singles, please bring a dish to share, couples and families please bring a side and dessert if possible.

Rummage Sale for Andrew’s India Missions Trip – Saturday, Dec 9, 8 am to 3 pm.
Donations are welcome, I would need them at church by Dec 6. All donations can be put in Room 13. Everything at the rummage sale will be sold by free will donation.
Andrew will also be having a bake sale during the rummage sale; donations of baked goods would be very much appreciated. Baked goods can be dropped off at church on Fri. Dec. 8th from 1 to 4 pm and the morning of the 9th.

Worship Night at church- singing songs, praising God: Dec 14 (Thursday), 7-8:30ish

Christmas Program – Monday Dec 18 from 6:30 to 8:30, we still need more people to sign up to participate or to provide cookies for afterwards.

We are “adopting” one famil5y this Christmas. The ornaments of need are out for everyone to pick from. This is a fun way to bless and pray for a family in need in our community!

Due to the busyness of December and that no-one signed up we will not be having fellowship snacks. There is a new 2024 sign-up sheet for fellowship snack. I want to encourage everyone to sign up to take a turn for this, it doesn’t need to be elaborate, so really anyone can help in this way. If you have any questions, please ask Lynn.

Bible Trivia
In which part of the Bible is the perseverance of Job recorded?
Answer: James 5:10-11
The story of Job stands as a lesson to Christians to put their trust in God even in hardship.

Who did Abraham have his first child with?
Answer: Hagar
When Sarah was convinced she would never bear a child, she gave her handmaid, Hagar, to Abraham, and they bore a son named Ishmael.

What was Abraham’s name before it was changed?
Answer: Abram
After entering a covenant with God, his name was changed from Abram to Abraham and his wife’s name from Sarai to Sarah.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Sally Depew to be able to swallow well and for her digestive system to function as normal.
~ Adam, the gentelman that help cut down the trees in the front of church. He had a tree come down and hit him in the head. He was seriously injured and is in a coma.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he prepares to go to India in January.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ For Katherine doing well at the Bible Bee.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 19, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Don Schmidt

 Offering                                       *Please place your offering in the
                                                 collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                            


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                              11:15 a.m.          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Nov. 19th OCC shoeboxes due
Nov. 19th Trey sharing about his mission’s trip to Uganda @ 2:30 (@church)
Dec. 3rd Communion
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
Dec. 9th Rummage & Bake Sale for India
Dec. 18th (Mon.) Christmas Program 6:30-8:30 pm
Dec. 31st Communion
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Trey will be sharing about his time in UGANDA today at 2:30 pm. Come ready to hear about what God is doing

Grace in Community Church has extended an invitation to join them for a Thanksgiving eve fellowship meal, service and communion on Wednesday November 22nd starting at 5:30 for dinner, service at 7:00 pm. Please bring a dessert to share.

Rummage Sale for Andrew’s India Missions Trip – Saturday, Dec 9, 8 am to 3 pm.
Donations are welcome, I would need them at church by Dec 6. All donations can be put in Room 13. Everything at the rummage sale will be sold by free will donation.
Andrew will also be having a bake sale during the rummage sale; donations of baked goods would be very much appreciated. Baked goods can be dropped off at church on Fri. Dec. 8th from 1 to 4 pm and the morning of the 9th.

Christmas Program – Monday Dec 18 from 6:30 to 8:30, we still need more people to sign up to participate or to provide cookies for afterwards.

Through the Alden Central School, we will be receiving the needs of 1 or 2 families, that we will be “adopting” this Christmas. As soon as I get the family information, I will share it with you the same way we did it last year. I will place the ornaments of need out for everyone to pick from. This is a fun way to bless and pray for a family in need in our community!

Due to the busyness of December and that no-one signed up we will not be having fellowship snacks. There is a new 2024 sign-up sheet for fellowship snack. I want to encourage everyone to sign up to take a turn for this, it doesn’t need to be elaborate, so really anyone can help in this way. If you have any questions, please ask Lynn.

Bible Trivia
Where did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?
Answer: Mount Carmel
Elijah and the prophets of Baal assembled on the mountain to prove whose god is almighty.

When Moses went to get the 10 Commandments, what did Aaron do?
Answer: He made a golden calf for the people to worship
Because Moses took time to come back with the commandments from God, the Israelites pressured Aaron into making a god for them to worship.

What are the first five books in the Bible called?
Answer: Pentateuch
The books that make up the Pentateuch are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ Diane Prout for protection and healing for her heart procedure.
~ Sally Depew to recover quickly and fully from pnemonia.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he prepares to go to India in January.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ For Katherine doing well at the Bible Bee.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 12, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
                                         collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                               Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                            


 Fellowship Snacks                                  Thank you, Ruthie Jantzi

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                       approx. 11:15 a.m.          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Nov.14th Church Council Meeting @ 6:45 pm
Nov. 19th OCC shoeboxes due
Nov. 19th Trey sharing about his mission’s trip to Uganda @ 2:30 (@church)
Dec. 3rd Communion
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
Dec. 9th Rummage & Bake Sale for India
Dec. 18th (Mon.) Christmas Program 6:30-8:30 pm
Dec. 31st Communion
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Happy Birthday! Nov. 5th – Kevin Kipfer
Nov. 7th – Sandee Borgosz
Nov. 21st – Valerie Gee

We will be extending our Food Drive for the Alden/Marilla food pantry 1 more week. You may bring any non-perishable food items in through Nov. 19th and place them on the table in the hall.

Trey will be sharing about his time in UGANDA on Sunday, Nov 19, at 2:30 pm. Come ready to hear about what God is doing

We will be collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child again this year. Please bring your packed boxes, marked with boy or girl and age range your gift is for to church by Sunday, November 19th. We will pray over the boxes that morning. Talk to Denise or Emma if you have any questions.

Grace in Community Church has extended an invitation to join them for a Thanksgiving eve fellowship meal, service and communion on Wednesday November 22nd starting at 5:30 for dinner, service at 7:00 pm. Please bring a dessert to share.

Rummage Sale for Andrew’s India Missions Trip – Saturday, Dec 9, 8 am to 3 pm.
Donations are welcome, I would need them at church by Dec 6. All donations can be put in Room 13. Everything at the rummage sale will be sold by free will donation.
Andrew will also be having a bake sale during the rummage sale; donations of baked goods would be very much appreciated. Baked goods can be dropped off at church on Fri. Dec. 8th from 1 to 4 pm and the morning of the 9th.

Christmas Program – Monday Dec 18 from 6:30 to 8:30, we still need more people to sign up to participate or to provide cookies for afterwards.

Bible Trivia
What were the names of Noah’s sons?
Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth
Noah’s three sons entered the ark, and through them, the earth was populated again.

What mission were the men at the Tower of Babel trying to achieve?
Answer: Build a tower so tall it could touch Heaven
Out of curiosity, men set out to build a tower in the land of Shinar, Babylon. They wanted to use the tower to get closer to God.

What condition did God give Moses before he could approach the burning bush?
Answer: Take off his sandals
At that moment, the spot with the burning bush was considered sacred, and Moses had to remove his sandals to go close.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Caleb Nelson’s broken leg to heal well.
~ For Katherine to be clear minded and confident in the knowledge that the Lord has given her and she has worked so hard to gain. May she enjoy her time at the Bible Bee and grow, learn & share the Lord’s love with those she encounters.
~ Denise, Katherine and the Leary family as they conclude thier time at the Bible Bee and travel home.
~ Diane Prout for protection and healing for her heart procedure.
~ Sally Depew to recover quickly and fully from pnemonia.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Andrew as he prepares to go to India in January.
~ Brendan Y is asking for prayer for these needs;
— His moms health & that her knee pain would subside and she would gain strength.
— For Jack’s physical and emotional health, and for Jennnifer to be able to help him to be strong.
— For health and strength for Michael and Matthew. For them to help take care of their families.
— For Luyen and her family business to prosper through the holiday’s and into the coming year.
— That Luyen and her family have health strength through the next several months.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Peace for Isreael, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Julie made it safely home.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 29, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                     John Miller                                                            


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                   approx.. 11:45 a.m.         

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Nov. 7th Election Day pray with our neighbors
Nov.12th Fellowship Snacks provided by Ruth Jantzi
Nov. 19th OCC shoeboxes due
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Grace in Community Church has extended an invitation to join them for a Thanksgiving eve fellowship meal, service and communion on Wednesday November 22nd starting at 5:30 for dinner, service at 7:00 pm. Please bring a dessert to share.

Our church will once again be opening our sanctuary for prayer on election day, Nov. 7th. If you would be interested in being available to pray with people, to pray over that time, or just be able to direct people to the sanctuary, please sign up for a time slot(s). We would also like to have Bibles to hand out to anyone who is interested. If you have any like-new Bibles at home that you would be willing to donate, please bring them to church and place them on the table in the foyer. Any questions see Kevin or Denise.

We will be collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child again this year. Please bring your packed boxes, marked with boy or girl and age range your gift is for to church by Sunday, November 19th. We will pray over the boxes that morning. Talk to Denise or Emma if you have any questions.

Waffle Breakfast – Nov. 11th from 7-10 a.m. Benefitting Christian Mission & Relief Auction on Aug. 10, 2024. The waffle breakfast will be at Bontrager Auction Center, 8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia. The cost for breakfast is $10. See Trey if you have any questions.

Alden Presbyterian Church is having a Treemendous Raffle and Bake Sale on Saturday Nov. 18th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. This holiday event benefits local mission projects. See bulletin board for more information.

Bible Trivia

What did Zacchaeus promise to give to the poor in reparation for his sins?
Answer: Half of his wealth
After listening to Jesus preach, Zacchaeus turned a new leaf and decided to pay back what he had stolen from people.

Where was Saul traveling to when he had a divine encounter and was converted?
Answer: Damascus
Saul was going to Damascus to kill more Christians when the Holy Spirit changed his life.

What did Jacob change his name to?
Answer: Israel
Jacob had wrestled with a divine being who gave him the name Israel. Ten of his 13 children later became the founders of Israel.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Dave Dissette”s heart health.
~ Diane Prout for protection and healing for her heart procedure.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ Katherine as she prepares for the Bible Bee in November.
~ For Julie and Brian to seek and find the Lords path for them.To have clarity and peace with His will.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Peace for Isreael
~ For the people of Morocco.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Dukes heart procedure went well.
~ Carissa (Brita’s granddaughter) throat is completely healed and the biopsy was benign.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 22, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
                                          collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                              Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                            


 Sunday School ~                                                11:15 a.m.          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Oct. 266h- 6:45 pm Church Council Meeting
Nov. 7th Election Day pray with our neighbors
Nov.12th Fellowship Snacks provided by Ruth Jantzi
Nov. 19th OCC shoeboxes due
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


John Miller’s visit and Fellowship Meal – Sunday Oct. 29th. Single people are asked to bring a side or dessert, and couples/families a side and a dessert, if possible. Main dish will be provided.
John Miller will join us in the “workout room” on this Sunday. We will have 30-45 minutes for the fellowship meal after the service and then have a 45 minute “workout room” session after the meal. This is a workout that you are allowed to have dessert while working out!!!

Our church will once again be opening our sanctuary for prayer on election day, Nov. 7th. If you would be interested in being available to pray with people, to pray over that time, or just be able to direct people to the sanctuary, please sign up for a time slot(s). We would also like to have Bibles to hand out to anyone who is interested. If you have any like-new Bibles at home that you would be willing to donate, please bring them to church and place them on the table in the foyer.

We will be collecting shoeboxes once again for Operation Christmas Child. Please bring your packed boxes to church by Sunday, November 19th. We will pray over the boxes that morning. Talk to Denise or Emma if you have any questions.

Waffle Breakfast – Nov. 11th from 7-10 a.m. Benefitting Christian Mission & Relief Auction on Aug. 10, 2024. The waffle breakfast will be at Bontrager Auction Center, 8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia. The cost for breakfast is $10

Bible Trivia

What was the last plague that forced Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites go?
Answer: Death of the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt.
After nine terrible plagues, Pharaoh refused to listen to the message Moses brought from God – to let His people go. However, the 10th plague shook the land, and he had to comply.

How many divisions and sections does the bible have?
Answer: 2 and 8
The Bible is divided into two – the Old Testament and the New Testament while there are eight sections comprising of the following:
• The Law – Genesis-Deuteronomy.
• History – Joshua-Esther.
• Poetry Job – Song of Solomon.
• Prophecy. Isaiah – Malachi.
• Gospels. Matthew – John.
• History – Acts
• Epistles – Romans-Jude.
• Prophecy – Revelation

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Dave Dissette”s heart health.
~ Trey while he is on his mission trip to Uganda, and safe travels home.
~ Diane Prout for protection and healing for her heart procedure.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ The Erb/Mest family as they grieve the loss of Faith’s dad. May the Lord give them comfort and peace during this time of loss.
~ Katherine as she prepares for the Bible Bee in November.
~ For Julie and Brian to seek and find the Lords path for them.To have clarity and peace with His will.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Peace for Isreael
~ For the people of Morocco.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Dukes heart procedure went well.
~ Carissa (Brita’s granddaughter) throat is completely healed and the biopsy was benign.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 15, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Andrew Kipfer                                                             


 Fellowship Snack                                Thank you, Mary Kidder

 Sunday School ~                                              11:15 a.m.          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 29th John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal
Nov.19th Fellowship Snacks provided by Ruth Jantzi
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Fellowship Meal – Sunday Oct. 29th. Single people are asked to bring a side or dessert, and couples/families a side and a dessert, if possible. Main dish will be provided.

Waffle Breakfast – Nov. 11th from 7-10 a.m. Benefitting Christian Mission & Relief Auction on Aug. 10, 2024. The waffle breakfast will be at Bontrager Auction Center, 8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia. The cost for breakfast is $10

SAVE THE DATE! Our church’s Beaver Camp Family Retreat Weekend is scheduled for June 27th – 30th, 2024.

Bible Trivia

What were the names of the three sons of Adam and Eve?
Answer: Cain, Abel, and Seth
Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on earth, and they had three sons.

How long did it take Paul to move back to Jerusalem?
Answer: Fourteen years
It took 14 years after his conversion before Paul found his way back to Jerusalem.

How many Psalms are in the Bible
Answer: 150
The book of Psalm is Biblical poetry that consists of 150 chapters and a total of 2,461 verses.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Dave Dissette”s heart health.
~ Trey while he is on his mission trip to Uganda
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ The Erb/Mest family as they grieve the loss of Faith’s dad. May the Lord give them comfort and peace during this time of loss.
~ Katherine as she prepares for the Bible Bee in November.
~ For Julie and Brian to seek and find the Lords path for them.To have clarity and peace with His will.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ For the people of Morocco.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Dukes heart procedure went well.
~ Carissa (Brita’s granddaughter) throat is completely healed and the biopsy was benign.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 8, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                 *Please place your offering in the
                           collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                Dave (Duke) Dissette  



 Sunday School                                    11:15 a.m.          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thurs. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 15th Fellowship Snacks provided by Mary Kidder.
Oct. 29th John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal
Nov.19th Fellowship Snacks provided by Ruth Jantzi
Dec. 3rd Fellowship Meal
June 27-30 Church Beaver Camp Retreat Weekend


Eddie Bayer will be having a concert this week Tuesday, Oct. 10th at 2:45 p.m. Garden Gate Health, 2365 Union Rd. – A unit – Cheektowaga.
Fellowship Meal – Sunday Oct. 29th. Single people are asked to bring a side or dessert, and couples/families a side and a dessert, if possible. Main dish will be provided.

Waffle Breakfast – Nov. 11th from 7-10 a.m. Benefitting Christian Mission & Relief Auction on Aug. 10, 2024. The waffle breakfast will be at Bontrager Auction Center, 8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia. The cost for breakfast is $10
SAVE THE DATE! Our church’s Beaver Camp Family Retreat Weekend is scheduled for June 27th – 30th, 2024.

Bible Trivia

What was engraved in the headband of high priests?
Answer: Holiness to the Lord
The high priests wore the Tzitz, a rectangular plate of solid gold with the inscription’ Holiness to the Lord’ engraved in Hebrew letters.

What kind of spirit possessed the girl in Philippi?
Answer: Python spirit
Paul met the Philippi girl possessed by a python spirit and commanded the spirit to leave her in the name of Jesus.

Who warned Paul about the plot to kill him?
Answer: His nephew
Paul’s nephew helped him convey the same message to the commander.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Dave Dissette”s heart health.
~ Trey while he is on his mission trip to Uganda
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ The Erb/Mest family as they grieve the loss of Faith’s dad. May the Lord give them comfort and peace during this time of loss.
~ Katherine as she prepares for the Bible Bee in November.
~ For Julie and Brian to seek and find the Lords path for them.To have clarity and peace with His will.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ For the people of Morocco.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Dukes heart procedure went well.
~ Carissa (Brita’s granddaughter) throat is completely healed and the biopsy was benign.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 24, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                 *Please place your offering in the
                           collection plate by the entrance.

 Message                  Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                 


 Sunday School ~          11:15 a.m.  

Week in Brief

Mon. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study
Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Oct. 1st Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Communion
Oct. 10th Eddie Bayer’s Concert
Oct. 29th John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal
Nov. 5th Church Council Meeting – 7p.m.


Wanted for Trey’s trip to Uganda:
Jump ropes
coloring books and crayons

Fellowship Meal – Sunday Oct. 1st. Single people are asked to bring a side or dessert, and couples/families a side and a dessert, if possible. Main dish will be provided.

Bible Trivia

What was the name of Moses’ wife?
Answer: Zippora
Zippora was the daughter of Jethro before she married Moses and gave birth to his two sons, Eliezer and Gershom.

What is the longest book in the Bible?
Answer: Psalm
The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible, with 30,147 words in length.

How long did Enoch live?
Answer: 430 years
Enoch was ordained a priest by Adam at the age of 25, blessed at 65, and lived another 365 years before his demise.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Dave Dissette”s heart procedure on 9/26
~ Trey as he prepares for his mission trip to Uganda
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ The Everett/Cogdon family for comfort and peace during this time of loss of Carissa’s father, Bill Cogdon
~ Katherine as she prepares for the Bible Bee in November.
~ For Julie and Brian to seek and know the Lords path for them.
~ The Everett/Cogdon family for comfort and peace during this time of loss of Carissa’s father, Bill Cogdon
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ For complete healing and restored health for Daisy Murray.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ Noah’s cousin Brian.
~ For the people of Morocco.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Carissa (Brita’s granddaughter) throat is completely healed and the biopsy was benign.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 17, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering               *Please place your offering in the
                                                                                                                                                  collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                 Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                 


 Fellowship Snacks       Provided by Lynn

 Sunday School ~         appox. 11:15 a.m.  

Week in Brief

Mon. 12:30-2:00 Women’s Bible Study
Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Sept. 21st Quarterly Church Council Meeting -starting at 6:30pm
Oct. 1st Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Communion
Oct. 10th Eddie Bayer’s Concert
Oct. 29th John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal


This Thursday 9/21 there will be our quarterly Church Council Meeting from 6:30 to 7:30.
At 7:30 John Miller will be joining us via Zoom. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come to church council meetings.

Fellowship Meal – Sunday Oct. 1st. Single people are asked to bring a side or dessert, and couples/families a side and a dessert, if possible. Main dish will be provided.

TobyMac, MercyMe, and Zach Williams will visit KeyBank Center on Saturday, November 18th. Concert starts at 7pm. For ticket information; www.eventbrite.com/e/tobymac-mercyme-zach-william

Bible Trivia
Which well did Abraham and Abimelech fight over?
Answer: Beersheba
Beersheba is a large city in Israel, but the well Abraham and King Abimelech fought for also had the same name.

Which book of the Bible mentioned Haman?
Answer: Esther
Esther thwarted the evil plots of the villain, Haman, who had the intention to destroy the Jews.

When exactly did the Jews celebrate Passover?
Answer: 14th-day of the 1st month.
Though things have changed a bit, the Jews still celebrate Passover to commemorate their exodus from slavery in Egypt.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ The Everett/Cogdon family for comfort and peace during this time of loss of Carissa’s father, Bill Cogdon
~ Katherine as she prepares for the Bible Bee in November.
~ The Gerde family, Jeff, Virginia and children. Pray for healing & restoration, especially for Virginia.
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ John Miller’s daughter as she deals with the trauma of her car accient.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Brita granddaughter Carissa, for total healing from her surgery.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ For the people of Morocco.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew finding Pioneers International Group to work and prepare with for the mission field.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 3, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Duke Dissette

 Offering                      *Please place your offering in the
                                collection plate by the entrance.

 Worship Hymns                                     Darwin Kipfer                                                                                         

 Message                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                 


 Sunday School ~                                      11:15 a.m. 

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Sept. 8th Eddie Bayer’s Concert
Sept 10th Communion
Sept 10th Trey Sharing about Mexico @ 3pm at church
Sept. 11th Women’s Bible Study from 12:30-2:00
Sept. 14th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Sept. 17th Fellowship Snacks provided by Lynn Roll
Oct. 1st Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Communion
Oct. 10th Eddie Bayer’s Concert
Oct. 29th Tentatively – John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal


Happy Birthday to;
Shirley Miller ~ 19th
Emma Kipfer ~ 30th

There will not be a bulletin next week. Please hold onto this bulletin to help you remember upcoming “dates to remember”. Lynn’s hubby Paul has blessed her with a much-needed vacation.

Trey will be sharing about his time on the mission field in Mexico on Sunday the 10th at 3:00 pm, here at church.

ATTENTION LADIES: Here’s important information regarding our Women’s Bible Study. We will be picking back up on our study in Mark. For SEPTEMBER only we will be meeting on Mondays from 12:30-2:00 starting September 11th. The timing has changed a little to allow more time for prayer and fellowship. We will switch back to meeting on Thursdays in October. If you have any questions please talk with Denise.

Bible Trivia
Who was the father of Jesus?
Answer: God
While Mary and Joseph played the role of his human parents, Jesus’ mother conceived Him through the power of the Holy Spirit without sin.

At what age did Sarah, the wife of Abraham, die?
Answer: 127
Sarah was 90 years old when she conceived and bore her son Isaac, and she died at the age of 127.

How did Jezebel die?
Answer: She was thrown out of a window
Despite her dedicated efforts to establish pagan worship among the Israelites, Queen Jezebel did not succeed. She was thrown from a high window, and dogs devoured her body.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ The Everett/Cogdon family for comfort and peace during this time of loss of Carissa’s father, Bill Cogdon
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ John Miller’s daughter as she deals with the trauma of her car accient.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Brita granddaughter Carissa, for total healing from her surgery.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew finding Pioneers International Group to work and prepare with for the mission field.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 27, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                           *Please place your offering in the
                                     collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                        Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                           11:15 a.m. 

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Aug. 27th Church Council Brainstorming Meeting
Sept 10th Communion
Sept. 14th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Sept. 17th Fellowship Snacks provided by Lynn Roll
Oct. 1st Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Communion
Oct. 29th Tentatively – John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal

Congratulations to Katherine for qualifying to be one of the 120 competitors in the senior division (ages 15-18) of the National Bible Bee! She will be heading to North Carolina in mid-November to compete. Please pray for her as she studies Romans 1-8 and works at memorizing 87 more Bible passages in the next two and a half months. No matter the outcome at the competition, we know Katherine’s life will be richer for spending this time in God’s Word.

Schedule change for Eddie Bayer’s concert, it will now be on Friday Sept. 8th @ 2:45pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd., A UNIT, Cheektowaga. Eddie also has a concert schedule on Tues Oct. 10th @ 2:45pm. This will be the last concert until the new year.

An Evening of Worship with Chris Tomlin ~ Sat., Nov. 4, 7-11pm @ Eastern Hills Church, 8445 Greiner Rd, Williamsville. Information & Tickets available from; Bandsintown.com or Ticketmaster.com

Bible Trivia
What name was given to the Jewish ruling council that plotted Jesus’ death?
Answer: The Sanhedrin
The Sanhedrin consisted of either twenty-three or seventy-one elders appointed to sit as a tribunal.

How many books did Paul write in the Bible?
Answer: Thirteen
13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were reportedly written by Apostle Paul, and he played a huge role in the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What was Daniel’s punishment for praying when it was not allowed?
Answer: He got thrown into a lion’s den
A man with strong faith, Daniel refused to stop praying to God when the king gave a decree, which landed him in the lion’s den.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ John Miller’s daughter as she deals with the trauma of her car accient.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Brita granddaughter Carissa, for total healing from her surgery.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Carissa’s dad has stage four cancer..
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Dennis as he is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he transitions back to home.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they transition to life in the states.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew finding Pioneers International Group to work and prepare with for the mission field.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 20, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Don Schmidt

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                                                  collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                                        11:15 a.m. 
Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Sept 10th Communion
Sept. 17th Fellowship Snacks provided by Lynn Roll
Oct. 1st Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Communion
Oct. 29th Tentatively – John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal


Schedule change for Eddie Bayer’s concert, it will now be on Friday Sept. 8th @ 2:45pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd., A UNIT, Cheektowaga. Eddie also has a concert schedule on Tues Oct. 10th @ 2:45pm. This will be the last concert until the new year.

Women’s Bible Study cancelled for the rest of August. Stay tuned for more details.

Men’s Iron Sharpens Iron Conference will be Oct. 28th at Hope Church in Rochester. Cost is $55 if you register before 10/8. Optional lunch available for $10 with early registration. See the bulletin board for more information.

A 2-day men’s retreat – “Unseen Battles Within”, Fri, Sept. 15th – 5pm-8pm, Sat. Sept. 16th – 9:30am-2:30pm. Cleveland Dr. Presbyterian, 735 Cleveland Dr. Cheektowaga. For more information see flier on bulletin board.

We will not be having a Fellowship Meal in September or November. We will be having 2 Fellowship Meals in October, the 1st and the 29th, please mark you calendars of these changes.

Bible Trivia
Which celestial bodies did Joshua command to stay still?
Answer: The sun and moon
While serving as the leader of the Israelites during the exodus, Joshua prayed to God to make the sun and moon stand still that they may win a war.

Which tribe was Paul from?
Answer: Tribe of Benjamin
Though there is scanty information in the Bible about Paul’s family, he would always describe himself as “of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee.”

Which Babylonian emperor let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Answer: Emperor Cyrus the Great
As narrated in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the Jews were allowed to end their exile in Babylon and return to Israel following the decree by the emperor.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian.
~ John Miller’s daughter as she deals with the trauma of her car accient.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Brita granddaughter Carissa, for total healing from her surgery.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Carissa’s dad has stage four cancer..
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Sally Depew’s friend Terry, for strength and knowing her limits.
~ Carol Dombrowski’s cousin Denise as she is going through cancer treatment.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he transitions back to home.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they transition to life in the states.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Katherine doing good on the Bible spelling bee quaifcations.
~ Andrew finding Pioneers Internation Group to work and prepare with for the mission field.
~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ How God used and taught Trey in Mexico.
~ Safe travels for Roland & Malinda Martin and family.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 13, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                collection plate on the chair by the entrance.



 Message                                                          Trey Kipfer


 Fellowship Snack 
 Adult Sunday School                                       approx. 11:15 a.m. 

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Sept 10th Communion
Sept. 17th Fellowship Snacks provided by Lynn Roll
Oct. 1st Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Communion
Oct. 29th Tentatively – John Miller visiting
Oct. 29th Fellowship Meal


WELCOME HOME TREY!!! Oh, what a year you have had! We are so thrilled to have you back with us! And, we can’t wait for you to tell us all about your time on the mission field in Mexico.

Women’s Bible Study cancelled for the rest of August. Stay tuned for more details.

Eddie Bayer will be having a concert on Monday Aug. 14th @ 2:45pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd., A UNIT, Cheektowaga.

Men’s Iron Sharpens Iron Conference will be Oct. 28th at Hope Church in Rochester. Cost is $55 if you register before 10/8. Optional lunch available for $10 with early registration. See the bulletin board for more information.

A 2-day men’s retreat – “Unseen Battles Within”, Fri, Sept. 15th – 5pm-8pm, Sat. Sept. 16th – 9:30am-2:30pm. Cleveland Dr. Presbyterian, 735 Cleveland Dr. Cheektowaga. For more information see flier on bulletin board.

We will not be having a Fellowship Meal in September or November. We will be having 2 Fellowship Meals in October, the 1st and the 29th, please mark you calendars of these changes.

Bible Trivia
How many people did Noah’s ark carry?
~ Eight~ Noah’s wife, Emzara, alongside the wives of his three sons, are among the eight people who made it into the ark and survived the flood.
What are the names of the birds Noah sent out of the ark to check if the water had dried up?
~ Raven and dove ~ To make sure the flood was over, Noah sent a raven and a dove outside the ark, and they came back with good news.
When did the exodus from Egypt take place?
~ 13th-century BCA ~ Under the leadership of Moses, the people of Israel trooped out of Israel, heading to the promised land.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian
~ John Miller’s daughter as she deals with the trauma of her car accient.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Brita granddaughter Carissa, for total healing from her surgery.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Carissa’s dad has stage four cancer..
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he transitions back to home.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they transition to life in the states.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!
~ For those who are feeling hopeless.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ Safe travels for the Roll’s
~ How God used and taught Trey in Mexico.
~ Safe travels for Roland & Malinda Martin and family.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 6, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                            Dan Schmidt


 Fellowship Meal                                                   

 Sunday School ~                                                  No Class Today                                         
Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Aug. 13th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise Kipfer
Aug. 13th Communion
Sept 10th Communion
Sept. 17th Fellowship Snacks provided by Lynn Roll
Oct. 8th Communion


Welcome to the Dan & Courtney Schmidt family. It is so nice to have you visiting us today. We are looking forward to hearing how God is using you in North Africa.

Eddie Bayer will be having a concert on Monday Aug. 14th @ 2:45pm. Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd., A UNIT, Cheektowaga.

A 2-day men’s retreat – “Unseen Battles Within”, Fri, Sept. 15th – 5pm-8pm, Sat. Sept. 16th – 9:30am-2:30pm. Cleveland Dr. Presbyterian, 735 Cleveland Dr. Cheektowaga. For more information see flier on bulletin board.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Aulai.
May the Lord bless your marriage with Love and Prosperity as you continue to serve Him.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Noah’s cousin Gary.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian
~ Brian Aulai’s (Julie’s husband) visa interview on Aug 11th to go well and for it to be approved.
~ John Miller’s daughter as she deals with the trauma of her car accient.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Brita granddaughter Carissa, for total healing from her surgery.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Carissa’s dad has stage four cancer..
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he transitions back to home.
~ Andrew in this time of waiting and preparing to go to India.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they transition to life in the states.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Julie and Brians marriage.
~ Safe travels for the Roll’s
~ How God used and taught Trey in Mexico.
~ Safe travels for Roland & Malinda Martin and family.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 25, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Scott Gee

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate on the by the entrance.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                                       11:15 a.m.  
Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
6/28-7/29 Lynn will be on vacation
July 9th Fellowship Meal – bring side dish / dessert to share.
July 16th Ruth Roth’s 90th birthday celebration from 1-3 here @ church
July 16th Communion
Aug. 1st Quarterly Council Meeting
Aug. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal – plz. Bring a couple dishes to share.
Aug. 13th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise Kipfer
Aug. 20th Communion


Did not want to miss the opportunity to wish these July birthdays a Happy and Blessed day.

July 5th – Duke Dissette
July 16th – Ruth Jantzi
July 18th – Ruth Roth
July 18th – Pat Baer

Ruth Roth’s 90th Birthday Celebration is Sunday July 16th from 1 to 3 pm, here at church. Ruth’s daughter Laurie is asking for anyone that is planning on attending to please RSVP to her by July 3rd. Please RSVP; lherr419@yahoo.com or call or text 603-306-7793

During the time Lynn is away there will not be any bulletins. If you have an announcement, prayer request or praise you would like to share please let Kevin and Denise know. Or if you have a church wide email that needs to be sent, please contact Denise.

The August 6th Fellowship Meal will be a Potluck meal. Bring a main dish, plus a side dish or dessert. If you are able to bring 2 dishes that would help us have enough for all.

Centennial Celebration for Clarence Center-Akron Mennonite Church. 100 years under God’s reign – 1923-2023. EVENTS – Friday July 14th – Hymn Sing & Game Night @ 6:30 pm. Saturday July 15th – Cemetery Walk @ 9:30 am at the Good Cemetery (Corner of Greiner Rd & Meadowbrook Rd). Sunday July 16th – Worship Service @ 10 am – followed by a catered lunch. If you plan on attending the meal, please RSVP to 716.542.9927

Bible Trivia;

Trivia Question: Did Saul give up on chasing David when David went into the wilderness?
Trivia Question: How many times did David spare Saul’s life?
Trivia Question: Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – No
Question 2 – Twice
Question 3 – In a cave

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ The Roll family as they travel to Uganda and safely home again+.
~ For Julie Roll and Brian Aulai union in marrage – 7/8/23
~ The family & friends that lost their 3 year old tragically. May they feel God’s comfort and strength.
~ Tori and Wade Bontrager and their new baby girl Cora
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Carissa’s dad has stage four cancer..
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew to hear God’s voice and guidance as he discerns the future.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in July.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ For DiAnn Prout receiving a good report from her heart doctor.
~ Noah’s ankle to be healing strong & well, and that he no longer needs to wear a boot to walk.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 18, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                                      collection plate on the chair by the entrance.



 Message                                                            Andrew Kipfer


 Fellowship Snacks                                                               

 Sunday School ~                                                        11:15 a.m.   

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
June 20th Church Council Meeting
6/28-7/29 Lynn will be on vacation
July 9th Fellowship Meal – bring side dish / dessert to share.
July 16th Ruth Roth’s 90th birthday celebration from 1-3 here @ church
July TBD Communion
Aug. 6th Fellowship Meal
Aug. 20th Communion


Ruth Roth’s 90th Birthday Celebration is Sunday July 16th from 1 to 3 pm, here at church. Ruth’s daughter Laurie is asking for anyone that is planning on attending to please RSVP to her by July 3rd. Please RSVP; lherr419@yahoo.com or call or text 603-306-7793

During the time Lynn is away there will not be any bulletins. If you have an announcement, prayer request or praise you would like to share please let Kevin and Denise know. Or if you have a church wide email that needs to be sent, please contact Denise.

IN NEED OF 2 PEOPLE TO ORGANIZE THE AUGUST 6TH FELLOWSHIP MEAL. What this would entail; planning and making the main dish for the meal, and working the kitchen.
If you can help in this way. Please see Lynn or Ruthie J. for more details.

Looking for volunteers for Fellowship Snack for the next 6 months. We have Fellowship Snack after our Sunday service on the 3rd week of each month. If you can help one of these months, please see sign up sheet or speak with Lynn.
Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did Saul throw to try to kill David?
Trivia Question: What did Jonathan do to save David’s life from Saul?
Trivia Question: What foreign country did David run away to?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – A javelin/spear
Question 2 – Warned him that Saul would try to kill him
Question 3 – Land of the Philistines/Philistia

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ The Roll family as they travel to Uganda.
~ For Julie Roll and Brian Aulai union in marrage – 7/8/23
~ The family & friends that lost their 3 year old tragically. May they feel God’s comfort and strength.
~ Tori and Wade Bontrager and their new baby girl Cora
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Clarisa’s dad has stage four cancer..
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew to hear God’s voice and guidance as he discerns the future.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in July.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ For DiAnn Prout receiving a good report from her heart doctor.
~ Noah’s ankle to be healing strong & well, and that he no longer needs to wear a boot to walk.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 11, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                  collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                                      11:15 a.m.                                         
  ~Bring your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together for our Church – here @ church
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember

June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt
June 20th Church Council Meeting
6/28-7/29 Lynn will be on vacation
July 9th Fellowship Meal – bring side dish / dessert to share.
July 16th Ruth Roth’s 90th birthday celebration from 1-3 here @ church
July TBD Communion
Aug. 6th Fellowship Meal
Aug. 20th Communion


IN NEED OF 2 PEOPLE TO ORGANIZE THE AIGUST 6TH FELLOWSHIP MEAL. What this would entail; planning and making the main dish for the meal, and working the kitchen.
If you can help in this way. Please see Lynn or Ruthie J. for more details.

The 1st Monday evening pray together went very well. Everyone is welcome and encourage to come pray for our church along with any other needs. Hope to see you this Monday at 7:15 pm.

Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster will be preforming at Clarence Center Akron Mennonite Church on Monday, June 12th at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome!

As most of you know Julie Roll and Brian Aulai are to be married in Uganda on July 8th of this year. Although we are unable to have a shower for them in person, we would like to bless them with a monetary gift. Should you wish to help with this, we are asking that you give your gift as cash or by check to Denise, Paulette or Ruth J. by Sunday, June 18th. Please make your check payable to Denise Kipfer. Thank you!

Looking for volunteers for Fellowship Snack for the next 6 months. We have Fellowship Snack after our Sunday service on the 3rd week of each month. If you can help one of these months, please see sign up sheet or speak with Lynn.

Bible Trivia;

Trivia Question: What did David take from the brook to fight Goliath with?
Trivia Question: How many sling-throws did it take David to hit Goliath?
Trivia Question: Who was Saul’s son that David befriended?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – five stones
Question 2 – one
Question 3 – Jonathan

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ The family & friends that lost their 3 year old tragically. May God comfort them through this difficult time.
~ Tori and Wade Bontrager and their new baby girl Cora
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette and DiAnn Prout.
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May they feel God near during their time of loss.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Clarisa’s dad has stage four cancer.
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew to hear God’s voice and guidance as he discerns the future.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in July.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ That baby Cora came home and is doing well.
~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ How God worked in Andrew’s life in his time at Clarkson.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 4, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Scott Gee

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                                      collection plate on the chair by the entrance.

 Worship                                                              Kevin Kipfer



 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~                                                 No Class Today                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 5th Prayer Meeting – 7:15pm here at church
June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt
6/28-7/29 Lynn will be on vacation
Sunday July 16 ~ Celebration of Ruth Roth’s 90th Birthday from 1-3 here at church.

As most of you know Julie Roll and Brian Aulai are to be married in Uganda on July 8th of this year. Although we are unable to have a shower for them in person, we would like to bless them with a monetary gift. Should you wish to help with this, we are asking that you give your gift as cash or by check to Denise, Paulette or Ruth J. by Sunday, June 18th. Please make your check payable to Denise Kipfer. Thank you!!

On Monday June 5th we will be starting a weekly Prayer Meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Let’s join together to lift up our church to the Lord, and pray for His direction as we move forward. There is power in praying together, so please join us on Monday evenings.

Looking for volunteers for Fellowship Snack for the next 6 months. We have Fellowship Snack after our Sunday service on the 3rd week of each month. If you can help one of these months, please see sign up sheet or speak with Lynn.

June is the Birthday month of 2 special ladies.
Katherine Kipfer ~ June 17th
Denise Kipfer ~ June 18th

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did David work as for his father?
Trivia Question: When the Philistines came to attack the Israelites, who mocked God and challenged them?
Trivia Question: When David wanted to fight Goliath, what did Saul try to give him?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – A shepherd
Question 2 – Goliath the giant
Question 3 – His armor

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Tori and Wade Bontrager and their new baby girl Cora, that her lungs continue to develop fully.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette and DiAnn Prout.
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May God comfort them during this difficult time.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Clarisa’s dad has stage four cancer.
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew to hear God’s voice and guidance as he discerns the future.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in July.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ How God worked in Andrew’s life in his time at Clarkson.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 28, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                               collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                               Dave (Duke) Dissette  


 Sunday School ~                                                 11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 5th Prayer Meeting – 7:15pm here at church
June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt
Sunday July 16 ~ Celebration of Ruth Roth’s 90th Birthday from 1-3 here at church.

Our June 4th Fellowship Meal is going to be a brunch! Ruth and Lynn will make egg bakes, if you could bring things that would work for brunch to add to the meal. Foods that go well for brunch; fruit, yogurt, danish, coffee cake, French toast bake, baked oatmeal, cheese and crackers, veggies…the list could be endless!

As most of you know Julie Roll and Brian Aulai are to be married in Uganda on July 8th of this year. Although we are unable to have a shower for them in person, we would like to bless them with a monetary gift. Should you wish to help with this, we are asking that you give your gift as cash or by check to Denise, Paulette or Ruth J. by Sunday, June 18th. Please make your check payable to Denise Kipfer. Thank you!!

On Monday June 5th we will be starting a weekly Prayer Meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Let’s join together to lift up our church to the Lord, and pray for His direction as we move forward. There is power in praying together, so please join us on Monday evenings.

Looking for volunteers for Fellowship Snack for the next 6 months. We have Fellowship Snack after our Sunday service on the 3rd week of each month. If you can help one of these months, please see sign up sheet or speak with Lynn.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing like God said to?
Trivia Question: What was Saul’s punishment for disobeying?
Trivia Question: Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – The king, Agag
Question 2 – God took his kingdom away
Question 3 – David

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Tori and Wade Bontrager and their new baby girl Cora, that her lungs continue to develop fully.
~ Heart Health for Dave Dissette and DiAnn Prout.
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May God comfort them during this difficult time.
~ Betty & Gary (Karen D’s cousins as they grieve the loss of their daughter from cancer.
~ Bill Cogdon (Brita’s ex-son-in-law) Clarisa’s dad has stage four cancer.
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew to hear God’s voice and guidance as he discerns the future.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in July.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~How God worked in Andrew’s life in his time at Clarkson.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 21, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Message Michael Reid

 Announcements                                                Kevin Kipfer                                  

 Offering                                *Please place your offering in the
                              collection plate on the chair by the entrance.




 Sunday School ~                                             11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
May 21st Fellowship Snacks – provided by Roth Roth
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt
Sunday July 16 ~ Celebration of Ruth Roth’s 90th Birthday from 1-3 here at church.

We would like to give a warm welcome to Michael Reid. Michael is the executive director of Seneca Gospel Mission in Buffalo. We look forward to hearing what he has to share with us today.

Congratulations to Andrew on his recent graduation from Clarkson University! May God bless you Andrew as you continue to seek Him for the purpose and direction of your life.

Looking for volunteers for Fellowship Snack for the next 6 months. We have Fellowship Snack after our Sunday service on the 3rd week of each month. If you can help one of these months, please see sign up sheet or speak with Lynn.

Cross Over the Line, Christian Rodeo Company, hosts a weekly rodeo every Saturday at 5pm in Alden, NY. Parking available at Alden Community Church. For further information call 716-525-6011.
Get ready for the 3rd Annual Alden NY, Weekly Championship Bull Riding!! Every Saturday night from May 27-September 2! The most action-packed bull riding event in the whole state of NY! A production standing on the words in God we Trust, family friendly, and American Strong! On May 27, Memorial Day weekend, veterans come in FREE! Bull Riding, Women’s Bull Riding, Jr Bull Riding, Barrel Racing, Roping and MUCH MORE! It’s the toughest sport on DIRT! 1400 Sullivan Rd, Alden NY. Gates open at 3:45pm with performance at 5pm.

The 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction is June 9 & 10 at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. This fun community event provides important support for our children’s camp program, offsetting the true cost and keeping our rates affordable. Please consider volunteering or donating handcrafted wood pieces, themed gift baskets, unique children’s toys, gift certificates, or other one-of-a-kind items.
Visit www.beavercamp.org or contact the Beaver Camp office for more information.

Bible Trivia;

Trivia Question: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?
Trivia Question: What happened the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?
Trivia Question: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God that only priests should make, what did he do?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Philistines
Question 2 – The idol fell over and broke
Question 3 – Made the sacrifice anyways

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ The Wolowiec (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May God comfort them during this difficult time.
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew to hear God’s voice and guidance as he discerns the future.
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~How God worked in Andrew’s life in his time at Clarkson.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 14, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                                       *Please place your offering in the
                                     collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette  


 Sunday School ~                                                     11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
May 21st Communion
May 21st Fellowship Snacks – provided by Roth Roth
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt

Cross Over the Line, Christian Rodeo Company, hosts a weekly rodeo every Saturday at 5pm in Alden, NY. Parking available at Alden Community Church. For further information call 716-525-6011.
Get ready for the 3rd Annual Alden NY, Weekly Championship Bull Riding!! Every Saturday night from May 27-September 2! The most action-packed bull riding event in the whole state of NY! A production standing on the words in God we Trust, family friendly, and American Strong! On May 27, Memorial Day weekend, veterans come in FREE! Bull Riding, Women’s Bull Riding, Jr Bull Riding, Barrel Racing, Roping and MUCH MORE! It’s the toughest sport on DIRT! 1400 Sullivan Rd, Alden NY. Gates open at 3:45pm with performance at 5pm.

The 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction is June 9 & 10 at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. This fun community event provides important support for our children’s camp program, offsetting the true cost and keeping our rates affordable. Please consider volunteering or donating handcrafted wood pieces, themed gift baskets, unique children’s toys, gift certificates, or other one-of-a-kind items.
Visit www.beavercamp.org or contact the Beaver Camp office for more information.

Kingdom Bound annual Christian music festival is scheduled for July 24th – 26th at Six Flags Darien Lake Theme Park Resort Corfu, New York. The festival hosts a variety of Christian speakers and artists. Artists announced so far include Matthew West, We Are Messengers, We The Kingdom, Skillet, and Newsboys. There are numerous ticket prices and packages available. For more information; www.kingdombound.org/tickets

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing like God said to?
Trivia Question: What was Saul’s punishment for disobeying?
Trivia Question: Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul?

Date: May 14, 2023


Prayer Requests and Praises:

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – The king, Agag
Question 2 – God took his kingdom away
Question 3 – David

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ The Walawyck (Lewis) family for their loss of Ron. May God comfort them during this difficult time.
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he finishes his last semester at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 7, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                             John Miller  


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~                                                  No Class Today                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
May 21st Communion
May 21st Fellowship Snacks – provided by Roth Roth
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt

Welcome to our LMC district bishop, John Miller. We are happy to have you with us this morning. We look forward to hearing your message, and having you join us for fellowship.

The 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction is June 9 & 10 at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. This fun community event provides important support for our children’s camp program, offsetting the true cost and keeping our rates affordable. Please consider volunteering or donating handcrafted wood pieces, themed gift baskets, unique children’s toys, gift certificates, or other one-of-a-kind items. Visit
www.beavercamp.org or contact the Beaver Camp office for more information.

LMC Spring Leadership Assembly was a blessing! We were encouraged to see where the Holy Spirit is guiding all of us.
Please check out the Sessions, Seminars, and worship videos in
Presentations and other information you can find them at LMCchurches.org

Bible Trivia;

Trivia Question: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?
Trivia Question: What happened to the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?
Trivia Question: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God that only priests should make, what did he do?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Philistines
Question 2 – The idol fell over and broke
Question 3 – Made the sacrifice anyways

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he finishes his last semester at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 30, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Don Schmidt

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                               collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                              Scott Gee  


 Sunday School ~                                                       11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
May 7th John Miller’s visit & Fellowship Meal
May 21st Communion
May 21st Fellowship Snacks – provided by Roth Roth
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 18th Communion
June 18th Fellowship Snacks – provided by Paulette Schmidt

May 4th – National Day of Prayer here in Alden at the Court House on Wende 11am. There is a Lancaster gathering from 12:00-12:45pm at the Lancaster Town Hall, Central Ave. [meeting at the side entrance on Clark St.]. There will also be an evening service at Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00pm.

Next Saturday May 6th we will have the spring work day here at church from 8 am – noon. WE NEED EVERYONE’s HELP!!!!! If you are able to bring rags, bucket, shovel and rack, this would be helpful. Please try and make it for this important work day. We really do need your help!

May 6th, CompassCare Walk – Going to meet at GICC at 9-915 for prayer and register – meet down at the Save-a-Lot parking [Alden] lot a little before 10am, walk for an hour and then come back to GICC for hotdogs and fellowship. There is walk information and pledge sheets by the bulletins.

Sunday, May 7th John Miller, our districts LMC Bishop will be visiting us. A fellowship meal is planned for after the service. Please bring a dish/dessert to share.

The 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction is June 9 & 10 at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. This fun community event provides important support for our children’s camp program, offsetting the true cost and keeping our rates affordable. Please consider volunteering or donating handcrafted wood pieces, themed gift baskets, unique children’s toys, gift certificates, or other one-of-a-kind items. Visit
www.beavercamp.org or contact the Beaver Camp office for more information.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How did Samson die?
Trivia Question: Who was the first king of Israel? Trivia Question: Who anointed him king?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Pushing over the temple pillars, killing himself and many Philistines.
Question 2 – Saul
Question 3 – Samuel

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he finishes his last semester at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 23, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                   collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette  



 Sunday School ~                                                        11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 28 – 29 Men’s work week-end @ Beaver Camp
May 7th John Miller’s visit & Fellowship Meal
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 18th Communion

Sunday, May 7th John Miller, our districts LMC Bishop will be visiting us. A fellowship meal is planned for after the service.

The 51st annual Beaver Camp Auction is June 9 & 10 at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. This fun community event provides important support for our children’s camp program, offsetting the true cost and keeping our rates affordable. Please consider volunteering or donating handcrafted wood pieces, themed gift baskets, unique children’s toys, gift certificates, or other one-of-a-kind items. Visit
www.beavercamp.org or contact the Beaver Camp office for more information.

In Our Community;

National Day of Prayer is Thursday May 4th, please join other faithful believers gathering from 12:00-12:45pm in front of the Lancaster Town Hall, 21 Central Ave. to pray to keep that freedom alive in the USA. There will also be an evening service at Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00pm.

Alden Central School District – Would you mind sharing this at your church to help us recruit people? We are hiring for Food Service Staff, Lunch Monitors, Custodians, Cleaners, Maintenance Mechanics, Bus Drivers and Attendants.
To inquire about these job opens call Paul Karpik at 716.937.9116

Alden Community Blood Drive with the American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Alden Presbyterian Church on Monday May 1st. This is a regular blood drive run every other month in Alden and it is in need of some additional donors to ensure we can continue offering it on a regular basis. If you church would considering doing any or all of the following, we would appreciate it:

May is Trauma Awareness Month. It’s the blood that’s already on hospital shelves that helps during an emergency. Make a lifesaving donation this month! Schedule your appointment at the Alden Community Blood Drive on Monday, May 1st from 12 PM – 4 PM at the Alden Presbyterian Church. Download Blood Donor APP or visit redcrossblood.org and use Sponsor Code: ALDENY. You may also call 1-800-Red-Cross. Thanks in advance for helping to save lives!

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Samson
Question 2 – A donkey’s jawbone
Question 3 – Delilah

Bible Trivia;

Trivia Question: Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines?
Trivia Question: With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines? Trivia Question: What Philistine woman asked Samson what his power came from?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he finishes his last semester at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 16, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                                       *Please place your offering in the
                                     collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                             Don Schmidt   


 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School ~                                                       11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
April 18th Council Meeting
April 23rd Communion
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 28 – 29 Men’s work week-end @ Beaver Camp
May 7th John Miller’s visit & Fellowship Meal
June 4th Fellowship Meal
June 18th Communion

Title of today’s sermon:
“Is God Calling You? Adam, Achan, + Alden?”
Joshua Chapter 7

~Reminder; Next Sunday. April 23rd we will be sharing Communion together.

Sunday, May 7th John Miller, our districts LMC Bishop will be visiting us. A fellowship meal is planned for after the service.

National Day of Prayer is Thursday May 4th, please join other faithful believers gathering from 12:00-12:45pm in front of the Lancaster Town Hall, 21 Central Ave. to pray to keep that freedom alive in the USA. There will also be an evening service at Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00pm.

Prayer Requests and Praises:

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Judges
Question 2 – Deborah
Question 3 – Gideon

Bible Trivia;

Trivia Question: After they took over the Promised Land and Joshua died, who ruled Israel?
Trivia Question: Who was the woman judge who led Israel to victory? Trivia Question: Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men using torches and horns?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he finishes his last semester at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 9, 2023

 Easter Breakfast                                                    8:45 a.m.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                    collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette   


 Sunday School ~                                                      11:15 a.m.                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
April 16th Fellowship Snacks
April 23rd Communion
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 28 – 29 Men’s work week-end @ Beaver Camp
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
5/21, 6/18 Communion


Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared?
Trivia Question: Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years? Trivia Question: What city did God make the walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?
Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: April 9, 2023
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

I would like more information on… _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: April 2, 2023


Prayer Requests and Praises:

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Giants in the land
Question 2 – Joshua and Caleb
Question 3 – Jericho

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery went well on his ankle.
~ Martha Miller’s wrist is now fully healed and she no longer has to wear a brace.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 2, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Scott Gee

Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                               collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                        Kevin Kipfer     


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~                                              No Class Today                                          
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!         

 Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
April 7th Good Friday Cross Walk 9:30 am @ Lanc. Presb.
April 23rd Communion
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 28 – 29 Men’s work week-end @ Beaver Camp
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
5/21, 6/18 Communion


8th – Trey Kipfer
13th – Brita Everett
19th – Bob Murray
21st – Nate Schlabach
23rd – Andrew Kipfer

Good Friday Cross Walk – Starting at 9:30 AM from Lancaster Presbyterian Church, 5461 Broadway St. Lancaster.

Grace in Community Church, 11269 Broadway, Alden has invited us to join them for a Good Friday Service, @ 7 PM, April 7th

Urban Christian Ministries Annual Fundraising Dinner. Saturday May 20thstarting at 4 PM in the fellowship hall of Randall Baptist Church, 6301 Main St. Williamsville. Reservations are needed, call 716-882-9472. There is no charge, free will offering will be taken.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?
Trivia Question: Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments? Trivia Question: What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Quail and manna
Question 2 – Mt. Sinai
Question 3 – A golden calf

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah to have complete healing for his ankle.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Noah’s surgery on his ankle a success
~ Martha Miller’s wrist is now fully healed and she no longer has to wear a brace.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 26, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                         *Please place your offering in the
                                      collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette



 Sunday School ~                                                                                   11:15 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
April 2nd Fellowship Meal
April 7th Good Friday Cross Walk 9:30 am @ Lanc. Presb.
April 23rd Communion
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 28 – 29 Men’s work week-end @ Beaver Camp
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
5/21, 6/18 Communion

We will be having a fellowship meal next Sunday.
Please bring a dish/dessert to share.

Good Friday Cross Walk – Starting at 9:30 AM from Lancaster Presbyterian Church, 5461 Broadway St. Lancaster.

Kevin is starting to plan a men’s work week-end at Beaver Camp April 28-29. More information to come. If you have interest in going, please speak with Kevin.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did they meet at?
Trivia Question: What did God through Moses to save the slaves? Trivia Question: When the Egyptians tried to follow the Israelites through the Red Sea, what happened?

Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: March 26, 2023
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

I would like more information on… _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: March 26, 2023


Prayer Requests and Praises:

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – By the Red Sea
Question 2 – Parted the Red Sea
Question 3 – The water crashed on them and killed them all.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well on March 24th.
~ Marlene Rogers family. Pray for God’s comfort and peace as they grieve their loss.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey”s collar bone being fully healed and no surgery is needed.
~ Martha Miller’s wrist is now fully healed and she no longer has to wear a brace.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 19, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                         *Please place your offering in the
                                      collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                               Scott Gee         


 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School ~                                                       11:15 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
March 26th Communion
April 2nd Fellowship Meal
April 7th Good Friday Cross Walk 9:30 am @ Lanc. Presb.
April 23rd Communion
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 28 – 29 Men’s work week-end @ Beaver Camp
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
4/23, 5/21, 6/18 Communion

Remember When, Alden ~ A Ghostly Stroll Through Alden’s History, presented by the Alden bicentennial committee. Saturday, March 25, 2023 @ 7:30 PM (doors open @ 6:45) at St. John’s Church – 2021 Sandridge Rd. Alden. Cost: Free Will Donation.

The Buffalo Niagara Praise Orchestra, conducted by Gary Stith and the Houghton University Choir, conducted by Kevin Dibble, will present a gala All-Western NY Concert & Hymn Sing on Sunday, March 19 at 6:00 PM at the Eastern Hills Church, 8445 Greiner Road in Williamsville. Make plans now to attend this unique and unforgettable evening as Christian believers from churches all across Western New York gather to hear and sing the great hymns of the faith accompanied by a full symphony orchestra! Admission is FREE. Just bring along your vocal cords!!

Good Friday Cross Walk – Starting from Lancaster Presbyterian Church at 9:30 AM.

Kevin is starting to plan a men’s work week-end at Beaver Camp April 28-29. More information to come. If you have interest in going, please speak with Kevin.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?
Trivia Question: How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
Trivia Question: What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?

Date: March 19, 2023


Prayer Requests and Praises:

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Let the Israelite slaves go free.
Question 2 – 10.
Question 3 – The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well on March 24th.
~ Marlene Rogers family. Pray for God’s comfort and peace as they grieve their loss.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey”s collar bone being fully healed and no surgery is needed.
~ Martha Miller’s wrist is now fully healed and she no longer has to wear a brace.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 12, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                         *Please place your offering in the
                                     collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette         


 Sunday School ~                                                      11:15 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
March 14th Supplemental Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
March 19th Fellowship Snacks
March 26th Communion
April 2nd Fellowship Meal
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
4/23, 5/21, 6/18 Communion

Remember When, Alden ~ A Ghostly Stroll Through Alden’s History, presented by the Alden bicentennial committee. Saturday, March 25, 2023 @ 7:30 PM (doors open @ 6:45) at St. John’s Church – 2021 Sandridge Rd. Alden. Cost: Free Will Donation.

The Buffalo Niagara Praise Orchestra, conducted by Gary Stith and the Houghton University Choir, conducted by Kevin Dibble, will present a gala All-Western NY Concert & Hymn Sing on Sunday, March 19 at 6:00 PM at the Eastern Hills Church, 8445 Greiner Road in Williamsville. Make plans now to attend this unique and unforgettable evening as Christian believers from churches all across Western New York gather to hear and sing the great hymns of the faith accompanied by a full symphony orchestra! Admission is FREE. Just bring along your vocal cords!!

LMC Events:
Share an article for the Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage journal Do you have a family story that demonstrates what it has meant to be a Mennonite? Consider sharing your family story with Mennonite Life for consideration in Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, a quarterly journal covering history, culture, religious thought and family histories of Amish and Mennonite-related groups originating in Pennsylvania. Send your idea or story to pmh@mennonitelife.org for consideration.

Book Club with the Author: Fooling with the Amish Join Dirk Eitzen, author of Fooling with the Amish: Amish Mafia, Entertaining Fakery, and the Evolution of Reality TV, in a discussion about the book on March 30 at 6:30 pm. Eitzen examines why reality television continues to captivate audiences despite its fakery and sensationalism by looking at Amish Mafia, which debuted on the Discovery Channel in 2012. Join either in-person or via Zoom. Visit mennonitelife.org/events.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian?
Trivia Question: Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?
Trivia Question: When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Ran away into the desert.
Question 2 – A burning bush.
Question 3 – A snake

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well on March 24th.
~ Marlene Rogers family. Pray for God’s comfort and peace as they grieve their loss.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey”s collar bone being fully healed and no surgery is needed.
~ Martha Miller’s wrist is now fully healed and she no longer has to wear a brace.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 5, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                           collection plate on the chair by the entrance.


 Message                                                    Kevin Kipfer          


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~                                         No Class Today                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
March 14th Supplemental Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
March 19th Fellowship Snacks
March 26th Communion
April 2nd Fellowship Meal
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
4/23, 5/21, 6/18 Communion


Happy March Birthday’s to;
17th – Lynn Roll
26th – Eddie Bayer
28th – Jonas Kipfer
29th – Noah Schlabach

The Buffalo Niagara Praise Orchestra, conducted by Gary Stith and the Houghton University Choir, conducted by Kevin Dibble, will present a gala All-Western NY Concert & Hymn Sing on Sunday, March 19 at 6:00 PM at the Eastern Hills Church, 8445 Greiner Road in Williamsville. Make plans now to attend this unique and unforgettable evening as Christian believers from churches all across Western New York gather to hear and sing the great hymns of the faith accompanied by a full symphony orchestra! Admission is FREE. Just bring along your vocal cords!!

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Which brother volunteered to stay in Egypt instead of Benjamin?
Trivia Question: What did Joseph tell his brothers to do when they returned to Canaan?
Trivia Question: How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Judah.
Question 2- Bring their families and their father to Egypt.
Question 3 – Put him in a basket in the river.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Marion Whiting’s family for comfort & peace as they grieve their loss.
~ Lynn and Paul Roll and family, comfort as the grieve the loss of their mother/grandmother.
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well on March 24th.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers in failing health, pray for God’s comfort and peace.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey”s collar bone being fully healed and no surgery is needed.
~ Martha Miller’s wrist is now fully healed and she no longer has to wear a brace.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 26, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                               Dave (Duke) Dissette    



 Sunday School ~                                                  11:15 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
March 14th Supplemental Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
March 19th Fellowship Snacks
March 26th Communion
April 2nd Fellowship Meal
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal
4/23, 5/21, 6/18 Communion

Fellowship Meal Next Sunday – 3/5 Sloppy Joe’s will be provided. Please bring a side dish/dessert to share.

Iron Sharpens Iron is a first class one-day equipping conference for men of all ages! The keynote speaker is Clarence Shuler. He is the President/CEO of BLR: Building Lasting Relationships. For nearly 35 years, Clarence and Brenda have conducted marriage, discipleship, men’s, women’s, and single seminars internationally. Dr. Clarence and Brenda are parents to three young adult daughters, author, marriage counselor, speaker, and life & relationship coach.
Date & Location Saturday, March 18, 2023, Revive Wesleyan Church in Hamburg, NY Time 8:30am – 3:30pm with doors opening at 7:30am
Pricing Early Group (10 or more): $47 – Student or Active Military: $30 – Early Individual: $55 – Standard: $61 Lunch: $8

67th Annual MCC Pennsylvania Relief Sale – On March 31- April 1, 2023, Join a global community of people responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice in the name of Christ at the Pennsylvania Relief Sale (2300 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA). Support Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) by bidding on handmade quilts, buying artisan crafts, shopping for goods at auctions, eating delicious food, enjoying children’s activities and donating coins to My Coins Count. Admission is free and parking is $10 per car. Hours are Friday, March 31 from 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 1 from 6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. For more information, visit pareliefsale.org.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Who came to Egypt that Joseph recognized because of the famine?
Trivia Question: Who was Jacob’s second son with Rachel?
Trivia Question: What did Joseph tell the brothers to do next time they came back to Egypt?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – His brothers.
Question 2- Benjamin
Question 3 – To bring Benjamin with them.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Marion Whiting’s family for comfort & peace as they grieve their loss.
~ Lynn and Paul Roll and family, comfort as the grieve the loss of their mother/grandmother.
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well on March 24th.
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well..
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers in failing health, pray for God’s comfort and peace.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands and prepare to move back to WNY in June.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey”s collar bone being fully healed and no surgery is needed.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 19, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Scott Gee

 Offering                                       *Please place your offering in the
                    collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Fellowship Snack

 Sunday School ~                                                   11:15 a.m.                           ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
3/5, & 4/2, Fellowship Meal
March 14th Supplemental Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal

Marion Whiting passed on to Glory on Wednesday. Our deepest sympathies go out to her family. May the Lord comfort you through this difficult time.
No information on her memorial service at this time. An email will be sent out when this info. is available.

Congratulations to Julie Roll and Brian Aulai on their engagement. Julie has been serving in Uganda for 9+ years now. Brian is from Uganda and works as a pharmaceutical rep and volunteers with Watoto in several different ministries. Julie and Brian met at the Watoto sports ministry that Brian is the head couch of and Julie helps evangelize to the youth.
The happy couple are planning a July 8, 2023 wedding in Uganda.

The Schmidt’s have updated email information. Please make these changes in your church directory.
Paulette = paschmidt890@icloud.com
Don = don_onthefarm7@mac.com

Beaver Camp’s Women’s Retreat
This two-day, one night community-wide women’s retreat will feature Valery Sykes as our key speaker with a theme of “Serving from a Place of Rest”. This weekend focus will be on the Biblical view of service and rest with times set aside for restful activities alone and with other women. The weekend will begin with opening activities at 7:00 PM on Friday, March 31, and will close with a time of worship and prayer at 7:00 PM Saturday, April 1. Time will also be provided to enjoy the surrounding beauty of God’s creation by boating, hiking, crafts, or just simply sitting by a warm fire overlooking Beaver Lake! The retreat also has an optional Sunday morning add-on, which provides time for a quiet personal retreat followed by a brunch and socializing time before departure at Noon. This retreat is open to women and young ladies 10 years old and older.
For more information about the retreat or the speaker or to submit your registration, visit our website. beavercamp.org

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh?
Trivia Question: What position of power was Joseph given by the Pharaoh?
Trivia Question: What catastrophe did Joseph predict by interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – To interrupt his dream.
Question 2- Second in command of Egypt.
Question 3 – A severe, seven-year famine.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Trey, for total healing of the brake in his collar bone, so surgery would not be needed.
~ Marion Whiting’s family for comfort & peace as they grieve their loss.
~ Lynn and Paul Roll and family, comfort as the grieve the loss of their mother/grandmother.
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well on March 24th.
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well..
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers in failing health, pray for God’s comfort and peace.
~ Joe Straus as he starts his military service
~ Sally Depew for healing and comfort
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 12, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette

 Sunday School ~                                                      11:15 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 1-2 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember

Feb 19th Fellowship Snacks provided by; Denise & Katherine
3/5, & 4/2, Fellowship Meal
March 14th Supplemental Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.
April 25th Quarterly Church Council Meeting
5/7, & 6/4 Fellowship Meal

PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE; A Women’s Bible Study on the book of Mark will be starting on Thursday, February 16th. Denise will be leading this study from 1:00-2:00 p.m. each Thursday in Room 2. No study book needs to be purchased; just bring your Bible. If you are interested in attending, read Mark chapter 1 before Feb. 16th.

Starting February 19th, we will be having our Sunday Service in the fellowship Hall. This will help bring us closer together and help reduce utility cost.

The best way to celebrate Valentine is to remember the love of God. The Bible says, ‘for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…’ It is a time of giving. Unfortunately, however, it has become a promiscuous kind of thing. But it should be a time of giving, because if you look at the origin of Valentine, it was about the priest, who actually showed sincere love to humanity. Valentine reminds us of the gift of God to mankind and true love of God in our hearts. That we have to also love the way God loves. God loves unconditionally and sacrificially, as He loves till the very end.

We still need volunteers to bless us with Fellowship Snacks for May and June.
Please see the sign up sheet at the enterence of the sanctuary.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Who bought Joseph?

Trivia Question: Who got Joseph thrown into prison by lying about him?

Trivia Question: Who else was in prison with Joseph?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Potiphar, captain of the Pharaoh’s guards
Question 2 – Potiphar’s wife
Question 3- The Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Everyone effected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
~ Trey, for total healing of the brake in his collar bone, so surgery would not be needed.
~ Marion Whiting’s health – peace & comfort
~ Lynn and Paul Roll and family, comfort as the grieve the loss of their mother/grandmother.
~ Pat Ritenburg as she heals from braking her pelvis.
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well this month..
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well..
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers in failing health, pray for God’s comfort and peace.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ The Lord for is unending comfort and love!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 5, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                           Kevin Kipfer


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~                                                  No Class Today                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Feb 16th Women’s Bible Study – 10-11 a.m.
Feb 19th Fellowship Snacks provided by; Denise & Katherine
March 14th Church Council Meeting – 7 p.m.


Karen Dombrowski – Feb. 1st

A Women’s Bible Study on the book of Mark will be starting on Thursday, February 16th. Denise will be leading this study from 10:00-11:00 each Thursday in Room 2. No study book needs to be purchased; just bring your Bible. If you are interested in attending, read Mark chapter 1 before Feb. 16th.
We still need volunteers to bless us with Fellowship Snacks for March, April, May and June. If no-one is able to help in this way, Feb. will be our last fellowship snack time.
Please see the sign up sheet at the enterence of the sanctuary.

Beaver Camp’s 2023 Events flyer is out. If you would like a copy there are extras on the table by the bulletin board.

Save the Date, LMC Celebration of Church Life. Making Disciples fo Jesus.
March 31 – April 1, 2023

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How did the brothers get rid of Joseph? Trivia Question: What did Joseph’s brothers tell their father had happened to him? Trivia Question: Where did the slave traders take Joseph?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Sold him to slave traders
Question 2 – They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal.
Question 3- Egypt

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Trey, for total healing of the brake in his collar bone, so surgery would not be needed.
~ Marion Whiting’s health – peace & comfort
~ Lynn and Paul Roll and family, comfort as the grieve the loss of their mother/grandmother.
~ The family of Jim Kipfer, that they may feel the Lords comfort during their grieving.
~ Pat Ritenburg as she heals from braking her pelvis.
~ Noah’s ankle surgery to go well this month..
~ Andrew Dissette to start feeling better and be able to return to work.
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well..
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers in failing health, pray that she regains her strength and appitite.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!

~ The Lord for is unending comfort and love!
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 22, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                    Darwin Kipfer                               

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                            collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                          


 Sunday School ~                                                    11:30 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Jan. 29th Prayer & Share and Communion
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal

From Kevin & Denise ” We would like to thank the congregation for your financial gift to our family. It was not necessary, but it was certainly kind and thoughtful of you to bless us in this very generous way. We are grateful for this intentional show of appreciation and are humbled that you chose to acknowledge us in this way. May God bless you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.”

Next Sunday, we will be having a Share & Prayer Service along with having Communion together.

Sunday, Feb. 5th will be our next Fellowship Meal. I have asked a few of you to bring soup. Everyone else please bring a side dish that would complement soup and/or a dessert. Bread and Butter will be provided.

We still need volunteers to bless us with Fellowship Snacks for March, April, May and June.
Please see the sign up sheet at the enterence of the sanctuary.

Alden’s Bicentennial Play tryouts on 1/17, 6-8 pm and 1/21, 1-3 pm at St. John’s Auditorium. For more information see flyer on table by bulletin board.

Beaver Camp’s 2023 Events flyer is out. If you would like a copy there are extras on the table by the bulletin board.

Save the Date, LMC Celebration of Church Life. Making Disciples fo Jesus.
March 31 – April 1, 2023

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How many brothers did Joseph have? Trivia Question: What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
Trivia Question: What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 11
Question 2 – A coat of many colors
Question 3- The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Marion Whiting’s health – peace & comfort
~ Lynn’s mom in law Fay, as she strugles with many health issues.
~ The family of Jim Kipfer, that they may feel the Lords comfort during their grieving.
~ Pat Ritenburg as she heals from braking her pelvis.
~ Noah to have wisdom for medical decisions regarding his ankle.
~ Andrew Dissette to start feeling better and be able to return to work.
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well.
~ Sandy a sister in the Lord, who is in palliative care, and for the Lord’s comfort for her 3 daughters.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers in failing health, pray that she regains her strength and appitite.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Unbelievers
~ Each other!!!


~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 15, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                           Kevin Kipfer 
 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                    collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School ~                                            11:30 a.m.                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Jan. 29th Prayer & Share and Communion
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal

Sunday, Jan. 29th we will be having a Share & Prayer Service along with having Communion together.

Sunday, Feb. 5th will be our next Fellowship Meal. I have asked a few of you to bring soup. We will also provide bread and butter. Everyone else please bring a side dish that would complement soup and/or a dessert.

We still need volunteers to bless us with Fellowship Snacks for March, April, May and June.
Please see the sign up sheet at the enterence of the sanctuary.

Does anyone need a 2023 calendar? There is a few from “Christian Aid Ministries” that are on the mission information/literature table across from the office.

Enjoy this all-inclusive winter adventure in the Adirondacks. We’ll cook the meals, provide the skis,tubes, and games, and make sure there’s plenty of hot chocolate to enjoy in Beaver Lodge.
Sign up at Beavercamp.org You can reach us at office@beaver.camp or 315-376-2640

The David Tuttle Memorial Ice Fishing Derby is a family classic! Join us Saturday, February 4th from 6:30am – 2pm. There’s plenty of winter fun for everyone! Unlike most derbies that are highly competitive, ours is planned with kids and families in mind. Thanks to many local businesses, there are prizes for every child, whether or not they catch a fish. Our pavilion is located near the lakeshore,allowing you to warm up, grab a hot cup of coffee or cocoa and still keep an eye on your tip-ups. No pre-registration required!

Save the Date, LMC Celebration of Church Life. Making Disciples fo Jesus.
March 31 – April 1, 2023

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did Laban make Jacob do to finally marry Rachel?
Trivia Question: Who was the first son Jacob had with Rachel? Trivia Question: What did God change Jacob’s name to before his meeting with Esau?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Work another seven years.
Question 2 – Joseph Question 3- Israel

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Marion Whiting as she has further testing at Roswell. .
~ Lynn’s mom in law Fay, as she strugles with many health issues.
~ Noah’s ankle to be restored to good as new.
~ June Dombrowski, she has been having back pain.
~ Andrew Dissette to start feeling better and be able to return to work.
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well.
~ Kirk Wild’s speedy recovery.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey’s safe travels home for a time of renewal and back to Mexico to continue his ministry.
~ Kirk Wild’s surgery went well.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 8, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                          Scott Gee                               

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                            collection plate on the chair by the entrance Sanctuary.


 Message                                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~                                                    No Class Today                                            
  ~Bring your study guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Jan. 15th Fellowship Snacks
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal


Happy January Birthday to;
Fan Marie Kipfer – 2nd
Daisy Murray – 8th
Joe Baer – 19th
Martha Miller – 19th
Paulette Schmidt – 27th

Fellowship Meal TODAY!  Immediately after church!
Fellowship Snacks Next Sunday

Thank you Shirley Miller for providing our fellowship snacks next week.
We still need volunteers to bless us with Fellowship Snacks for March, April, May and June.
Please see the sign up sheet at the enterence of the sanctuary.

Does anyone need a 2023 calendar? There is a few from “Christian Aid Ministries” that are on the mission information/literature table across from the office.
Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How did Esau respond when his birthright was taken?
Trivia Question: When Jacob met Laban, which daughter did he want to marry? Trivia Question: Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Threatened to kill Jacob..
Question 2 – Rachel

Question 3- Leah

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well.
~ Kirk Wild’s speedy recovery.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Trey’s safe travels home for a time of renewal and back to Mexico to continue his ministry.
~ Kirk Wild’s surgery went well.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 1, 2023

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                     Darwin Kipfer                               

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Sharing                                                              Trey Kipfer


 Baptism                                         Jonas Kipfer and Katherine Kipfer

 Sharing                                                             Kevin Kipfer                                                                                         


 Sunday School ~                                                     11:15 a.m.                                             
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!                      

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Jan. 8th Fellowship Meal
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal

Welcome Home Trey, we have missed you. Looking forward to hearing how God is using you in your ministry, and how life is going in Mexico.

Sunday Jan. 8th we will be having a Fellowship Meal. Pizza will be provided, please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What did Jacob do most of the time?
Trivia Question: What did Esau receive in exchange for his birthright? Trivia Question: As Isaac was dying and blind, who suggested that Jacob should steal the blessing?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Stayed in the home with his mother.
Question 2 – Some stew

Question 3- Rebekah

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well.
~ Kirk Wild’s speedy recovery.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wild’s surgery went well.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive .

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 25, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                      Kevin Kipfer   


 Offering                  *Please place your offering in the
                    collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Sunday School ~                                                   No Class Today                                               
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Jan. 8th Fellowship Meal
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal


Sunday Jan. 8th we will be having a Fellowship Meal. Pizza will be provided, please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Who was the prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Emmanuel?
Trivia Question: What are the five names of Jesus found in the Bible? Trivia Question: Which direction did the wise men travel to, going to Jerusalem?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Prophet Isaiah.

Question 2 – Jesus, Emmanuel, Christ, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace

Question 3- Westward.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well.
~ Kirk Wild’s speedy recovery.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wild’s surgery went well.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive. Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 18, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Scott Gee   


 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                         Andrew Kipfer



 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School ~                                                    11:15 a.m.                                               
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Jan. 8th Fellowship Meal
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal

We will be having a Christmas Morning Service here at AMC from 10 to 11 a.m.
This could be a good day to invite someone you know that lives alone or doesn’t have family nearby to come to church with you.

*Christmas Eve Services at Grace in Community, 4:00 pm Service (kids church available), 5:15 pm Christmas Cookie Mingle, 6:00 pm Service.

Sunday Jan. 8th we will be having a Fellowship Meal. Pizza will be provided, please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share.

Some of our sisters and bother to remember with a greeting this Christmas.

Phyllis “Marlene” Rodger
Chautauqua Nursing and Rehab
10836 Temple Rd – Room 250
Dunkirk, NY 14048

Eddie Bayer
Garden Gate Health
2365 Union Rd – A unit, Room 47
Cheektowaga, NY 14226

Lois Ismert
Brothers of Mercy
10570 Bergtold Rd Rd – Room 227
Clarence NY 14031

Shirley Miller
1285 Shank Dr. #226
Harrisonburg, Va. 22802

Martha Miller
172 ½ S. Main St. Apt 212
Batavia, NY 14020

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Even though Abram and Sarah were too old, what did God promise them?
Trivia Question: When God showed Abram the stars in the sky, what did he promise?
Trivia Question: Who was Abram’s handmaid?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – A son

Question 2 – That Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.

Question 3- Hagar

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Martha Miller for her wrist to heal well.
~ Kirk Wild’s speedy recovery.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wild’s surgery went well.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 11, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                                          Darwin Kipfer    


Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                            collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


Message                                                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                                                                 11:15 a.m.                                               
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Dec. 25th Christmas Service ~ 10 – 11 a.m.
Jan. 8th Fellowship Meal
Feb 5th Fellowship Meal

We as a church family will be adopting local families in need this Christmas. On the Christmas Tree in the Sanctuary, you will still find ornament tags, with gift ideas/needs. If you take a tag to purchase that item, please tape the tag to the unwrapped gift and bring it into church on or before Dec. 18th, Next Sunday. Place your gifts by the tree. Please pray for these family’s the Lord is giving AMC to love this season. If you could write a Christmas card to go to each family, this would be a wonderful touch.
Service Opportunity, Urban Christian Ministry is in need of help with their Christmas give -away. On Dec. 19, 20 & 21st from 11 am to 2 pm. If interested call Ryan at 716-882-9472. They are located at 967 Jefferson Ave. Buffalo

We will be sharing in Communion together next Sunday Dec. 18th, and enjoying fellowship snacks after the service.

*Grace in Community Church will be having an Adult Christmas Party on Friday Dec. 16th, 6:30 pm. RSVP needed by Dec. 14th. https://www.graceincommunitychurch.com/events.html See bulletin board for more info.

*Christmas Eve Services at Grace in Community, 4:00 pm Service (kids church available), 5:15 pm Christmas Cookie Mingle, 6:00 pm Service.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How did God make them spread out across the earth?
Trivia Question: Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan?
Trivia Question: Who was Abram’s wife?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Confused their languages.

Question 2 – Abram

Question 3- Sarai

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Kirk Wild’s speedy recovery.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wild’s surgery went well.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.
Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 4, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                   Kevin Kipfer    


 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Meal                                                                 11:15 a.m.

 Sunday School ~                                               No Class Today                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7 p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Dec. 25th Christmas Service ~ 10 – 11 a.m.

We as a church family will be adopting local families in need this Christmas. On the Christmas Tree in the Sanctuary, you will find ornament tags, with gift ideas/needs. If you take a tag to purchase that item, please tape the tag to the unwrapped gift and bring it into church on or before Dec. 20th, place your gifts by the tree. Please pray for these family’s the Lord is giving AMC to love this season.

Service Opportunity, Urban Christian Ministry is in need of help with their Christmas give -away. On Dec. 19, 20 & 21st from 11 am to 2 pm. If interested call Ryan at 716-882-9472. They are located at 967 Jefferson Ave. Buffalo

Events Happening in our Community;
*Alden Ecumenical Christmas Concert this afternoon, Dec. 4th, starting at 2:00pm at the Marilla United Methodist Church, 1919 Two Rod.
*Alden Presbyterian Church is having a TREEmendous Raffle on Saturday Dec. 10th. There is a flier on the bulletin board with all the info.
*Grace in Community Church will be having an Adult Christmas Party on Friday Dec. 16th, 6:30 pm. RSVP needed by Dec. 14th. See bulletin board for more info.
*Christmas Eve Services at Grace in Community, 4:00 pm Service (kids church available), 5:15 pm Christmas Cookie Mingle, 6:00 pm Service.

Happy December Birthday’s to;
Don Schmidt – 2nd
Cyndi Dissette – 18th
Our Lord and Savior – 25th
Scott Gee – 29th

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How many people were saved on the ark?
Trivia Question: What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?
Trivia Question: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 8

Question 2 – A rainbow

Question 3- Built a tower to reach to Heaven

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 27, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Scott Gee                                

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                                      11:30 a.m.                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sun. Dec. 4th Potluck Fellowship Meal
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Sunday Dec. 25th Christmas Service ~ 10 – 11 a.m.

We as a church family will be adopting 2 local families in need this Christmas. On the Christmas Tree in the Sanctuary, you will find ornament tags, with gift ideas/needs. If you take a tag to purchase that item, please tape the tag to the gift and bring it into church on or before Dec. 20th, place your gifts by the tree. We have not received the wish list information as of yet for one of the families. When I get this families info. I will put up their tags on the Christmas Tree, please check back next week for them. Please pray for these family’s the Lord is giving AMC to love this season.

There were 38 shoeboxes collected for Operation Christmas Child. Thanks to all that helped with donations.

Sunday December 4th, we will be having a Potluck Fellowship Meal. Please bring a dish/dessert of your choice to share.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Who were Adam & Eve’s three sons listed in the Bible?
Trivia Question: Who were Noah’s three sons?
Trivia Question: How many people were saved on the ark?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Cain, Abel, Seth

Question 2 – Shem, Ham, Japheth

Question 3- 8

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 20, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                     Kevin Kipfer                                  

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                      Thanksgiving Sharing



 Sunday School ~                                                        11:30 a.m.                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Sunday Dec. 25th Christmas Service ~ 10 – 11 a.m.


We as a church family will be adopting 2 local families in need this Christmas. We should have the information on the family’s needs soon. You will receive an email as soon as I get it. Please start to pray for these family’s the Lord is giving AMC to love this season.
Eddie Bayer is performing in a concert at Garden Gate on Tuesday Nov 22 at 1:30pm. He would love to have people from AMC there. You will need to submit a negative Covid test.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How many books of the Bible did Jesus directly write?
Trivia Question: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?
Trivia Question: What happened to Jesus after he went into the wilderness alone?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – None.

Question 2 – Build a tower to reach Heaven.

Question 3- He was tempted by Satan.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 13, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                       Don Schmidt                                  

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School ~                                                          11:30 a.m.                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Sunday Dec. 25th Christmas Service ~ 10 – 11 a.m.


Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal Next Sunday Nov. 20th. This would be a wonderful day to invite someone to come to church with you to share in a wonderful meal

Eddie Bayer is performing in a concert at Garden Gate on Tuesday Nov 22 at 1:30pm. He would love to have people from AMC there. You will need to submit a negative Covid test.

To our November Birthday friends,
Kevin Kipfer – 5th
Sandee Borgosz – 7th
Valerie Gee – 21st

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Before Jesus began preaching and spreading God’s message, what was his job?
Trivia Question: How many books in the Bible have the name John in them?
Trivia Question: What books of the Bible tell the story about Jesus’s time on Earth?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – A carpenter.

Question 2 – four

Question 3- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 6, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                         Darwin Kipfer                                  

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                              Don Schmidt


 Sunday School ~                                                        11:30 a.m.                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Nov. 13th Operation Christmas Child Collection
Sunday Nov. 20th Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal ~ Invite a Friend!
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting
Sunday Dec. 25th Christmas Service ~ 10 – 11 a.m.

Kevin is encouraging us to embrace the challenge of taking the time to pray about and fill out the “extended family prayer list” that Jim left for us. Extra copies are available by the mailboxes if you need one. Please make a copy of your completed pages to put in Kevin’s mailbox so that we can pray with you. We’d also like to create an “extended family” mailing list and be intentional about planning specific opportunities to reach out as a congregation.

Operation Christmas Child Collection. There will not be a packing party this year. We are still collecting boxes if you would like to pack one on your own. Empty boxes are available in the foyer if you need one. Please bring your box(es) NEXT SUNDAY, November 13th. You may also donate money for shipping.

We will be having a Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal Sunday Nov. 20th. This would be a wonderful day to invite someone to come to church with you to share in a wonderful meal!

Eddie Bayer is performing in a concert at Garden Gate on Tuesday Nov 22 at 1:30pm. He would love to have people from AMC there. You will need to submit a negative Covid test.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How many copies of the Bible have been sold?
Trivia Question: How many brothers did Joseph have?
Trivia Question: When Daniel prayed to God after it was prohibited, where was he thrown into?

Trivia Answers;

Question 1 – About five billion.

Question 2 – 11

Question 3- A lion’s den.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rogers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The extended family prayer list.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 30, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                         Scott Gee                                  

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~                                                        11:30 a.m.                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Thurs. Nov. 4th, 7p.m. Church Council Meeting
Sunday Nov. 13th Operation Christmas Child Collection
Sunday Nov. 20th Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal ~ Invite a Friend!
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting

Kevin is encouraging us to embrace the challenge of taking the time to pray about and fill out the “extended family prayer list” that Jim handed out last Sunday. Extra copies are available by the mailboxes if you need one. Please make a copy of your completed pages to put in Kevin’s mailbox so that we can pray with you. We’d also like to create an “extended family” mailing list and be intentional about planning specific opportunities to reach out as a congregation.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Sunday, November 13th. If anyone wants to pack a box or wants to donate items for box’s please bring them by 11/13. If anyone would rather donate money instead this would also be greatly appreciated to help with the cost of postage. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Denise

An Evening with David Jeremiah Friday Nov. 11th at Key Bank Center, 7p.m.
Come discover how God can give us the strength and courage to live as powerful Christians in today’s culture. To get FREE Tickets; https://www.davidjeremiah.org/tour/events/buffalo

We will be having a Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal Sunday Nov. 20th. Turkey will be provided; Lynn will be contacting each of you regarding the rest of the meal needs. This would be a wonderful day to invite someone to come to church with you to share in a wonderful meal!

Eddie Bayer is performing in a concert at Garden Gate on Nov 22 at 2pm. He would love to have people from AMC there. You will need to submit a negative Covid test.

Marlene Rodgers wanted to thank everyone for your prayers, cards and calls. She asked that we keep praying for her. If you need any of Marlene’s contact info., see Lynn.

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: What problem did Bartimaeus have the Jesus eventually fixed?
Trivia Question: What was the name of the garden Jesus went to before the Last Supper?
Trivia Question: Approximately how many people wrote the Bible?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – He was blind.

Question 2 – The Garden of Gethsemane.

Question 3 – About 40

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rodgers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 23, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                         Darwin Kipfer                                  

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                       World Mission Sunday
 We will hear from; Julie Roll, Trey Kipfer, The Schmidt family  
  The Martin family and The Zook family.



 Sunday School ~                                                         11:30 a.m.                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!          Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Nov. 13th Operation Christmas Child Collection
Sunday Nov. 20th Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal ~ Invite a Friend!
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting

Kevin is encouraging us to embrace the challenge of taking the time to pray about and fill out the “extended family prayer list” that Jim handed out last Sunday. Extra copies are available by the mailboxes if you need one. Please make a copy of your completed pages to put in Kevin’s mailbox so that we can pray with you. We’d also like to create an “extended family” mailing list and be intentional about planning specific opportunities to reach out as a congregation.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Sunday, November 13th. If anyone wants to pack a box or wants to donate items for box’s please bring them by 11/13. If anyone would rather donate money instead this would also be greatly appreciated to help with the cost of postage. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Denise

An Evening with David Jeremiah Friday Nov. 11th at Key Bank Center, 7p.m.
Come discover how God can give us the strength and courage to live as powerful Christians in today’s culture. To get FREE Tickets; https://www.davidjeremiah.org/tour/events/buffalo
We will be having a Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal Sunday Nov. 20th. Turkey will be provided; Lynn will be contacting each of you regarding the rest of the meal needs. This would be a wonderful day to invite someone to come to church with you to share in a wonderful meal!

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Who let the Israelites return to their homeland
Trivia Question: Which member of the Jewish ruling council came to ask Jesus questions at night?
Trivia Question: What was the name of the demon that Jesus cast out in the region of the Gerasenes?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Cyrus.

Question 2 – Nicodemus.

Question 3 – Legion.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ Marlene Rodgers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 16, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                           Don Schmidt                                  

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                                 Jim Sutton


 Fellowship Meal and Congregational Meeting

 Sunday School ~ NO CLASS TODAY- DUE TO FELLOWSHIP MEAL                                                
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Oct. 23rd World Mission Sunday
Sunday Oct. 23rd Communion
Sunday Nov. 20th Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal ~ Invite a Friend!
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting

Help Wanted, Do you happen to know someone that might be interested in cleaning our Church? Custodian Needed starting ASAP. Inquires please see Lynn for more information.

An Evening with David Jeremiah Friday Nov. 11th at Key Bank Center, 7p.m.
Come discover how God can give us the strength and courage to live as powerful Christians in today’s culture. To get FREE Tickets; https://www.davidjeremiah.org/tour/events/buffalo

We will be having a Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal Sunday Nov. 20th. Turkey will be provided; Lynn will be contacting each of you regarding the rest of the meal needs. This would be a wonderful day to invite someone to come to church with you to share in a wonderful meal!

Please Note, Ruth Jantzi no longer has her telephone landline, to get in touch with her please call her cell number 716.474.2470

Marlene Rodgers will be staying at Chautauqua Nursing and Rehab indefinitely. She would welcome any calls or visits (afternoons only). If you go, please note Marlene’s first name is Phyllis, which they have her registered as, she is in room 291. The facility is located at 10836 Temple St, Dunkirk. You will have to covid test before going in, they will give you the test kit there. Marlene’s cell number is 716.783.2064

Eddie Bayer called a few times again this week, it sounds like he would love to hear from us. He wanted to thank Paulette for her visit, he very much enjoyed seeing her. He said he misses everyone and is praying for us. He sends his love to all! If you have any time to call or visit him, I’m sure it would be much appreciated. Garden Gate Health, 2365 Union Rd. Unit A, Room 47. Phone: 716.668.8100

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: How many kings of Judah were there?

Trivia Question: Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?
Trivia Question: Who was the Israelite that saved her people from being murdered and was also the wife of the king?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 20

Question 2 – Nehemiah.

Question 3 – Esther

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Marlene Rodgers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ Unbelievers
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 9, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                      Kevin Kipfer                                   

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Oct. 16th Congregational Meeting & Fellowship Meal
Tues. Oct. 11th, 7pm Church Council Meeting
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Quarterly Church Council Meeting

Help Wanted, Church Custodian Needed starting ASAP. Inquires please see Lynn for more information.
We will be having a Fellowship Meal next Sunday Oct 16th. Please bring a side dish / dessert to share. BBQ pulled pork sandwiches will be provided.

Following the Fellowship Meal next Sunday, we will be having a Congregational Meeting.
Please Note, Ruth Jantzi no longer has her telephone landline, to get in touch with her please call her cell number 716.474.2470

Eddie Bayer called a few times this week, it sounds like he would love to hear from us. He said he misses everyone and is praying for us. He sends his love to all! If you have any time to call or visit him, I’m sure it would be much appreciated. Garden Gate Health, 2365 Union Rd. Unit A, Room 47. Phone: 716.668.8100

Bible Trivia;
Trivia Question: Who is the first to find the burning bush?
Trivia Question: What is the name of the Jewish ruling council in the Bible?
Trivia Question: Which books of the Bible did Solomon write?

Question 1 – Moses

Question 2 – The Sanhedrin

Question 3 – The Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and some of the Pslams.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Marlene Rodgers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-716-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 716- 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 2, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Scott Gee                                     

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles! 
Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Oct 9th Fellowship/Birthday Snacks
Sunday Oct. 16th Fellowship Meal
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Church Council Meeting

MCC relief collection has been sent to their drop off site in Ephrata Pa. We collected a total of 19 completed kits, (11 school, 4 hygiene, 4 infant). Plus, several large bags of extra school supplies, soaps, first aid supplies, and blankets. Thank you everyone for your donations and love for others in the name of Christ.

Thank you to all those who filled out the recent survey. Again, it was an attempt to find places where we are like minded and could then unify together more specifically and strategically. Sunday school was almost unanimously checked. The next category that received the most checks was fellowship times. The church council is planning some Sunday fellowship meals in the near future and discerning how else we might get together. If you haven’t filled out a survey you still may and put it in Kevin’s mailbox.

Happy October Birthday to;
Darwin Kipfer – 4th
Mary Schlabach – 16th

Bible Trivia;
Question: How many kings of Israel are listed in the Bible?
Question: Why did David spare Saul’s life?
Question: In which book of the Bible does the burning bush story appear?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 42

Question 2 – “Because he did not have any right to kill the Lord’s anointed.”

Question 3 – Exodus

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Marlene Rodgers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 25, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                     Darwin Kipfer                                     

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!  
         Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Future Dates to Remember
Sunday Oct 9th Fellowship/Birthday Snacks
Sunday Oct. 16th Fellowship Meal
Tue. Dec. 6th, 7p.m. Church Council Meeting

Thank you to all those who filled out the recent survey. Again, it was an attempt to find places where we are like minded and could then unify together more specifically and strategically. Sunday school was almost unanimously checked. The next category that received the most checks was fellowship times. The church council is planning some Sunday fellowship meals in the near future and discerning how else we might get together. If you haven’t filled out a survey you still may and put it in Kevin’s mailbox.

Marlene Rodgers is now at Chautauqua Nursing and Rehab, 10836 Temple Rd, Dunkirk, NY 14048 Room 250. Marlene is still very weak & not feeling well, and also a bit blue. She could use our continuing prayers and perhaps a card or call to encourage and cheer her up. If you mail her a card, please address it to Phyllis Marlene Rodgers. Marlene’s cell # is 716-783-****.

Bible Trivia;
Question: Jesus sometimes “spit” as part of his miracle of healing. Right or wrong?
Question: How many days did Lazarus die before Jesus came to visit?
Question: Who helped pay the bill for Jesus and the disciples’ ministry?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Yes. The Bible describes him spitting three times.

Question 2 – Four days.

Question 3 – Several women healed by Jesus?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Marlene Rodgers is now in a Rehab/Nursing facility in failing health, pray that she regains her strength.
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 11, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Kevin Kipfer                                     

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School                                                          11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss God’s Exceptional Choice
  Bring your guide book and your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Please remember to return your congregational survey to Kevin Kipfer’s mail box by Sunday Sept. 18th. There are extra copies by the mailbox’s.

Sunday Sept. 18th (next week) there will not be any emailed or paper bulletins, Lynn will be off for a few days.

Fellowship/Birthday Snacks will be starting again. We will try for the 3rd week of each month but that can be fexable. Please see sign up sheet by Sanctuary doors to sign up for a month. Any questions see Lynn.

Beaver Camp’s Fall Family Retreat – October 7-9. Sign up at Beavercamp.org or call the camp office at 315-376-2640.

Bible Trivia;
Question: How did Samson die?
Question: Ananias and Sapphira died after lying to the apostles about their offerings. Right or wrong?
Question: How many deacons were chosen to help the apostles distribute food to the widows?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Tore down the pillars of the temple and kill himself and many Philistines.

Question 2 – yes

Question 3 – Seven.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Marlene Rodgers as she is fighting Covid again
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he is away at college
~ Julie Roll as she serves in Uganda Africa
~ The Martin family as they serve in the Marshall Islands
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

September 4, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                            Scott Gee                                      

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Sunday School                                                           11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, God's Exceptional Choice  
  Bring your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Our deepest condolences to the Kipfer family at the passing of Joe. A wonderful husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. May the Lord comfort you all during this difficult time.

Did you know Sight & Sound has their wonderful productions on line! You can pay per view; the cost is $9.99 for a 3-day rental. You can check it out at; www.sight-sound.tv/pay-per-view

Fellowship/Birthday Snacks will be starting again. We will try for the 3rd week of each month but that can be fexable. Please see sign up sheet by Sanctuary doors to sign up for a month. Any questions see Lynn.

Beaver Camp’s Fall Family Retreat – October 7-9. Sign up at Beavercamp.org or call the camp office at 315-376-2640.

Please remember to return your congregational survey to Kevin Kipfer’s mail box by Sunday Sept. 18th. There are extra copies by the mailbox’s.

Shirley Miller – 19th
Emma Kipfer – 30th

Bible Trivia
Question: How did Judas inform the Roman officials of Jesus’ identity?

Question: What are the two tribes not named after Jacob’s son?

Question: Who asked for Jesus’ body for burial?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Judas kisses Jesus

Question 2 – Manasseh and Ephraim

Question 3 – Joseph of Arimathea

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Marlene Rodgers as she is fighting Covid again
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he heads back to college
~ The Kipfer family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) is home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 28, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                     Don Schmidt                                      

 Offering                           *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette 


 Sunday School                                                      11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss the book of Proverbs.  
  Bring your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ Kipfer’s 12744 Stage Rd. Akron
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Andrew is heading back to college. May the Lord bless his year.
If you would like to send a note;
Clarkson University
10 Clarkson Ave.
Box 7323
Potsdam, NY 13699

If you would like to communicate with Trey you may email him at treykipfer37@gmail.com, or you may write him a card or note of encouragement and send it to Trey Kipfer, c/o Bethesda Teaching Ministry, P.O. Box 20028., El Cajon, CA, 92021. There is no postal system in Mexico, so any mail needs to go through the ministry’s office in the States. The directors of the ranch come to the US office about once a month to pick up supplies and any mail for the staff. Your message may be delayed, but I believe and trust that it will arrive to Trey in God’s perfect timing

Our Sympathy to Pat and Joe Baer at the passing of Pat’s step mother.
May the Lord be with you and your family.

Did you know Sight & Sound has their wonderful productions on line! You can pay per view; the cost is $9.99 for a 3-day rental. You can check it out at; www.sight-sound.tv/pay-per-view

We will be continuing to collect MCC Relief Kits, until mid-September. MCC is in need of materials and kits. By the bulletin board you will find information on all the different kits. If you can make a full kit or donate just a few items, anyway you can help would go far in helping others in need.

Fellowship/Birthday Snacks will be starting again. We will try for the 3rd week of each month but that can be fexable. Please see sign up sheet by Sanctuary doors to sign up for a month. Any questions see Lynn.

Bible Trivia
Question: Who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus’ death?
Question: What did Melchizedek give to Abram?
Question: According to the Gospels, what genre of literature did Jesus use to help spread his message?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Anna

Question 2 – bread and wine

Question 3 – The parable

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Andrew as he heads back to college
~ Joe and Josephine Kipfer’s health issues and wisdom for the family as they figure out how to help.
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) is home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~Trey arrived in Mexico safely.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 21, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Kevin Kipfer                                      

 Update                                                               Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Sunday School                                                            11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss the book of Proverbs.  
  Bring your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Events coming to our area-

Great Lakes Christian Film Festival, Wed, Sept. 7th, 6PM – Sun, Sept. 11th, 12PM at Bread of Life Church 1638 South Park Ave., Buffalo. More details on the site; www.glcff.com

Mann’s Tour & Tamela Mann, Thu, Sep 08, 7:00pm, Elim Christian Fellowship
70 Chalmers Ave, Buffalo, NY. Join Tamela Mann as she performs NEW MUSIC from her latest album and her biggest hits to stir your soul, and David Mann gives a comedy show to remember. More info. on Bandsintown

Jeremy Camp @ The Capel, Buffalo on Sept. 15th, 7PM. More info. on; Bandsintown

Be The Bridge | Be The Change Conference is the heartbeat and vision of God’s Dream Inc. and was designed to create a safe space of communication within communities. Sat, October 1, 2022
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, 4369 South Buffalo Street, Orchard Park, NY 14127 This is a free event. For more info.; https://www.eventbrite.com/e/be-the-bridge-be-the-change-conference-2022-tickets

MCC Relief Kits, MCC is in need of materials and kits. By the bulletin board you will find information on all the different kits. If you can make a full kit or donate just a few items, anyway you can help would go far in helping others in need.

Bible Trivia
Question: Which missionary is said to have known the Bible since childhood?
Question: Who escorted the slaves with the letter to Philemon?
Question: What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar before he was restored?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Timothy

Question 2 – Tychicus

Question 3 – He became mad and lived like a beast

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Trey as he serves in Mexico
~ Marion Whiting and family to be comforted in their grief.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) is home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wilde is gaining strength daily, his wound has healed completely, and he is back to work full time.
~Trey arrived in Mexico safely.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 14, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                    Darwin Kipfer                                      

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                              


 Sunday School                                                         11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss the book of Proverbs.  
  Bring your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ Noah Schlabach.12997 Centerline Rd, S. Wales
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Our deepest condolences to the Whiting family on the passing of Tom.
May the Lord give you comfort and strength during this difficult time.

Commitment Surveys are due TODAY. Extra copies by the mailboxes
Surveys should be returned to in Kevin’s mailbox.

Help Wanted, Church Custodian Needed starting in September. Inquires please see Lynn for more information.

MCC Relief Kits, MCC is in need of materials and kits. By the bulletin board you will find information on all the different kits. If you can make a full kit or donate just a few items, anyway you can help would go far in helping others in need.

Bible Trivia
Question: What happened to the kingdom after Solomon ruled?

Question: Which tribe of Israel did not get the inheritance of the land

Question: Who is Abraham’s nephew?

Just for Fun!

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – divided into two parts     
Question 2 –  the tribe of Levi
Question 3 – Lot

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Trey as he prepares to leave for Mexico on Aug.12th
~ Summer camp staff @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill to stay healthy, get the rest they need, rely on God for the patience, grace & wisdom they need as they interact with their campers, and that they would be used to make an eternal difference in the lives of their campers.
~ Campers @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill that they would grow in their relationship with God or choose to commit their lives to Him for the first time.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wilde is gaining strength daily, his wound has healed completely, and he is back to work full time.
~Trey’s time in Colorado went very well
~Trey’s safe trip home from Colorado
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

August 7, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                       Scott Gee                                      

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                           Trey Kipfer                                                               


 Sunday School                                                       11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss the book of Proverbs.  
  Bring your Bibles!  

 Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ TBA
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Fri. 6:30 pm Raise a Hallelujah @ E.A. Classic Rink, 41 Riley St. E. Aurora
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Commitment Survey’s are due back by Sunday Aug. 14th.
Surveys should be returned to in Kevin’s mailbox.

Help Wanted, Church Custodian Needed starting in September. Inquires please see Lynn for more information.

MCC Relief Kits, MCC is in need of materials and kits. By the bulletin board you will find information on all the different kits. If you can make a full kit or donate just a few items, anyway you can help would go far in helping others in need.

Bible Trivia
Question: Who went on the early missionary journey with Paul?
Question: What is the name of the woman who hid the spy in Jericho?
Question: What reward did Jesus say that the Twelve Apostles would get away from everything and follow him?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Barnabas

Question 2 – Rahab
Question 3 – He said they would sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Trey as he prepares to leave for Mexico on Aug.12th
~ Summer camp staff @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill to stay healthy, get the rest they need, rely on God for the patience, grace & wisdom they need as they interact with their campers, and that they would be used to make an eternal difference in the lives of their campers.
~ Campers @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill that they would grow in their relationship with God or choose to commit their lives to Him for the first time.
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications after his surgery. .
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wilde is gaining strength daily, his wound has healed completely, and he is back to work full time.
~Trey’s time in Colorado went very well
~Trey’s safe trip home from Colorado
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 31, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                       Don Schmidt                                       

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                               


 Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss the book of Proverbs.  
  Bring your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ Ryan Fenwick’s 401 Lapp Rd., Alden
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study on Proverbs
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Fri. Aug 12th, 6:30 pm Raise a Hallelujah @ E.A. Classic Rink, 41 Riley St. E. Aurora

Commitment Survey’s are due back by Sunday Aug. 14th.
Surveys should be returned to in Kevin’s mailbox.

We are going to start another Bible Study. Consider coming and/or inviting friends to attend. We will read and discuss the book of Proverbs!
Starting this coming Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Where: Alden Mennonite Church Room Two
Time: 10:00 -11:00 AM
Bring your Bible
Also, a time to share and pray together.

Help Wanted, Church Custodian Needed starting in September. Inquires please see Lynn for more information.

MCC Relief Kits, MCC is in need of materials and kits. By the bulletin board you will find information on all the different kits. If you can make a full kit or donate just a few items, anyway you can help would go far in helping others in need.

Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Raise a Hallelujah event which will take place on Friday, August 12, 6:30 p.m., at the East Aurora Classic Rink, 41 Riley Street, East Aurora.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Where can I find the Ten Commandments in the Bible?
Question 2 – What are the nine (9) fruits of the Holy Spirit?
Question 3 – Where can I find the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

Question 2 – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Question 3 – Matthew 6

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Trey as he prepares to leave for Mexico on Aug.12th
~ Summer camp staff @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill to stay healthy, get the rest they need, rely on God for the patience, grace & wisdom they need as they interact with their campers, and that they would be used to make an eternal difference in the lives of their campers.
~ Campers @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill that they would grow in their relationship with God or choose to commit their lives to Him for the first time.
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications after his surgery. .
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wilde is gaining strength daily, his wound has healed completely, and he is back to work full time.
~Trey’s time in Colorado went very well
~Trey’s safe trip home from Colorado
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 24th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                      Kevin Kipfer                                      

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                               


 Update                                                             Kevin Kipfer

 Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.
 ~ Class will read, study, and discuss the book of Proverbs.  
  Bring your Bibles!  

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ Samuel Jackson’s, 978 Clearvue Dr., Alden
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Tue. Aug. 2nd, 10:00 am Bible Study *Starting ~ invite your friends and neighbors!
Fri. Aug 12th, 6:30 pm Raise a Hallelujah @ E.A. Classic Rink, 41 Riley St. E. Aurora

Congratulations to Noah Schlabach on his recent engagement to Reese Fagen. May God bless them as they prepare for their life together.

Congratulations to Don & Paulette Schmidt on the birth of their 2nd great-grandchild Naomi Jane Meyers, born on July 20th to Isaac & Maggie Meyers.

Community Bible Class will begin again on Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. starting on Aug 2nd. The topic will be the same as Sunday School, the book of Proverbs. Invite your friends and neighbors. The more folks the better the discussion!

Dan and Courtney Schmidt have a new email address; theschmidtfamily@proton.me

As you see by the insert in todays bulletin, MCC is in need of emergency supplies. We would like to help in anyway we can. Ruthie Jantzi already has a lot of bags sewn, could you grab one or more and make up one of the needed kits and/or donate a quilt or bath towels? By the bulletin board you can find the list of needed items for each kit, these lists are also available at www.mcc.org/kits. There will be a barrel in the foyer to place your donations.

Hearts and Hands annual volunteer/appreciation picnic is planned for Aug 6th @ 12 pm. Everyone should have had this invitation forwarded to them via email. If you did not receive it and would like the info. see Lynn.

Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Raise a Hallelujah event which will take place on Friday, August 12, 6:30 p.m., at the East Aurora Classic Rink, 41 Riley Street, East Aurora.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What is displayed on the headband of the high priest?
Question 2 – How many years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem?
Question 3 – What is the spiritual possession of the girl in Philippi?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – the holiness of Jahwe

Question 2 – 14 years

Question 3 – Python spirit

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Trey as he prepares to leave for Mexico on Aug.12th
~ Summer camp staff @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill to stay healthy, get the rest they need, rely on God for the patience, grace & wisdom they need as they interact with their campers, and that they would be used to make an eternal difference in the lives of their campers.
~ Campers @ Beaver Camp & Camp Hickory Hill that they would grow in their relationship with God or choose to commit their lives to Him for the first time.
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications after his surgery. .
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ Kirk Wilde is gaining strength daily, his wound has healed completely, and he is back to work full time.
~Trey’s time in Colorado went very well
~Trey’s safe trip home from Colorado
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 17th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Kevin Kipfer                                      

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                                Jim Sutton                                                                


 Fellowship Meal                                                        11:15 a.m.

 Congregational Meeting     

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What position does Ezra have in Israel?

Question 2 – What are the two pillars on the temple built by Solomon called?

Question 3 – Where did Paul leave his coat

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ Eric and Alex Gee’s 12588 Brucker Rd, Akron
Tue. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time


Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Raise a Hallelujah event which will take place on Friday, August 12, 6:30 p.m., at the East Aurora Classic Rink, 41 Riley Street, East Aurora.

Katherine Kipfer brought the beautiful alter flowers today.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – cultivator    
Question 2 – Jakin and Boas      
Question 3 – He left it in Troas, Carpus.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications after his surgery. .
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 10th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                           Darwin Kipfer                                      

 Offering                           *Please place your offering in the
       collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                          Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                


 Sunday School                                               11:15 a.m.     

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What did Jacob name the place he was fighting with God?
Question 2 – Who is Peter’s first letter addressed to?
Question 3 – What is the name of Job’s mother?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group @ Samuel Will’s, 10324 Harlow Rd.
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
July 17th Fellowship Meal & Congregational Meeting
July 19th Church Council Meeting

We will be having a fellowship meal together on Sunday July 17th, before our congregational meeting. Jim Sutton will be preaching and joining us for the meeting this Sunday. Please bring a salad/dessert to share.

Peace of the City’s, Shakespeare Comes to 716. July 27,28,29 @ 7pm
See bulletin board for details.

God is for life
An LMC statement on the overturning of Roe v. Wade (6/22)
As followers of Jesus, seeking to be a Spirit-led kingdom movement, we gladly proclaim that Jesus is life (John 11:25) and that he has come to bring abundant life to this broken and death-filled world (John 10:10). We believe that God is for life and that this includes each developing child in their mother’s womb. As Psalm 139 teaches us, the God of life is the one who forms the unborn child in the womb (v. 13) and plans out the child’s days before they are born (v. 16).
It is our prayer that the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court of the United States is a step toward an affirmation of life in our broader society. We know, however, that the country is deeply divided over abortion and its availability. We recognize that people cannot even agree whether the embryo in a mother’s womb is a human life or not, and so it is difficult to communicate without talking past one another.
We are aware that not everyone shares our values as followers of Jesus. Many will see this decision as an imposition of our Christian values on them and may resent it.
We also understand that abortion is still accessible in this country. And even if it were not legal, this would not stop abortions from taking place.
In light of all this we urge you as God’s new creation:
• To affirm and share the good news that Jesus is life and that he brings new life to this world. It is through God’s Word and Spirit that hearts and minds are changed.
• To witness to the powers-that-be that unborn children are human beings created in the image of God and that they are loved by God.
• To be consistently pro-life in all areas of life and not just with unborn children.
And to be active in assisting and caring for mothers with unwanted pregnancies before and after the child is born, welcoming them just as Jesus welcomed and blessed them (Mark 10:13-16). When we do this, we not only welcome the child, but also Jesus and indeed God (Mark 9:36-37).

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Pniel

Question 2 – Dispersed strangers

Question 3 – Zeruia

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications after his surgery. .
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 26th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                           Don Schmidt                                       

 Update                                                                 Kevin Kipfer
 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                       Dave (Duke) Dissette                                                                


 Sunday School                                                           11:15 a.m.     

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What is Timotheus’ grandmother called?
Question 2 – What does Jahwe-Schammah mean?
Question 3 – When is the Passover held?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 30th-July 3rd, Church Retreat at Beaver Camp
July 19th Church Council Meeting

There will NOT be a service here at AMC next Sunday, July 3rd. Due to many going up to Beaver Camp for our church retreat. We want to encourage everyone not going to visit another local church next Sunday; it’s a nice way to meet your neighbor’s.

Trey is currently in Windsor, CO (about an hour north of Denver) participating in a 5-week intensive discipleship training program at Ellerslie Mission Society. This is not connected with his trip to Mexico, but it will definitely be of help to him as he goes. He will be in Colorado through July 17th. Here’s his address if you would like to drop him a note: Trey Kipfer – Room #313, c/o Ellerslie Training, 675 Southwood Lane, Windsor, CO 80550

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Lois
Question 2 – God Himself/ Ezekiel 48,35
Question 3 – the 14th of the first lunar month

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 19th, 2022

Happy Father’s Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                       Kevin Kipfer                                       

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.




 Fellowship Snacks

 Sunday School                                                           11:15 a.m.     

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Who is Ahazvelos?
Question 2 – What is the name of Boa’s great-grandson?
Question 3 – What is the name of Moses’ wife

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 30th-July 3rd, Church Retreat at Beaver Camp
July 19th Church Council Meeting

Trey is currently in Windsor, CO (about an hour north of Denver) participating in a 5-week intensive discipleship training program at Ellerslie Mission Society. This is not connected with his trip to Mexico, but it will definitely be of help to him as he goes. He will be in Colorado through July 17th. Here’s his address if you would like to drop him a note: Trey Kipfer – Room #313, c/o Ellerslie Training, 675 Southwood Lane, Windsor, CO 80550

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Persian King, Xerxes 1
Question 2 – David
Question 3 – Zipporah

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications
~ Roll/Dippold family as they mourn the loss of Lynn’s father, Paul.
~ Kauffman family for the loss of Pastor Titus.
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukrain
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 12th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                          Scott Gee                                       

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.


 Message                                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette      


 Sunday School                                                           11:15 a.m.     

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What is the name of Priscilla’s husband?
Question 2 – What is Aquila’s job?
Question 3 – What is the name of the most worshipped goddess of Ephesus?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 19th Fellowship Snacks after Church
July 19th Church Council Meeting
June 30th-July 3rd, Church Retreat at Beaver Camp

Happy June Birthday’s to;
Katherine Kipfer on the 17th
Denise Kipfer on the 18th

Family Fair at Camp Hickory Hill
Saturday, June 18, 2022 10:00 am – 7:00 pm. A day of fun and excitement for all ages! Fair-style activities, games, rides, food, and shows are available for all-day enjoyment. Invite your friends and enjoy a day of adventure with them! Pre-registration is required due to limited availability. For more info. go to www.camphickoryhill.org/fair

Family Life’s Annual Used Curriculum Sale is taking place on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 from 6pm-9pm!

Urban Christian Ministries will be holding a dinner on Friday June 17th at Randall Baptist Church. Dinner is free! Come hear about the amazing things happening at U.C.M. There is more info. and details on our bulletin board.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Aquila
Question 2 – He was a tentmaker
Question 3 – Diana

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Tom Whiting’s wound to heal completely without complications
~ Roll/Dippold family as they mourn the loss of Lynn’s father, Paul.
~ Kauffman family for the loss of Pastor Titus.
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy (the Bison elevator worker) was moved to a rehab center in Chicago. He walked 50 steps alone with a cane! They are talking about sending him home in a couple weeks! Much healing still has to take place. God hears our prayers!
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 5th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                     Darwin Kipfer                                       

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                                             Don Schmidt      


 Congregational Meeting                                               11:00 a.m.     

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – When Jesus was born, which Roman in Syria was responsible for the cultivation?
Question 2 – The apostle Paul was executed at Areopagus or Jacob, which one happened first?
Question 3 – Who was Bernice ?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 19th Fellowship Snacks after Church
July 19th Church Council Meeting
June 30th-July 3rd, Church Retreat at Beaver Camp


Happy June Birthday’s to;
Katherine Kipfer on the 17th
Denise Kipfer on the 18th

Family Life’s Annual Used Curriculum Sale is taking place on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 from 6pm-9pm!

Urban Christian Ministries will be holding a dinner on Friday June 17th at Randall Baptist Church. Dinner is free! Come hear about the amazing things happening at U.C.M. There is more info. and details on our bulletin board.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Cyrenius   
Question 2 – Jacob’s execution
Question 3 – King Agrippa’s wife

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Roll/Dippold family as they mourn the loss of Lynn’s father, Paul.
~ Kauffman family for the loss of Pastor Titus.
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy, the young worker at Bison elevator who is at ECMC. The doctors feel he will recover but it will be a long road. PTL, he has started to move his hand.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ All those affected by the recent shootings
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 29th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                       Don Schmidt                                       

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                                             Trey Kipfer
                                      “a good trajectory"       


 Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – How did Stephen die?
Question 2 – What was wrong with Mephibosheth?
Question 3 – What is the name of the Abraham brothers

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
June 4th Rummage Sale for Trey’s Mission Trip
June 10th & 11th 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
July 19th Church Council Meeting
June 30th-July 3rd, Church Retreat at Beaver Camp


Memorial Day Picnic at Don & Paulette’s. Starts at 1pm with a hot dog roast, and hike afterwards. Everyone is welcome (even if you’re not interested in the hike).
Please bring a dish to share, your own drinks and lawn chairs.

Rummage sale benefitting Trey’s mission
Clean out your closets and purge your garages. Help donate items to Trey’s rummage sale! It will be June 4 starting at 9:00 am. You all are welcome to drop off items for my rummage sale at church anytime. Concerning the drop-off times, I told you (Tuesday, May 31 from 6:30- 8:30 pm AND Friday, June 3 from 8:00- 10:00 am), they are times you could help me receive the community’s donations. Any donations can be put in the fellowship hall closet. Please see Trey if you have any questions or are willing to help set up/ take down the sale.

Our Sincere Condolences to,
~ The Kauffman family on the passing of Pastor Titus.
~ The Roll/Dippold family on the passing of Lynn’s father.
May the strength and love of our Lord be with you all during this difficult time.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Being stoned to death
Question 2 – He was lame
Question 3 – Haran and Nahor

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Roll/Dippold family as they mourn the loss of Lynn’s father, Paul.
~ Kauffman family for the loss of Pastor Titus.
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy, the young worker at Bison elevator who is at ECMC. The doctors feel he will recover but no new signs yet.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 22nd, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Kevin Kipfer                                        

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                                Prayer & Share lead by Kevin


 Sunday School                                                           11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Where did Peter live while ministering in Joppa?
Question 2 – What does Peter’s vision of unclean animals mean?
Question 3 – Which two birds did Noah send out of the Ark as messengers?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s June 30-July 3, Church Retreat at Beaver Camp
June 10th & 11th 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
July 19th Church Council Meeting


Flowers are in memory of Len Roth’s 16th anniversary in his heavenly home. May 28 ,2006

Rummage sale benefitting Trey’s mission
Clean out your closets and purge your garages. Help donate items to Trey’s rummage sale! It will be June 4 starting at 9:00 am. Any donations can be put in the fellowship hall closet. Please see Trey if you are willing to help set up/ take down the sale.

Hearts and Hands are in need of volunteers. Even offering to drive someone is a huge help. Please see the note on the bulletin board.

Memorial Day Picnic at Don & Paulette’s. Starts at 1pm with a hot dog roast, and hike afterwards. Everyone is welcome (even if you’re not interested in the hike).
Please bring a dish to share, your own drinks and lawn chairs.

MCC is resuming shipments of material resources to Ukraine. Five containers of emergency supplies are being shipped to Ukraine in the next few months with more planned for later in the year. With this increase in demand for supplies for Ukraine and other countries around the world, MCC’s inventory of material resources is getting low. We need comforters, soap and towels as well as dignity, hygiene, infant care, relief, school and sewing kits. Your donations will provide relief and a tangible sign of hope to people in Ukraine and other difficult situations around the world. Go to mcc.org/kits for information on needed supplies and drop-off locations.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – At the house of Simon the tanner.
Question 2 – All people can be cleansed through Jesus.
Question 3 – Ravens and dove

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~Lynn Roll’s dad, Paul has had several very serious strokes. Please pray for him and for Lynn to have strength during this difficult time.
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Jim Kipfer to recover well from a stroke he had a couple months ago.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy, the young worker at Bison elevator who is at ECMC. The doctors feel he will recover but no new signs yet.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 15th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                    Darwin Kipfer                                        

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                    collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School                                                      11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What is Paul’s other name?
Question 2 – On the way to Gaza, an apostle shared the gospel with an Ethiopian official. What is the name of the apostle?
Question 3 – Peter raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead. Right or wrong?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sun. 8:45 am Prayer Time

Dates to Remember
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s
June 10th & 11th 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
July 19th Church Council Meeting


In place of Tuesday night prayer meetings, there will be prayer time before church @ 8:45 starting next Sunday, May 22nd.

Next Sunday there will be a prayer and share time. Please be mindful during the week of anything that God is putting on your heart to share.

Fellowship snacks this month will be canceled. Lynn had signed up to bring snacks this month, and I’m sorry to say I won’t have time to prepare and pull this off. Thanks for understanding.

Hearts and Hands are in need of volunteers. Even offering to drive someone is a huge help. Please see the note on the bulletin board.

Our annual Beaver Camp weekend is June 30th-July 3rd. Is there any interest this year?? Camp would like to know how many cabins and motel units we will be using sooner rather than later. It helps them to know what lodging is open for anyone else who calls looking for availability that weekend. As of right now, we have 6 cabins and 10 motel units set aside for us to use. Pricing will be similar to last year. If you are willing to commit to going that weekend (or if you have friends and family that would be willing to commit) please mark your bulletin tab or talk to Denise ASAP, but no later than Today.

Memorial Day Picnic at Don & Paulette’s. Starts at 1pm with a hot dog roast, and hike afterwards. Everyone is welcome (even if you’re not interested in the hike).
Please bring a dish to share, your own drinks and lawn chairs.

Correction on Eddie Bayer’s address: Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd. Cheektowaga,14227 – A-Unit, Room 47. 716-668-8100

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Saul of Tarsus

Question 2 – Philip.

Question 3 – Right

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~Lynn Roll’s dad, Paul has had several very serious strokes. Please pray for his recovery and for Lynn to have strength and clarity.
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Jim Kipfer to recover well from a stroke he had a couple months ago.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy, the young worker at Bison elevator who is at ECMC. The doctors feel he will recover but no new signs yet.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 8th, 2022

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                        Scott Gee                                        

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School                                                       11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – When they refused to bow to the idol, where were they thrown?
Question 2 – What is the name of the demon that Jesus drove out of the Glasenians?
Question 3 – After Jesus rose from the dead, how many people have seen him?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
May 22, after church Fellowship/Birthday Snacks
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s
June 10th & 11th 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
July 19th Church Council Meeting

Happy May Birthday to,

5/15 Alex Gee
5/15 Eric Gee

Tuesday morning Bible Study is canceled for this week, 5/10.

There is no prayer meeting this Tuesday. Prayer meeting will be moving to Sunday mornings @ 8:45, but it will not start until May 22nd because we will be out of town.

Our annual Beaver Camp weekend is June 30th-July 3rd. Is there any interest this year?? Camp would like to know how many cabins and motel units we will be using sooner rather than later. It helps them to know what lodging is open for anyone else who calls looking for availability that weekend. As of right now, we have 6 cabins and 10 motel units set aside for us to use. Pricing will be similar to last year. If you are willing to commit to going that weekend (or if you have friends and family that would be willing to commit) please mark your bulletin tab or talk to Denise ASAP, but no later than May 15th.

Memorial Day Picnic at Don & Paulette’s. Starts at 1pm with a hot dog roast, and hike afterwards. Everyone is welcome (even if you’re not interested in the hike).
Please bring a dish to share, your own drinks and lawn chairs.

Correction on Eddie Bayers address: Garden Gate Health 2365 Union Rd. Cheektowaga,14227 – A-Unit, Room 47. 716-668-8100

FBC National Conference (Fellowship of Biblical Counselors) May 12-14, hosted to Faith Fellowship Church. The conference will be on Romans 12, and is free to attend. For more info. or to register – fbcounselors.com/fbc-conferences

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – into a fiery furnace.

Question 2 – Legion.

Question 3 – more than 500 people

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Jim Kipfer to recover well from a stroke he had a couple months ago.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy, the young worker at Bison elevator who is at ECMC. The doctors feel he will recover but no new signs yet.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

May 1st, 2022
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96:1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                       Trey Kipfer                                         

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

  Message                                                            Don Schmidt
                                Today’s Sermon:
                                Looking for Jesus!
                                 (Where is God?)


  Sunday School                                                        11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Who conquered Judah and brought Daniel to their country?
Question 2 – Who is the last king Daniel served in the Bible?
Question 3 – What happened to the kingdom after Solomon rule?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s
June 10th & 11th 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
July 19th Church Council Meeting


Our annual Beaver Camp weekend is June 30th-July 3rd. Is there any interest this year?? Camp would like to know how many cabins and motel units we will be using sooner rather than later. It helps them to know what lodging is open for anyone else who calls looking for availability that weekend. As of right now, we have 6 cabins and 10 motel units set aside for us to use. Pricing will be similar to last year. If you are willing to commit to going that weekend (or if you have friends and family that would be willing to commit) please mark your bulletin tab or talk to Denise ASAP, but no later than May 15th.

New Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book “Where do we go from here?”. Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m., here at church. Everyone is welcome, so invite your family, friends and neighbors! Any questions see Don Schmidt.
And, if you are an early bird, some folks have been meeting at The Miller house restaurant on Broadway at 9 am for breakfast before the bible study. Please feel free to come join them.

Thursday, May 5th, is the National Day of Prayer, observed in the USA since 1952. There will be gatherings to pray for our nation, state and community.
Please join us.

  • Lancaster Town Hall – 12:00pm to 12:45pm
  • Lancaster Presbyterian Church – 7:00pm

Memorial Day Picnic at Don & Paulette’s. Starts at 1pm with a hot dog roast, and hike afterwards. Everyone is welcome (even if you’re not interested in the hike).
Please bring a dish to share, your own drinks and lawn chairs.

Peace of the City’s ~ Night of Courage. Benefit Dinner & Program
Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 6:00-7:30 pm. *There is NO cost to attend!
Check our bulletin board for more details.

Mother & Daughter Spring Retreat at Camp Hickory Hill – May 20-21
For more information or to register go to; CampHickoryHill.org/retreats


I/We are interested in going to
Beaver Camp for the 4th of July
Which would you like to stay in?
 Motel Unit
 Cabin
 Campsite

Prayer Requests and Praises:

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Babylonians.

Question 2 – King Nebuchadnezzar’s.

Question 3 – Darius

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Jim Kipfer to recover well from a stroke he had a couple months ago.
~ Little baby Asa Fult has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that affects his organs. Pray that he continues to thrive and develops normally
~ Randy, the young worker at Bison elevator who is at ECMC. The doctors feel he will recover but no new signs yet.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ Julie Roll is feeling better and near back to full strength.
Thank you all for the prayers!
~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Baby Fult’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 24th, 2022
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

 Announcements                                                      Kevin Kipfer                                         

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

  Sharing                                                             Trey Kipfer

  Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette


  Fellowship/Birthday Snacks                                             11:00 a.m.

  Sunday School with Don Schmidt                                         11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Which books in the Bible record all the kings?
Question 2 – How many kings did Judah have?
Question 3 – How many kings were there in Israel?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 10:00 am Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book, “Where do we go from here?”
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Service Day at Joe & Josie Kipfer’s

Dates to Remember
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s
June 10th & 11th 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
July 19th Church Council Meeting


New Bible Study on David Jeremiah’s book “Where do we go from here?”. Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m., here at church. Everyone is welcome, so invite your family, friends and neighbors! Any questions see Don Schmidt.
And, if you are an early bird, some folks have been meeting at The Miller house restaurant on Broadway at 9 am for breakfast before the bible study. Please feel free to come join them.

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: This Saturday, April 30 9:30-11:30 there will be a workday at Joe & Josephine Kipfer’s (540 Two Rod Rd.) to do yardwork. If you have any questions, talk with Kevin or Denise

Through April 30th Ministry Safe is offering a free two-part parent training on child abuse. This Training is designed to help parents better understand what they can do to protect their children from sexual abuse. The Training provides parents with facts and information to recognize an offender’s ‘grooming process’ before a child is targeted for abuse. Visit MinistrySafe.com/April to access this Training and other parent resources.

Peace of the City’s ~ Night of Courage. Benefit Dinner & Program
Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 6:00-7:30 pm. *There is NO cost to attend!
Check our bulletin board for more details.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – First and Second Kings, First and Second Chronicles

Question 2 – 20

Question 3 – 19

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Julie Roll stops her severe cough and regains her strength.
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ Julie Roll is starting to feel better. The infection seems to be under control.
~ The youth group foundational series went well. With the youth engaging in great discussion.
~ Fan Marie is feeling better ~ Thank You Everyone for all your prayers!
~ Baby Futt’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 17th, 2022

Easter Sunday Breakfast 8:30 a.m.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


 Announcements                                                       Darwin Kipfer                                         

 Offering                                        *Please place your offering in the
                    collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Worship                                                  Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                                               Dan Schmidt


 Sunday School with Don Schmidt                                         11:15 a.m.

 Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sunday Fellowship/Birthday Snacks

Dates to Remember
April 30th 9:30-11:30 Service Day at Joe & Josie Kipfer’s
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction


Welcome to Dan, Courtney, Ethan, Nate & Evelyn Schmidt. It is so nice to have you with us this morning. We are excited to have you sharing today Dan, on the glory of the risen Lord, and what He is doing in your family.

There will be no prayer meeting on the 18th due to the council meeting.

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Saturday, April 30 9:30-11:30 there will be a workday at Joe & Josephine Kipfer’s (540 Two Rod Rd.) to do yardwork. If you have any questions, talk with Kevin or Denise

Beaver Camp Early Bird Discount; Register for Summer Camp 2022! Registration is open for all of our summer programs! You only have until May 1st to secure your early bird discount of $35. The rest of April will fly by, so register now to get our lower price on summer camp. Don’t wait too long!

Bible Trivia
Question 1 –”Take ye him, and crucify him, for I find no fault in him.” Who made this statement?
Question 2 – What kind of cloth was used to wrap the body of Jesus?
Question 3 – How many angels, according to the Gospel of John, were inside the sepulchre?

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Pilate – Pontius Pilate washes his hands as a sign that he is not responsible for the crucifixion.

Question 2 – Linen – The body was wrapped in linen scented with spices.

Question 3 – Two – There was one where the head of Jesus had been and one at the feet.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for,
~ Kirk Wilde to return to full health and strength.
~ Julie Roll that has been very ill with a lung infection. She has seen several doctors, but has not found the correct treatment course to rid her body of this infection.
~ A young worker at Bison elevator was injured on the job. He is in ECMC now and paralyzed. They do think his feeling will come back with time
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ Our Risen King
~ Fan Marie is feeling better ~ Thank You Everyone for all your prayers!
~ Baby Futt’s is doing well. Please pray that little Asa continues to thrive.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 10th, 2022


May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you (PS. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                         Scott Gee                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

  Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette



  Sunday School with Don Schmidt                                   11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sunday- 8:30 am Easter Breakfast

Dates to Remember
April 19th, 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
April 24th, 11:00 am Fellowship/Birthday Snacks
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
May 30th, 1:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Schmidt’s
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction

Eddie Bayer has left a couple messages at church. He said he misses everyone very much, and would love to have visiters at Garden Gate Health. Also, if you would like to call him to say hello, his number is 716-668-2130

Good Friday Cross Walk – Join us as we participate in the annual Good Friday Cross Walk. This 2-hour event will take place on Fri. April 15th
9:30 am starting at Lancaster Presbyterian Church, 5461 Broadway, Lancaster
1:00 pm starting at East Aurora Classic Rink, 41 Riley St, East Aurora

Easter Sunday we will be having a light breakfast here at church starting at 8:30. Paulette would like to get a count, if you are planning on having family or friends join you Easter Sunday, please let her know. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier!

Grace in Community will once again be having a Good Friday service at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.

Compass Care Walk for Life will be in person this year on Saturday April 30th. For more info; https://www.compasscarecommunity.com/2022-walk-for-life/

Thank you everyone for allowing me this extended time with family. It was such a blessing to be able to have been in NC helping out. It’s good to be home and back at church with you all! Lynn

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What is special about Palm Sunday?
Question 2 – What does the donkey represent on Palm Sunday?
Question 3 – Why were palm branches waved at Jesus?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ A young worker at Bison elevator was injured on the job. He is in ECMC now and paralyzed. They do think his feeling will come back with time
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ “God would motivate People” changed to …That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ Fan Marie is feeling better ~ Thank You Everyone for all your prayers
~ Brita’s neice Melaine is home from the hospital. They are hoping that with a very restricted diet they can slow down the constant loss of fluids and electrolytes. With her many problems that is probably the best the doctors can do right now.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 -Palm Sunday recalls an event in the Christian Scripture (The New Testament) of Jesus entering into Jerusalem and being greeted by the people waving palm branches. For Christians, it is a reminder of the welcoming of Jesus into our hearts and of our willingness to follow him.

Question 2 -The symbolism of the donkey may refer to the Eastern tradition that it is an animal of peace, unlike the horse which is the animal of war. A king would have ridden a horse when he was bent on war and ridden a donkey to symbolize his arrival in peace.

Question 3 -Palm branches were regarded as tokens of joy and triumph and were customarily used on festive occasions (Leviticus 23:40, Nehemiah 8:15). Kings and conquerors were welcomed with palm branches being strewn before them and waved in the air.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

April 3rd, 2022

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you (PS. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                       Don Schmidt                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

  Message                                       Video – "Members of One Another"


  Sunday School with Don Schmidt                                   11:15 a.m.

Bible Trivia

Question 1 – The spies sent to Canaan, what did they see scared them?

Question 2 – Who are the only two Israelis allowed to enter the Promised Land many years later?

Question 3 – Which books of the Bible did King Solomon write?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 19th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction


Happy Birthday to our brother’s and sister that have April birthday’s
Trey Kipfer – 8th
Brita Everett – 13th
Bob Murray – 19th
Nate Schlack – 21st
Andrew Kipfer – 23rd

Good Friday Cross Walk – Join us as we participate in the annual Good Friday Cross Walk. This 2-hour event will take place on Fri. April 15th
9:30 am starting at Lancaster Presbyterian Church, 5461 Broadway, Lancaster
1:00 pm starting at East Aurora Classic Rink, 41 Riley St, East Aurora

Grace in Community will once again be having a Good Friday service at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.

Katherine Kipfer will be blessing us with Fellowship/Birthday Snack on Sunday, April 24th. If you would like to help her, please be sure to let her know.

If you would like to be put on or taken off of the prayer request list, or if you would like to add a praise. Please let Lynn know; amcsecretary1024@gmail.cpm or 716-445-0578

Compass Care Walk for Life will be in person this year on Saturday April 30th. For more info; https://www.compasscarecommunity.com/2022-walk-for-life/

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Giant

Question 2 – Joshua & Caleb

Question 3 – Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and some Psalms

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~ Possibility of a pastor
~ Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~ Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~ “God would motivate People” changed to …That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~ All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~ Each other!!!

~ Fan Marie is feeling better
~ Brita’s neice Melaine is home from the hospital. They are hoping that with a very restricted diet they can slow down the constant loss of fluids and electrolytes. With her many problems that is probably the best the doctors can do right now.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 27th, 2022

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                   Darwin Kipfer                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of March.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Who are Noah’s three sons?
Question 2 – What is the name of Abram’s maid?
Question 3 – When the Israelites were hungry in the wilderness, what did Godsend to feed them?

Week in Brief
Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction


All responses to Duke’s posed questions can be place in his mailbox. If you need more time just let him know.

Looking for volunteer(s) to provide fellowship/birthday snack next month, Sunday April 17th. If this is something you can bless your church family with. please sign-up on the paper by the Sanctuary doors.

50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction!
Celebrate our 50th Annual Auction for Beaver Camp! We are seeking donated items for our auction on June 10th & 11th at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. This year we’re introducing the Upcycle Competition. You take one person’s trash and make it into a treasure – either into art or into something useful! Other donation item ideas: themed gift baskets, handcrafted furniture, home furnishings and textiles, tools, toys, and gadgets. We also accept group experiences such as group dinners, vacation packages, excursions, lessons, and tickets. Follow us on social media for updates and announcements @beavercamp.
Visit www.beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640 if you would like to make an auction donation, register for a program, volunteer, apply to work or if you have a question.

Beaver Camp is Hiring – Love to work with people in an outdoor setting? We are looking for Trip Leaders, Lifeguards, Counselors, and Kitchen Help this summer. Not 18 yet? We’re also looking for high school students to participate in our TLT program for teens ages 16 and 17! Visit beavercamp.org for applications or follow us on social media @beavercamp.

If you would like to be put on or taken off of the prayer request list, or if you would like to add a praise. Please let Lynn know; amcsecretary1024@gmail.cpm or 716-445-0578

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Shem, Ham, Japheth.

Question 2 – Hagar

Question 3 – quail and manna.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~Daisy health and BP to lower
~Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~Possibility of a pastor
~Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~Kevin planning Sunday mornings
~ God would motivate people
~Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~Each other!!!

~Brita’s neice Melaine is home from the hospital. They are hoping that with a very restricted diet they can slow down the constant loss of fluids and electrolytes. With her many problems that is probably the best the doctors can do right now.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@agmail.com

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 13th, 2022
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                   Darwin Kipfer                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of March.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – In what language is most of the Old Testament given?
Question 2 – In what language are most of the contents of the New Testament given?
Question 3 – What is the most likely first gospel?

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction

As you got up, I watched and hoped you would talk to me. Just a few words, such as thanking me for something good in your life yesterday or last week would do.
But I noticed you were busy selecting the right clothes for work. I waited again to hear from you. When you ran around the house collecting papers, I knew there would be a few minutes to stop and say hello, but you never slowed down.
I wanted to tell you that I could help you accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible if you would just spend some of each day with me. At one point, you waited fifteen minutes in a chair with nothing to do. I waited to hear from you.
Then I saw you spring to your feet; I thought you wanted to talk to me, but you ran to the phone and called a friend. I watched as off to work you went and waited patiently all day long to hear from you. With all your activities you were too busy to talk with me.
I noticed at lunch you looked around; maybe you just felt embarrassed to talk to me. You glanced three tables over and noticed some of your friends talking to me before they ate, but you wouldn’t.
There was still more time left, and I hoped that we would talk. You went home and had many things to do. After they were done, you turned on the TV; just about anything goes there and you spend many hours watching. I waited as you continued watching TV and ate your meal but again you wouldn’t talk to me.
At bedtime you were totally tired. After you said good night to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep. I had so much wanted to be part of your day. We could have had so much fun and accomplished so much together.
I love you so much that I wait every day for a thought, prayer or thanks. Well, maybe tomorrow! I’ll be waiting.

Your Friend,


Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Hebrew

Question 2 – Greek

Question 3 – Mark

_— Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~ Brita’s neice Mel as she strugglies with health issues, and her sister Doris as she cares for her daughter through it all.
~Trey as he prepares and goes on his missions trip to Mexica
~Daisy health and BP to lower
~Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~Possibility of a pastor
~Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~Kevin planning Sunday mornings
~ God would motivate people
~Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~Each other!!!

~Don’s back feeling better
~New life

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 6th, 2022
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                          Kevin Kipfer                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                            “Love One Another” (YouTube)  
   ~ YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?=v=ZpAT55tVs4U&t=1s

~ Start at 33.36


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. No Children’s Church today.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of March.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – On what day of the week did Jesus resurrect?
Question 2 – What are people trying to do in the Tower of Babel?
Question 3 – Who is the enemy who took the ark of the covenant?

    Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction


To These March Babies;
Lynn Roll – 17th
Eddie Bayer – 26th
Jonas Kipfer – 28th
Noah Schlaback – 29th

Do you have a little extra time after church? It would be wonderful to stay and have some time to pray together.

Please Remember to set aside some time for intercessory prayer every Tuesday.
Pray intentionally and specifically for God’s will for AMC.

Just for Fun,

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Sunday

Question 2 – Building a tower to reach the heavens

Question 3 – Philistines.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Our brother’s and sister’s in the Ukraine
~Trey as he prepares and goes on his missions trip to Mexica
~Daisy health and BP to lower
~Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~Possibility of a pastor
~Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~Kevin planning Sunday mornings
~ God would motivate people
~Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~Each other!!!

~Don’s back feeling better
~New life

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 27th, 2022
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                          Darwin Kipfer                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                            “The One Anothers” (YouTube)                                             


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. No Children’s Church the month of February.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of February.

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction

Do you have a little extra time after church? It would be wonderful to stay and have some time to pray together.

Please Remember to set aside some time for intercessory prayer every Tuesday.
Pray intentionally and specifically for God’s will for AMC.

A new granddaughter for the Roll’s. Ada Ann arrived on Tuesday 2-22-22, she weighed 10 lbs 8 oz and was 22” inches long. The Reppi family is over the moon with the new addition to their family. Grandma is too!

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – In order to create a frog plague, who stretched his rod through the waters of Egypt?
Question 2 – The sign that God sent to Noah that he will never destroy the earth again with water?
Question 3 –What is the shortest verse of the Bible?

Just for Fun,

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~Trey as he prepares and goes on his missions trip to Mexica
~Daisy health and BP to lower
~Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~Possibility of a pastor
~Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~Kevin planning Sunday mornings
~ God would motivate people
~Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~Each other!!!

~Don’s back feeling better
~New life

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@agmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Aaron

Question 2 – Rainbow

Question 3 – Jesus wept –
John 11:35

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

February20th, 2022
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                       Kevin Kipfer                                         

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                                Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                    Dave (Duke) Dissette                                 


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. No Children’s Church the month of February.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of February.

Just for Fun,

Week in Brief

Tuesday – ALL DAY! Pray specifically & intentionally for AMC
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
There will be a Memorial Service for Denise’s dad on February 26th at 11:00 at
Pendleton Center United Methodist Church,
6864 Campbell Blvd (corner of Bear Ridge Road). There will be a greeting/receiving line starting at 10:00.

April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction

Do you have a little extra time after church? It would be wonderful to stay and have some time to pray together.

Please Remember to set aside some time for intersensory prayer every Tuesday.
Pray intentionally and specifically for God’s will for AMC.

Lynn will be taking some time away to help her daughter and family in NC. She will be gone from now until 4/10. I will still be emailing the bulletin every week to each of you. There will not be paper bulletins on Sunday’s until I get back. The sound/AV team will be putting the weeks bulletin on screen during announcements. Please don’t hesitate to email, text or call me with any prayer needs or announcements to be put into the bulletin or emailed to everyone. I’ll miss you all. May God blessing be with you.

Casting Crowns and special guest are coming to town March 18th, 2022
Tickets are now available online and can be purchased at www.kingdombound.org/castingcrowns
Bronze — $30.00, Silver — $50.00, Gold — $80.00
Casting Crowns Pre-Show Experience — $39.50**
*This experience includes includes a pre-show Q&A, Souvenir Laminate, Autographed Photo & an Exclusive Merch Piece. A concert ticket is required along with this add-on.
Event Time + Date; Friday, March, 18th at 7:00PM | Doors open @ 6:00PM
Chapel at CrossPoint 500 CrosPoint Pkwy. Getzville, NY 14068

Iron Sharpens Iron is a first class one-day equipping conference for men of all ages coming to Revive Wesleyan Church in Hamburg, NY on Saturday, March 19th Registration is now open at, csbministries.org/isi-buffalo
Pricing: Early Group (10 or more): $47, Student or Active Military: $30,
Early Individual: $55, Standard: $61 Date + Time: Saturday, March 19th | 8:30AM – 3:30PM | Doors @ 7:30AM LOCATION; Revive Wesleyan Church 4999 McKinley Parkway, Hamburg, NY 14075

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – In the Song of Songs, how much is the bride’s dowry?
Question 2 – Paul was warned of the plot against him by who?
Question 3 – Who was the queen that crowned Esther as queen?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~Don Schmidt’s back pain
~Eli & Olivia Fults and their unborn son (Pat Baer’s nephew)
~Possibility of a pastor
~Emma as she leads youth group and teaches a series on basic and foundational Christian beliefs
~Eddie Bayer, to return to good health
~Kevin planning Sunday mornings
~ God would motivate people
~Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
~All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
~Each other!!!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 1000 silver pieces

Question 2 – His nephew

Question 3 – Ahasuerus

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

February 13th, 2022
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team



Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Mary Schlabach is teaching this week, and Keisha Schmidt will be teaching next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of February.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Ahab had how many sons in Samaria?
Question 2 – Sarah, the wife of Abraham, lived how many years?
Question 3 – What is the name of the well Abraham and Abimelech fought over?

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
There will be a Memorial Service for Denise’s dad on February 26th at 11:00 at
Pendleton Center United Methodist Church,
6864 Campbell Blvd (corner of Bear Ridge Road). There will be a greeting/receiving line starting at 10:00.

April 30th – Service Day at Beaver Camp
June 10-11 – 50th Annual Beaver Camp Auction
2 Events at Peace of the City;
~ Honoring 30 years in ministry; Peace of the City’s Night of Courage, on Thursday June 2nd. Benefit Dinner & Program 6:00 – 7:30 pm
~ Shakespeare Comes to (716), PotC rendition of Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing, July 27,28,29 @ 7pm
You can find more information on these events at;
www.peaceofthecity.org , 716.986.0970

Mennonite Life. Former Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society
Rare Ausbund Hymnal Comes to Lancaster

  • World’s Only Known Copy of the Ausbund Hymnal’s 1st Printed Edition (1564) Coming to Mennonite Life.
  • The Ausbund has been in continuous use for worship since its first printing in 1564, and many Amish communities use it in worship today.
    Discover an influential artifact from Anabaptist history on March 28 at 7 pm at Mennonite Life, 2215 Millstream Rd., Lancaster PA, 17602. Joe Springer, Curator of the Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen, Indiana, exhibits the Ausbund hymnal and discusses the Sammelband style of binding printed hymn pamphlets together, as this Ausbund is part of a Sammelband. During the lecture, Springer will also introduce hymns and other devotional literature that flourished in pamphlet form among Anabaptist groups during the 17th and 18th centuries.
    The Ausbund is the oldest Anabaptist hymnal. It has been in continuous use for worship since its first printing in 1564, and many Amish communities use it in worship today. The Ausbund on display is the only known copy of the 1564 1st printed edition.
    Pre-register for the complimentary lecture by Friday, March 18 at
    Live stream available that evening facebook,com/MennoniteLife.
    Beyond the lecture, the Ausbund is available for viewing at the Mennonite Life library on Tuesday, March 29, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, and Wednesday, March 30, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Complimentary admission.

Date: February 13th, 2022


Prayer Requests and Praises:

 Confidential
 Share with Congregation
 Share with Intercessors

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 70

Question 2 – 127

Question 3 – Beersheba

_— Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

 Each other!!!

 Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.

 All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.


 God’s healing touch on;
 Dave Dissette “Duke”
 Sandee Meyers
 PTL, Both are feeling better!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@agmail.com

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@agmail.com

February 6th, 2022

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team



Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Emma Kipfer is this week, and Mary Schlaback will be teaching next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of February.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Who crafted an idol for the Israelites to worship while Moses was away?
Question 2 – Apostle Paul wrote how many books?
Question 3 – How was Jezebel killed?

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
There will be a Memorial Service for Denise’s dad on February 26th at 11:00 at
Pendleton Center United Methodist Church,
6864 Campbell Blvd (corner of Bear Ridge Road). There will be a greeting/receiving line starting at 10:00.


Happy February Birthday!
1st – Karen Dombrowski
18th – Dave Schmidt

Worship Surveys are due back today. Please put your completed survey in either Trey Kipfers or Nate Schlaback mail box. Thanks so much for your feedback! We are also looking for folks interested in helping with the worship team, if interested please speak with Trey.

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out the bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Just for Fun,

Prayer Request and Praises
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Pray for;
*Each other!!!
*PTL, Sandi Myers surgery went very well. She is now home resting and healing.
196 Dersam Road Alden. NY 14004 585-902-6018
*Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.
*All the missionaries doing God’s work during these difficult times.
Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@agmail

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Aaron

Question 2 – 13

Question 3 – Thrown out of her window

January 30th, 2022
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you (Ps. 130: 1-4). We are a body of believes who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God; one who knows our shortcomings but forgives us when we ask for it. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

  Message                                                           Dave (Duke) Dissette


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Emma Kipfer is this week, and Pat Baer will be teaching next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Keisha Schmidt is on call for Nursery the month of January. Valerie Gee will be covering nursery in February.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – The Trinity was revealed when?
Question 2 – Moses received the commandments at which mountain?
Question 3 – Jesus’ meeting of a woman at Jacob’s well was in which town?

    Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Nate and Trey are in need of your feedback. They have made a worship survey and given one to each of us in our mailboxes. Couples that have 1 mailbox you will find 2 surveys. If you could fill this out and get it back to them by February 6th, it would be much appreciated.

We would like to start a Prayer Request and Praises section in each week’s bulletin. If you have either that you would like to have in the bulletin email Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out the bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

The minutes from the church council meeting and the congregational meeting are in your mailboxes.

Cold and snow got you down? Choose to step out and make the best of winter at Beaver Camp! The Ice Fishing Derby returns on February 5th. In February there are also amazing youth and family winter camps to choose from! Details are at beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640

Beaver Camp is hiring summer help! TLT (junior counselor), counselors, lifeguards and cooks are needed. Contact Beaver Camp at 315-376-2640 or office@beaver.camp for more information.

Just for Fun,

Prayer Request and Praises  
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18   Pray for;        
*Kevin and Denise Kipfer and family, for the Lord to clear up the fraudulent situation in Kevin’s name and continue to comfort all of them as they mourn the  loss of Denise’s dad.       
*Pat Baer’s nephew and wife Eli and Olivia, her sister Joyce’s son. For God’s healing touch on their unborn child, and His comfort and strength to the family.       
*Sandy Myers is have surgery on her shoulder this Thursday. Please pray for this surgery to go well and she will be relieved of her pain.       
*Continue to pray for our church, for the Lord to make our path clear.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@agmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – At Jesus’ baptism

Question 2 – Mount Sinai

Question 3 – Sychar

January 23rd, 2022

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you (Ps. 130: 1-4). We are a body of believes who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God; one who knows our shortcomings but forgives us when we ask for it. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                               Jim Sutton


 Congregational Meeting

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. No Children’s Church this week, and Emma Kipfer will be teaching next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Keisha Schmidt is on call for Nursery the month of January.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Nate and Trey are in need of your feedback. They have made a worship survey and given one to each of us in our mailboxes. Couples that have 1 mailbox you will find 2 surveys. If you could fill this out and get it back to them by February 6th, it would be much appreciated

We would like to start a Prayer Request and Praises section in each week’s bulletin. If you have either that you would like to have in the bulletin email Lynn at amcsecretary1924@gmail.com, or fill out the bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate.

Eddie Bayer is now living in a long-term care facility. He would love to have visitors or receive a card/note.
Eddie Bayer
c/o Garden Gate Health Care Facility
2365 Union Road – D unit
Cheektowaga, NY 14226

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Who took Judas Iscariot’s place as a disciple?
Question 2 – What area of Palestine did the tribe of Judah lived after the exile?
Question 3 – Which group was the ruling council of the Jews that plotted Jesus’ death?

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                         dukdukkip@gmail.com  

Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers; Question 1 –   Matthias   Question 2 –   Judea   Question 3 –  The Sanhedrin    

January 16th, 2022

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you (Ps. 130: 1-4). We are a body of believes who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God; one who knows our shortcomings but forgives us when we ask for it. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                              Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                                    Dr. Tom Insinna


Fellowship and Snacks

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Keisha Schmidt will be teaching this week, and No Children’s Church next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Keisha Schmidt is on call for Nursery the month of January.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

There will be a Memorial Service for Denise’s dad on February 26th at 11:00 at
Pendleton Center United Methodist Church,
6864 Campbell Blvd (corner of Bear Ridge Road). There will be a greeting/receiving line starting at 10:00.

From LMC News;

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What is the longest chapter of the bible?
Question 2 – The first murderer in the bible is who?
Question 3 – Which place is called “Zion” and “the city of David”

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Psalm 119

Question 2 – Cain

Question 3 – Jerusalem

January 9th, 2022

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24: 15) With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully todt;ay.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

 Message                                                                            Jim Sutton


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Mary Schlaback will be teaching this week, and Pat Baer next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Keisha Schmidt is on call for Nursery the month of January.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Tue. 1/18/22 Church Council Meeting

Our condolences to the Kipfer family on the loss of Denise’s dad Chester. May the Lord comfort and ease the ache in your heart during this difficult time. Our love and prayers are with each of you.

Family Life Event:
Valentine’s Dinner Concert featuring Nichole Nordeman on Friday, February 11th and Saturday, February 12th at Family Life! Enjoy a delicious dinner specially crafted by Family Life’s Chef Nick Finlayson as well as a selection of desserts served prior to this intimate concert.
Tickets cost $37 each and go on sale beginning September 7th, 2022
Event dates + times
Friday, February 11, 2022 | 6:30PM – 9:45PM (doors open at 5:45)
Saturday, February 12, 2022 | 5:30PM – 8:45PM (doors open at 4:45)
For more info or to purchase tickets; https://www.familylife.org/events/

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – What did Joshua command to stay still?
Question 2 – Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Question 3 – How many plagues are in Exodus?

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – The sun and moon

Question 2 – Cyrus

Question 3 – Ten

January 2nd, 2022

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24: 15) With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                          Dave Schmidt

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Message                                                                Dave Schmidt


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Denise Kipfer will be teaching this week, and Mary Schlaback next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of January.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – Who were the first apostles Jesus called to follow him?
Question 2 -Paul is from what tribe?
Question 3 -How many people entered Noah’s ark?

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Sun. 1/9/22 Congregational Meeting
Tue. 1/18/22 Church Council Meeting

Sunday Jan. 9th, Jim Sutton will be with us and we will be having a congregational meeting immediately after church. Please take the time to go through the Viability Survey and bring it with you for this meeting.

Please bring a breakfast snack item or fruit for the Jan. 9th congregational meeting.

LMC’s Celebration of Church Life will be held at Camp Hebron in Halifax PA. The multi-day event is designed for the entire family with activities for all ages. The plenary speakers are Adalberto Santiago from Shalom Council and Jeremy Miller from Rosedale Bible College.
Cost for weekend lodging and meals ranges from $200 (adult) to $25 (ages 3–17). A Saturday only meal option is available. Those who wish to stay in the campground should reserve their site with Camp Hebron directly at camphebron.org.
Registration opens January 15, 2022 at

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Peter and Andrew

Question 2 – Benjamin

Question 3 – Eight

December 26th, 2021

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24: 15) With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                           Dave Schmidt

Advent Presentation                                                     Denise Kipfer

Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Message                                                           Dave (Duke) Dissette


Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Trey Kipfer will be teaching this week, and Denise Kipfer next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of December.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Sun. 1/9/22 Congregational Meeting

Sunday Jan. 9th, Jim Sutton will be with us and we will be having a congregational meeting immediately after church. Please take the time to go through the Viability Survey and bring it with you for this meeting.

Please bring a breakfast snack item or fruit for the Jan. 9th congregational meeting.

Bible Trivia
Question 1 – How many baskets were left over after Jesus fed the 5,000- ?
Question 2 – The high priest of Jerusalem that put Jesus on trial, what was his name?
Question 3 – According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ first public sermon happened where?

Just for Fun!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 12  
Question 2 – Caiaphas    
Question 3 – On the mount

December 19th, 2021

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and earth peace to those on whom his favor rest (Luke 3:14). May you experience his peace as you prepare for Christmas. Let our hearts enjoy the excitement that comes with the Advent season. Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us put our trust in him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                           Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Christmas Program

Fellowship and Cookies                    Immediately Following Program

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. No Class This Week will be teaching this week, and Trey Kipfer next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of November.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Christmas Program

Opening Worship team
Welcome Dave Schmidt
Advent presentation Denise
“Away in the Manger” Jaryn, Clarksyn, Decklyn, Delaynie
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” Katherine
The Peaceful Kingdom Jonas, Katherine,
Jaryn, Clarksyn, Decklyn, Delaynie
Worship Worship team
Devotional – “Expectations” Trey
“Joy to the World” Jaryn
“What Child is This” Katherine
Emmanuel – God with Us Kevin, Denise, (a dramatic reading) Emma, Valerie,
Nate, Darwin
Mini Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert Andrew, Noah, Trey
“Mad Russians” Jonas, Katherine
“O Holy Night / O Come All Ye Faithful”
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”
“Wizards in Winter”
“Carol of the Bells”

Closing Nate

Christmas Bible Trivia
Question 1 -What was the name of the prophet whom Christians believe predicted the birth of Mary’s boy child?
Question 2 – How many days after the birth of Christ did Joseph and Mary give him the name Jesus?
Question 3 – Where in Israel was Jesus born?

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Isaiah (Is. 7:14)

Question 2 – 8 days (Luke 2:21)

Question 3 – Judea (Matt. 2:1)

December 12th, 2021

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples, For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96: 1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our serve today, the love, comfort, and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Advent Presentation                                          Denise Kipfer

Message                                                         Jim Sutton


Congregational Meeting                                         11:00 a.m.

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Mary Schlaback will be teaching this week, and No Class next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of November.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study


Christmas Program is next Sunday during the regular sermon time. Bring a friend and your Christmas spirit, it is sure to be a wonderful time! We will be having cookies and fellowship after.

Beaver Camp is hiring! Love Jesus, wilderness camping, education, high adventure and working with kids? Then consider working year-round as our Adventure Education Director. Visit www.beavercamp.org for a job description and qualifications or contact Mike Judd at 315-376-2640 or mike@beavercamp.org .

Christmas Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: Who appeared to tell Mary that she was with child?
  2. Question: How many miles did Mary and Joseph have to travel to get to Bethlehem?
  3. Question: How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
    Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun.

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – The angel Gabriel.  
Question 2 – 80 miles    
Question 3 – The bible doesn’t specify, but it’s been depicted with Mary on a donkey and Joseph walking beside her.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

December 5th, 2021
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples, For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96: 1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our serve today, the love, comfort, and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Advent Presentation                                          Denise Kipfer

Message                                                        Don Schmidt

Today’s Sermon;
What time is it…?
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-10


Adult Sunday School                                               11:15 a.m.

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Valerie Gee will be teaching this week, and Mary Schlabach next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Denise Kipfer is on call for Nursery the month of November.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Dec. 12th Congregational Meeting
Dec. 14th Church Council Meeting
Dec. 19th Christmas Program

Sunday Dec. 12th, Jim Sutton will be with us and we will be having a congregational meeting immediately after church. Please take the time to go through the Viability Survey and bring it with you for this meeting.

Are you looking for a fun and special Christmas gift? Beaver Camp now has a online store, with over 60 online-exclusive designs on stickers, hats, clothing, notebooks and more. Check it out at beavercamp.org, click on “Camp Store”, you may find the perfect gift for someone that loves Beaver Camp – 24/7-365!

Beaver Camps Upcoming Events;
1/21/22 Youth Night at Maple Ridge Center
1/28/22 Night Trek at Beaver Camp
2/11-13/22 Winter Camp 11-13 year olds
2/18-20/22 Winter Camp 14-18 year olds
2/20-21/22 Winter Camp 8-10 year olds
2/25-27/22 Family Winter Camp
4/22-23/22 Scrapbook Retreat
6/22/22 Summer Staff Training bigins

Circle C Snow Camp 2022
Jan. 21-22 Man Camp
Feb. 4-6 and 18-20 Snow Camp for ages 12 and up
March 4-6 Family Camp
Visit them at CircleCranch.org or call 716-492-3687

Just for fun.

Bible Trivia; 1. Question:   What does Israel mean?
2. Question:    Which king had the longest reign over the Kingdom of Israel?
3. Question:     After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers; Question 1 –     Prevails with God   Question 2 –    Jeroboam II   Question 3 –    Haggai

November 28th, 2021

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples, For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96: 1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our serve today, the love, comfort, and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Advent Presentation                                          Denise Kipfer

Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette                                       


Adult Sunday School                                               11:15 a.m.

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Emma Kipfer will be teaching this week, and Valerie Gee next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of November.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Now through 12/4 Food & Gift Drive for Food Pantry
Dec. 14th Church Council Meeting
Dec. 19th Christmas Program


Food and Gift Drive for The Alden/Marilla food pantry. Now through Dec. 4th. See Needs sheet by mailboxes, there is also fliers by the mailboxes if you would like to share them with friends and family.

Are you available Sat Dec. 4th from 11:45 to 3:15? We are looking for people to greet and receive donations from the community that come in for the Food and Gift Drive. We will be offering hot cocoa and donuts and it would be nice to have folks to invite them in and visit with them. If you can be at church that Sat. for a few hours please let Lynn know.

“Singing Light“
A concert to celebrate and support the work of MCC
The Walking Roots band will perform for the hour-long virtual concert.
While it is free to attend, the event will include opportunities to
financially support the programs and missions of the Mennonite
Central Committee (MCC) around the world. You can join online at the PA Relief Sale’s Youtube Channel. Since this is also a virtual event, think about joining us from wherever you are in the world.
Thank you in advance for supporting MCC’s relief,
development, and peace efforts.

Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: What was the name of Adam’s third son?
  2. Question: At the time of the census conducted by Moses in the first chapter of Numbers, which of the twelve tribes of Israel was the smallest?
  3. Question: Who was the mother of Samuel?
    Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Seth

Question 2 – Manasseh

Question 3 – Hannah

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 21th, 2021
“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, since we have this promise, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God (2 Cor. 6:18-7:1). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                                  Jim Sutton                                       


  Lunch and Congregational Meeting in Fellowship Hall after Church.

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Pat Baer will be teaching this week, and Emma Kipfer next week.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of November.

    Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Now through 12/4 Food & Gift Drive for Food Pantry
Dec. 14th Church Council Meeting
Dec. 19th Christmas Program


Food and Gift Drive for The Alden/Marilla food pantry. Now through Dec. 4th. See Needs sheet by mailboxes, there is also fliers by the mailboxes if you would like to share them with friends and family.

We will be having a Christmas program during our morning service on December 19th. Anyone interested in participating should talk to Denise by Sunday 12/12.

Joe Kipfer will be turning 90 on December 8th. His family would like to honor him with a card shower. We would like to SURPRISE him with a pile of cards on his birthday, so please put your card in Kevin and Denise’s church mailbox or mail it to their house at 12744 Stage Rd., Akron, NY 14001. We would also appreciate your help with passing this information along to anyone you know who would want to bless Joe in this way.

Looking for someone or a family to decorate the church for the Christmas holiday season. If you are interested in helping to bless your church and church family in this way, please mark your bulletin tab or see Lynn Roll

“Singing Light“
A concert to celebrate and support the work of MCC
The Walking Roots band will perform for the hour-long virtual concert.
While it is free to attend, the event will include opportunities to
financially support the programs and missions of the Mennonite
Central Committee (MCC) around the world. You can join online at the PA Relief Sale’s Youtube Channel. Since this is also a virtual event, think about joining us from wherever you are in the world.
Thank you in advance for supporting MCC’s relief,
development, and peace efforts.

Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: Who is Stephen in Acts of the Apostles?
  2. Question: By what name is Paul of Tarsus known before he begins his missionary activity?
  3. Question: Who is the high priest of Jerusalem who put Jesus on trial?
    Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – The first Christian martyr
Question 2 – Saul
Question 3 – Caiaphas

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 7th, 2021
“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, since we have this promise, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God (2 Cor. 6:18-7:1). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                  Pastor Mark Sterlace                                       


Adult Sunday School                                              11:15 a.m.

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Pat Baer will be teaching this week, next week 11/14, Mary Schlaback will be teaching and the following week 11/21 Keisha Schmidt will be teaching.
There is also Nursery Care available as needed. Valerie Gee is on call for Nursery the month of November.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Thur. Nov. 18th Church Council Meeting, 7 pm
Nov. 21st Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due
Nov. 21st Congregation Meeting and lunch after church
now through 12/4 Food & Gift Drive for Food Pantry
Dec. 19th Christmas Program


No Bulletin next Sunday. Lynn will be away for a few days next week. If you have an announcement, you can email or text Lynn and she will send it out via email to everyone.

Food and Gift Drive for The Alden/Marilla food pantry. Now through Dec. 4th. See needs sheet by mailboxes

Happy Birthday to these folks born in November;
Kevin Kipfer – 5th
Clark Schmidt – 19th
Valerie Gee – 21st

We will be having a Christmas program for our morning service on December 19th. Anyone interested in participating should talk to Denise by Sunday 12/12.

Joe Kipfer will be turning 90 on December 8th. His family would like to honor him with a card shower. We would like to SURPRISE him with a pile of cards on his birthday, so please put your card in Kevin and Denise’s church mailbox or mail it to their house at 12744 Stage Rd., Akron, NY 14001. We would also appreciate your help with passing this information along to anyone you know who would want to bless Joe in this way.

Save the Date; Sunday Nov. 21 we will be having a Congregational meeting and lunch.

Don & Paulette Schmidt provided the alter flowers.

Bible Trivia;

1. Question:  What women was chosen to be queen through a beauty pageant, destined to reign for the rest of her life?

2. Question:   From Romans 16, Paul described what devout woman as “our sister”?

3. Question:   From Acts 8, Candace was Queen of the…?

Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                         dukdukkip@gmail.com   Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

Bible Trivia Answers; Question 1 –  Esther (2:2-18)   Question 2 –  Phoebe   Question 3 –  Ethiopians

October 31th, 2021

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51:1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Nate Schlaback

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette                                       


Adult Sunday School                                              11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning (YOUR NAME here next week!) Don & Paulette Schmidt provided the alter flowers.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Thur. Nov. 18th Church Council Meeting, 7 pm
Food & Gift Drive for Food Pantry – now through 12/4


Food and Gift Drive for The Alden/Marilla food pantry. Now through Dec. 4th. See insert in bulletin.

Children’s Church is available for all children grade P-K thru 6th in Room # 9. Paulette Schmidt will be teaching this week, next week 11/7, Pate Baer will be teaching. There is also Nursery Care available as needed. If you would like to help in children’s church or nursery, please see Denise.

Operation Christmas Child collection Sunday will be Nov 21. Boxes need to be to church be this date or before. If you would like to make any other type of donations, please see Emma.

There is a new sign-up sheet out for Greeters and Alter Flowers
Please sign-up and help when you can.

Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
  2. Question: Who is the author of the Book of Revelation?
  3. Question: Matthew was a _.
    Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – 2 John
Question 2 – John
Question 3 – Tax Collector

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

October 24th, 2021

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51:1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                        by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                    Dr. Tom Insinna                                       


Adult Sunday School                                              11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning (YOUR NAME here next week!) Paulette Schmidt provided the alter flowers.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Thur. Nov. 18th Church Council Meeting, 7 pm


There is a new sign-up sheet out for Greeters and Alter Flowers . Please sign-up and help when you can.

Congregational meeting and the church council minutes are in your mailbox’s

Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: Which Gospel is written by a doctor?
  2. Question: Who asked Pilate for Jesus’ body after the crucifixion?
  3. Question: Paul was shipwrecked on what island?
    Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Participating in Church life:

Prayer Requests and Praises:

 Confidential
 Share with Congregation
 Share with Intercessors
Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – Luke
Question 2 –
Joseph of Arimathea
Question 3 – Malta

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

October 17th, 2021

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51:1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Dave Schmidt

Offering                                *Please place your offering in the
           collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                        by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                               Dave (Duke) Dissette


Adult Sunday School                                              11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning (YOUR NAME here next week!) Paulette Schmidt provided the alter flowers.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group

Tue. 6:30 pm Young Adults Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Thur. Nov. 18th Church Council Meeting, 7 pm


Come and See, EMM Vision and Fundraising Banquet
On Thursday November 4th.
6 pm, 450 N. Prince St. Lancaster, Pa.
7 pm, Live-streamed online
Register; EMM.org/banquet

Save the Date; LMC’s 2022 Celebration of Church Life is scheduled for June 10-12 in Halifax Pa. You will find an invitation in your mailbox.

Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: What type of insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert?
  2. Question: Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus?
  3. Question: Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented at the Temple as a baby?
    Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

October 10th, 2021

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51:1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                 Kevin Kipfer

Offering                                *Please place your offering in the
           collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                        by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                         Jim Sutton


Congregational Meeting & Lunch

You were greeted this morning by The Kipfer Family. Katherine Kipfer provided the alter flowers.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study


LAST CALL! This will be the last week I will have this in the bulletin. Can you help with Birthday Snacks? It really would take very little time but, if no one is interested in getting birthday snacks organized and up and running maybe we should just forgo this activity.
If you have just a little bit of extra time and can help out in this way, please see Lynn, or mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Bible Trivia;

  1. Question: True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.
  2. Question: What is the shortest book in the Bible?
  3. Question: How many books are in the Bible?

Answers can be found in the participating in church life section of this bulletin!

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

Date: October 10, 2021


Participating in Church life:
 Yes, I would like to help with once-a-month fellowship after church.

Prayer Requests and Praises:

 Confidential
 Share with Congregation
 Share with Intercessors

Bible Trivia Answers;
Question 1 – False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.

Question 2 – 3 John

Question 3 – 66

October 3rd, 2021
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
         collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                      by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                  Dt. Tom Insinna


Adult Sunday School                                           11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning by Ruth Roth and Shirley Miller. Ruthie Roth provided the alter flowers.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Oct. 10th Congregational Meeting
Oct 12th Church Council Meeting


Congregational Meeting. On Sunday Oct. 10th immediately after church there will be a congregational meeting. Jim Sutton will be with us and help facilitate the meeting. A light lunch will be provided.

Circle C Ranch presents; THE WILD WEST FALL FEST on Oct. 23rd. See the fliers on the bulletin board or at www.circlecranch.org

Help Wanted! We would like to start up the once-a-month fellowship time after church with light refreshments. We need someone willing to get this organized and up and running. If you can help out in this way, please see Lynn, or mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 26, 2021
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
         collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                       by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                              Dave (Duke) Dissette


Adult Sunday School                                             11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning by Bob & Daisy Murray. They also provided the alter flowers.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Oct. 10th Congregational Meeting
Oct 12th Church Council Meeting


Congregational Meeting. On Sunday Oct. 10th immediately after church there will be a congregational meeting. Jim Sutton will be with us and help facilitate the meeting. A light lunch will be provided.

Help Wanted! We would like to start up the once-a-month fellowship time after church with light refreshments. We need someone willing to get this organized and up and running. If you can help out in this way, please see Lynn, or mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Have you enjoyed being greeted as you came into church the last few weeks? Isn’t it nice to get back to this tradition? Let’s keep it going! If you would like to greet or bring alter flowers, please sign up on the sheet located by the sanctuary doors.

Step out of your busy routine October 1-3 and experience Beaver Camp as a family! Fall Family Retreat gives families quality time together while enjoying scenic wagon rides, hikes, games, Challenge Course activities, worship, and more. Ron Belsterling will be leading our fireside discussions throughout the weekend. Ron’s wife, Julie, has roots in Lowville and Ron is a professor of youth ministry at Lancaster Bible College.

Just for fun…

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                         dukdukkip@gmail.com  

Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 19, 2021
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                   Dave Schmidt

Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
              collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                         Dave Schmidt



Adult Sunday School                                             11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning by Don & Paulette Schmidt. Katherine Kipfer provided the alter flowers. dthe alter flowers today.

Week in Brief

Today @ 3pm Raise a Hallelujah – 41 Riley St., E. Aurora
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Sept. 25th Fall Bazaar @ CCAM
Oct. 10th Congregational Meeting
Oct 12th Church Council Meeting


Congregational Meeting. On Sunday Oct. 10th immediately after church there will be a congregational meeting. Jim Sutton will be with us and help facilitate the meeting. A light lunch will be provided.

Help Wanted! We would like to start up the once-a-month fellowship time after church with light refreshments. We need someone willing to get this organized and up and running. If you can help out in this way, please see Lynn, or mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Have you enjoyed being greeted as you came into church the last few weeks? Isn’t it nice to get back to this tradition? Let’s keep it going! If you would like to greet or bring alter flowers, please sign up on the sheet located by the sanctuary doors.

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 12, 2021
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                     by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                      Jim Sutton


Adult Sunday School                                           11:15 a.m.

You were greeted this morning by Bob & Daisy Murray. They also provided the alter flowers today.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Sept. 18th Family Frenzy @ Camp Hickory Hill
Sept. 19th Communion ~ We will share together,
Sept. 19th Raise a Hallelujah -@ 41 Riley St, E. Aurora-3pm
Sept. 25th Fall Bazaar @ CCAM


We would like to welcome Jim Sutton our former bishop from LMC. Thank you, Jim for meeting with our leadership and helping them discern paths forward for AMC. You are a blessing to us!

A group of young adults are in the early stages of forming a fellowship group. Please pray for God’s direction for them as they are getting this group organized.

Raise A Hallelujah Sunday Sept. 19th at 3:00 pm. East Aurora Classic Rink 41 Riley St, East Aurora. For further information, call 937-3375

Just for fun…

Public service announcement from Kevin, ?
Opening day of duck season is Oct. 16th
Watch out duckies!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 5, 2021
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements                                              Don Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                     by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                     Don Schmidt

Today’s Sermon Title;
“Running into the Storm”
Luke 15:11-13, Jonah 1:3, and Genesis 13:10-12


 Adult Sunday School                                             11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Sept. 14th Church Council Meeting
Sept. 18th Family Frenzy @ Camp Hickory Hill
Sept. 19th Communion ~ We will share together,
Sept. 19th Raise a Hallelujah
Sept. 25th Fall Bazaar @ CCAM


Help Wanted, looking for volunteers to bring offertory flowers and greet your church family on Sundays. If you can be a blessing in these way’s please see sign-up sheet at the entrance to the sanctuary.

Camp Hickory Hill is hosting a Fall Family Frenzy on Sat. Sept. 18th from 10am to 4pm. Come enjoy an exciting day of fun activities for all ages! For more info.; CampHickoryHill.org/retreats

Raise A Hallelujah Sunday Sept. 19th at 3:00 pm. East Aurora Classic Rink 41 Riley St, East Aurora. For further information, call 937-3375

Clarence Center Akron Mennonite Church, 11500 Clarence Center Rd. Akron, will be having their Fall Bazaar on Sat. Sept. 25th.

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 29, 2021
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145:1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                      by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                             Dave (Duke) Dissette


Adult Sunday School                                            11:15 a.m.

Offertory flowers given today by; Katherine Kipfer

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Sept. 14th Church Council Meeting
Sept. 18th Family Frenzy @ Camp Hickory Hill
Sept. 19th Communion ~ We will share together,
Sept. 25th Fall Bazaar @ CCAM


Help Wanted, looking for volunteers to bring offertory flowers and greet your church family on Sundays. If you can be a blessing in these way’s please see sign-up sheet at the entrance to the sanctuary.

is hosting a Fall Family Frenzy on Sat. Sept. 18th from 10am to 4pm. Come enjoy an exciting day of fun activities for all ages! For more info.; CampHickoryHill.org/retreats

Clarence Center Akron Mennonite Church, 11500 Clarence Center Rd. Akron, will be having the Fall Bazaar on Sat. Sept. 25th.

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 22, 2021

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145:1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
 collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                             by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                       Dr. Tom Insinna
  ** Welcome Dr. Tom!  It is nice having you with us today. **


Adult Sunday School                                            11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Sun. 6:00 pm Campfire with the Zooks
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Sept. 14th Church Council Meeting
Sept. 19th Communion ~ We will share together,


Tonight at 6 pm everyone is welcome to come by Joe and Pat Baer’s place for a hot dog ‘roast and campfire with the Zooks. Bring a snack or finger food to share. BRING LAWN CHAIRS !!!

Help Wanted, looking for volunteers to bring offertory flowers and greet your church family on Sundays. If you can be a blessing in these way’s please see sign up sheet at the entrance to the sanctuary.

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 15, 2021

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God: may all the peoples praise you (Ps. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
         collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                     by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                     Kevin Kipfer

                             Today’s sermon:
               “What to tell the kids before they’re gone”


 Adult Sunday School                                            11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Aug 22nd Campfire with The Zooks @ Joe & Pat’s place


Thank You to Everyone that Helped with the church roof in any way!

Next Sunday evening (6 p.m.) everyone is welcome to come by Joe and Pat Baer’s place for a hot dog roast and campfire with the Zooks. Bring a snack or finger food to share.

Urban Christian Ministries is celebrating their 50 +1 Anniversary with a banquet on Sat. Oct. 2, 2021 – 6:00 pm at Classic V Restaurant 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd. Tickets are $50. a person or $90. a couple. Deadline to purchase tickets is 9/7/21. For more info or to purchase tickets – 716-882-9472

Just for fun…

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 8, 2021

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God: may all the peoples praise you (Ps. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                     by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                          Dan Schmidt and family


 Adult Sunday School                                        11:15 a.m.

Congratulations to Trey Kipfer on your High School Graduation. We are all proud of you, and look forward to seeing what the Lord has for you next! Blessings Always!

BAKERS NEEDED! We are in need of bakers to make cookies, brownies or any other finger type dessert for the church roofing shindig on Friday Aug. 13th and Sat Aug. 14th. Please sign up on the clip board at the entrance to the sanctuary, any questions see Lynn or Pat.

Week in Brief

Tue. 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Aug 13 & 14 Church Roof Shindig
Aug. 17th Church Council Meeting

Beaver Camp ~ Did you know?
In 1914 a Dorothy Jackson and her husband bought the property were
Beaver Camp is located from a Mary Fisher. The Jacksons hired a person to
build the main lodge. They were the original owners of the dining room
tables, bookshelves, and other furniture still in use today.
In 1946, Rev. O.T. Anderson purchased the property and started
Beaver Camp for Boys. James and Lois Shapland bought and operated the
camp until 1969. In 1964 Mennonite families and churches formed a
committee to investigate the property. This committee was called the
Adirondack Mennonite Camping Association (AMCA).
In the winter of 1969, the real estate agent for the Beaver Camp for Boys took the AMCA committee members on a tour of a very snow-covered Beaver Camp. It was quite an impressive journey as they had to cross a washed-out creek with planks, and the pictures show a person carrying
an infant along the tour. Jerry Boshart notes that they also had to trudge
over a number of high snowbanks. Another interesting side note is that
Cal Beachy discovered prefabricated motel units in Batavia NY around 1975
(24 units) –purchased for $1500 and transported to Beaver Camp.
This and many other interesting stories can be found in the Beaver Camp hardcover book, published in 2019.
Many thanks to Jerry and Verna Mae for letting me borrow this book.
(Jerry is a great person to share more stories about the history of Beaver

The above picture is the construction of the Pavilion started in October 1970
and fully enclosed by 1973

Thank you, Jack Keough
for sharing this article.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 1, 2021

“For I Know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Let us remember in our daily lives that God does have a plan for each of us and that we need to place our trust in Him. Reflect on that this morning as we worship together with our church family.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements                                                  Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                             by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                          Julie Roll
                                    Sharing about serving in Uganda, Africa                                  


  Adult Sunday School                                            11:15 a.m.


Week in Brief

Tue. 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Aug. 7th Trey Kipfer’s Graduation Celebration
Aug 13 & 14 Church Roof Shindig
Aug. 17th Church Council Meeting

BAKERS NEEDED! We are in need of bakers to make cookies, brownies or any other finger type dessert for the church roofing shindig on Friday Aug. 13th and Sat Aug. 14th. The food committee will be providing all the hard-working men lunch each day but we need a little help with the dessert! Please sign up on the clip board at the entrance to the sanctuary, any questions see Lynn or Pat.

Help spread the word…We are needing as much help as possible! If you can help or know someone that can help with the church roof, please plan come join the “FUN” on Friday Aug. 13th and Sataurday Aug. 14th. Work will be starting at 8 am, if you have any questions please feel free to contact Dave Schmidt. Davekeisha4@gmail.com or 585-547-0010.

Offertory flowers were brought today by Katherine Kipfer. Thank you so very much Katherine. If you would like to bring offertory flowers or greet those that come into church, there is a sign up sheet on the podium by the sanctuary door. Either of these gifts would be much appreciated.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                         dukdukkip@gmail.com   Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

July 25, 2021
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3) Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                     by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                            Dave (Duke) Dissette                                    


Adult Sunday School                                          11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tue. 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Aug. 7th Trey Kipfer’s Graduation Celebration
Aug 13 & 14 Church Roof Shindig
Aug. 17th Church Council Meeting


BAKERS NEEDED! We are in need of bakers to make cookies, brownies or any other finger type dessert for the church roofing shindig on Friday Aug. 13th and Sat Aug. 14th. The food committee will be providing all the hard-working men lunch each day but we need a little help with the dessert! Please sign up on the clip board at the entrance to the sanctuary.

Today is the last day to get any applications to Brita for the Christian Education material $50. grant. The Summer Camp grant is available through the end of Aug. There are extra applications by the mailboxes.
On Tuesday July 20th, Earl Beachy passed away on his wife Shirley’s birthday. If you would like to send Shirley a card, her address is 6097 Pine Ridge Drive Arcadia, Florida 34236

Job Opening: Beaver Camp is currently looking for an Office Manager to oversee office operations and coordinate guest group visits. This is a part-time, year-round position. Visit www.beavercamp.org or email mike@beavercamp.org for more information.

This months church council minutes are in your mailboxes.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                         dukdukkip@gmail.com   Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

July 18, 2021 ~ NO CHURCH SERVICE

                                                                                                          July 11, 2021

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                               Kevin Kipfer

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
         collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                      by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                       Don Schmidt                                  


Adult Sunday School                                             11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief
Tue. 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tues. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Aug. 7th Trey Kipfer’s graduation celebration
Aug 13 & 14 Church Roof Shindig

With our deepest sympathy and love, we extend our condolences to the Erb Family at the recent passing of our dear brother and friend Joe, on Thursday July 1st. We will all miss him until we can meet again.

Jim Sutton the Bishop for our region of LMC will be fully retiring, which we would like to extend of congratulations and thanks to Jim for his help and guidance over the years. LMC has announced the new Bishop for the Great Lakes District. We welcome Pastor Randy Carr, to his new position as our Bishop and Randy Hartman as Secretary, we look forward to working with both of you.

Kevin & Denise Kipfer are inviting the church family to celebrate Trey’s graduation. The party will be at AMC on Saturday, August 7th. Trey’s ceremony is at 12:00 in the sanctuary, and lunch will follow in the fellowship hall. Please RSVP to Denise by July 23rd

Applications are available by the mailboxes for the two grants from our Endowment Fund. One is $50 for parents to buy Christian Education materials to use with their children at home. Application deadline is July 18, 2021. The other is $100 to help pay for a week at a Christian Summer Camp. Application deadline for this is at the end of summer. All applications should be given to the church treasurer, Brita Everett or put in her mailbox. Parents are encouraged to make use of these resources.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager ~ 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director ~ 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder ~ 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder ~ 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

July 4, 2021 ~ NO CHURCH SERVICE

June 27, 2021
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
         collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                      by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                    Dave Dissette                                    


Adult Sunday School                                            11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tue. 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp
July 13th Church Council Meeting
Aug. 7th Trey Kipfer’s graduation celebration
Aug 13 & 14 Church Roof Shindig

Kevin & Denise Kipfer are inviting the church family to celebrate Trey’s graduation. The party will be at AMC on Saturday, August 7th. Trey’s ceremony is at 12:00 in the sanctuary, and lunch will follow in the fellowship hall. Please RSVP to Denise by July 23rd

Please check your mailboxes for a note from Andrew Kipfer asking for prayer and financial support for his work at summer camp.

Ladies Bible Study will start this Tuesday @ 9:30 a.m. here at church If you have any questions, please see Denise.

Floyd Miller’s 90th birthday party is today at noon, at his granddaughter’s house at 2033 Clinton St. Attica, NY 14011. Everyone is invited or send a card if you can’t make it to that same address c/o Mandy. Bring a lawn chair.

CONGRATULATIONS to our graduates! Trey Kipfer graduated from the Kipfer homeschool (otherwise known as Higher Calling Academy) with flying colors and is looking forward to taking a gap year. Andrew Kipfer graduated from GCC with a GPA of 3.82 and an associate’s degree in Engineering Science. He will be transferring to Clarkson University in the fall to continue his engineering studies.

Applications are available by the mailboxes for the two grants from our Endowment Fund. One is $50 for parents to buy Christian Education materials to use with their children at home. Application deadline is July 18, 2021. The other is $100 to help pay for a week at a Christian Summer Camp. Application deadline for this is at the end of summer. Parents are encouraged to make use of this resource.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

June 20, 2021
Taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing (Ps. 34:8-10) May you experience God’s goodness as you worship this morning and throughout your week.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
         collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                      by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                      Trey Kipfer                                    


Adult Sunday School                                            11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
6/29-8/10 Ladies Bible Study @ Church
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp
July 13th Church Council Meeting
Aug 13 & 14 Church Roof Shindig


Today to celebrate Father’s Day and to say THANK YOU to all the wonderful hard-working men of our church, we will be having a time a fellowship and snacks in the foyer after the service.

Ladies Bible Study will be meeting here at church starting June 29th thru Aug. 10th from 9:30 to 11:30 am. The study will be on the book “Elijah” by Priscilla Shirer. If you have any questions, please see Denise.

Floyd Miller’s 90th birthday party is at his granddaughter’s house at 2033 Clinton St. Attica, NY 14011. Everyone is invited or send a card if you can’t make it to that same address c/o Mandy. The date is Sunday June 27th at noon for lunch and dessert. Bring a lawn chair. Please let Paulette Schmidt know if you’re able to attend so she can let the family know.

CONGRATULATIONS to our graduates! Trey Kipfer graduated from the Kipfer homeschool (otherwise known as Higher Calling Academy) with flying colors and is looking forward to taking a gap year. Andrew Kipfer graduated from GCC with a GPA of 3.82 and an associate’s degree in Engineering Science. He will be transferring to Clarkson University in the fall to continue his engineering studies.

Applications are available by the mailboxes for the two grants from our Endowment Fund. One is $50 for parents to buy Christian Education materials to use with their children at home. Application deadline is July 18, 2021. The other is $100 to help pay for a week at a Christian Summer Camp. Application deadline for this is at the end of summer. Parents are encouraged to make use of this resource.

This months church council minutes are in your mailboxes.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

June 6, 2021
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you (Ps. 130: 1-4). We are a body of believes who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God; one who knows our shortcomings but forgives us when we ask for it. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                     by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                            Dave (Duke) Dissette                                      


Sunday School                                                11:15 a.m.

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
June 13th Payment for Beaver Camp Week-end Due
June 15th – 7pm Church Council Meeting
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Sunday School is back – hip-hip- hooray! Don Schmidt will be help lead us through the book “Killing Kryptonite” by John Bevere. We will be meeting in the auditorium after the service from 11:15- 12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

May 30, 2021
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you (Ps. 130: 1-4). We are a body of believes who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God; one who knows our shortcomings but forgives us when we ask for it. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
          collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                       by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                              Dave (Duke) Dissette                                       


Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
June 13th Payment for Beaver Camp Week-end Due
June 15th – 7pm Church Council Meeting
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Flowers given today are in loving memory of Len Roth’s Homegoing 15 years ago on May 28th.

The online Beaver Camp Auction will begin at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, June 8 and end at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 15. visit www.beavercamp.org
Drive-through BBQ at Lewis County Fairgrounds is Saturday, June 12 from 11:00 AM until sold out. Chicken, Miller’s pork steaks, and vegetarian meal options are available.

Things happening at Camp Hickory Hill;
~June 11-12 Rifle & Archery Instructor Training
~June 19 Family Fair
~July 6-9 Father & Son Retreat
~July 11-30 Guys Summer Program
~Aug. 1-13 Girls Summer Program
For more information, CampHickoryHill.org or 585-535-7832

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

May 23, 2021
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship   by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                      Don Schmidt                                        


    Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
June 13th Payment for Beaver Camp Week-end Due
June 15th – 7pm Church Council Meeting
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

The online Beaver Camp Auction will begin at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, June 8 and end at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 15. visit www.beavercamp.org
Drive-through BBQ at Lewis County Fairgrounds is Saturday, June 12 from 11:00 AM until sold out. Chicken, Miller’s pork steaks, and vegetarian meal options are available.

Things happening at Camp Hickory Hill;
~June 11-12 Rifle & Archery Instructor Training
~June 19 Family Fair
~July 6-9 Father & Son Retreat
~July 11-30 Guys Summer Program
~Aug. 1-13 Girls Summer Program
For more information, CampHickoryHill.org or 585-535-7832

Pentecost is also called Whitsunday is celebrated on Sunday that falls on the 50th day of Easter. The name is derived from the Greek word “pentekoste” which means fiftieth as Pentecost Sunday takes place on the 50th day of Easter.
Pentecost significance
It is a big festival in the Christian church that observes the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other disciples following the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ. It also marks the beginning of the Christian church’s mission to the world, according to the Britannica.
The festival marks an end to the Easter cycle, which starts 90 days before with Ash Wednesday at the beginning of Lent.
When is Pentecost Sunday 2021?
Pentecost is observed on the seventh Sunday after Easter and 10 days after Ascension. As the date of Whit Sunday is decided according to the date of Easter, this day is a changeable feast.
The earliest day, Pentecost Sunday took place was on May 10th (in 1818) and the latest possible date for Pentecost is June 13th (in 2038). This year the Pentecost Sunday will be observed on Sunday, May 23rd.
Why is it called Pentecost Sunday?
Whit Sunday celebrates the Holy Spirit coming in the form of flames to the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the New Testament in Acts 2:1-31, the fifth book of the New Testament of the Bible. Many Christians recognize the descent of the Holy Spirit as the birth of the Church.

Pentecost is known by Whitsunday in the United Kingdom. “Whitsunday” is usually referred to as the white garments previously worn by the baptism candidates on this feast.
Pentecost is called “Pfingsten” in Germany. It mostly coincides with the beginning of many outdoor and springtime activities in the country.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

May 16, 2021
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
       collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                    by Our Awesome Worship Team



Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
June 5-12 Trey’s Mission Trip to Mexico~Plz. keep Trey in your prayers
June 13th Payment for Beaver Camp Week-end Due
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Thank You to All that came and helped with the spring clean-up yesterday at church.

A note from Trey ~ There has been a date change on when I will need any potential blessings (donations) in by for my upcoming mission trip to Mexico. The new date will be by Friday May 21st. If you would like your donation to be tax deductible make the check out to Alden Mennonite Church with “Trey’s mission trip” in the memo line. Thank you everyone for your prayers and blessings!

Alden Union Free Cemetery at 2244 Country Line Road in Alden, NY is having their spring workday on May 22nd from 8:30 to noon. Many of us have family and friends buried in this beautiful country cemetery that is in need of upkeep. If you would like to help, bring your clippers, chainsaws, rakes, wheel borrows, shovels, and gloves. If you have questions or concerns my phone number is 585-708-3303 and my email address is: don_onthefarm7@mac.com

Beaver Camp Auction Info.
You are invited to the online Beaver Camp Auction June 8-15 and Drive-through BBQ at Lewis County Fairgrounds on June 12th from 11 AM until sold out!
For questions or donations, visit www.beavercamp.org, call the office at (315) 376-2640, or email office@beaver.camp.

Things happening at Camp Hickory Hill;
~May 21-22 Mother & Daughter Spring Retreat
~June 11-12 Rifle & Archery Instructor Training
~June 19 Family Fair
~July 6-9 Father & Son Retreat
~July 11-30 Guys Summer Program
~Aug. 1-13 Girls Summer Program
For more information, CampHickoryHill.org or 585-535-7832

May 9, 2021

Dear Gracious God,
We thank you for adopting us into your family through the miracle of your grace, and for calling us to be brothers and sisters to each other. Today, loving God, we pray for our mothers:
• who cared for us when we were helpless
• who comforted us when we were hurt
• whose love and care we often took for granted.
Today we pray for:
• those who are grieving the loss of their mother,
• those who never knew their biological mother, and now yearn for her
• those who have experienced the wonder of an adopted mother’s love
• the families separated by war or conflict.
• Lord, give them special blessings.
Keep us united with you and with each other, so that we can be and become all that we are meant to be.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.co

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                        dukdukkip@gmail.com   Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                    by Our Awesome Worship Team



Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
May 9th Beaver Camp Registration Due
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Beaver Camp Registration is due today. Payment is due back by June 13th.

Spring Church Workday is planned for Saturday May 15th at 8:30 am (or thereabouts), Come help get the church yard and other needed church maintenance done for the summer season.

Alden Union Free Cemetery at 2244 Country Line Road in Alden, NY is having their spring workday on May 22nd from 8:30 to noon. Many of us have family and friends buried in this beautiful country cemetery that is in need of upkeep. If you would like to help, bring your clippers, chainsaws, rakes, wheel borrows, shovels, and gloves. If you have questions or concerns contact Don Schmidt at 585-708-3303, or email him at: don_onthefarm7@mac.com

A note from Trey ~ There has been a date change on when I will need any potential blessings (donations) in by for my upcoming mission trip to Mexico. The new date will be by Friday May 21st. If you would like your donation to be tax deductible make the check out to Alden Mennonite Church with “Trey’s mission trip” in the memo line. Thank you everyone for your prayers and blessings!

Beaver Camp Auction Info.
Sunday, May 16 and 23 ~ You are invited to the online Beaver Camp Auction June 8-15 and Drive-through BBQ at Lewis County Fairgrounds on June 12th from 11 AM until sold out!
For questions or donations, visit www.beavercamp.org, call the office at (315) 376-2640, or email office@beaver.camp.
Sunday, May 30 and June 6 ~ The online Beaver Camp Auction will begin at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, June 8 and end at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 15.
Drive-through BBQ at Lewis County Fairgrounds is Saturday, June 12 from 11:00 AM until sold out. Chicken, Miller’s pork steaks, and vegetarian meal options are available.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

May 2, 2021
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
           collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                       by Our Awesome Worship Team



Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
May 9th Beaver Camp Registration Due
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
May 9th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 16th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 23rd m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 30th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette

Beaver Camp Registration ~ at this time attendance is only open to AMC families.
*Forms are due back to Denise by NO LATER THAN MAY 9th
*Payment will be due by 6/13
*Let Denise know ASAP if you are willing to help plan the weekend. Your help would be much appreciated, as it takes many to make it a fun and successful weekend.
Thanks, we are looking forward to another fun year up at camp!

Thursday, May 6, is the National Day of Prayer, observed in the USA since 1952. Because of Covid 19 restrictions there was no observance last year in Lancaster as there usually is. However, this year there is a gathering planned at the Lancaster Town Hall. Everyone is invited to attend, we are meeting in front of the Lancaster Town Hall, 21 Central Ave, from 12:00-12:45 pm. and again in the evening at the Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00 pm. Our nation is in dire need of the intervention of God to turn us back to His principles as given in His written Word. Please join us in these prayer events.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

April 25, 2021
You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                   Dave Schmidt

Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
              collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                 Pastor Larry Malakie


                     Today’s Sermon
                      1 Thessalonians 5:24
             “He Who Calls You Is Faithful.”

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
May 9th Beaver Camp Registration Due
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
May 2nd m: Dave Schmidt p: Elders
May 9th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 16th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 23rd m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 30th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette

Beaver Camp Registration ~ at this time attendance is only open to AMC families.
*Forms are due back to Denise by NO LATER THAN MAY 9th
*Payment will be due by 6/13
*Let Denise know ASAP if you are willing to help plan the weekend. Your help would be much appreciated, as it takes many to make it a fun and successful weekend.
Thanks, we are looking forward to another fun year up at camp!

Thursday, May 6, is the National Day of Prayer, observed in the USA since 1952. Because of Covid 19 restrictions there was no observance last year in Lancaster as there usually is. However, this year there is a gathering planned at the Lancaster Town Hall. Everyone is invited to attend, we are meeting in front of the Lancaster Town Hall, 21 Central Ave, from 12:00-12:45 pm. and again in the evening at the Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00 pm. Our nation is in dire need of the intervention of God to turn us back to His principles as given in His written Word. Please join us in these prayer events.

Publicly express your pro-life convictions at the largest pro-life event in NY – the Walk for Life Weekend! Redesigned to maximize pro-life participation across WNY and beyond. Get inspired at the Online Walk Rally on Friday, April 30 from 7:00PM-8:00PM. Then put feet to your passion at the In-Person Walk at Buffalo’s Delaware Park and Rochester’s Highland Park Bowl on Saturday, May 1 from 9:00AM-12:00PM.
The goal is to serve 1,025 women seriously considering abortion and expand life-saving services to a third abortion hub city. Raising $584,000 through the Walk for Life Weekend makes achieving these goals possible.
Register at CompassCareWalk.com and help forge a pro-life future.

Camp Hickory Hill is hosting these upcoming events.
Men’s Retreat ~ April 30- May 1
Mother & Daughter Spring Retreat May 21 – 22
For more info. CampHickoryHill.org

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

April 18, 2021
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you (PS. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
        collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship   by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


                     4/25 ~ Upcoming Sermon
                           1 Thessalonians 5:24
                  “He Who Calls You Is Faithful.”

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp
Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
April 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 2nd m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA
May 9th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 16th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 23rd m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 30th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette

Thursday, May 6, is the National Day of Prayer, observed in the USA since 1952. Because of Covid 19 restrictions there was no observance last year in Lancaster as there usually is. However, this year there is a gathering planned at the Lancaster Town Hall. Everyone is invited to attend, we are meeting in front of the Lancaster Town Hall, 21 Central Ave, from 12:00-12:45 pm. and again in the evening at the Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00 pm. Our nation is in dire need of the intervention of God to turn us back to His principles as given in His written Word. Please join us in these prayer events

Publicly express your pro-life convictions at the largest pro-life event in NY – the Walk for Life Weekend! Redesigned to maximize pro-life participation across WNY and beyond. Get inspired at the Online Walk Rally on Friday, April 30 from 7:00PM-8:00PM. Then put feet to your passion at the In-Person Walk at Buffalo’s Delaware Park and Rochester’s Highland Park Bowl on Saturday, May 1 from 9:00AM-12:00PM.
The goal is to serve 1,025 women seriously considering abortion and expand life-saving services to a third abortion hub city. Raising $584,000 through the Walk for Life Weekend makes achieving these goals possible.
Register at CompassCareWalk.com and help forge a pro-life future.

Camp Hickory Hill is hosting these upcoming events.
Men’s Retreat ~ April 30- May 1
Mother & Daughter Spring Retreat May 21 – 22
For more info. CampHickoryHill.org

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004
Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

April 11, 2021
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you (PS. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                   Dave Schmidt

Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
               collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                           by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                  Pastor Larry Malakie



Today Sermon
Jeremiah 29:11  NIV

“I Know The Plans I Have For You, Declares The Lord”

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
April 18th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette
April 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 2nd m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA
May 9th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 16th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 23rd m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 30th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette

Thursday, May 6, is the National Day of Prayer, observed in the USA since 1952. Because of Covid 19 restrictions there was no observance last year in Lancaster as there usually is. However, this year there is a gathering planned at the Lancaster Town Hall. Everyone is invited to attend, we are meeting in front of the Lancaster Town Hall, 21 Central Ave, from 12:00-12:45 pm. and again in the evening at the Lancaster Presbyterian Church from 7:00-8:00 pm. Our nation is in dire need of the intervention of God to turn us back to His principles as given in His written Word. Please join us in these prayer events.

Publicly express your pro-life convictions at the largest pro-life event in NY – the Walk for Life Weekend! Redesigned to maximize pro-life participation across WNY and beyond. Get inspired at the Online Walk Rally on Friday, April 30 from 7:00PM-8:00PM. Then put feet to your passion at the In-Person Walk at Buffalo’s Delaware Park and Rochester’s Highland Park Bowl on Saturday, May 1 from 9:00AM-12:00PM.
The goal is to serve 1,025 women seriously considering abortion and expand life-saving services to a third abortion hub city. Raising $584,000 through the Walk for Life Weekend makes achieving these goals possible.
Register at CompassCareWalk.com and help forge a pro-life future.

Beaver Camp Announcements;
*Summer Camp registration is open! See our bulletin board for more info.
*They are looking for summer help in the kitchen and life guards.

Beaver Camp is seeking donated items for their 49th annual auction this June. Themed gift baskets, handcrafted furniture, toys, quilts, and other furnishings, new tools and useful gadgets and experiences such as group dinners, vacation getaways, excursions, lessons, and tickets all make great auction items.
Visit www.beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640 if you would like to make an auction donation, register for a program, volunteer, apply to work or if you have a question.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

April 4, 2021
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                    Dave Schmidt

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
          collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                           by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                  Pastor Larry Malakie


     Today ~ Resurrection Sunday’s ~ Sermon
                  John 1:1  NKJ
        “In The Beginning Was The Word”

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
April 13 Church Council Meeting
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
April 11th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 18th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette
April 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 2nd m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA
May 9th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 16th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 23rd m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
May 30th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette

Roland and Malinda Martin have sent out a Spring news letter that was emailed to everyone this week. If you don’t have email and would like to read this newsletter there are copies by the mailboxes.

Beaver Camp Announcements;
*Summer Camp registration is open! See our bulletin board for more info.
*They are looking for summer help in the kitchen and life guards.

Beaver Camp is seeking donated items for their 49th annual auction this June. Themed gift baskets, handcrafted furniture, toys, quilts, and other furnishings, new tools and useful gadgets and experiences such as group dinners, vacation getaways, excursions, lessons, and tickets all make great auction items.
Visit www.beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640 if you would like to make an auction donation, register for a program, volunteer, apply to work or if you have a question.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

March 28, 2021
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.


Announcements                                                     Dave Schmidt

Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                            by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                   Pastor Larry Malakie


                       Today ~ Passion Sunday’s ~ Sermon
                                 Mark 14:34    NKJ
                       “My Soul Is Exceedingly Sorrowful”

Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
April 13 Church Council Meeting
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp
Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
April 4th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 11th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 18th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette
April 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA

To Help Prepare Your Heart,
take the time to read and pray through these scriptures for these upcoming sermons;

April 4th ~ John 1:1 NKJ
“In The Beginning Was The Word”

April 11th ~ Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
“I Know The Plans I Have For You, Declares The Lord.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

March 21, 2021
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
          collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                      by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                             Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
April 13 Church Council Meeting
July 1-4 Church’s Week-end Retreat @ Beaver Camp

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Mar 28th m; Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 4th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 11th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 18th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette

To Help Prepare Your Heart,
take the time to read and pray through these scriptures for these upcoming sermons;

March 28th ~ Mark 14:34 NKJ
“My Soul Is Exceedingly Sorrowful”

April 4th ~ John 1:1 NKJ
“In The Beginning Was The World”

April 11th ~ Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
“I Know The Plans I Have For You, Declares The Lord.

We would love to decorate the Sanctuary altar with lilies and any other flowers that would glorify our Savior this Easter season.
Could you bring a plant or two next Sunday? You could take them home to enjoy after our Easter Sunday service, be sure to put your name on the bottom of the pot.

This month’s church council minutes are in your mailbox’s.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

March 14, 2021 – No Service

March 7, 2021
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                       Dave Schmidt

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                               by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                       Pastor Larry Malakie


Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
March 13 & 14 Men’s Work Weekend at Beaver Camp
March 16th 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Mar 14th NO CHURCH
Mar 21st m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave (Duke) Dissette
Mar 28th m; Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
April 4th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry

Today’s Sermon
Part 5 of
“Talking with God”
Psalms 61:1


Any men that want to help with some projects at Beaver Camp March 12-14 contact Kevin Kipfer for details.

Due to a large percentage of our congregation being up at Beaver Camp on Sunday March 14th we will NOT be having a serve here next Sunday morning.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor  585-356-9250                    revlam91@gmail.com

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                        dukdukkip@gmail.com  

Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                               davekeisha4@gmail.com

February 28, 2021
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                         Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship   by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                      Pastor Larry Malakie


Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
March 13 & 14 Men’s Work Week-end at Beaver Camp
March 16th 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve
Mar. 7th m: TBA p: Dave Schmidt
Mar 14th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Mar 21st m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave (Duke) Dissette
Mar 28th m; TBA p: Pastor Larry

Today’s Sermon
Part 4 of
“Talking with God”
Psalms 61:1


There is a new greeter and offertory flower sign-up sheet in the foyer. Even during these difficult times, it would be nice to have a greeter welcoming folks with just a friendly “Good Morning” as they come into church and offertory flowers are always lovely. If you can help in either of these ways please see the sign-up sheet by the sanctuary door.

N.Y. has a Covid 19 vaccine help line for those eligible for the vaccine but have difficulty navigating the internet or just don’t have access. You can call, 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829) and they will help you find and make an appointment for a vaccination.

9 Prayers for your family;
A prayer for WISDOM – Proverbs 22: 6
A prayer for PEACE – Numbers 6: 24-26
A prayer for LOVE – 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5
A prayer for HOPE – Ephesians 1: 8
A prayer for JOY – Romans 15: 13
A prayer for SERVANTHOOD – John 15: 12
A prayer for RIGHTEOUSNESS – Philippians 1: 11
A prayer for OBEYING GOD – 1 Corinthians 11: 3
A prayer for CHILD-LIKE FAITH – Matthew 18: 2-6

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

February 21, 2021

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                           Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                  by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                         Dave (Duke) Dissette


    Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
March 16th 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting
Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve
Feb. 28th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Mar. 7th m: TBA p: Dave Schmidt
Mar 14th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Mar 21st m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave (Duke) Dissette
Mar 28th m; TBA p: Pastor Larry


This months Church Council Minutes are in your mailboxes.

Celebration of Church Life 2021 will take place on March 20, 2021.
It will be a half-day event and a completely virtual event because of Covid-19. #LMCchurches #CelebrationofChurchLife

Family Life’s Easter Basket
Sunday, March 28, 2021 – Sunday, April 04, 2021
~Family Life brings to your home, a virtual Easter program and experience: Family Life’s Easter Basket!
This limited offering of Family Life’s Easter Basket includes:
• Access code to a virtual program featuring exclusive content from Family Life’s Performing Arts Department
• A Holy Week devotional guide
• A decorative wooden plaque
• A family gratitude journal
• A scented soy candle
• Some snack recipe cards with recipes from Family Life’s chef, Nick Finlayson
• And many more surprises!
Virtual content will be available online from March 28 (Palm Sunday) – April 4 (Resurrection Sunday). An access link will be provided for the family to use during this week.
Cost – $49.99 per family and includes Easter Basket and virtual content. You can sign up to get your Easter Basket starting Monday, February 15th. Don’t delay, the Christmas in a Box sold out in a week! To register for your Easter Basket, call Family Life at 800-927-9083 or register online.
Gather your family together in the comfort of your living room for this meaningful Easter experience.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

February 14, 2021
I remain confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord (Ps. 27: 13-14). We serve a faithful God who promises good things to those who love Him. Look for the ways that God is working faithfully in your life. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, Praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                              Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship   by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                   Pastor Larry Malakie


    Week in Brief

Tues. 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tues. 10:30 am Victory Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Feb. 21st. m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave (Duke) Dissette
Feb. 28th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Mar. 7th m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA
Mar 14th m: TBA p: Pastor Larry

Today’ Sermon
I Have Called You To Pray!
Isaiah 30:21
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

Ken Eicheldinger is starting up the Tuesday morning bible study, It start at 10:30 am here at church. Everyone is welcome

Please keep Marlene Roger’s in your prayers. Marlene recently had Covid 19 and is still feeling some lingering side effects from the virus. She sends her love and God’s blessings to everyone; Marlene still feels that AMC is her home church and misses us all.

Family Life’s Easter Basket
Sunday, March 28, 2021 – Sunday, April 04, 2021
~Family Life brings to your home, a virtual Easter program and experience: Family Life’s Easter Basket!
This limited offering of Family Life’s Easter Basket includes:
• Access code to a virtual program featuring exclusive content from Family Life’s Performing Arts Department
• A Holy Week devotional guide
• A decorative wooden plaque
• A family gratitude journal
• A scented soy candle
• Some snack recipe cards with recipes from Family Life’s chef, Nick Finlayson
• And many more surprises!
Virtual content will be available online from March 28 (Palm Sunday) – April 4 (Resurrection Sunday). An access link will be provided for the family to use during this week.
Cost – $49.99 per family and includes Easter Basket and virtual content. You can sign up to get your Easter Basket starting Monday, February 15th. Don’t delay, the Christmas in a Box sold out in a week! To register for your Easter Basket, call Family Life at 800-927-9083 or register online. Gather your family together in the comfort of your living room for this meaningful Easter experience.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

February 7, 2021
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                           Dave Schmidt

Offering                          *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship   by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                                               Kevin Kipfer 
                                                                            Dave Schmidt


Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Feb. 14th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Feb. 21st. m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave (Duke) Dissette
Feb. 28th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Mar. 7th m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA


There is a new greeter and offertory flower sign-up sheet in the foyer. Even during these difficult times, it would be nice to have a greeter welcoming folks with just a friendly “Good Morning” as they come into church and offertory flowers are always lovely. If you can help in either of these ways, please see the sign-up sheet by the sanctuary door.

Beaver Camp is having a snow sculpture contest! Build with your family, take pictures, and submit at https://beavercamp.org/beaverc…/179-snow-sculpture-contest
Registration fees will directly benefit Beaver Camp. Prizes include a FREE week of summer camp!

Superbowl with the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers is tonight at 6:30pm on CBS, Channel 4.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

January 31, 2021
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                       Dave Schmidt

Offering                     *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship   by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                     Pastor Larry Malakie

Today’s Sermon

“Talking with God” ~ Part 3
Psalms 61:1
Hear my cry, O’ God, Listen to my prayer.

    Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Feb. 7th m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA
Feb. 14th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Feb. 21st m: TBA p: Dave (Duke) Dissette
Feb. 28th m: TBA p: Pastor Larry


Just a reminder for everyone to double check to door when you leave. It has been found left unlocked a few times recently.

You were all emailed a copy of the Annual Business Meeting Report, if you would like a paper copy there are a few by the mailboxes.

There is a new greeter and offertory flower sign-up sheet in the foyer. Even during these difficult times, it would be nice to have a greeter welcoming folks with just a friendly “Good Morning” as they come into church and offertory flowers are always lovely. If you can help in either of these way please see the sign-up sheet by the sanctuary door.

Beaver Camp is having a snow sculpture contest! Build with your family, take pictures, and submit at https://beavercamp.org/beaverc…/179-snow-sculpture-contest
Registration fees will directly benefit Beaver Camp. Prizes include a FREE week of summer camp!

2021 Celebration of Church Life ~ March 20th @ 9:00 a.m., join LMC for this virtual only event. You will find invitations in your mailboxes!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@.com

December 6, 2020
I Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96:1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciles to God, it would be our delight to talk with you about it.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                   Pastor Larry

Offering *Please place your offering in the collection plate
on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                             by Our Awesome Worship Team

  Message                                    Pastor Larry Malakie


  Week in Brief:
       Tue. 6:30 pm               Youth Group
       Wed. 6:45 pm              Men’s Bible Study
       Thur. 6:30 pm              Church Council Meeting

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Dec. 13th @ 6:30 pm Christmas Program
Jan. 14th, 2021 @ 7 pm Congregational Business Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule:
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve
Dec. 13th m: Dave Schmidt p: Pastor Larry
Dec. 20th m: Dave Schmidt p: Dave Dissette
Dec. 27th m: TBA p: Pastor Larry
Jan. 3rd m: TBA p: TBA

Today’s Sermon:..//
“Lord, Teach Us to Pray”
Luke 11: 1


The AMC youth group is raising money to purchase goats through MCC. MCC has gift opportunities that spread across 50 different countries. MCC shares God’s love and compassion all in the name of Jesus Christ by responding to basic needs and working for peace and justice. The cost is $50 per goat. If you would like to donate, you can make out a check to AMC and write MCC goats in the memo line. Thank you to Ann Meyers for heading this up for the youth. Thank you in advance for your support.

We will be having a Christmas Program on Sunday Dec. 13th @ 6:30pm. We are still looking for more participants for this year’s Christmas program. If you would like to join in the evening’s festivities in any way. Please let Kevin or Lynn know or mark your bulletin tab. Please do not feel you have to do something big and theatrical, a simple poem or a few sweet corny Christmas jokes, really anything to help make the evening entertaining. Also, if you have signed up to participate in the Christmas program could you please tell Lynn what you are planning on “performing”, she would like to make a program for the evening and would like to include what each of you are doing specifically.

The Mennonite and Brethren Marriage and Engaged Encounter group has put out their 2021 brochures on upcoming marriage encounter week-end dates. You can find these brochures on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 29, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                          Andrew Kipfer

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                         Larry Malakie


    Week in Brief
                         Tue. 6:30 pm               Youth Group
                         Tue. 7:30 pm               Church Council Meeting
                         Wed. 6:45 pm              Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Dec. 10th @ 6:30pm Church Council Meeting
Dec. 13th @ 6:30 pm Christmas Program
Jan. 14th, 2021 @ 7 pm Congregational Business Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Dec. 6th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 13th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 20th m: TBA p: Dave Dissette
Dec. 27th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie

Today’s Sermon
“Were Not All Ten Cleansed?”
“Where Are the Other Nine?”
Luke 17: 11-19

We will be having a Christmas Program on Sunday Dec. 13th @ 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading a poem performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. So put some thought into it and start practicing! Once you know you would like to participate let Kevin or Dave know, or you can mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 22, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                      Dave Schmidt

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                            by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                   Pastor Larry Malakie

     Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Dec. 10th @ 6:30pm Church Council Meeting
Dec. 13th @ 6:30 pm Christmas Program
Jan. 14th, 2021 @ 7 pm Congregational Business Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve
Nov. 29th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 6th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 13th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 20th m: TBA p: Dave Dissette

Today’s Sermon
The Lord is My Shepherd”
The 23rd Psalm

We will be having a Christmas Program on Sunday Dec. 13th @ 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading a poem performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. So put some thought into it and start practicing! Once you know you would like to participate let Kevin or Dave know, or you can mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Looking for someone or a family to decorate the church for the Christmas holiday season. If you are interested in helping to bless your church and church family in this way, please see Lynn Roll. Or make your bulletin tab.

At this time of giving thanks, the church council would like to reach out to everyone to ask if you or maybe someone you know have any needs. If a little help is needed to get a Thanksgiving meal on the table, please don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone on church council.

Grace in Community would like to invite everyone to a Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday November 25th at 7 pm. They will be having a special worship time and communion.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 15, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                          Joe Baer

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


If you can help with Offertory flowers, please see sign-up sheet in foyer.

     Week in Brief
               Tue. 6:30 pm               Youth Group
               Tue. 7:30 pm               Church Council Meeting
               Wed. 6:45 pm              Men’s Bible Study

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Nov. 22nd m: Dave Schmidt p: Larry Malakie
Nov. 29th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 6th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 13th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie

Grace in Community would like to invite AMC to a Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday November 25th at 7 pm. They will be having a special worship time and communion.

We will be having a Christmas Program date to be announced. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading a poem performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. So put some thought into it and start practicing! Once you know you would like to participate let Kevin or Dave know, or you can mark your bulletin tab and place it in the collection plate.

Diane Crowe is in need of some help, many of us remember Diane and know that she has had some very difficult health issues recently. Thankfully she is home now but due to exhausting all of the allowance her health coverage gives, she is looking for people to come help her walk and do a few other needs. If you have a free half hour or so and could give Diane a helping hand, please give her a call at 697-4632.

Operation Christmas Child ~ Build a Shoebox Online for $25. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/ Bless Children Around the World Without Leaving Home!

I recently received a video update from the Watoto children’s ministry in Uganda and I wanted to share it with you. It’s just a brief update about how the ministry has been doing over the past few months during this pandemic.

Please continue to pray for Julie Roll that continues to serving in Uganda and the whole Watoto family. May the Lord keep us all healthy and well.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 8, 2020
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                     Kevin Kipfer

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                            by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                   Pastor Larry Malakie


If you can help with Offertory flowers, please see sign-up sheet in foyer.

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm               Youth Group
Tue. 7:00 pm               Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm               Men’s Bible Study

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Nov.15th m: Joe Baer p: Dave Dissette
Nov. 22nd m: Andrew Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Nov. 29th m: Dave Schmidt p: Larry Malakie
Dec. 6th m: TBA p: Larry Malakie

 Today’s Sermon
 Saved to Serve
 John 3:16    

If you would like to pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child please bring it to church by next Sunday, November 15th. You can also pack a box online:) Thank you all for your continued support with this project! – Emma

Diane Crowe is in need of some help, many of us remember Diane and know that she has had some very difficult health issues recently. Thankfully she is home now but due to exhausting all of the allowance her health coverage gives, she is looking for people to come help her walk and do a few other needs. If you have a free half hour or so and could give Diane a helping hand, please give her a call at 697-4632.

We will be having a Christmas Program date to be announced. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading a poem performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. So put some thought into it and start practicing!

Grace in Community would like to invite AMC to a Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday November 25th at 7 pm. They will be having a special worship time and communion.

Let’s Help CompassCare Serve Women and Save Lives!!!
CompassCare’s Virtual Fundraising Event on Thursday Nov. 12th from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. You can RSVP at erasingtheneed.com/event. List Grace in Community Church as the contact that invited you.

On Monday Hurricane Eta Struck Central America, and it’s effects hit Eastern Guatemala hard, where Hope of Life International is located.  Raging rivers, flooding and mud slides have devastated the area.  Many of us have some kind of a connection to Hope of Life, either we have been there, sponsor a child from there or have prayed for them through the years. Our brother and sisters at HOL and that area so badly devastated need our prayers more than ever now.  Please pray for the Lord to protect and strengthen them through this difficult time and provide for all their needs.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor  585-356-9250                    revlam91@gmail.com

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950       dukdukkip@gmail.com  

Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010      davekeisha4@gmail.com

November 1, 2020
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                     Darwin Kipfer

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Sharing                                   The O’Connor family

  Worship                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                         Nate Schlabach


Offertory flowers were gift today by
If you can help with Offertory flowers, please see sign-up sheet in foyer.

     Week in Brief
     Tue. 6:30 pm               Youth Group
     Wed. 6:45 pm              Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember
Nov. 10th @ 7 pm Church Council Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Nov. 8th m: Kevin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Nov.15th m: Joe Baer p: Dave Dissette
Nov. 22nd m: Andrew Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Nov. 29th m: Dave Schmidt p: TBA

Today’s Sermon
“I’m broken but Christ…..”


Operation Christmas Child ~ Build a Shoebox Online for $25. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/ Bless Children Around the World Without Leaving Home! Now more than ever, children need great joy! You can give boys and girls in need a tangible expression of God’s love through a gift-filled shoebox packed from your computer or handheld device. In just a few clicks, you can select toys and other fun items to include as well as a letter and photo to delight the heart of a child. After we pack and ship shoeboxes like yours overseas, local believers share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children as they distribute them. As a result, families are reached, new churches are started, and communities are transformed. It all begins with you. Pack a shoebox online today!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

October 25, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145:1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                                  Dave Schmidt

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                       Larry Malakie


Offertory flowers were gift today by Ruth Roth
If you can help with Offertory flowers, please see sign-up sheet in foyer.

     Week in Brief
     Tues. 6:30 pm             Movie - Agenda
     Tue. 6:30 pm              Youth Group
     Wed. 6:45 pm              Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember
Nov. 10th @ 7 pm Church Council Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Nov. 1st m: Darwin Kipfer p: Nate Schlabach
Nov. 8th m: Kevin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Nov.15th m: Joe Baer p: Dave Dissette
Nov. 22nd m: Andrew Kipfer p: Larry Malakie

Today’s Sermon
“My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer”
Matthew 21:13

Tuesday evening @ 6:30 pm there will be a showing of the documentary “AGENDA” – Grinding America Down. This film is Legislator Curtis Bowers fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It’s well documented AGENDA. All social distancing guidelines will need to be followed.

You will find the October Church Council Minutes in your mailboxes today. If you should ever have any questions regarding these council minutes or any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak with anyone on the church council.

Here at AMC we have a Sharing Fund that is special designed for hardship needs of our congregation. If you should have such a need please speak to church elder, Kevin Kipfer. If you are financially able to help contribute to the Sharing Fund, you may do so at any time by writing a check to church and putting “Sharing Fund” in the memo line.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

October 18, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145:1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                   Andrew Kipfer

Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship                          by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                         Dave Dissette


Offertory flowers were gift today by Paulette
If you can help with Offertory flowers, please see sign-up sheet in foyer.

     Week in Brief
     Tue. 6:30 pm               Youth Group
     Wed. 6:45 pm              Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember
Oct. 27th @ 6:30 pm Showing the Movie ~ Agenda
Nov. 10th @ 7 pm Church Council Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Oct. 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: Larry Malakie
Nov. 1st m: Darwin Kipfer p: Nate Schlabach
Nov. 8th m: Kevin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Nov.15th m: Joe Baer p: Dave Dissette

On Tuesday October 27th @ 6:30 pm there will be a showing of the documentary “AGENDA” – Grinding America Down. This film is Legislator Curtis Bowers fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It’s well documented AGENDA.

Here at AMC we have a Sharing Fund that is special designed for hardship needs of our congregation. If you should have such a need please speak to church elder, Kevin Kipfer. If you are financially able to help contribute to the Sharing Fund, you may do so at any time by writing a check to church and putting “Sharing Fund” in the memo line.

FYI – Ann Meyers is our new church custodian. We appreciate and thank Ann for helping us in this way.
Next Sunday Dave and Lois Gehman will be coming by to visit us!

Join us November 6 at 7 p.m. for the EMM banquet to go
This year’s EMM banquet is going virtual! Like every banquet, you’ll have an opportunity to hear some incredible stories of God’s work around the world, but from the comfort of your home. You can also order a free “meze on the move” which is a take-out sampling of flavors from countries around the world. Learn more and register at emm.org/banquet.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

October 11, 2020
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.  Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.  Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10).  May you experience God’s grace and  restoration as you worship with us this morning.  Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey.  We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.  
Worship Service                                                     9:30 a.m.       Welcome                                                
Announcements                                                   Joe Baer        
Offering                      *Please place your offering in the     collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.         Worship                           by Our Awesome Worship Team         Message                                             Pastor Larry Malakie           

If you can help with Offertory flowers, please see sign up sheet in foyer.
Week in Brief Tue. 6:30 pm             Youth Group Wed. 6:45 pm            Men’s Bible Study Wed. 7:00 pm            Church Council Meeting Moderator & Preaching Schedule Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve. Oct. 18th           m: Andrew Kipfer       p: Dave Dissette Oct. 25th           m: Dave Schmidt       p: Larry Malakie                         Nov. 1st            m: Darwin Kipfer        p: Y.T.B.D  Nov. 8th            m: Kevin Kipfer          p: Larry Malakie   Today’s Sermon “A Powerful Prayer Prophecy” Luke 18:1 “Men always ought to pray and not lose heart”   Announcements My family and I thank you dear friends for the cards, food and prayers sent to us during the loss of my son, Les.  In His love, Marlene Rogers Everyone was unanimously affirmed to their church position’s.  Thank you to all those that have committed to serve God by serving others. Operation Christmas Child ~ Build a Shoebox Online for $25.            https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/                                                                           Bless Children Around the World Without Leaving Home!              Now more than ever, children need great joy! You can give boys and girls in need a tangible expression of God’s love through a gift-filled shoebox packed from your computer or handheld device. In just a few clicks, you can select toys and other fun items to include as well as a letter and photo to delight the heart of a child. After we pack and ship shoeboxes like yours overseas, local believers share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children as they distribute them. As a result, families are reached, new churches are started, and communities are transformed. It all begins with you. Pack a shoebox online today!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004
Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com


October 4, 2020
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                            Kevin Kipfer

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

  Worship            by Our Awesome Worship Team

 Special time of prayer and offering for The Dan Schmidt family

Message                                                        Dave Schmidt

Offertory flowers were displayed today by Lynn

     Week in Brief

Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Date’s to Remember
Wed. Oct. 14th Church Council Meeting ~ 7pm

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Oct. 11th m: Joe Baer p: Larry Malakie
Oct. 18th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Dave Dissette
Oct. 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: Larry Malakie
Nov. 1st m: Darwin Kipfer p: Y.T.B.D


Mennonite Central Committee invites you to join Celebration 2020: MCC at 100, a live-streamed event commemorating a century of MCC’s ministry on Saturday, Oct. 17, starting at 6:50 p.m. (EDT). The event will feature photos, videos, and storytelling that highlight MCC’s work over the years. Former MCC leader and pastor Leonard Dow of Philadelphia will inspire participants to walk boldly into the next century of MCC’s ministry while talented musicians will lead in prayer and thanksgiving. You can find more information about MCC’s centennial and log in for the live-streamed event at mcc.org/celebration-2020.

Please make a change in your phone directory; Larry & Bonnie Malakie street address should be Rd. not Dr.

Did you miss the Fall Leadership Assembly 2020?
If you missed LMC Fall LA 2020; you can watch these four challenging videos to follow God’s call into a missional life at;
• A Spirit-Let Movement by Keith Weaver
• To Make Disciples Of Jesus by James Weik & Raquel Rivera
• To Mobilize Every Member as a Missionary by Steve Shank
• To Multiply Faith Communities Locally and Beyond! by Samuel Lopez & Adalberto Santiago

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 27, 2020
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                     Darwin Kipfer

Offering                        *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                             by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                                             Pastor Larry Malakie


Offertory flowers were gifted today by Martha Miller

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Date’s to Remember
Sun. Oct. 4th Special offering collection for the Schmidt’s
Wed. Oct. 14th Church Council Meeting ~ 7pm

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Oct. 4 m: Kevin Kipfer p: Dave Schmidt
Oct. 11th m: Joe Baer p: Larry Malakie
Oct. 18th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Dave Dissette
Oct. 25th m: Dave Schmidt p: Larry Malakie

Today’s Sermon
“Here I Am…Send Me!”
Isaiah 6:8


We send our condolences to Marlene Rodgers and her family, for the sudden loss of her son Les. If you would like to reach out to Marlene, this is her contact info; 37 Parkway St. Silver Creek, N.Y. 14136 716-783-2064

Special Love Offering and time of Prayer next Sunday for Dan & Courtney Schmidt and family. If you would like to bring them a card of encouragement or a monetary love offering this day, these offering will be collected, and we will get them to Dan & Courtney. (Please keep cards and monetary gifts separate) Checks should be made out to Alden Mennonite Church with Dan and Courtney Schmidt noted in the memo line.

Help Wanted-PLEASE! ~ AMC is in NEED of a Church Custodian. Approx. 2 to 4 (paid) hours a week. There is a job description posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Anyone interested in applying for this position, please contact Nate Schlaback, ASAP at 716-289-7445 or mark your bulletin tab. Please spread the word that we are looking for a trustworthy reliable custodian.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 20, 2020

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145:1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                      Andrew Kipfer

Offering                       *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                             by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


Offertory flowers were gifted today by Katherine Kipfer

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Date’s to Remember
Wed. Oct. 14th Church Council Meeting ~ 7pm

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Sept. 27th m: Darwin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Oct. 4 m: Kevin Kipfer p: Dave Schmidt
Oct. 11th m: Joe Baer p: Larry Malakie
Oct. 18th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Dave Dissette


This afternoon 2-4 pm – WhyLife Ministries Event ~ “Raise A Hallelujah”, @ the Fireman’s Park in Alden.

In your mailboxes today you will find a few new pages for your church phone directory and this month’s church council minutes.

Help Wanted-PLEASE! ~ AMC is in NEED of a Church Custodian. Approx. 2 to 4 (paid) hours a week. There is a job description posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Anyone interested in applying for this position, please contact Nate Schlaback, ASAP at 716-289-7445 or mark your bulletin tab. Please spread the word that we are looking for a trustworthy reliable custodian.

• Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, is sponsoring two different, and what looks like interesting live stream events.
• Family History Heyday (Live Stream) – Discover your heritage at the Family History Heyday on Saturday, October 17. Each online session costs $15. Session 1: Darvin Martin – “Using Ancestrycom’s Newest Feature– DNA Thruines™ to Enhance Family History”. Session 2: Neicy DeShields-Moulton – “The Ancestors I Met on My Genealogy Journey”. Session 3: John Brown – “Little Known Facts About Colonial Lancaster County”. Register at bit.ly/FamilyHistoryHeyday.
• MCC: Immigration Stories (Live Stream) – Listen to compelling storytellers Andrew Bodden & Ken Sensenig on Tuesday, October 20 from 7 pm to 9 pm. A-Zoom link will be posted three weeks before the event at bit.ly/MCCStories. Donations are appreciated.

Contact Information

923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY  14004


Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor  585-356-9250                    revlam91@gmail.com

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578    amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006                 emmalenegk99@gmail.com

Kevin Kipfer,  Elder  465-4950                                         dukdukkip@gmail.com  

Dave Schmidt,  Elder  585-547-0010                             davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 13, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145:1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                      Kevin Kipfer

Offering                       *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                             by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                     Pastor Larry Malakie


Offertory flowers were gifted today by Lynn

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tue. 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8:30 am Alden Union Free Cemetery Clean Up

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Sept. 20th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Dave Dissette
Sept. 27th m: Darwin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Oct. 4 m: Kevin Kipfer p: Dave Schmidt
Oct. 11th m: Joe Baer p: Larry Malakie

Today’s Sermon
“If My People…”
2 Chronicles 7:14


Affirmation ballots for the church positions are due back TODAY. Please return your ballots to Lynn Roll’s mailbox. Thank you! There are extra ballots by the mailbox’s if you need one.

Tonight- Grace in Community Church will be showing the video, “The Grinding Down of America”, from 6-8:15 pm. Everyone is welcome.

Help Wanted-PLEASE! ~ AMC is in NEED of a Church Custodian. Approx. 2 to 4 (paid) hours a week. There is a job description posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Anyone interested in applying for this position, please contact Nate Schlaback, ASAP at 716-289-7445 or mark your bulletin tab.

WhyLife Ministries Event ~ “Raise A Hallelujah”, Sun. Sept. 20th, 3-4 pm @ the Fireman’s Park in Alden.

Roswell Park is having a Virtual Conference ~ God Was in This Place, And I Did Not Know. on Friday Oct. 2nd, 9 am to 4:30 pm. A predicate theology – Covid 19- based on Genesis 28:10. For more information see flier on bulletin board.

A call to Prayer and Fasting! All people of LMC’s fellowship of Anabaptist churches are urged to set aside Monday, Sept. 14th as a day of prayer and fasting. Please intercede for the fall Leadership Assembly planned for Sept. 26, 2020

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Larry Malakie, Interim Pastor 585-356-9250 revlam91@gmail.com
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

September 6, 2020

You, O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to us and have mercy on us; grant your strength to your servants and save our children(Ps. 86: 15-16). We, as a congregation, want to bring honor to Him in all we do. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                        Joe Baer

Offering              *Please place your offering in the collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                            by Our Awesome Worship Team

Message                                          Dave Dissette

Baby Dedication                         Gabriella Joyce Chmiel


Offertory flowers were gifted today by Mark and Kellie Chmiel

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember
Tue. Sept. 15th Church Council Meeting
Sat. Sept. 12th & 19th Alden Union Free Cemetery Clean Up

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Sept. 13th m: Kevin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Sept. 20th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Dave Dissette
Sept. 27th m: Darwin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Oct. 4 m: Kevin Kipfer p: Dave Schmidt

Help Wanted ~ AMC is in need of a Church Custodian. Approx. 2 to 4 (paid) hours a week. There is a job description posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Anyone interested in applying for this position, please contact Nate Schlaback at 716-289-7445.

Affirmation ballots for the church positions are due back by Sept 13th. Please return your ballots to Lynn Roll’s mailbox. Thank you!

Beaver Camp and Maple Ridge Center are experiencing a combined operating income loss of 57%. Both facilities expenses are being reduced as much as possible, however, if giving remains at historical levels it is estimated there will be at least a $100,000 shortfall by year’s end. Please lift Beaver Camp and Maple Ridge up in prayer and if the Lord leads you to donate to these ministries, you may do so online or by mail. Currently every dollar given will be doubled! Adirondack Mennonite Camping Association 8884 Buck Point Rd. Lowville, NY 13367 www.beavercamp.org
Upcoming Retreats @ Bever Camp:
Fall Family Retreat ~ Sept. 25-27
Champ Camp (young adults) ~ Sept. 25-27
Look on website for more info.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 30, 2020
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you (Ps. 130: 1-4). We are a body of believes who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God; one who knows our shortcomings but forgives us when we ask for it. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                       Darwin Kipfer

Offering                        *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                                by Our Awesome Worship Team

 Message                                         Dave Schmidt


*If you can help provide offertory flowers, please see sign up sheet by entrance of Sanctuary.

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember
Sun. Sept. 6th Chmiel/Roll Baby Dedication
Tue. Sept. 15th Church Council Meeting

Moderator & Preaching Schedule
Please keep these folks in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Sept. 6th m: Joe Baer p: Dave Dissette
Sept. 13th m: Kevin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie
Sept. 20th m: Andrew Kipfer p: Dave Dissette
Sept. 27th m: Darwin Kipfer p: Larry Malakie

Help Wanted ~ AMC is in need of a Church Custodian. Approx. 2 to 4 (paid) hours a week. There is a job description posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Anyone interested in applying for this position, please contact Nate Schlaback at 716-289-7445.

Affirmation ballots for the church positions that needed to be filled are in your bulletins this morning and individual mailboxes also. Please return your ballots to Lynn’s mailbox by Sept. 13th. Thank you!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 23, 2020

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you (PS. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                         Dave Schmidt

Offering                            *Please place your offering in     the collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                            Worship team

 Message                                                          Dave Dissette


Lynn provided the offertory flowers today.

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember

Sun. Sept. 6th Chmiel/Roll Baby Dedication
Tue. Sept. 15th Church Council Meeting


Help Wanted, Church Custodian. 2 to 4 hours per week. Anyone interested in applying for this position, please contact Nate Schlaback.

Church Council Minutes from the 8/11/20 Zoom meeting are in your mailboxes.

CCAM ~ is having a MOVIE on the church lawn TONIGHT! Bring warm clothes, bug spray and please observe safe distancing measures. Cancelled if weather seems questionable.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 16, 2020

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation amoung all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God: may all the peoples praise you (Ps. 67: 1-3). We are a body of believers who put our trust in an all-knowing and ever-present God. We know that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. Let us worship and have fellowship together this morning.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                                         Andrew Kipfer

Offering                            *Please place your offering in the
  collection plate on the chair by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship                      Nate and Worship team

 Message                                                      Youth Group


Paulette provided the offertory flowers today.

Week in Brief
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember

Sun. Sept. 6th Chmiel/Roll Baby Dedication
Tue. Sept. 15th Church Council Meeting

Please come join the fun today in celebrating Noah’s graduation. 12997 Centerline Rd. South Wales. Lunch at 12:30, fun begins when you get there!

Please take note; your mailboxes have been shuffled around a little bit.

A BIG thank you to Don for trimming all the bushes in front of the church. It looks great, and it is so nice to see the full church sign again!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

August 2, 2020

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer

Worship                                   Nate and the Worship team 

 Message                                             Pastor Larry Malakie


The gift of alter flowers today came from Ken Eicheldinger .

Week in Brief:
Tuesday, 6:30 Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 Men’s Bible Study

We welcome Pastor Larry, it is so nice to have you with us today. We look forward to hearing the message from you today and getting a little chance to visit with you after the service.
“The Church Council and Elders are glad to announce that Dave Schmidt has been strongly affirmed to be an Elder at AMC. We are excited to see what God will do during David’s work with the leadership team over the next 3 years. The Leadership team continues to seek God’s direction on having another Elder or two. We wait on His direction and leading.”

Picnic Lunch Today After The Service!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll,Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com
Dave Schmidt, Elder 585-547-0010 davekeisha4@gmail.com

July 26, 2020
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3) Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Dave Schmidt

Worship                                   Nate and the Worship team 

 Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette


The gift of alter flowers today came from Ken Eicheldinger .

Week in Brief:
Tuesday, 6:30 Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 Men’s Bible Study

On Mon. July 20th on brother in Christ Phil Rebmann went to his Heavenly home. At this time there is not a memorial planned, if you would like to send your condolences to the family and Phil longtime partner Cathy Cogdon you may do so at 1070 Sumner Rd. Darien NY 14040

Elder Affirmation Ballots; Are due back to Nate today. If you need a ballot there are extras by the mailboxes.
New Email Address: for Dave and Keisha, please change in your computer and your church directory. davekeisha4@gmail.com

This is a little note that Marlene Rogers send to Brita. Brita says Marlene sends notes often with greetings to everyone so she wanted to share this one with us. I (Lynn) went down to visit her about a week ago and she is doing well and thank the Lord is finally feeling better. I’m sure she would love to hear from some of her friends from AMC. If anyone would like to plan an afternoon to go visit as a small group let me know.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004
Lynn Roll,Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 19, 2020


Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Darwin Kipfer



“The Fab Four”   
                                                         Emma, Andrew, Noah & Trey

 Message                                                  Don Schmidt

Today’s Sermon;
“The Story of Joseph”
Genesis, Chapters 39-41


Our deepest sympathies go out to Matt & Debi Zook and family for the sudden loss of their son Nicolas. We pray the Lord will comfort them through this very difficult time. If you would like to email Matt & Debi some words of love, encouragement and sympathy; matthew_zook@ntm.org

Elder Affirmation Ballots; There are paper ballots by the mailbox’s. Those of you with email received them last week. Either fill out the paper form and return to Nate Schlabach’s church mailbox or email it to Nate at; njsmes6@gmail.com by Sunday, July 26th.

LMC’s Shalom News will be highlighting our district in the October 2020 issue. They are in need of some high quality digital photos of AMC. These could be of congregational life, Sunday worship, fun activities or outreach. If you have any photos like what is needed please email them to Lynn in a JPEG file by July 19t- ,TODAY!.

             Week in Brief:

Tuesday, 6:30 Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 Men’s Bible Study

Fun Pandemic Activity Ideas;
Balloons Over Letchworth July 20,22,27&28, 2020 This event rivals a hot air balloon ride over “The Grand Canyon of the East.” The Letchworth State Park gorge is magnificent, and provides an incredible backdrop for memorable hot air balloon rides. The view is spectacular, and the experience breathtaking! https://www.libertyballoon.com/letchworth-park-area/

One of the most popular tourist attractions in our area is Niagara Falls. With fewer out of town visitors expected, you can enjoy this natural wonder right in our own backyard. There are plenty of paved scenic walkways that are a leisurely stroll for most people and beginner–level hikes such as Great Gorge Scenic Overlook Hike and Upper Great Gorge Hike. Don’t miss Goat Island for a closer look at the top of Horseshoe Falls. There are longer, more challenging hikes as well, such as Devil’s Hole Rapids and Whirlpool Rapids Adventure Hike. You’ll need proper footwear and a moderate level of fitness. Don’t venture off the marked trails. It’s easy to slip into the gorge.

Christian Film Festival in Buffalo, returning for its 6th year. From Thursday, July 30th through Sunday August 2nd, 2020 at 10am, the Great Lakes Christian Film Festival will screen films from around the world, at The Millennium Hotel, 2040 Walden Ave, Buffalo, NY 14225.
Get your tickets for this event now!

Experience the Buffalo Bills with a New Era Stadium Tour at One Bills Drive. A New Era Stadium Tour allows fans to experience the Buffalo Bills history first hand. This tour will provide guests with a behind-the-scene look into press areas, luxury clubs and suites, the field, and much more. Stadium tours are available on select days, July through September.
60-90 minute walking tour in our outdoor stadium. Tour route is roughly 1.5 miles long. Upon arrival please meet Tour Guides in Team Store 10 minutes prior to tour time. Overflow parking available in Lot 6.
Tickets are only $20 and there are three tours most days:
July 10th, 11th, 17th, 19th & 31st, 2020
August 1st, 2nd, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 30th, 2020
September 6th & 7th, 2020

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll,Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

July 12, 2020

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Andrew Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Nate Schlaback



Elder Affirmation Ballots; There are paper ballots by the mailbox’s. Those of you with email received them last week. Either fill out the paper form and return to Nate Schlabach’s church mailbox or email it to Nate at; njsmes6@gmail.com by Sunday, July 26th.

LMC’s Shalom News will be highlighting our district in the October 2020 issue. They are in need of some high quality digital photos of AMC. These could be of congregational life, Sunday worship, fun activities or outreach. If you have any photos like what is needed please email them to Lynn in a JPEG file by July 19th.

Beaver Camp is open for families! For over 50 years, we’ve been the place for kids to enjoy swimming, boating, delicious food, fireside talks, and adventure. This summer enjoy the best of the Adirondacks with those closest to you! Details can be found at beavercamp.org or by contacting our office at 315-376-2640 or office@beaver.camp.

Do you have an announcement or other fun summer activities you would like to share in the bulletin? Please send to Lynn by Friday at 9 am. amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

             Week in Brief:

Tuesday, 6:30 Youth Group
Tuesday, 6:30 Church Council Meeting
Wed. 6:45 Men’s Bible Study


Fun Pandemic Activity Ideas;
Historic recipe hunt: Call a relative and ask her to walk you through a longtime family recipe. Then make it. If she claims you have to have a certain ingredient or the recipe won’t work, ask for another recipe.

Make Christmas cookie dough in advance:
Dave Schmidt has suggested making and freezing the dough for your favorite Christmas cookies. Think of the time this could save at such a busy time of the year. Dave is also available for any taste testing of the yummy end result! https://www.goodlifeeats.com/tip-how-to-freeze-cookie-dough/ https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/our-best-christmas-cookie-recipes/

Family game night: Have a weekly game night, and rotate who chooses the game. We’ll be playing Monopoly this weekend at my house. The first time, we’ll use the Hasbro rules. The second time, we may use the lesser-known rules from The Landlord’s Game, the original game created by Elizabeth Magie Phillips.

Lego challenges: Give everyone a bag of Lego pieces and charge your crew with building a house, a store, a park, their school or a castle in the sky — and then set the timer. Creativity wins! (There are great 30-day Lego challenges to be found online.)

Millard Fillmore Museum: 24 Shearer Avenue, East Aurora
• Nicely kept! Has been renovated (not original) but this place is really cool! It’s great if you are a tourist! I hope you enjoy!
• Informative tour with a different guide in each room. Entertaining and friendly folks too.
• Local history highlighting the life of President Millard Fillmore.
• Moved it 3 times and still kept up nicely. Great American history landmark.

Kenneglenn Scenic and Nature Preserve; 11663 Old Strykersville Road, East Aurora Kenneglenn is a 131-acre preserve owned by the Western New York Land Conservancy. It includes forests, small wetland areas, and a spectacular gorge on Hunters Creek. Kenneglenn’s hiking trail are open for daytime use through organized events or by appointment with the Land Conservancy. https://wnylc.org/conservation/highlighted-projects/kenneglenn-scenic-and-nature-preserve/

Youth Group Outreach Project, youth director Emma Kipfer organized a day for the youth to be a blessing and be blessed. The group first helped Brita with some much needed yardwork and then enjoy some fun in the sun splashing in the pool.
Good work gang!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004
Lynn Roll, Secretary 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 28, 2020

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements TBA
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Dave (Duke) Dissette



No Sunday Service here next week; Due to half of our congregation being at Beaver Camp we will not have church here on July 5th. This maybe a good opportunity to see if you can check out another church or online service.

New Email Address; Dave and Keisha Schmidt have a new email address, davekeisha4@gmail.com. Please make the change in your church directory.

Celebration of Church Life 2021; Save the date for the next Celebration of Church Life, LMC congregations will gather on March 19-20, 2021 at Petra Church in New Holland, PA. The event will feature worship, prayer options, a plenary speaker, seminars, lunch, and an ice cream social.

June Church Council Minutes are in your mailboxes.

Do you have an announcement or other fun summer activities you would like to share in the bulletin? Please send to Lynn by Friday at 9 am. amcsecretary1924@gmail.com

             Week in Brief:

Tuesday, 6:30 Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 Men’s Bible Study
Thurs-Sun Beaver Camp Retreat

                           Future Dates to Remember:

July 14th, 6:30 Church Council Meeting


Fun Pandemic Activity Ideas;
Make a time capsule.
Find a small box, and then walk around your house gathering items that represent the reality of your present-day life: A newspaper or magazine, photographs, recent receipts, last week’s grocery store list, letters or greeting cards, and so on. You could even include a flash drive with photos or a video you and your family make for your “future selves” to watch. Put it all in the box, tape it up securely, and write a date on the outside saying when you’re allowed to open it — say, 10 or 15 years from now. You’ll probably have fun compiling a slice of your daily life, and you’ll enjoy reflecting on those items in the future even more, when your lives and the world have changed.

Try Geocaching.
Part outdoor adventure, part treasure hunt, Geocaching — hiking in search of hidden “caches” you can track by their GPS coordinates — is one of our family’s favorite frugal activities. If you have a GPS device or a smartphone, you don’t need to buy anything else to get started.

Just visit Geocaching.com and type in your home address (or the address where you plan to be walking or hiking), and you’ll likely find a few geocaches stashed in the area. Pick one, add the coordinates to your GPS (or just use the app on your smartphone), and head out the door, letting your device serve as a treasure map.

Do some amateur stargazing.
Go outside on a clear evening, preferably away from city lights, and look up at the sky. Use some handy star maps or an app such as SkyView Free to know what you’re looking at. Spread out some blankets on the ground, lay flat on your back, stare upwards, and realize how magnificent the universe is around you.

Make Christmas gifts in advance.
If you know already that some people will be on your Christmas list, why not spend some time now making them interesting and thoughtful gifts and saving yourself some money over the long haul? Make them some homemade soap, some homemade hot chocolate mix, and maybe a bottle of homemade beer as a gift. Prepare all of these items, then go ahead and box and wrap them, since they’ll stay good for months.
Not only is the gift less expensive than what you’d spend at your local department store, it’s also more thoughtful, and it’ll save you time during the harried Christmas season.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Secretary 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

June 21, 2020

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Dave Schmidt
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Eldership Video series
By Shawn Otto

Week in Brief
Monday, 6:30 Church Council Meeting
Tuesday, 6:30 Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 Men’s Bible Study

                           Future Dates to Remember

July 2 – 5, 2019 Beaver Camp Retreat

Congratulations to the Chmiel family on the birth of their 1st child, Gabriella Joyce on June 1st @ 4:08pm weighting 7lbs 13ozs and 21” long. Kellie, Mark and baby are all doing well and wanted to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and gifts of well wishes. They are feeling abundantly blessed! And, on a side note; Gabriella’s Nonna Lynn is over the moon thrilled with God’s beautiful blessing!

LMC holds a virtual prayer gathering the 1st Monday of the month. Everyone is welcome, the next one is July 6th from 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Join us via zoom meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88177818827
Meeting ID 881 7781 8827

LMC Fall Leadership Assembly – The Spring Leadership Assembly content will be moved to the Fall Leadership Assembly;
Saturday, September 26, 2020; at Capital Christian Fellowship in Lanham, MD. The seminar content, planned for Saturday, April 4, 2020, at CCL, as possible, will be moved to CCL next year, scheduled for
March 19-20, 2021 at Petra Church. Save the date!

Leaders and Emerging Leaders,
LMC has worked with Rosedale Bible College and CMC (Conservative Mennonite Conference) to design a ministry training program through distance learning. The result is Training in Ministry or TiM. The courses use the newest online strategies for securing successful distance learning. In September 2020, the first two courses are offered: Shawn, Otto, Congregational Counseling Troy Landis, Discipling Others Winter term, the following classes are offered: Monica Jefferson, Spiritual Formation Preston Yoder, Congregational Care These classes earn undergraduate credit. Rosedale Bible College has scheduled two virtual Open Houses to learn more about the program.
Saturday, June20: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84715357579?pwd=aWwxZjN2bkp4cGZibEZQOWtOdEs1dz09 For more information contact Brinton Rutherford at brutherford@lmcchurches.org.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Secretary 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 15, 2020
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Brad Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Brad Baer

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

The alter flowers were provided today by Ken Eicheldinger.
You were greeted this morning by the Kevin Kipfer Family.

*Greeters and offering flowers are needed each week. If you can help in either of these ways it would be greatly appreciated. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30–8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
March 20-22 Men’s Work Week-end Beaver Camp

Dates to Remember:
April 3-4 LMC Celebration of Church Life
April 4th GIC Easter EGGstravaganza
July 2-5 Beaver Camp Retreat
Sept. 26th CCAM Fall Bazaar


With the CoronaVirus now becoming an epidemic we as a church council want you to feel welcome to modify your greetings to verbally rather than shaking hands to help minimize risks. Feel free to use the hand sanitizers that have been made available.

Julie has sent a new update from Uganda. You will find a copy in your mailboxes today.

Some information that maybe useful; AffordableCollegesOnline.org has developed open-use guides to theology degrees. This series is rich with information that Alden’s students need to know to succeed, covering core sections such as courses, job outlook, related organizations, and more.
Christian College Overview – https://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/degrees/theology-schools/
Financial Aid Resources – https://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/financial-aid/financial-aid-for-online-colleges/

Beaver Camp is Hiring for the 2020 Summer Season: Love to work with people in an outdoor setting? We are looking for maintenance, lifeguard and kitchen help. Get all the details at beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640.

YOU and your family are invited to Grace In Community Church’s Easter EGGstravaganza, on Sat. April 4th 11am to 1pm. They will have a waffle bar for the whole family to enjoy; an indoor egg hunt for kids ages 10 and under; eggcellent crafts to create; and giveaways for everyone! Join them and spread the word!

CompassCare is having a Walk for Life on Saturday May 2nd in Delaware Park. 9:00am registration, walk starts at 10:00am. If you have any interest in this walk you can find more info at; www.compasscarewalk.com

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 8, 2020
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord (Ps. 27:13-14). We serve a faithful God who promises good things to those who love Him. Look for the ways that God is working faithfully in your life. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Nate Schlabach
Today’s Sermon;
What We Believe
Holy Spirit

Adult Sunday School not meeting today

Fellowship Lunch 11:00 a.m.

The alter flowers were provided today by Ken Eicheldinger.

*Greeters and offering flowers are needed each week. If you can help in either of these ways it would be greatly appreciated. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer. Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30–8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
March 8-14 MDS Mission Trip to W.V. w/ CCAM

Dates to Remember:
March 20-22 Men’s Work Week-end Beaver Camp
April 3-4 LMC Celebration of Church Life
April 4th GIC Easter EGGstravaganza
July 2-5 Beaver Camp Retreat
Sept. 26th CCAM Fall Bazaar


Fellowship Lunch – today immediately after the service; Please join us for some enjoyable conversation and a delicious meal.

There is a Kids Table set up for the little ones by the sound booth. There you will find different activities to keep their little hands busy during the Sunday service and also a snack if they may need one.

YOU and your family are invited to Grace In Community Church’s Easter EGGstravaganza, on Sat. April 4th 11am to 1pm. They will have a waffle bar for the whole family to enjoy; an indoor egg hunt for kids ages 10 and under; eggcellent crafts to create; and giveaways for everyone! Join them and spread the word!

The Holy Spirit: Dew
I will be like the dew to Israel.
Hosea 14:5
The Holy Spirit is Dew who can refresh your spirit with His presence today. Feel Him! He is Dew, coming gently to leave refreshment, even when you can’t see with your physical eyes. Do you feel the spiritual moisture? He is Dew who leaves your spiritual face damp when it’s not raining. Experience Him! He is Dew, coming silently, invisibly and softly; let His presence work in your life.
Lord, be Dew to refresh me when I’m tired. The unsaved don’t understand spirituality, nor do they believe in You. Be Dew to moisten my arid soul, to refresh my spirit this day.
The Holy Spirit is Dew to reinvigorate your vision; open up your soul to see more things from God. He is Dew to reignite those who are about to give up the battle; let Him re-equip you for spiritual warfare. He is Dew to reinvigorate those who quit working. He can reenlist you this day. He is Dew, like the early morning dampness that makes the grass and plants grow, even when there’s no rain. Let Him be Dew who gives you new purpose in life.
Go Deeper: Hosea 14
The Holy Spirit refreshes our hearts like morning dew.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

March 1, 2020
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord (Ps. 27:13-14). We serve a faithful God who promises good things to those who love Him. Look for the ways that God is working faithfully in your life. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Joe Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message David Baker

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30–8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat – daylight savings time – Remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour!

Dates to Remember:
March 8th Fellowship Lunch
March 8-14 MDS Mission Trip to W.V. w/ CCAM
March 20-22 Men’s Work Week-end Beaver Camp
April 3-4 LMC Celebration of Church Life
July 2-5 Beaver Camp Retreat
Sept. 26th CCAM Fall Bazaar

Elder Nomination Forms are DUE TODAY – There are extra nomination forms by the mailboxes. Please, fill one out and return to Kevin Kipfer’s mailbox before you leave today.

  • If you are unsure on “membership” just turn in your suggestion and council will check on eligibility, any further questions please feel free to see anyone on church council.

Fellowship Lunch – Next Sunday – March 8th; This is a time for us to draw closer to one another, enjoy conversation and a delicious meal, as a church family. Please bring 2 dishes to share.

Please update in your directories; Living Free Ministries address has another address update, Please send any support for;
Malinda Martin to
Living Free Ministries
PO Box 184
Akron New York 14001

Welcome Rain; LMC Celebration of Church Life, April 3&4 Petra Church, New Holland, Pa. Join others in the LMC fellowship of churches for this two day annual assembly. The event is free and everyone is invited. People from all across LMC come together once a year to worship, to learn, to fellowship, and to celebrate what God is doing in our midst.

Hearts and Hands; “You’ve Gotta have Art Festival”. Clarence Presbyterian Church Saturday, March 7, 10 am — 4 pm & Sunday, March 8, 12 pm — 4 pm Proceeds to benefit Hearts and Hands • Featuring over 40 artists including Roycroft artisans: paintings, jewelry, pottery, glass, photography, textile
art, wood carvings • Free children’s art experience on Saturday
• Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks Available • $3 Admission per person, free for children 12 & under. 9675 Main Street Clarence(next to Clarence High School) For more information contact:gottahaveart@clarencepresby.org
www.gottahaveartfestival.com 716-759-8396

Men’s work week-end at Beaver Camp: March 20-22 we are planning a weekend up at camp for just the guys. We will be doing some needed work around camp, fellowshipping together, enjoying the beauty of camp in the winter and just having some fun! If you would like to join us, see Kevin for details.

Jesus is Coming, Sandi Meyers has tickets available for this upcoming movie, on Saturday April 11th, the 12:55 pm showing at Regal Theater, Transit Road. Jesus is coming is from the Sight and Sound production “Jesus”. If interested give Sandi a call ASAP, 585-902-6018 Tickets are $15, only a few left.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 23, 2020
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Darwin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Dave Dissette

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

You were greeted today by Ruth Roth and Shirley Miller
Ruth Roth also provided the flowers for the service today.
Thank you ladies for serving today.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30–8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember:
March 8th Fellowship Lunch
March 8-14 MDS Mission Trip to W.V. w/ CCAM
March 20-22 Men’s Work Week-end Beaver Camp
April 3-4 LMC Celebration of Church Life
July 2-5 Beaver Camp Retreat



March 8th; This is a time for us to draw closer to one another, enjoy conversation and a delicious meal, as a church family. Please bring 2 dishes to share.

Jesus is Coming, Sandi Meyers has tickets available for this upcoming movie, on Saturday April 11th, the 12:55 pm showing at Regal Theater, Transit Road. Jesus is coming is from the Sight and Sound production “Jesus”. If interested give Sandi a call ASAP, 585-902-6018 Tickets are $15.

Please return Elder Nomination Forms to Kevin Kipfer’s mailbox by March 1st. If you are unsure on “membership” just turn in your suggestion and council will check on eligibility, any further questions please feel free to see anyone on church council.

Hearts and Hands; “You’ve Gotta have Art Festival”. Clarence Presbyterian Church Saturday, March 7, 10 am — 4 pm & Sunday, March 8, 12 pm — 4 pm Proceeds to benefit Hearts and Hands
• Featuring over 40 artists including Roycroft artisans:
paintings, jewelry, pottery, glass, photography, textile
art, wood carvings • Free children’s art experience on Saturday
• Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks Available • $3 Admission per person, free for children 12 & under. 9675 Main Street Clarence(next to Clarence High School) For more information contact:gottahaveart@clarencepresby.org
www.gottahaveartfestival.com 716-759-8396

Welcome Rain; LMC Celebration of Church Life, April 3&4 Petra Church, New Holland, Pa. Join others in the LMC fellowship of churches for this two day annual assembly. The event is free and everyone is invited. People from all across LMC come together once a year to worship, to learn, to fellowship, and to celebrate what God is doing in our midst.

Men’s work week-end at Beaver Camp: March 20-22 we are planning a weekend up at camp for just the guys. We will be doing some needed work around camp, fellowshipping together, enjoying the beauty of camp in the winter and just having some fun! If you would like to join us, see Kevin for details.


Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 16, 2020

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my
righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from
our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless
of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good
news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for
us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with
Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to
Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Brad Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Brad Baer
Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship
service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in
room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30–8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Wed. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

Dates to Remember:

March 20-22 Men’s Work Week-end Beaver Camp
July 2-5 Beaver Camp Retreat

Elder Nomination Form is in today’s bulletin and extras are by the
mailbox’s. Please have them turned into Kevin Kipfer’s mailbox by March
1 st .

“Thank you to all those who took the time to send a birthday card to
Josephine Kipfer.  She was very blessed by the over 100 cards that she
received!!” – The Kipfer family

Men’s work week-end at Beaver Camp: March 20-22 we are planning a
weekend up at camp for just the guys. We will be doing some needed
work around camp, fellowshipping together, enjoying the beauty of camp
in the winter and just having some fun! If you would like to join us, see
Kevin for details.
Needed: Greeters and Offering Flowers. If you are able to help in any of
these areas please see Lynn or sign up on the signup sheet in the foyer.

Image result for images christian inspiration
Image result for image of Acts 11

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

February 9, 2020
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Stephanie and Worship team
Message Brad Baer

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember:
Sunday Feb. 16th 4pm(?) Foster/Adoptive Group meets in fellowship hall
Tue. Feb 18th 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting

Thank You, I so appreciated everyone’s kindness and help to keep things running smoothly here at church while I was away visiting Julie in Uganda. I will say it again… I am so blessed to have such a wonderful church family!!! Love you all, Lynn

Needed: Greeters and Offering Flowers. If you are able to help in any of these areas please see Lynn or sign up on the signup sheet in the foyer.

Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: February 9, 2020
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

I would like more information on… _______________________________________________________

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 26, 2020
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Let these words of assurance from our Heavenly Father encourage and comfort your heart today regardless of what you are facing this week. Choose to rest in Him. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through this blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Darwin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Dave Dissette

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study Future
2/1 Ladies event at CCAM ~ 6:30-8:30pm

Dates to Remember:
12/30-2/6 Lynn will not be in the office


Beaver Camp is hiring! Love to cook, enjoy people and looking for seasonal work? Then consider becoming a cook at Beaver Camp. Contact Marcia Ortlieb at 315-376-2640 or toddandmarcia@beavercamp.org for details.

New summer opportunity with Mennonite Mission Network; o Announcing Summer 2020 Youth Venture (ages 15-22) locations for Benin, Colombia, Spain, Peru, Israel, and the USA! Join a team of young people to serve, learn, worship, and build relationships in local communities around the world. Discover and experience God’s work in the world! o Are you a Mission Network alum (including COM, CHM, MBM)? Join the Mar. 7-14 “Service, Learning and Civil Rights” tour in Mississippi!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 19, 2020
The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made (Ps. 145:9, 13b). We are a body of believers who trust that Jesus loves us and faithfully works in our lives. It is our desire that you would experience, in our service today, the love, comfort and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciled to God, it would be our delight to talk with you about that

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Nate Schlabach

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study Future

Dates to Remember:
2/1 Ladies event at CCAM ~ 6;30-8:30pm
12/30-2/6 Lynn will not be in the office

Congratulations to the Boucher family. Melody and Jay welcome into the world a beautiful baby girl, Harper Rae on Sunday January 12th, weighing 5 lbs 7 oz. and 19 inches tall.
Congratulations to the new 1st time grandparents. Nate and Mary, God has blessed you with a new granddaughter to love and spoil. You two are going to be awesome at that job!

Cold and snow got you down? Choose to step out and make the best of winter! February 1st Ice Fishing Derby at Beaver Camp and three amazing winter camps in February to choose from! Details are at beavercamp.org or call 315-376-2640

Beaver Camp is hiring! Love to cook, enjoy people and looking for seasonal work? Then consider becoming a cook at Beaver Camp. Contact Marcia Ortlieb at 315-376-2640 or toddandmarcia@beavercamp.org for details.

CCAM WILL BE HOSTING, a women’s ministry event on Sat., Feb. 1st, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. with guest speaker, Jennifer Ford Berry. Jennifer is an organizational expert, best-selling author, host of the 29-minute Mom podcast, and national speaker and promoter of God’s plan. LADIES OF ALL AGES are invited to come to our church building as she shares about organizing your life to live on purpose, breaking free from clutter, prioritizing your life, and giving back to the world. Please feel free to invite your friends and neighbors. This is a “give as you are able” event. Courtesy RVSP to ccamcares@gmail.com or 716-542-9927.

New summer opportunity with Mennonite Mission Network; o Announcing Summer 2020 Youth Venture (ages 15-22) locations for Benin, Colombia, Spain, Peru, Israel, and the USA! Join a team of young people to serve, learn, worship, and build relationships in local communities around the world. Discover and experience God’s work in the world! o Are you a Mission Network alum (including COM, CHM, MBM)? Join the Mar. 7-14 “Service, Learning and Civil Rights” tour in Mississippi!

Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: January 19, 2020
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

I would like more information on… ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

January 5, 2020

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). With a new year upon us, it is a good time to affirm once again our desire to be a follower of Jesus or perhaps decide to do so for the first time. The good news is that Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy and be in right relationship with Him. Let us put our trust in Him, Praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Brad Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Brad Baer


Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember:
Jan. 8th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
12/30-2/6 Lynn will not be in the office

Wow Don and I were overwhelmed with the number of cards sent to us for our 50th anniversary! Thank you all for the kind words and blessings that you sent. We love you all and are so blessed to be a part of the family of God! Happy New Year! May God continue to bless each one of you and also our church as we ask for His direction and strength for this new year!

Greetings from Uganda! Thank you every one for the prayers for safe travels. Paul and I got to Julie on Jan. 1st, it was a long trip and we are a bit jet lagged, but very happy to be here safely. Blessings to all for a Happy New Year see you in Feb.! Lynn (=

The D.O.G. Committee is still looking for suggestions on possible candidates to fill the positions we will have open in 2020. There are extra forms by the mailboxes.

Dear Lord God,
Please help me to choose You today, above all else.
Help me to know how to follow You.
Please help me to be wise with how I spend my time and where I place my affections.
Remove any selfish ways that You see in me.
I pray that Your Holy Spirit will transform my character so that I will be more and more like my Lord Jesus.
Help me to hear and to discern Your voice today.
May my love for You be evident in the way that I live my life.
Please help me to have eyes to see Your Kingdom Come.
Throughout this day, may You be seen through me.
May You be honored in my attitudes, in my words, in my choices.
Please lead me, Lord, to the place where I can find You.
Lead me to the place where You dwell.
Help me to remember that it is You, Lord, who shows mercy…

So it is God who decides to show mercy.
We can neither choose it nor work for it.
Romans 9:16

In Jesus’ name I pray,

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 29, 2019

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Let us celebrate how great God is this morning! This is the time of year that we prepare for a New Year with family and friends. Use this time to look back at how wonderful God has been this year and focus on how to better serve Him in the next.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Darwin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Tim Schultz

Today’s Sermon;
Living by Faith
Hebrews 11: 8-10


Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 31st & Wed. 1st Lynn will be traveling, anything that may need to be sent out via email these 2 days please contact Kevin or Brad.

Future Dates to Remember:
Jan. 8th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
12/30-2/6 Lynn will not be in the office

Welcome Tim Schultz! We are so happy to have you worshiping and sharing with us this morning

Church Constitution ballots are due in today to Nate. There are extra’s by the mailbox’s if you need one.

The D.O.G. Committee is still looking for suggestions on possible candidates to fill the positions we will have open in 2020. There are extra forms by the mailboxes. .

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 22, 2019

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and earth peace to those on whom his favor rest (Luke 3:14). May you experience his peace as you prepare for Christmas. Let our hearts enjoy the excitement that comes with the Advent season. Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us put our trust in him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Dan Schmidt


Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

                   Week in Brief:    
Dec. 24th   6:00 pm              Christmas Eve Service @ Grace in Community
Dec. 24th   7:00 pm              Christmas Eve Service @ CCAM

Future Dates to Remember:
Jan. 8th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting


Welcome Schmidt family! Dan, Courtney, Ethan, Nathan and Evelyn , it is so nice having you back with us again, we have missed you!

Our Christmas Program is tonight at 6:30 pm. There is still time to participate! If you would like to present something this evening please see Andrew Kipfer after church this morning to let him know what you would like to share this evening. *Each family, please bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share following the program.

Church Constitution ballots are due back to Nate Schlabach’s mailbox by next Sunday 12/19.

Please remember to get your suggestions in to the D.O.G.committee for the church positions that we need to fill for 2020. There is extra forms by the mailboxes. Thank you.

Reminder: We meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 am to pray together before the church service. Please come join us.

Marlene Rodger’s would like to wish all her dear friends at AMC a very Merry Christmas and joyous New Year. She wants everyone to know that she misses them very much.

Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: December 22, 2019
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

I would like more information on… __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 15, 2019

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and earth peace to those on whom his favor rest (Luke 3:14). May you experience his peace as you prepare for Christmas. Let our hearts enjoy the excitement that comes with the Advent season. Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us put our trust in him, praise Him and surrender our lives to Him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Joe Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Dave Baker
Today’s Sermon;
“Waiting for God”
Isaiah 35:1-10

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

                   Week in Brief:           

Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Future Dates to Remember:
Dec. 22nd 6:30 pm AMC Christmas Program
Dec. 24th 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service @ CCAM
Jan. 8th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

There is a ballot in everyone’s mailbox’s today for proposed changes to our church constitution. Please fully read it over, pray on it and return it with your decision back to Nate Schlabach’s church mailbox by 12/29.

Our Christmas Program will be held on Sunday December 22rd at 6:30 pm. Andrew Kipfer is blessing us all this year by organizing this year’s Christmas program. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading scripture or a poem, performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. Please contact Andrew if interested or mark your bulletin tab and put it in his mailbox if you would like to present something that evening.
Each family, please bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share following the program.
Reminder: We meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 am to pray together before the church service. Please come join us.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 8, 2019

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples, For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96: 1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our serve today, the love, comfort, and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciles to God, it would be our delight to talk with you about it.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Brad Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Michael Reid
Executive Director of Seneca Gospel Mission

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

                   Week in Brief:           

Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
Wed. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

Future Dates to Remember:
Dec. 22nd 6:30 pm AMC Christmas Program
Dec. 24th 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service @ CCAM


We welcome Michael Reid this morning. Michael is the Executive Director of the Seneca Gospel Mission, in South Buffalo. It is nice to have you with us this morning, Micheal.
Our Christmas Program will be held on Sunday December 22rd at 6:30 pm. Andrew Kipfer is blessing us all this year by organizing this year’s Christmas program. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading scripture or a poem, performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. Please contact Andrew if interested or mark your bulletin tab and put it in his mailbox if you would like to present something that evening.
Each family, please bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share following the program.
Reminder: We meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 am to pray together before the church service. Please come join us.
Please take note of the two insert’s in today’s bulletin. The DOG committee is looking for recommendations for possible candidates to fill 2020 church position openings.
There is a advent prayer calendar for you.

Julie Roll would like to thank everyone that has so graciously blessed her with donations for her parents to bring her on their upcoming visit to Uganda. Everyones love, support and prayers mean more to her than words could ever convey. Wishing you all a blessed Advent & Christmas season, and a New Year full of joy! <3, Julie
If anyone is still interested in donating to Julie: www.amazon.com%2Fhz%2Fwishlist%2Fls%2F10CJWATGTNLMO
Have donations mailed to Lynn by 12/21, 379 S. Woodside Dr. Alden NY 14004
Thank You!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

December 1, 2019

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples, For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods (Ps. 96: 1-4). We are a body of believers in Jesus who put our hope in God our Savior and praise him continually. It is our desire that you would experience, in our serve today, the love, comfort, and encouragement that Jesus offers each of us. If you are unsure about what it means to be reconciles to God, it would be our delight to talk with you about it.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements                             Darwin Kipfer
Worship                                   Nate and Worship team
Message                                   Brad Baer                                                                                             Closing

Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

                   Week in Brief:           

Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Bible Study “Modern Israel” (11/12-12/3)
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
Monday 7-9 pm Ladies Christmas Shopping Night @ GNC
Tuesday 4:30-7:30 pm POTC boutique & basket raffle
Friday 7:00 pm The Klassens in concert @ Lanc. Presb.

Future Dates to Remember:
Dec. 11th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Dec. 22nd 6:30 pm AMC Christmas Program
Dec. 24th 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service @ CCAM


AROMA proudly presents a Ladies Christmas Shopping Night on Monday Dec. 2nd, from 7:00-9:00 pm at Grace in Community, 11269 Broadway. Shop a variety of local venders-featuring ideal & unique Christmas gifts. Enjoy desserts from the Aroma café. Kick off the holiday season with fellowship and fun! Women of all ages are invited.

The Klassens will be performing at Lancaster Presbyterian Church on Fri. Dec. 6th @ 7:00 pm. Some of you may remember hearing them in concert before when they visited us here at AMC. There are some fliers by the mailboxes.

Looking for someone or a family to decorate the church for the Christmas holiday season. If you are interested in helping to bless your church and church family in this way please mark your bulletin tab or see Lynn Roll

“IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD” basket raffle and small business boutique is being held at Peace of the City on Thursday, December 5th from 4:30 – 7:30- p.m., 370 Normal Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213. Every dollar raised this night goes back into Peace of the City and their mission to “love our neighbors as ourselves”. POTC has provided jobs to dozens of youth this past year, putting kids to work and providing job training in REAL TIME. This event helps sponsor their stipends for their youth employees.
Our Christmas Program will be held on Sunday December 22rd at 6:30 pm. Andrew Kipfer is blessing us all this year by organizing this year’s Christmas program. Everyone is invited to participate by singing or playing a song, performing a skit, reading scripture or a poem, performing a dance, etc. to give honor and praise to the newborn King. Please contact Andrew if interested or mark your bulletin tab and put it in his mailbox if you would like to present something that evening.
Each family, please bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share following the program.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 24, 2019

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message “Thanksgiving” Brad Baer,
Paulette Schmidt,
Kevin Kipfer
Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Bible Study “Modern Israel” (11/12-12/3)
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study – Not Meeting this Week
Wed. 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Serves at Grace In Community
Future Dates to Remember:
Dec. 2nd 7-9 pm Ladies Christmas Shopping Night @ GNC
Dec 6th 7:00 pm The Klassens in concert @ Lanc. Presb.
Dec. 5th 4:30-7:30 pm POTC boutique & basket raffle
Dec. 11th 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

Service of Thanksgiving; This Wednesday Nov. 27th, 7:00 pm at GNC. Come join your brothers and sisters in giving thanks to the Lord.

“This Thanksgiving we are thankful for the blessing of getting to know and work with all of you at AMC. We will continue to remember you in our thoughts and prayers that God will guide you and bless you richly. Love, Dave and Lois”

Please make this change in your church directory; for Dave and Lois Gehman, their zip code should be 19365, not 19265.

AROMA proudly presents a Ladies Christmas Shopping Night on Monday Dec. 2nd, from 7:00-9:00 pm at Grace in Community, 11269 Broadway. Shop a variety of local venders-featuring ideal & unique Christmas gifts. Enjoy desserts from the Aroma café. Kick off the holiday season with fellowship and fun! Women of all ages are invited.

The Klassens will be performing at Lancaster Presbyterian Church on Fri. Dec. 6th @ 7:00 pm. Some of you may remember hearing them in concert before when they visited us here at AMC. There are some fliers by the mailboxes.

Looking for someone or a family to decorate the church for the Christmas holiday season. If you are interested in helping to bless your church and church family in this way please mark your bulletin tab or see Lynn Roll

“IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD” basket raffle and small business boutique is being held at Peace of the City on Thursday, December 5th from 4:30 – 7:30- p.m., 370 Normal Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213. Every dollar raised this night goes back into Peace of the City and their mission to “love our neighbors as ourselves”. POTC has provided jobs to dozens of youth this past year, putting kids to work and providing job training in REAL TIME. This event helps sponsor their stipends for their youth employees.

As LMC expands, end-of-year donations are important. Please consider a gift to support LMC mission and vision. To give go to LMCchurches.org There is more information in your mailboxes.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 17, 2019

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145: 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Joe Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Pastor Dave Gehman
Today’s Sermon;
“Worthy Is the Lamb!”
Revelation 5
Adult Sunday School No S.S. today

Fellowship Meal immediately following serve

Week in Brief:
Mon. Nov. 18th @ 7pm CoffeeNcouragement for all ladies @ Pat Baer’s
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Bible Study “Modern Israel” (11/12-12/3)
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
Wed. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

Future Dates to Remember:
Wed. Nov. 27th @ 7pm Thanksgiving Serves at Grace In Community

We extend our sincere sympathy to the Schlaback family, on the passing of Mary’s brother; John. My God’s love and comfort be with you all through this difficult time.

“Modern Israel ~ Study and Discussion” on Tuesday evenings!

  • Bring your Bibles
  • 6:30-8:00 PM in room 2.
  • led by Don Schmidt

CoffeeNcouragement ~ All ladies are invited to Pat Baer’s Monday evening Nov. 18th @ 7:00 pm for a time of fellowship and encouragement. Lois Gehman will be with us. We hope you can come!

Dave Dissette will be leading a weekly Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 in room 2. This Bible Study will have men from many different churches and all men are welcome, so come and bring a buddy along with you.

If you would like to help cover the shipping of the shoeboxes that the youth group is packing, you can make a check out to Alden Mennonite and mark OCC in the memo line. All donations are due by November 17th. If you would like to pack a shoebox individually, those are also due at church on November 17th.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Dave Gehman, Pastor 937-6977/C-484-459-8339 davelois2@verizon.net
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

November 10, 2019

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Brad Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Pastor Dave Gehman
Today’s Sermon;
“Living in the Spirit”
Galatians 5:16-26
Adult Sunday School 11:00 am
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

You were greeted today by,
Ruth Roth & Shirley Miller
Ruth Roth provided the
alter flowers today.

*If you could help in either of these ways
There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 10:30 AM Tuesday Morning Weekly Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Bible Study “Modern Israel” (11/12-12/3)
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
Future Dates to Remember:
Sun. Nov. 17th Fellowship Meal
Mon. Nov. 18th @ 7pm CoffeeNcouragement for all ladies @ Pat Baer’s
Wed. Nov. 20th Church Council Meeting
Wed. Nov. 27th @ 7pm Thanksgiving Serves at Grace In Community


“Modern Israel ~ Study and Discussion” on Tuesday evenings!

  • Will start this week, Nov. 12th
  • Will run for 4 weeks
  • Bring your Bibles
  • 6:30-8:00 PM in room 2.
  • led by Don Schmidt

CoffeeNcouragement ~ All ladies are invited to Pat Baer’s Monday evening Nov. 18th @ 7:00 pm for a time of fellowship and encouragement. Lois Gehman will be with us. We hope you can come!

Dave Dissette will be leading a weekly Men’s Bible Study beginning on Wednesday the Nov.13th from 6:30-8:00 in room 2. This Bible Study will have men from many different churches and all men are welcome, so come and bring a buddy along with you.

Pam Millar will be collecting items for Operation Christmas Child until Nov. 17th. Small toys, school supplies or health items are the types of items needed but your welcome to bring anything that will fit in a shoebox. Shoe boxes are also needed. No Chocolate, toothpaste or liquids though.

Remember next Sunday we will be having a Fellowship Meal immediately after the service. Please bring 2 family size dishes to share.
If you would like to help cover the shipping of the shoeboxes that the youth group is packing, you can make a check out to Alden Mennonite and mark OCC in the memo line. All donations are due by November 17th. If you would like to pack a shoebox individually, those are also due at church on November 17th.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Dave Gehman, Pastor 937-6977/C-484-459-8339 davelois2@verizon.net
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950


November 3, 2019

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Darwin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Brad Baer
Adult Sunday School 11:00 am

                                   .                                                                                                                                                                                                     Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it.  The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

You were greeted today by Bob & Daisy Murray.
Ken & Patty Eicheldinger provided the alter flowers today.

*If you could help in either of these ways there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Wed. 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
Future Dates to Remember:
Sun. Nov. 17th Fellowship Meal
Wed. Nov. 20th Church Council Meeting
Wed. Nov. 27th @ 7pm Thanksgiving Serves at Grace In Community


Reminder ~ We will celebrate Oct. and Nov. birthdays after today’s service with some sweet treats and fellowship.
To all that have had a birthday in Oct. or will be having one in Nov.

If anyone would like to bring in items for Operation Christmas Child, I am going to try and send out 10 boxes this year. Small toys, school supplies or health items would be greatly appreciated. I also need some shoe boxes. Thanks Pam Millar

November 17th will be Pastor Dave’s and Lois’s last Sunday with us. Let’s gather together for a Fellowship Meal to enjoy their company just a little while longer and take a moment to let them know how much we have appreciated their serve to AMC. Please bring 2 family size dishes/dessert to share. We should be done with lunch and home in time for kick off for the Miami game!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Dave Gehman, Pastor 937-6977/C-484-459-8339 davelois2@verizon.net
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 27, 2019

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145; 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Pastor Mark Sterlace
Welcome Mark,
We are so happy to have you with us today.

Adult Sunday School 11:00 am . Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

You were greeted today by
Brian & Pam Millar. They also provided the alter flowers today.

*If you could help in either of these ways there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm 6 week study “What Lies Are We Believing?”
led by Don Schmidt
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group

Future Dates to Remember:
Sun. Nov.3rd Birthday Snacks
Wed. Nov. 6th Church Council Meeting
Sun. Nov. 17th Fellowship Meal
Wed. Nov. 20th Church Council Meeting
Wed. Nov. 27th @ 7pm Thanksgiving Serves at Grace In Community

If anyone would like to bring in items for Operation Christmas Child, I am going to try and send out 10 boxes this year. Small toys, school supplies or health items would be greatly appreciated. I also need some shoe boxes. Thanks Pam Millar

We will be having Birthday Snack fellowship the first Sunday of November.

November 17th will be Pastor Dave’s and Lois’s last Sunday with us. Let’s gather together for a Fellowship Meal to enjoy their company just a little while longer and take a moment to let them know how much we have appreciated their serve to AMC. Please bring 2 family size dishes/dessert to share. We should be done with lunch and home in time for kick off for the Miami game!

Thank You to Everyone that has helped with the lawn maintenance this season. From mowing, weed whacking, pulling weeds, to trimming bushes and trees. It truly takes many hard working hands and it is very much appreciated by ALL!

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Dave Gehman, Pastor 937-6977/C-484-459-8339 davelois2@verizon.net
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 20, 2019

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Kevin Kipfer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Pastor Dave Gehman
Today’s Sermon:
“Learning to Love as Jesus Loved.”
Matthew 22:34-40
Adult Sunday School No S.S. today, due to . Fellowship Meal
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom (Ps. 145; 1-3). Christ reconciles us to the Father through his blood shed for us in order that we may be made holy. Let us praise Him and surrender our lives to him more fully today.

You were greeted today by Gini Erb.
The alter flowers were provided by Martha Miller today.

*If you could help in either of these ways there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer. Week in Brief:
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm 6 week study “What Lies Are We Believing?”
led by Don Schmidt
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group

Wed. Oct. 23rd – 7pm Church Council Meeting

Pam Millar has a new email address, please make a note of it; PMillar574@gmail.com

New addresses to make note of in your Church Directory’s;
Marlene Rodgers 37 Parkway St, Silver Creek, NY 14136
Kellie & Mark Chmiel 4106 Deep Hollow Dr, Apt. 173 Raleigh NC 27612
Malinda & Roland Martin Donations to; Pastor Christ & Joanne Murray, 111 Locust Hill, Frankfort KY 40601 (same instructions that is already in our directory)

This upcoming week’s lawn mowing disciple is, Brad Baer . Thank you Brad, for your service to church and church family.

Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: October 20, 2019
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

Date: October 20, 2019


Participating in Church life:

Prayer Requests and Praises:

 Confidential
 Share with Congregation
 Share with Intercessors

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Dave Gehman, Pastor 937-6977/C-484-459-8339 davelois2@verizon.net
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com

October 13, 2019
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51: 1-2, 10). May you experience God’s grace and restoration as you worship with us this morning. Open your heart to God and he will meet you on your journey. We believe that Jesus has restored us to God and invite you to join us in following Him.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Announcements Brad Baer
Worship Nate and Worship team
Message Pastor Dave Gehman
Today’s Sermon:
“Renew us, O God.”
Psalm 51
Adult Sunday School No S.S. today, due to . church outing to Sprague Brook
Toddler Nursery Care through age 3 is provided throughout the worship service if you would like to make use of it. The nursery is located in room 3, adjacent to the foyer.

The alter flowers were provided by Martha Miller today.

Week in Brief:
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm 6 week study “What Lies Are We Believing?”
led by Don Schmidt
Tue. 6:30 – 8:00 pm Youth Group
Sun. Oct. 20th – Potluck Fellowship Meal

                           Future Dates to Remember:

Wed. Oct. 23rd – 7pm Church Council Meeting

Come on out THIS AFTERNOON and enjoy some time in God’s beauty, at Sprague Brook County Park. The park’s address – 9674 Foote Rd, Glenwood, NY. ( www.erie.gov › parks › sprague )
Pack a lunch or grab take out, bring your family and friends and join some of your other church family for lunch and fellowship. Then relax at shelter with others, drive through park enjoying God’s creation, Bike on or off road trails, or hike the trails.

Potluck Fellowship Meal – Sunday Oct 20th we will be sharing a meal together immediately after church. Please bring 2 family size dishes/dessert to share. (BTW-yes, there is a Bills home game; we shouldn’t have any trouble getting home in time for kick off!)
New addresses to make note of in your Church Directory’s;
Marlene Rodgers 37 Parkway St, Silver Creek, NY 14136
Kellie & Mark Chmiel 4106 Deep Hollow Dr, Raleigh NC 27612
Malinda & Roland Martin Donations to; Pastor Christ & Joanne Murray, 111 Locust Hill, Frankfort KY 40601 (same instructions that is already in our directory)

Check out the Bulletin Board; Christian Central Academy is hosting two college prep events in October; Reducing College Cost-10/16, and Spiritually Preparing for College-10/17 along with an Open House 10/22. More details on the bulletin board for those interested.

Don’t forget to get and read the book “A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption” written by Becket Cook. This is the book that Don will be discussing the last three weeks of his study, Oct. 15-29.

This upcoming week’s lawn mowing disciple is, Paul Roll . Thank you Paul, for your service to church and church family.

Alden Mennonite Church
Guest Card

Date: October 13, 2019
Name ________
City ____________
State, Zip____________________
Phone __________
E-mail __________

Please check the applicable box:
 First time visitor
 Returning visitor
 Would like to know more about Alden Mennonite Church
 New to area
 Would like a visit or call
 Would like to know more about being a Christian

I would like more information on… ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Dave Gehman, Pastor 937-6977/C-484-459-8339 davelois2@verizon.net
Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/C-445-0578 amcsecretary1924@gmail.com
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 emmalenegk99@gmail.com
Brad Baer, Elder 542-5189 bsbaersden@yahoo.com
Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950 dukdukkip@gmail.com