We are a group of people who have come to understand that God loves us and that He forgives us, through Jesus Christ, for the things we have done wrong. God cares about our needs and he cares how we live our lives. We are learning to grow in loving God back and loving others as well. We read the Bible, study, and discuss it together, worship together, serve others together, have fun together and walk through the struggles of life together. Join us and learn what it means to live life connected to God, through Jesus Christ, with others.
Here at Alden Mennonite Church our theme is “Growing in Christ.” “We are a community of love, encouraging one another in a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” We are a community growing together in knowing Jesus Christ and making him known to friends, neighbors and others around the world.
In 2 Peter 3:18 the Bible says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” We have come to understand that God loves us and that his son Jesus lived on earth among people, gave his life, and rose from the dead so that each of us could be forgiven for our sins and live as a friend of God forever. That is what we mean when we say Jesus is our Savior. Our “forever friendship” with God is based on God’s gracious, unending love for us no matter who we are or what we have done. We are growing in being connected to God.
When we say that Jesus is our Lord, we mean that we are growing in allowing Jesus to be in charge of our lives. We are growing in learning to be generous and in serving others. We are finding that when we let Jesus show us how to love and serve others we experience increased joy and fulfillment in our lives.Perhaps you have questions about whether God even exists or whether Jesus has any relevance for our lives today. Maybe you wonder whether forgiveness is possible. Are you asking, “What’s the point of life?” Can Jesus and the Bible offer any help with the struggles in my life? We invite you to come join us as we explore and grow together.