November 10, 2024

Memory Verses for Nov. & Dec.
Hebrews 10: 23-25 niv
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

 Worship Service                                                         9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                                   Kevin Kipfer  

      Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                                 collection plate by the entrance.

      Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


      Sunday School (“The Workout Room”)                       approx.  11:10 a.m.                                                                       

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes
Nov. 19th Church Council Work Session
Dec. 1st Fellowship Potluck Meal
Dec. 8th Communion
Dec. 10th Church Council Work Session
Dec. 15th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise


Eddie Bayer next concerts will be on Wed. Nove 13th at 2:30 pm and Mon. Dec. 9th, at 2:30 pm.

Our friends at Grace in Community Church have invited us to join them for their Thanksgiving service with communion on Wednesday Nov. 27th at 7p.m.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

A Christmas program is being planned for Sunday Dec. 22nd at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to participate by sharing one of your talents, resighting scripture or poem, etc. please speak with Andrew.
Please bring some cookies to share for a time of fellowship after the program.

Bible Trivia; ~
Which Psalm did Moses write?
Psalm 90. If you go to that Psalm and look under the heading you will see a subheading in smaller letters which says something like “A Psalm of Moses.”

The name “Lucifer” is not found in the original Hebrew Old Testament nor the original Greek New Testament; from where does it come?
o Some translations (such as the King James Version) do have Lucifer, but it is not in the original Hebrew or Greek. The verse from which it comes is Isaiah 14:22a: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!” The morning star here is not a star, but Venus, also known as the morning star. Why does Venus shine? Because it is reflecting the sun’s light. Therefore, the morning star can be thought of as a bearer or bringer of light (that will soon come). In Latin, bearer/bringer of light is “lucem ferre.” Say this a couple of times, and you will get “Lucifer.” Therefore, Lucifer is from the Latin for “morning star,” more of a nickname than a name given to him by God. One more thing, Jesus is referred to as the “morning star” in II Peter 1:19 and Rev 22:16. Some have suggested that this means Jesus and Lucifer are the same. No, Lucifer could have been a bearer of light but he fell and was a false morning star. Jesus was the true morning star.

The word “rapture” is not in the original Greek New Testament; from where does it come?
o I Thessalonians 4:12: “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up . . . “ The Latin for “caught up” is “raptio.” And so that became “rapture.”

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ For Millgrove Bible Church to stay strong in the Lord as they discern their next steps.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ The Dissette’s grandson Miles knee, he will need some PT and rest, no surgery is needed.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 716-465-4950
Dave Dissette 716-984-7923

November 3, 2024

Memory Verses for Nov. & Dec.
Hebrews 10: 23-25 niv
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

 Worship Service                                                     9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                               Kevin Kipfer  

      Scripture recitation                                    Katherine Kipfer

      Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.

      Message                                                LMC Bishop, John Miller   
                       Today’s Sermon: Full of the Holy Spirit – Luke 4:1

      Special Time of Prayer


      Fellowship Meal   

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Nov. 10th Communion
Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes
Nov. 19th Church Council Work Session
Dec. 1st Fellowship Potluck Meal
Dec. 8th Communion
Dec. 10th Church Council Work Session
Dec. 15th Fellowship Snack provided by ?


Once again, we will have a prayer room available on election day. We are looking for people to be available at various times throughout the day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer.

We will be collecting donations for Meals on Wheels. Donations can be left on the cart in the foyer, anytime by 11/3.

Eddie Bayer next concerts will be on Wed. Nove 13th at 2:30 pm and Mon. Dec. 9th, at 2:30 pm.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

For the next several months we will have an extra offering for those affected by flooding in North Carolina.

Bible Trivia; ~
How old was Jesus when He began His ministry (when He was baptized)?
~ Luke 3:23: “Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry.”

When was the New Testament divided into the current chapter system
~ The chapters were added by Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, who died in 1228. Therefore, the chapters were added sometime before 1228.

When was the New Testament divided into the current verse system?

~ The verses were added by French publisher Robert Stephanus in his 1551 edition of the New Testament.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ For Millgrove Bible Church to stay strong in the Lord as they discern their next steps.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ The Dissette’s grandson Miles knee, he will need some PT and rest, no surgery is needed.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 716-465-4950
Dave Dissette 716-984-7923

October 27, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Worship Service                                                     9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                                Kevin Kipfer  

      Scripture recitation                                     Katherine Kipfer

      Offering                               *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.

      Message                                                       Trey Kipfer                                                


      Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                     approx. 11:10 a.m.  

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Nov. 2nd Fall workday 8-11 am.
Nov. 3rd John Miller will be here.
Nov. 3th Potluck Fellowship Meal
Nov. 10th Communion
Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes
Nov. 19th Church Council Work Session
Dec. 10th Church Council Work Session


The church council quarterly meeting is this Tues. (10/29) at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend.

There will be a fall work day on Saturday November 2nd from 8:00-11:00 to clean gutters, rake leaves, weed, and tidy up inside.

Our next Fellowship Meal is Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal.
Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a side dish. Desserts are not needed.

For the next several months we will have an extra offering for those affected by flooding in North Carolina.

Once again, we will have a prayer room available on election day. We are looking for people to be available at various times throughout the day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer.

We will be collecting donations for Meals on Wheels. The insert in today’s bulletin is a list of their needs. Donations can be brought to church through Nov. 3rd, and place on the table in the hallway

Eddie Bayer next concerts will be on Wed. Nove 13th at 2:30 pm and Mon. Dec. 9th, time TBA.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

Bible Trivia; ~
What is the last word in the Bible?
~ Revelation 22:21: “Amen.”
How many years did Jesus’ ministry last (between His baptism and ascension)?
~ 3

How do we know it was the number of years in #5?
~ The Gospel of John records three Passovers between the time Jesus was baptized and he ascended. Since Passover occurred once a year and three were recorded during the time of Jesus’ ministry, this means Jesus’ ministry lasted around three years. (Baptism of Jesus then Passover-Passover-Passover then death/ascension.)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ The Dissette’s grandson Miles knee, he will need some PT and rest, no surgery is needed.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 716-465-4950
Dave Dissette 716-984-7923

October 20, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Worship Service                                                          9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                                    Kevin Kipfer  

      Scripture recitation                                         Katherine Kipfer

      Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                                   collection plate by the entrance.

      Message                                                          Trey Kipfer                                                                   


      Fellowship Snacks                                               Thanks Lynn!

      Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx. 11:10 a.m.                                                                       

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Nov. 2nd Fall workday 8-11 am.
Nov. 3rd John Miller will be here.
Nov. 3th Potluck Fellowship Meal
Nov. 10th Communion
Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes


There will be a fall work day on Saturday November 2nd from 8:00-11:00 to clean gutters, rake leaves, weed, and tidy up inside.

John Miller will be visiting us on Sunday November 3rd.

Our next Fellowship Meal is Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal.
Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a side dish. Desserts are not needed

For the next several months we will have an extra offering on the first Sunday of the month for those affected by flooding in North Carolina.

Once again, we will have a prayer room available on election day. We are looking for people to be available at various times throughout the day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

Bible Trivia; ~
After the Jews arrived in the Promised Land, who was their first king (not Saul)? ~ Yes, Saul was the first king which God chose to reign over Israel. But the question asked about the first king “in” Israel. This would be Abimelech. Judges 9:6 reads thus: “Then all the citizens of Shechem and Beth Millo gathered beside the great tree at the pillar in Shechem to crown Abimelech king.” So, Abimelech was king over a small part of Israel. But wait, Judges 9:22 states “After Abimelech had governed Israel three years,” and so he may have been king over all of Israel. But once again, he was not the king that God chose.

What was inside the Ark of the Covenant?
~ From Hebrews 9:4b (the second part of the verse): “This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.” Presumably this last part means the second set of the 10 Commandments, the first being broken by Moses when he saw the Israelites sinning (see Exodus 32:1-20 and 34:1).

What were the names of Jesus’ half-brothers? (Catholics and Orthodox believe they were step-brothers.)
~ From Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. Catholics and Orthodox believe Mary remained a virgin, and so these men were either brought into the marriage of Mary and Joseph from a previous marriage Joseph had been in, or, in following the custom of countries of that region, were extended family members (cousins would be called “brothers.”)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ God’s provision & wisdom as Kevin deals with facing hip replacement.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ John Ryan recovering well.
~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Andrew got an engineering job.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 716-465-4950
Dave Dissette 716-984-7923

October 13, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Worship Service                                                9:30 a.m.

      Announcements                                          Kevin Kipfer  

      Scripture recitation                               Katherine Kipfer

      Offering                         *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.


      Message                                      Dave (Duke) Dissette


      Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”             approx. 11:10 a.m.                                                                       

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember

Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn
Nov. 2nd Fall workday 8-11 am.
Nov. 2nd-3rd John Miller will be here.
Nov. 3th Potluck Fellowship Meal
Nov. 10th Communion
Nov. 17th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Roth
Nov. 17th last day to bring Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes


THIS EVENING, Unity, Prayer & Worship night with the 5 churches at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share. (No big quantity is needed, as folks from the other churches have also been asked to bring something, just an average sharing portion,

Saturday October 19th @ 2pm, Andrew will be sharing about his India trip. Come listen to how the Lord used Andrew during his 6 months in India along with how he grew closer to Him.

There will be a fall work day on November 2nd from 8:00-11:00 to clean gutters, rake leaves, weed, put up driveway stakes, and tidy up inside.

John Miller will be visiting us on November 2 & 3. We are looking for someone to house him on Saturday night. Please talk with Denise ASAP if you are willing to do that.

For the next several months we will have an extra offering on the first Sunday of the month for those affected by flooding in North Carolina.

Once again, we will have a prayer room available on election day. We are looking for people to be available at various times throughout the day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer.

We will be collecting Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes again this year. Please have your boxes to church by Sunday, November 17th. If you have any questions, please talk to Denise.

Our next Fellowship Meal is next Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024. It will be a POTLUCK meal.
Please consider bringing a casserole/main dish. If you are a couple/family please also bring a dessert or side dish.

Bible Trivia; ~
Who was the youngest king mentioned in the Bible?
Josiah – he was only 8

Which prophet was taken to heaven in a whirlwind?

What can we receive from God according to Hebrews 4:16
Mercy and Grace

Who said that our salvation is not by works?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Those effected by the recent hurricanes and flooding.
~ God’s provision & wisdom as Kevin deals with facing hip replacement.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad, who is recovering from back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she discerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who continues to struggle with health issues.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, has been having muscle spasms.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ John Ryan recovering well.
~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Andrew got an engineering job.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

October 6, 2024

Memory Verses for October
Romans 15: 5-6 NIV
May the God who gives endurance & encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                *Please place your offering in the
                           collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Meal

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                                    ?  

      Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


Happy Belated Birthday Darwin – October 4th

Unity, Prayer & Worship night with the 5 churches here on Sunday Oct 13th at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share. (No big quantity is needed, as folks from the other churches have also been asked to bring something, just an average sharing portion,

Sunday October 19th @ 2pm, Andrew will be sharing about his India trip. Come listen to how the Lord used Andrew during his 6 months in India along with how he grew closer to Him.

Family Life presents Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phil’s former army commander. With a dazzling score, featuring well-known standards including “Blue Skies,” “I Love A Piano,” “How Deep Is the Ocean” and the perennial title song, White Christmas is an uplifting, wholesome musical that will delight audiences of all ages. DATES & TIMES Friday, December 6 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show. Saturday, December 7 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show, Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 PM – Show Only, Friday, December 13 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show, Saturday, December 14 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show – LOCATION Family Life in Bath, NY – TICKETS General Admission – $44 | Artist Circle – $49
To view availability and purchase tickets;

Bible Trivia; ~
What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb on to see Jesus?

Who commanded the sun and moon to stay still so that his armies could continue fighting by daylight?

Who said: “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.”

God blinded Saul on the road to Damascus. For how many days was he blinded?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from surgery.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad. Brad
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Karen’s back is feeling better.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

September 29, 2024

Memory Verses for September
1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Don Schmidt

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.

 Hymns                                                        Veronica Kipfer          

 Message                                                  Dave (Duke) Dissette

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


We have enough left overs for our next fellowship meal. I’ll be adding a caesar salad, if anyone would like to bring some fresh fruit or dessert to add to the left-over cake you may but it is not required.

Unity, Prayer & Worship night with the 5 churches here on Sunday Oct 13th at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share. (No big quantity is needed, as folks from the other churches have also been asked to bring something, just an average sharing portion,

Sunday October 19th @ 2pm, Andrew will be sharing about his India trip. Come listen to how the Lord used Andrew during his 6 months in India along with how he grew closer to Him.

Do you have an extra stamp or a spare 5 minutes? Could you bless Eddie Bayer with a card of encouragement, a visit or a phone call to say hello?
Eddie’s contact information is;
Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park, NY 14127 – 716-667-6318

Also, let’s not forget our dear sister Lois Ismert. Lois would also enjoy an encouraging card or visit. Her contact information is;
Brothers of Mercy – 10570 Bergtold Rd. Clarence, NY 14031 (possibly room 349W)

Are there any ladies interested in this event? If we have some that are and would like to go as a group, please let Lynn know by Oct 10th. Tickets cost $25. And are going fast! Family Life invites you to the Annual Ladies Christmas Luncheon, featuring Award-winning comedian, Rhonda Corey. Attendees will enjoy a delicious banquet, decadent desserts, and will experience great bursts of joy and laughter. Rhonda Corey’s clever wit and charming personality are assets that can create a positive and memorable experience for attendees. DATE; Thursday, November 21, 2024 TIME; 12:00 PM | Doors open at 11:15 AM LOCATION; Family Life in Bath, NY
Family Life presents Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phil’s former army commander. With a dazzling score, featuring well-known standards including “Blue Skies,” “I Love A Piano,” “How Deep Is the Ocean” and the perennial title song, White Christmas is an uplifting, wholesome musical that will delight audiences of all ages. DATES & TIMES Friday, December 6 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show. Saturday, December 7 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show, Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 PM – Show Only, Friday, December 13 at 6:30 PM – Dinner Show, Saturday, December 14 at 5:30 PM – Dinner Show – LOCATION Family Life in Bath, NY – TICKETS General Admission – $44 | Artist Circle – $49
To view availability and purchase tickets;

Bible Trivia; ~
Which animal spoke to Balaam? The Lord made the donkey speak to Balaam when he went to meet Balak to curse God’s people in exchange for riches. Numbers 22:28
As a shepherd, David protected his flock from two dangerous animals. Which ones? David killed A lion and a bear. 1 Samuel 17:34-37
As a baby, how was Moses saved from Pharaoh’s murderous decree? Moses was put in a basket and left by the river. Pharaoh’s daughter saw him and adopted him as her son.
How many close disciples did Jesus have? Jesus chose 12 disciples who used to accompany him throughout his ministry. Luke 6:12-16

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from surgery.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad. Brad is recovering from recent back surgery.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Karen’s back is feeling better.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

September 22, 2024

Memory Verses for September
1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                  *Please place your offering in the
                                            collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                 Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                        approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Fellowship Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


I believe we have enough leftovers from the 100-year celebration that no-one will need to bring anything for our next fellowship meal on 10/6.

Worship night with the 5 churches here on Sunday Oct 13th at 6pm. Please bring a finger food or dessert to share.

Do you have an extra stamp or a spare 5 minutes? Could you bless Eddie Bayer with a card of encouragement, a visit or a phone call to say hello?
Eddie’s contact information is;
Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park, NY 14127
Also, let’s not forget our dear sister Lois Ismert. Lois could would also enjoy an encouraging card or visit. Her contact information is;
Brothers of Mercy – 10570 Bergtold Rd. Clarence, NY 14031

Join us for a fall family retreat at Beaver Camp! October 4-6
A weekend of fun for the whole family. It’s the perfect time of year to come experience Beaver Camp as a family. This weekend gives families quality time together while enjoying scenic wagon rides, hikes, games, challenge course activities, worship, and more.

Scrapbook & Crafting Retreat! October 18-19 & November 1-2
Make this a memorable weekend! At this retreat, there are great fellowship times combined with plenty
of time to scrapbook or work on your favorite craft. This women’s retreat officially begins at 1:00 pm
Friday and ends Saturday at 9:00 pm. However, you are invited to spend Saturday night, or come early
and spend Thursday night for an add-on. Several vendors will be available to purchase scrapbooking
items from.
Sign up at, or reach us at or 315-376-2640

Bible Trivia; ~
What is the name and age of the oldest person mentioned in the Bible?
Methuselah lived for 969 years. He was the son of Enoch, who walked with God and was Noah’s grandfather.

Which of these did not have their name changed in the Bible?
David did not have his name changed. Sarah was Sarai (Gen. 17:15), Abraham was Abram (Gen. 17:5), Jacob became Israel (Gen. 32:28) and Peter was Simon (John 1:42).

What names was Moses supposed to give to the Israelites when asked about who had sent him
“I am who I am” was the answer given by God to Moses when he asked about his name. Exodus 3:13-14.

In the stories of Samuel, which is not true?
The prophet Samuel anointed Saul and David as kings of Israel. Joseph was not a king. He had been governor in Egypt many years before.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,

~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from surgery.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Denise’s friend Liz and her husband Brad. Brad is having back surgery on Tuesday 9/24.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next..
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.


~ !00 year celebration praising our Lord so wonderfully.
~ Karen’s back is feeling better.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

100 Years of Ministry
Saturday September 14, 2024
6:00 pm.

Moderator .……………………………………………….Kevin Kipfer

Song Leader ………………………………………………Nate Schlabach

Pianist ………………………………………………….. Stephanie Baer

“History, What Should We Remember? “……………………..Don Schmidt

“A Message from the Founding Mom” ……………….……. Read by,
Denise Kipfer

“My Journey” …………………………………………… Dennis Bontrager

Video Message from: ………………………………………. Cal Beachy

Special Quartet ……………………………………………Ed Bontrager
Dennis Bontrager David Miller
Clair Melinger

Your attendance made the evening truly special, and we are honored
to have had you join us.

            Please enjoy some refreshments in the foyer.

Sunday, September 15, 2024
9:30 am.

Welcome & Prayer ………………………………… Kevin Kipfer

Worship …………………………………………. Andrew Kipfer
Emma Kipfer
Jonas Kipfer
Trey Kipfer
Veronica Kipfer
Noah Schlabach

Past ………………………………………. Tom Beachy
Present ………………………………….. Dave Dissette
Future ………………………………….. Trey Kipfer

Video Share ……………………………………….LMC Bishop,
John Miller

Concert of Prayer …………………………………. Congregation

Prayer of Blessing …………………………………. Tom Beachy

Closing Song ……………………………………… Worship Team

Prayer ……………………………………………. Kevin Kipfer

Please join us in the fellowship hall for lunch

                   Lead Pastors at Alden Mennonite Church

John Bontrager Sr. 1924-1946 22 years
David Beachy 1945-1969 24 years
Dan Yutzy 1969-1972 3 years
Titus Kauffman 1972-1995 23 years
Jeff Jouse 1995-1998 3 years
Jim Meador 1998-2000 2 years
Phil Martin 2001-2018 17 years
Dave Gehman 2019-2020 6 months
Larry Malakie 2020-2021 1 year
Team Leadership 2021-2024 3 years

                                          Associate Pastors 

Joe Bear Sr.
Tom Beachy
Dale Meyers
Joe Miller
Noah Miller

“Thank you for your service!” Even when the “sheep” would not listen or behave, you prayed and worked hard to help us understand. We are grateful for your ministry in our lives.

Others worked hard for the Kingdom along with the leaders above; their wives, elders, youth leaders, church council members, treasurers, Sunday school teachers, Kids Kub leaders, children’s church teachers, custodians, secretaries, and many more. It takes a family, the family of God.

We thank and praise you God for the many that washed, folded and packed our “parachutes”. We pray that we might continue to be faithful. Guide us as we finish the race you have set before us.

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my path”

September 8, 2024

Memory Verses for September
1 Corinthians 3:11 NIV
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

Offering *Please place your offering in the
collection plate by the entrance.



Message Dave (Duke) Dissette


Fellowship Snacks Thank you, Denise

Sunday School ~ “the work-out room” approx. 11:15 ish

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Tues. 6:30 pm Church Council Work Session
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Thur. 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
Sat. & Sun. 100th Years of Ministry Celebration ~ PTL!

Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches-here @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


Donations needed to help buy mums and pumpkins to decorate by the entrance of church and the sanctuary. If you would like to help, make our church home fall festive for next weeks celebration, you can put your monetary donation in the collection plate in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you!

ATTENTION LADIES…Our Bible study will be starting back up on Thursday, Sept. 12th!! Since we haven’t gathered in a while, let’s meet early @ 12:00 to visit and have lunch together before we start our prayer and study time @ 12:30. If you can come early, please bring a simple item to share for lunch. We’ll continue our study in Mark, picking up at Mark 14:26. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended or you’d be coming for the first time, you are still welcome to join us. There is no book necessary to purchase, just bring your Bible We’ll be studying the remainder of Mark verse by verse. I’m excited to get back to teaching, learning, and praying with you! – Denise

THANK YOU to everyone that has worked so hard to plan and get church cleaned up for the 100th celebration. We maybe small in numbers but big in love and caring for each other and our church home.

If you have volunteered to help either Sat. or Sun. next week-end please arrive 30-45 minutes early, if possible.

Bible Trivia; ~
Fun Facts
Even the random facts of the Bible are worth reading and knowing.

What other nation besides Israel is to be scattered to every people?
Elam (Jer 49:36)

Who was the first Christian convert in Europe?
Lydia (Acts 16:14)

Where will the great feast of the marriage supper of the Lamb be spread?
Heaven (Rev 12:9)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Trey to finish up in Uganda strong, and safe travels home.
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from his bladder infection.
~ Relief for the back pain Karen Dombrowski is having.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ The new life that blessed the Everett family.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

September 1, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Darwin Kipfer

 Offering                                    *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.

 Hymns                                                                                                Veronica Kipfer           

 Message                                                                                     Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                         approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 2:30 pm 100th yr. celebration meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8:00 am church work day

Dates to Remember
Sept. 8th Communion
Sept. 8th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 12th Women’s Bible Study @1 2:30
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 8th Church Council Meeting
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct 13th Worship night (all 5 churches @ ACF)
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


If you are planning on bringing any extra guest to our 100th celebration on Sunday, please let Lynn know. * I have counted our congregation for the fellowship meal, only need to know if you will be bringing friends.

ATTENTION LADIES…Our Bible study will be starting back up on Thursday, Sept. 12th!! Since we haven’t gathered in a while, let’s meet early @ 12:00 to visit and have lunch together before we start our prayer and study time @ 12:30. If you can come early please bring a simple item to share for lunch. We’ll continue our study in Mark, picking up at Mark 14:26. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended or you’d be coming for the first time, you are still welcome to join us. There is no book necessary to purchase, just bring your Bible We’ll be studying the remainder of Mark verse by verse. I’m excited to get back to teaching, learning, and praying with you! – Denise

THANK YOU to everyone who signed up to help with our 100-year celebration! We are looking forward to what God is going to do that weekend.

Upcoming work day at church. Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Bible Trivia; ~
Fun Facts
Even the random facts of the Bible are worth reading and knowing.

Which two men hid in a well to save their lives?
Jonathan and Ahimaaz (2 Sam 17:17–19)

What queen of Bible times is described by the epithet “that wicked woman”?
Athaliah (2 Chron 24:7)

What book of the Bible was written without explicitly mentioning the name of God?

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Katherine as she studies & prepares for the National Bible Bee in November.
~ John Ryan as he recovers from his bladder infection.
~ Relief for the back pain Karen Dombrowski is having.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ For Veronica Kipfer as she decerns how to lead in her new job.
~ Brendan (Ruth R. friend) for the prayer request he shared.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he is in Uganda, traveling and discipling young adults there.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Trey is feeling better.
~ The new life that blessed the Everett family.
~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

August 25, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                   *Please place your offering in the
                                              collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish 

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8-11 a.m. Church Work Day

Dates to Remember
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 7th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 8th Communion
Sept. 8th Fellowship Snack provided by Denise
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 12th Women’s Bible Study @1 2:30
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack provided by Lynn


If you are planning on bringing any extra guest to our 100th celebration on Sunday, please let Lynn know.
I have counted our congregation for the fellowship meal, only need to know if you will be bringing friends.

ATTENTION LADIES…Our Bible study will be starting back up on Thursday, Sept. 12th!! Since we haven’t gathered in a while, bring a lunch and come early @ 12:00 to visit before we start our prayer and study time @ 12:30. We’ll continue our study in Mark, picking up at Mark 14:26. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended or you’d be coming for the first time, you are still welcome to join us. There is no book necessary to purchase, just bring your Bible We’ll be studying the remainder of Mark verse by verse. I’m excited to get back to teaching, learning, and praying with you! – Denise

ALL HANDS-ON DECK! Our 100-year celebration is in 3 weeks. We need lots of help before and during that weekend. Please look at the sign-up sheets on the tables and find a place where you can serve.

Upcoming work day at church. Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Bible Trivia; ~
Fun Facts
Even the random facts of the Bible are worth reading and knowing.

What was the garden of Eden guarded with to prevent future access to the tree of life?
A cherubim and a flaming sword (Gen 3:24)

What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?
Enoch (Gen 4:17)

What is the name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom?
Zoar (Gen 19:23)

How many cities were given to the Levites for their use?
48 (Josh 21:11)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ For Trey to feel better.
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonas as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he is in Uganda, traveling and discipling young adults there.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Bible Bee summer study was fruitful and a blessed time of fellowship.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

August 18, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                              *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                            Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Snacks                                   Thank You, Ruthie J

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                   approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study
Sat. 8-11 a.m. Church Work Day

Dates to Remember
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Aug. 21st 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 14th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 7th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 8th Communion
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 12th Women’s Bible Study @1 2:30
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration
Oct. 6th Fellowship Potluck Meal
Oct. 13th Communion
Oct. 20th Fellowship Snack


ALL HANDS-ON DECK! Our 100-year celebration is in 4 weeks. We need lots of help before and during that weekend. Please look at the sign-up sheets on the tables and find a place where you can serve.

Upcoming work days at church. Sat. 8/24 & Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Lynn is looking for photos of days gone by of church activities through our 100 years. If you have any to share, please email to or give them to Lynn. I can scan them and give them back if you are unable to email them. The sooner the better for any photos!

Please help yourself to any of the books laid out on the table in the fellowship hall.

Bible Trivia; ~
Promise and Privilege
Throughout Scripture, there are many times when God makes promises to a particular person or group of people. God’s promises often consist of privilege and blessing, and he never fails to keep the commitments he makes.
To whom did God promise that his children should be in numbers as the stars in heaven?
Abraham (Gen 15:5)

Of which person who was not of Abraham’s seed did God say, “I will make him a great nation?”
Ishmael (Gen 17:20)

What were the three major promises God gave to Abraham?
Seed, land, and blessing (Gen 12:1–3; 15:5–7; 17:2–8)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonus as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he is in Uganda, traveling and discipling young adults there.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Bible Bee summer study was fruitful and a blessed time of fellowship.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

August 11, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Andrew Kipfer

 Offering                                      *Please place your offering in the
                                                 collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 18th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Aug. 21st 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 14th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 7th Saturday Work Day @ church 8:00-11:00
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


ALL HANDSON DECK! Our 100-year celebration is in 5 weeks. We need lots of help before and during that weekend. Please look at the sign-up sheets on the tables and find a place where you can serve.

Upcoming work days at church. Sat. 8/24 & Sat. 9/7, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Lots to do to get our home looking it’s best before the 100-year celebration. We need all the help we can get so even if you think you can’t do much, any little bit helps!

Lynn is looking for photos of days gone by of church activities through our 100 years. If you have any to share, please email to or give them to Lynn. I can scan them and give them back if you are unable to email them. The sooner the better for any photos!

Bible Trivia; ~
Wars and Conflict
“The nations rage, the kingdoms totter” (Ps 46:6). In addition to the events mentioned above, wars and conflict have also been prevalent throughout history since sin entered the world. Despite the negative effects of conflict, we can often see God’s hand at work through even the hardest of circumstances.
What city was taken by stratagem and burned, with 12,000 women and children?
Ai (Josh 8:5, 25)

How many Philistines did Samson slay with a jaw bone?
1,000 (Judg 15:15)

What warrior fought so long and desperately that his hand was stuck to the hilt of his sword?
Eleazar (2 Sam 23:10)

Who was in command of the largest army recorded in the Bible?
Asa (2 Chron 14:9): This comprised 300,000 men from Judah and 280,000 men from Benjamin.

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Sandi Myers as she goes through treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
~ Andrew, Trey and Jonus as they discern what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he prepares and travels back to Uganda.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Paulette strength and health getting stronger.
~ The Bible Bee summer study was fruitful and a blessed time of fellowship.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

August 4, 2024

Memory Verses for August
Psalm 111:10 NIV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                 *Please place your offering in the
                                           collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                      approx.  11:15 ish   

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 10th Christian Mission Relief sale @ Bontrager Auction 10 a.m.
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 19th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Trey is leaving for Uganda! Want help fill his suitcase? Looking for small toys (cars, jump ropes, etc), children clothing, and school supplies (notebooks, colors, etc). Needs to be full by Sunday 8/11.

Eddie Bayer will have a concert this Tuesday, August 6th @ 2:30 pm. If you plan to attend, please remember that he is at a new facility, : Father Baker Manor – 6400 Powers Rd. – Orchard Park 14127

Bible Trivia; ~
Punishments, Consequences, and Unfortunate Events
Sin makes bad things happen in this world. There are many instances throughout Scripture where various people make sinful decisions and face the negative results of those decisions. At other times, God sends consequences to remind his people who they should be living for.

Who lost their lives for using “strange” fire?

Nadab and Abihu (Lev 9:24; 10:1–2)

What man of Israel was stoned for blaspheming God?
The son of Shelomith (Lev 24:10–11)

Which three men were swallowed alive in a pit?
Korah, Dathan, Abiram (Num 26:9–10)

What tribe had no inheritance in the land of promise?
Levites (Deut 8:1, 5)

Who was punished with death for touching the ark of God?
Uzza (1 Chron 13:9, 13)

What woman upon the death of her son, the king of Judah, murdered her grandchildren and usurped the kingdom?
Athaliah (2 Chron 22:10)

What man, although warned, invited his murderer to a feast?
Gedaliah (Jer 40:14)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew as he discerns what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and regain her strength.
~ For Trey as he prepares and travels back to Uganda.
~ God to provide someone to help with graphic design needs and technological updates for our congregation.
~ Katherine as she studies for and takes the National Bible Bee qualifying exam next Saturday, Aug. 10th. She will be
working at Camp Hickory Hill this week so that adds an extra challenge.
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study
and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ John & Chris Ryan asking for prayer for 2 friends of a friend. Her friend Tim has lymphoma and another friend
named River was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

July 28, 2024

Memory Verses for July
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Trey Kipfer

 Offering                   *Please place your offering in the
                             collection plate by the entrance.



 Message          Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                    approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 10th Christian Mission Relief sale @ Bontrager Auction 10 a.m.
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 19th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration

Bible Trivia; ~
Fruit of Faith
What does it mean to live out your faith? Most foundationally, it means that you ought to honor and glorify God with your life since, as believers, Christ calls us to take up our crosses and follow him (Mark 8:34). Prayer, confession, and commitment to honor the Sabbath also demonstrate evidence of true faith. And, some have even lived out their faith to the greatest extreme, standing up for Christ and losing their lives for doing so.
When was the Sabbath first instituted, and by whom was it observed?
By God, after creation (Gen 2:2–3)

Who made the first confession to the Lord, as recorded in the Bible?
Jacob (Gen 32:9)

Who delivered Israel by killing 600 Philistines with an ox goad?
Shamgar (Judg 3:31)

Who was the first recorded person raised from death to life?
The son of Zarephath’s daughter (1 Kgs 17:21)
Who partook of a meal prepared by an angel, and was sustained forty days and nights while in the mountain?
Elijah (1 Kgs 19:8–9)

What is the whole duty of man, according to the Scriptures?
Fear God and keep his commandments (Eccl 12:13)
Which three men, in different periods, stood almost alone in their godliness, among a crooked and perverse generation?
Noah, Daniel, and Job (Ezek 14:14)
Who beheld a vision in the valley of dry bones?
Ezekiel (Ezek 37)

Who was compelled to bear the cross of Christ to the place of crucifixion?
Simon (Mark 15:21)
What woman continued in prayer day and night in the temple?
Anna (Luke 2:36)
Who was the first Christian martyr?
Stephen (Acts 7:58)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew as he discerns what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and to regain her strength.
~ Beaver Camp and Lowville as they recover from all the flooding and weather-related problems
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill summer staff and campers.
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For John & Christine Ryan”s friend;.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Karen renewed health.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578

Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

July 21, 2024

Memory Verses for July
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                                        collection plate by the entrance.



 Message                                            Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Fellowship Snack                                      Thank you, Mary!

 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                  approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 24th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 19th Communion
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Don would like all Psalms and remembrances emailed or turned in to him by 8/15

Trey and Zak’s Christian Mission and Relief Sale- Saturday Aug 10, @ Bontrager Auction Center, 10am -? . Lunch included. We’re looking for donations of valuable/rare collectibles, fine crafts or quilts, equipment & machinery, fun & unique experiences, refurbished furniture, dinners/foods, local services, etc. If you or someone you know would like to donate something auction worthy, please talk to Trey.
Bible Trivia; ~
Who God Is
The vastness of God is so great that it is impossible for us to fully grasp the depths of who he is. Though our Savior is currently preparing a place for us (John 14:2), he came down to earth in human form so that he could fulfill the requirements of the law and take the penalty for our sins. While on earth, he experienced human emotion and came face to face with the same challenges we do, yet without sin.
Quote the first and last words of our Savior while on earth?
“Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”; and, “It is finished” (Luke 2:49; John 19:30).

With whom did our Savior spend his last Sabbath?
Simon the leper (Matt 26:6)

Who is called the light of the world?
Jesus (John 8:12; 12:46)

What was the first miracle performed by Christ?
Water turned to wine (John 2:1)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Andrew as he discerns what is next.
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and to regain her strength.
~ Beaver Camp and Lowville as they recover from all the flooding and weather-related problems
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery.
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For John & Christine Ryan”s friend;.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stability and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew safe travels home.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Kevin’s knee feeling better.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006

Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

July 14, 2024

Memory Verses for July
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                             *Please place your offering in the
                                       collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                           Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                 approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Church Council Work Session
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 20th Jonas Kipfer’s grad party 12-4 pm, here at church
July 21 Fellowship Snack provided by Mary Kidder
July 24th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 7th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Aug. 15th Deadline to get your Psalm or remembrance to Don
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 4th 100 yr. celebration meeting – 2:30 pm
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Andrew will be sharing tonight about his time in India, 6pm at church.

Don would like all Psalms and remembrances emailed or turned in to him by 8/15

Trey and Zak’s Christian Mission and Relief Sale- Saturday Aug 10, @ Bontrager Auction Center, 10am -? . Lunch included. We’re looking for donations of valuable/rare collectibles, fine crafts or quilts, equipment & machinery, fun & unique experiences, refurbished furniture, dinners/foods, local services, etc. If you or someone you know would like to donate something auction worthy, please talk to Trey.

Bible Trivia; ~
Who God Is
The vastness of God is so great that it is impossible for us to fully grasp the depths of who he is. Though our Savior is currently preparing a place for us (John 14:2), he came down to earth in human form so that he could fulfill the requirements of the law and take the penalty for our sins. While on earth, he experienced human emotion and came face to face with the same challenges we do, yet without sin.
What were the first words God spoke to man?
Be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28)
What is the meaning of Jehovah Shammah?
Jehova is there (Ezek 48:35)
How did God manifest his presence at the dedication of the temple?
Fire came down from heaven (2 Chron 7:1)
On what three occasions are we expressly told that Jesus wept?
At the grave of Lazarus, over Jerusalem, and in Gethsemane (John 11:33; Luke 19:41; Heb 5:7)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Paulette, for her to continue to feel better and to regain her strength.
~ Beaver Camp and Lowville as they recover from all the flooding and weather-related problems
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For John & Christine Ryan”s friend;.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Andrew safe travels home.
~ Karen renewed health.
~ Kevin’s knee feeling better.
~ Josiah (friend of the Ryan’s) found a job in his field.
~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

July 7, 2024

Memory Verses for June
Joshua 22:5 NIV
5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Announcements Kevin Kipfer

 Offering                                     *Please place your offering in the
                                               collection plate by the entrance.


 Message                                                   Dave (Duke) Dissette


 Sunday School ~ “the work-out room”                          approx.  11:15 ish        

Week in Brief

Mon. 7:15 pm Prayer Together
Tue. 10-11 am Bible Study
Tue. 6:30 pm Church Council Work Session
Tue. 6:30 pm Youth Group
Wed. 2:30 pm 100th yr. celebration meeting
Wed. 6:45 pm Men’s Bible Study

Dates to Remember
July 20th Jonas Kipfer’s grad party 12-4 pm, here at church
July 21 Fellowship Snack provided by Mary Kidder
July 30th Church Council Quarterly Meeting
Aug. 18th Fellowship Snack provided by Ruth Jantzi
Aug. 20th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 10th Church Council Work Session
Sept. 14th & 15th 100 years of ministry celebration


Save the date; Andrew will be sharing about his time in India on Sunday July 14th, 6pm at church.

Trey and Zak’s Christian Mission and Relief Sale- Saturday Aug 10, @ Bontrager Auction Center, 10am -? . Lunch included. We’re looking for donations of valuable/rare collectibles, fine crafts or quilts, equipment & machinery, fun & unique experiences, refurbished furniture, dinners/foods, local services, etc. If you or someone you know would like to donate something auction worthy please talk to Trey.

Bible Trivia; ~
Jesus and His Disciples
Jesus appointed twelve men to be his disciples during his earthly ministry. These men would walk alongside him throughout his life—to his crucifixion and eventually his ascension to heaven. His disciples were far from perfect, yet all but one demonstrated faithful devotion to our Savior.

What was our Savior’s last command to his disciples?
Make disciples of all the nations and baptize them (Matt 28:19)

Of whom did our Savior say, “I will make you fishers of men?”
Of Simeon, Peter, and Andrew (Mark 1:17)

What two distinct promises did our Savior make to his disciples when he was about to leave them?
The gift of the Comforter and his own personal return (John 12:16, 19, 22, 28)

Which apostle told Christ he had left all to follow him?
Peter (John 13:37)

Who took Judas’s place among the twelve?
Matthias (Acts 1:23)

Which of the apostles first suffered martyrdom?
James (Acts 12:2)

Prayer Request and Praises

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Pray for,
~ Paulette, for her to start to feel better, and for her to make a complete and total recovery.
~ Bible Bee season has started again. Pray that the students will grow and be challenged and blessed as they study and hide God’s word in their hearts.
~ Ken Eicheldinger and his family to be comforted as they grieve to be comforted as they grieve the death of their son.
~ Kevin’s knee.
~ For the healing of Fan Maries broken toe.
~ for Emma’s friend Shae who is experiencing difficulty after surgery
~ For our Beaver Camp weekend
~ For Beaver Camp and Camp Hickory Hill as they prepare for the summer, for their staff, and for the campers
~ This year’s rodeo season, that many will receive the salvation message.
~ For these friends of John & Christine Ryan;
~ Josiah in his attempts to find employment in his field of electrical engenering.
~ A positive result for Brian P’s legal hearing outcome.
~ pray for the churches and their ministries in Uganda
~ Karen Dombrowski as she deals with fatigue from radiation treatments. Pray for God’s strength and encouragement.
~ For Julie & Brian Aulai to feel and be obedient to the Lord’s direction for them as they await Brian’s visa.
~ John & Chris Ryan’s grandson Nathan, that he completes his associates degreee and his pursuit toward an Army enlistment.
~ Our church to have the courage, stamina and resolve to walk the path that God is showing us.
~ Dave Kidder’s mom Vivian to have stabi
lity and the Lord’s peace. She is currently at Bristol Village.
~ Sally Depew for comfort and peace, and for Wayne to continue to have the strength he needs to care for her.
~ Emma Kipfer, as she continues to lead and guide the youth group.
~ The Dan Schmidt family as they serve in North Africa
~ Eddie Bayer, to continue having good health and enjoy life right where God has him.
~ for Adam’s (the tree guy) salvation
~ For those affected by recent flooding in Uganda.
~ Peace for Isreal, Gaza and the Ukraine.
~ That we would be obedient to what God is motivating/moving us to do.
~ That we would be a people of hope in a hopeless world.

~ Isaac Meyers health issues have improved.
~ The Lord for His unending comfort and love!
~ The ability to love one another!

Prayer Request and Praises for the bulletin, can be email to Lynn at, or fill out your bulletin tab and drop it in the collection plate. Please keep Lynn updated as to the status of your need or the request you’ve made on behalf of someone else so that our prayer list can stay as current as possible and so items can be moved to the praise list as we see God meet specific needs.

Contact Information
923 Two Rod Road, Alden NY 14004

Lynn Roll, Office Manager 937-6436/Cell-445-0578
Emma Kipfer, Youth Director 585-902-0006 Kevin Kipfer, Elder 465-4950

June 23, 2024